The scope of the report The timing of the report

4.2.4 The investigation report The scope of the report

The investigation report should focus specifically on the three terms of reference, as follows: TOR 1: Identification of causes and contributing factors The investigators should clearly identify the causes and contributing factors leading to the incident. Relevant information about the veterinary investigation of mortality rates during live animal export from Australia is included in Appendix 2. To maximise the effectiveness of any future investigations, it is recommended that voyage veterinarians andor stockmen routinely collect the following information: • The total number of animals loaded, by species, deck, class and port of loading • The number of deaths each day, by date, species, deck, class and port of loading. If post- mortems are conducted, any results should also be linked to date, species, deck, class and port of loading. • The environmental conditions each day, including wet bulb temperature at several representative points in the livestock area TOR 2: Assessment of relevant risk management strategies The investigators should provide a critical assessment of the adequacy of the risk management strategies relevant to the consignment, noting that this will include adherence to the ‘standards of baseline practice’ and heat stress risk management, and may also involve a consignment risk management plan. TOR 3: Development of recommendations, on the basis of ‘lessons learned’ The investigators should develop recommendations on the basis of lessons learned in relation to the earlier terms of reference. As stated, this section should specifically identify how the exporter, and as relevant the broader industry, should handle future consignments, in the light of lessons learned from this investigation. SUMMARY: The investigation report should specifically address each of the three terms of reference. The timing of the report

The report should be completed, and submitted to LESCO, within one month of the incident. RECOMMENDATION 18: It is recommended that the incident investigation report be submitted to LESCO within one month of the incident. 70

4.2.5 The responsibilities and actions of individual exporters