Research Design Data Collection


3.1 Research Design

This research is a qualitative research. It uses qualitative and descriptive data. Moleong 1995: 2 states that descriptive qualitative research is defined as the qualitative research, a type of research which does not include any calculation or enumerating. Qualitative data is usually in the form of words rather than numbers. They are a source of well-grounded, rich descriptions and explanations of processes in identifiable contexts. With qualitative research one can preserve chronological flow and see precisely which events led to consequences and derive faithful explanation Miles Huberman, 1994: 10. Qualitative research is in accordance with this study due to several reasons. First, the aim of this study is focused on the ‘‘qualities’’ of social life and to show how everyday experience is meaningfully constructed in social interaction. Second, the data’s source is a movie scripts which is full of description of situation and dialogues of the characters, and therefore the data is in form of description and not numbers. Third, this study tries to explore what is commonly thought that is true in the society and thereby expose the shortcomings of everyday understandings as qualitative research which explores complexities. 21 The main source of this analysis is taken from the movie script, “The Blind Side”, written by John Lee Hancock. The datas are in form of quotations which are selected from the script. The selection is oriented on the text which has connection with anti-racism context as expressed in the movie. The quotation are analyzed through interpretations. The interpretation is needed because the text is mostly stated implicitly rather than explicity. In other words, literary work, such as movie, is much more concentrated on connotative meaning than denotative one. That is why interpretation is used on this analysis.

3.2 Data Collection

In collecting the data, I need some instruments for this thesis. I was collecting the important quotations or dialogues from the movie scripts which are related to anti-racism. I also did some research on library or internet to find any supportive literature related to anti-racism, then I begun to read it carefully to take down notes and composes it properly. The whole data, the quotations and the dialogues, would be put in my thesis later on to show the coherens with the study. All of the data had been read carefully, line by line, to find out the relation with the study. 22

3.4 Data Analysis