Threatening Speaker Meanings Implied by the Characters in Fast Furious Movie

42 make his utterance manifest to his listener. It is what Vince did in his utterance. The implicature that found in this utterane is Vince said that their friendship has begun from the third grade in elementary school. It is used by Vince to convince Dom about their kinship.

4.1.2. Threatening

The second speaker meaning that is found is how the character of the movie threatens someone else. Threatening is an action to make someone afraid of him the speaker or forbid not to do something he says. The writer found there are three utterances in the conversation showing that the characters of the movie are threatening other people in their surrounding. Here is the example of how the character is threatening his listener by saying what he wants implicitly. 388 Dom : You got big plans tonight? 389 Brian : Yeah. Were going out to dinner. 390 Dom : You break her heart, Ill break your neck. 391 Brian : Thats not gonna happen. The context of the utterance is Dom asks Brian whether he has a plan to go out or not with his sister, Mia. In fact, Brian planned to have a dinner that night with Mia. It is surprising for Dom and he said the utterance in 1c. 43 The writer used enrichment process to find the implicature of the utterance. Using enrichment process, the writer enriched the schema of the utterance. From “You break her heart” the writer enriched the schema to a new interpretation which is obtained from the relation between the context and the semantic interpretation solution. Explicature: Dom will make Brian sick if Brian breaks Mia’s heart. From the context of the movie, a man who invites a woman to go out for dinner it means that he has a current feeling for the woman. It is what makes Dom surprised knowing Brian invites his sister to have a dinner together. In addition, Brian is a stranger for Dom and friends. Dom has not known yet about Brian life’s background. That is why Dom still does not believe on Brian to go out with Mia. Because Dom does not trust Brian yet, he tries to threaten Brian by saying the utterance. It means that Brian should not break Mia’s heart. Based on shared knowledge, breaking heart means make someone sad, angry, disappointed and etc. “I’ll break your neck” should be enriched to Dom will make Brian die because he will break his neck. Implicature: Brian should not do anything stupid or break Mia’s heart because he is a stranger for Dom’s family. From the new interpretation, it can be inferred that Dom is watching over Brian about what he will do to his sister. It could be assumed that implicature implied by Dom is for threatening Brian. 44

4.1.3 Rejecting