Lack Confidence LITERATURE REVIEW h. If that fails tents to blame others. i. Like seeking recognition from others 35 . 3. Cause Of Lack Confidence According to Juhana J. it is commonly understood that students’ lack of confidence usually occurs when the students realize that theirs conversation partners have not understood them or when they do not understand other speakers 36 . On other hand, student who lack confidence are usually found to be extremely fearful and timid, reluctant to express their opinion and even unable to utter a complete meaningful a sentence in class 37 . Jordan said in his book, the causes students’ lack confidence in the classroom because shyness personality factor which are independent of language being used, they feel shy afraid and worried about making mistake when speak English. 38 Another important cause has been identified Yoshitaka in Viswat and Jackson state the student are constantly told from childhood to sit quietly and listen to the teacher and not to stand up and speak out unless called upon, so the developing oral communication skills become 35 Agung Iswidharmanjaya,. Media Komputindo. Satu Hari Menjadi Lebih Percaya Diri. Jakarta: 2004 p.07 36 Juhana J. journal of education and practice. Psychological faktor that hinder students from speaking in English class. 2012. P.106 37 Ni, Hu. Theory practice in language studies. The effect of affective factor in SLA and pedagogical implication. 2012. P. 1506 38 Jordan difficulty in speaking classroom. English for academic purpose .2008 p.205 problematic when learners suffer from a lack of self-confidence, low confidence learners uncomfortable, afraid and frustrate in the classroom. 39 According to Zulkarnain in his research said that one of problem student low achievement were caused by lack of confidence. Individual character with low achievement also expressed by as follows: a. Lack of personal responsibility in doing a job or activities b. Be apathy and lack confidence c. Have a work program but is not based on realistic plans and goals, as well as the weak implementation. d. Hesitant in making decisions. e. Actions are less focused on the goal. 40 The characteristics of individuals who have a low under achievement can be expressed, among others: a. Orientation in the past. b. Having a difficult task and not according to his ability. c. Does not have confidence in the face of duty, a sense of pessimism owned. d. Consider the success of luck. 39 Yoshitaka S. TESL reporter. Capitalizing on cultural differences in English Foreign Language classroom in Japan. 1991. P.16 40 Zulkarnain. Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Peran Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Prestasi Guru di SMA Negeri 7 Merbau Kecamatan Merbau Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti. 2013.p.35 e. More take the risk level of work is weak, so it will be easy to achieve success. f. Love lazing and perform in a new way. g. Feel not enjoys a demanding job responsibilities and feel satisfied the extent of the achievements. h. Do not look for feedback from his actions when doing work that is unwanted. 41 In a study conducted by Prantiya one of the characteristics of individuals who have low achievement can be seen from a weak effort and give up easily. Individuals with low achievement considered failures caused by the inability and lack of confidence. 42 Ability is a stability factor, which cannot be changed solely by ability. Therefore, the opinions of failure will be followed by a series of failures as well. From the opinions it can be concluded that the characteristics of individuals who have low achievement is the lack of responsibility in completing the task, lack of confidence in his ability and easy to give up on the difficult task as well as easy to give up when faced with failure. 41 http:www.academia.edu5542779_BERPRESTASI_SISWA.pdf di unduh pada tanggal 22 Januari 2016.pukul 42 Prantiya, Tesis: Magister Manajemen Pendidikan Program Pascasarjana Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Kontribusi Fasilitas Belajar Dan Motivasi Berprestasi Terhadap Hasil Belajar Kimia Pada Siswa Sma Negeri 1 Karangnongko Kabupaten Klaten.Surakarta 2008.p.40

G. Review of Previous Study

There are some researches previously held by some researchers related to this study. Here are some previous studies which have in the similar sub skill in students’ self confidence in speaking problems; The first is a thesis with the title “An Analysis of Students’ Speaking Problems at English Education Department, State Institute of Islamic Studies, Sunan Ampel Surabaya” written by Aida Fitria. In this thesis, she explains in detail about the problems which are faced by the fifth semester students of English Education Department IAIN Sunan Ampel. She conducted interview and distributes questionnaire to collect the data from sample of the research. She does the interview not only to the students, but also to the lecturer about the problems that students face. 43 And the problem faces by her study are: mother tongue used, lazy to open dictionary, lazy to practice speaking mastering grammar etc. The researcher and Aida Fitria research have the differences problem in speaking. Aida focused in speaking problem and the researcher focus on student lack confidence, it‘s more specific speaking problem. The methods to collect the data are different. In this research, the researcher takes from document of speaking score and doing interview. Before interview the 43 Aida Fitria, ”An Analysis of Students’ Speaking Problems at English Education Department, State Institute of Islamic Studies, Sunan Ampel Surabaya” Unpublished thesis Surabaya: library of Islamic State University Sunan Amppel Surabaya, 2009 researcher finds the categories speaking low score in the preview semester. So that the researcher can find and choose the categories on student low score which will be faced by the students with other. The second is a research by Yuyun Eka Andraini under the title “Teacher and Student Problems in Teaching Learning Process of Speaking in MA Darul Ulum Waru Sidoarjo”. In her study, she takes the teacher and the students of MA Darul Ulum as the subject of her study. She found out that the teacher of MA Darul Ulum faced some problems, such as; the passiveness of students in speaking class, students use their mother tongue frequently, students are afraid of uttering their opinion, and too many students are in class. The problems faced by students on her study are; limited vocabulary, less understanding in grammatical structure, the difficulties to arrange sentence, confused to choose the appropriate tenses, and pronounce incorrectly. Yuyun’s study and the researcher’s study has similarity in finding the students’ speaking problems, but her study also focuses on teacher problems in teaching speaking. The researcher study only focuses on students’ lack confidence in speaking. On her study, she gives only the problems without the strategies to overcome those problems. She talks about two problems in speaking that actually those can be only a problem, such as problems in tenses and grammar. 44 The third is “A Study of Students’ Problem in Daily English Speaking Activity at SMA Pomosda Tanjung Anom Nganjuk” written by Yun Arita. Arita’s study has relationship with this study in discussing about students’ speaking problem. She also researches about how to overcome the students’ speaking problem. Her study explains the common speaking problems without explaining specific problems in learning speaking skill. She mentions some problems faced by the students in the result of her study, those are; students feel difficult to make sentence correctly, students are very hard to remember vocabularies. She explains about the causes why those problems occur, such as; the students only have a few vocabularies and use those vocabularies rarely. Students feel shy when pronounce incorrectly. The way to overcome the students’ problem on her study is to do more exercise for the students and practice speaking with their partner teacher and other students. 45 The fourth, a thesis from Hanunah by the title “Students’ Strategies in Overcoming Speaking Problems in Speaking Class of Second Semester at English Teacher Education Department of Tarbiyah Faculty IAIN Sunan Ampel 44 Yuyun Eka Andriani, “ Teacher and students problems in teaching learning process in speaking in MA DarulUlumSidoarjo” state institute of Islamic studies Sunan Ampel Surabaya : unpublished thesis, 2011 45 Yun Arita, “A Study of Students’ Problem in Daily English Speaking Activity at SMA Pomosda Tanjunganom Nganjuk “University Muhammadiyah Malang: unpublished thesis, 2008 Surabaya”. In this thesis, she takes the second semester as the subject of her research. She chooses the second semester because they have taken speaking 1 subject, and they are considered to have some problems in speaking. She uses a structure or closed form questionnaire which contains of the questions and alternative answer to them. After distributing questionnaire, the researcher observes the students when they fill the questionnaire, in case they find difficulty or unclear questions. She analyzes the data by identifying the answer of the questionnaire and then getting the percentage of each item questionnaire. 46 The similarity between Hanunah’s study and the researcher’s study is focusing on speaking skill. The differences of those two studies are the problem in speaking, she focuses on strategis in overcome the problem and the researcher has focusing on student’s who have lack confidence in speaking class. In the instrument she uses to collect the data is questionnaire, observes, in researcher’s study also uses study document and interview guide to collect the data. The Fifth is a thesis from Jamilah “Contributing Factor to the Inability in speaking of first and sec ond graders of Ma’arif Senior High School 4 Driyorejo”. She concludes that the causes of the inability in speaking of first and second graders during English lesson are; lack of motivation, lack of 46 Hanunah, “Students’ Strategies in Overcoming Speaking problems in Speaking Class of second seme ster at English Department of Tarbiyah Faculty IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya” Unpublished thesis Surabaya: library of Islamic State University Sunan Amppel Surabaya, 2009