Aims of the project Method

SUMMARY: The current system suffers from technical and structural faults. This review puts forward innovative and practical recommendations for addressing each of the faults identified.

1.4 Aims of the project

In view of the above, the primary purpose of this review is to suggest changes to the system to enable consistent compliance with agreed animal health and welfare outcomes. The principal objectives as specified in the terms of reference are as follows: 1. Review and make recommendations on LEAP as contained in the LEAP Handbook • The recommendations will be practical and consider commercial constraints • The recommendations will be based on best industry practice • Each recommendation will be communicated to industry, with any feedback documented. 2. Design and formulate outcomes standards based on risk identification • These standards will reflect the outcomes required by customer countries and animal welfare stakeholders within accepted industry bounds. • The outcomes will be practical and achievable and pass consultation with industry. 3. Review and make recommendations on the relevance of the present ALES 4. Examine and make recommendations on the auditing process and other processes needed to gain assurance of compliance. • Such recommendations will be based on the most current theory and practice in quality management • The recommendations should be focussed on achieving a degree of assurance such that the desired outcomes from 2 above are met • Any commercial implications to the audited exporter will be made apparent and be well documented • Recommendations should be accompanied by an implementation plan.

1.5 Method

The generic management system The outcome-based model is being based on the management system as portrayed in Figure 2. By necessity, this system incorporates all the institutional, operational and compliance issues surrounding the trade. 19 The institutional structure that maintains and applies the standards is seen as critically important to the overall functionality of the system. Unless the standards are jointly agreed and applied by industry and government, their technical quality will count for nothing. Live export industry stakeholders Although exporters are ultimately responsible for the animal welfare outcomes of each shipment, the implications due to welfare concerns are much wider, and can include the country as a whole. For this reason, the current review has considered a wider range of industry stakeholders, as listed in Table 1. SUMMARY: The outcome-based model has been developed with regard to the broader management system that impacts on industry regulation. Further, the review has been undertaken with regard to the wide range of stakeholders associated with the live export industry. 20 Exporters Other stakeholders eg, state legislation, interest groups Compliance with acceptable animal welfare outcomes AQIS Set conditions Issue licences and permits Importing country requirements LiveCorp ALEC Representation Policy Communications Linkages with livestock producers and service providers Industry Consultative Committee ICC Government Industry Animal welfare Ship owners Standards Management Group Rules for accreditation Maintenance of ALES Investigation of non compliance Auditing for compliance with ALES Application of sanctions Figure 2: Regulation of the live export industry 21 Table 1: Industry and government organisations and their roles in livestock exporting Organisation Role Accountable to…. AFFA Coordination and implementation of government policy, management of major incidents Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry AQIS Responsible for inter-government certification; licensing of eligible exporters; assess compliance with industry standards for issuance of export permits under the Export Control Act; issue health certificates to allow entry into importing countries; investigate mortality events. AFFA, importing countries, Australian livestock industries and exporters Livestock Export Standards and Compliance Organisation Governed by a broad based representation with the power and authority to administer LEAP accreditation rules and ALES. Industry and government but demonstratively free to administer accreditation and the standards in the public interest. Industry Consultative Committee ICC Communication and coordination between industry and government on livestock export issues. Also evaluation of issues requiring a strategic response. Industry and government. ALEC, LiveCorp, MLA Represent industry to government and the Australian public; fund and manage RD; determine industry representation on organisations Industry constituents and the government. Australian Maritime Safety Authority AMSA Administers maritime orders; investigates mortality events in relation to Maritime Orders. Minister for Transport, the shipping industry and livestock exporters. State governments Animal welfare legislation 6 . Public perceptions of animal welfare 6 Legislation varies between states but is otherwise general for example, the avoidance of cruelty to animals etc. Compliance with LEAP and ALES ensures observance of the animal welfare legislation applied by the states, as well as consistency with voluntary QA programs such as Flockcare and CATTLECARE. 22 2 KEY ELEMENTS OF REFORM

2.1 Introduction