Technical Elements Structural Elements Analysis of Ten Inch Hero Movie

14 c The Duration of Shot So this movie can be enjoyed by the viewers, David Mackay also Consider about the duration of movie, Ten Inch Hero Movie has duration about 102 minutes or 1 hour and 42 minutes. 2 Mise-en-Scene a Setting The setting in Ten Inch Hero movie 2011 combined with some properties, such as: pot, pan, stove, teflon, glass, etc. Figure11:Beach City Grill from inside Figure12:Noah’s house from inside b Costumes and Make-Up In this movie, they are simple and beautiful costumes that their wears always support they performance in the stage. The actors sometimes wearing a T-shirt and jeans, and the actress sometimes wearing short dress and short skirts, T- shirt or jeans and clemek usually they wearing at work. Figure 13:Actors and Actrees Make-Up Figure14: Make-Up at Work 15 c Lighting In the Ten Inch Hero movie, David Mackay using two kinds of illumination that is bright lighting and dark lighting. The bright lighting is used related to the shot which occurs in daylight and the dark lighting is used when the film taken at night. Figure15: Daylight situation Figure16: Evening situation c. Casting The all cast of the Ten Inch Hero movie 2011 by David Mackay, followed in list bellow: Elisabeth Harnois as Piper, Dannel Harris as Tish, Clea DuVall as Jen, Jensen Ackles as Priestly, John Doe as Trucker, Alice Krige as Zo, Sean Patrick as Noah, Adair Tishler as Julia, Sean Wing as Tadd, Matt Barr as Brad, Peter Dennis as Mr Julius, Judith Drake as Lucille, and Jordan Belfi as Fuzzy22. d. Editing Match on Action is assumes that figure starts to stand up in shot then it can cut to shot two, shows the continuation of the movement. It can be seen when Piper tries to take Julia’s painting which fly blowing in the wind. Figure 17: When Piper bends. Figure 18: Piper Stand up. 16 e. Sound In Ten Inch Hero movie 2011, the music are mixture of instrumental as a soundtrack. The original songs for the soundtrack of this movie are: “The Long Way”, “Get Your Love”, and the ballad “Something Familiar“. Frank Greta as a sound editor makes the audiences more satisfying to watch the movie.

2. Individual Psychological Approach Analysis

a. Alfred Adler Individual Psychological Approach In the Ten Inch Hero movie 2011 reflects the Individual Psychological approach of Alfred Adler. The Love and Friendship as the issue of this movie shows aspects of Individual Psychology theory. In this movie there are several examples of the solid friendship between the major characters and a romantic journey of their love. The historical of their love and friendship can be reflected in the Ten Inch Hero movie 2011. It is can be seen in form of its character and characterization, setting and style. In the Ten Inch Hero movie 2011, David Mackay shows the individual psychology of humans are different based on their choices, behavior, and life style, everyone can choose the goal of their lives. The inferiority feeling, striving superiority, creative power, fiction finalism, social interest and style of life can shown the character of Piper, Tish and Jen as major character when they fight to solve their problem in their life. b. Basic Concept of Love and Friendship In the Ten Inch Hero movie, the major character has problem in their romance. Such as Piper who always tried to find her daughter, although her hardwork are fail, but Piper get love from a man and his daughter as replace Piper’s daughter. In this movie, there are nine issues that might occur on the major characters, such as: romantic lover, playing lover, calm lover, crazy lover, practical lover, selfless 17 lover, friendship based on utility, friendship based on pleasure, and also perfect friendship based on goodness.

D. Conclusion

Based on the analysis of the previous chapter, finally the researcher draw some conclusion as follows: First, David Mackay as director reveals that all people have to struggle to reach something what they wants with seriously and never give up. Ten Inch Hero movie tells about the struggles of three woman they are Piper, Jen and Tish to get their love. The elements of this movie such as the characters, plot, point of view and the visualization from cinematography, mise-en-scene, editing and other elements support each other and have been related to be solid unity. As the major character, Piper, Jen and Tish have an important role in this movie, they succeed act as a brave and strong woman in their life. They are fought to get what they want, with hard work and perseverance they get what they want. Second, in term of individual psychological analysis, the researcher concludes some analysis from the Ten Inch Hero movie such as, inferiority feeling and compensation of Ten Inch Hero movie, first occurs when Piper felt guilty because she had let her daughter to adopted and then she told all about her past to Jen and the reason why she moved to Santa Cruz. Second occurs when jen felt dissapointed because when she meet Fuzzy22, her expectationt did not match with her imagined, and the last when Tish hide her worry feelings from her friends because she afraid her secret was exposed. After the researcher analyzing this movie, the researcher finds some fictional finalism of major character when they have great expectation and panned to get their dreams. The striving for superiority in this movie can be seen from the major character, for example of Piper striving for superiority when she admitted the reason why she come to Santa Cruz. in Ten Inch Hero movie, there are some indicators showing the social interest of major character, First Piper has a good relation with other people in her environment because Piper is a 18 sociable person, and then Jen is also has a good relationship with the owner of the sandwich shop. And the last Tish is a woman who has a relationship with a lot of men. The style of life, the third major character in Ten Inch Hero movie categorized in the socially useful type because the major character in the movie has both high level of activity and high degree of social interest. Piper, Jen and Tish as a major characters have a good relation with other. For example Piper, she is very strong to fight for her love to her daughter. Piper greatest ambition is to find her daughter who ever adopted by Miller’s family. Although all of her efforts to find her daughter , Piper even get the love of two people who loved her, they are Julia and Noah. Noah asked Piper to be Julia’s Mother. The facts above show that the three of major characters in this movie has creativity to respond their problem. It can be concluded that great ambitions and expectation can be obtained from the effort, perseverance, creativity, and prayer.