







Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for the degree of Sarjana

Pendidikan (S.Pd) in Teaching English


M.Burhan Ibadurrohman











M. Burhan Ibadurrohman. (2016). Study on Students’ Lack of Confidence in Speaking Class at English Teacher Education Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. A thesis. English Teacher Eductaion Department, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Advisor: Dra. Hj, Arba’iyah, YS. MA.

Key Words: Cause of Students’Lack of Confidence In Speaking Class

This research examines the students’ lack confidence in speaking at the English Teacher Education Department. The researcher chooses the fourth semester students of English Teacher Education Department. This study uses qualitative research to present the result of the research. The result is needed by the researcher to answer statement of research problem of this study, which is the percentages of student score in speaking, and the cause’s students’ lack confidence in speaking of English Teacher Education Department. Two kinds of data collection techniques are used in this research; those are study document and interview. In study document, the researcher includes the percentages of student who have categories low score in speaking class. The next, researcher analyzes the students who have chosen low score. The second instrument is interview guide. The researcher gets the information with interview to gain student who have the causes students’ lack of confidence in speaking class. The result of this study shows the percentage students’ speaking score in the class and some problem which causes the students’ lack confidence, such as; worry about making mistakes, shy of the attention, feel nervous, do not know the meaning of the words in English and difficult to express the information in mind. Less of practicing in speaking English, less of vocabulary and less of understanding in grammatical structure are causes which make students get difficulty in speaking English. From those problems above, the difficulty in expressing information in mind becomes a dominant students’ lack confidence by students of English Teacher Education Department at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.





MOTTO ... iii









CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Statement of Research Problem ... 5

C. Objectives of the Study ... 5

D. Significance of the Study ... 6

E. Scope and Limits of the Study ... 6

F. Definition of Key Terms ... 6

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Review of Related Literature 1. Speaking ... 8

a. Definition of speaking ... 8

b. The importance of speaking ... 10

c. Problem of speaking ... 10

2. Confidence ...15

a. Definition of Confidence ... 15


c. Lack Confidence ... 19

B. Previous Study... 26

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHOD A. Research Design ... 31

B. Subject of Research ... 33

C. Data and Source of Data... 34

D. Research Procedure ... 34

E. Data Collection Technique ... 35

F. Research Instrument ... 37

G. Data Analysis Techniques ... 38


1. The percentage of students’ speaking score ... 41

2. The causes of students’ lack confidence in speaking ... 46

B. Discussion ... 54

1. The percentage of students’ speaking score ... 54

2. The causes of students’ lack confidence in speaking ... 55




This chapter discusses the background of this study. The purpose of the study will be explained in the objective of the study. The usefulness of the result is the content of the significance of the study. The scope and limitation of the study explains where the data will be taken and what the writer focus on. The last part of this chapter will present the definition of key terms to the readers in order to comprehend the content of the study.

A. Background Of Study

In learning English, speaking is very important because speaking is one of the ways to communicate ideas and thoughts. To enable students to communicate better, they need to apply the language in real communication because, according to Gert and Hans speaking is “speech or utterances with the purpose of having intention to be recognized by speaker and the receiver processes the statements in order to recognize their intentions”.1 These are the following reasons: first, English is an international language which is spoken by people from all over the world. Second, Indonesia has many tourism resorts such as Borobudur temple, tourism resorts in Bali, beautiful beaches, and so on. Many foreigners come to our country to see the beautiful places in Indonesia. So we must be able to communicate with them using English.




Speaking has been learned from the elementary school up to the higher level in the university. In learning speaking, students will likely to face problems in mastering speaking skill, such as; lack of vocabulary, grammatically error, anxiety of making mistakes and lack of motivation, from the problems faced by the students above, Indonesian students learning English are also facing similar especially in the internal problem. According to Okta some of the student problems are lack of motivation, anxiety in making mistake and lack of participation in learning speaking English.2 This is similar to Hanunah who stated that the students have speaking problems in speaking class.3 They have mostly experienced about of making mistakes or afraid of speaking English with his partner in the classroom.

Another students’ problem is the inability to speak English using proper vocabulary. Students know little about English vocabulary and also are difficulty to arrange those vocabularies into sentence. When the students want to speak, they cannot arrange the vocabulary into good English sentence.4

Brown added another factor which influences the development of second languages learning which intelligence, the ability to acquire and retain


Prasetyo Okta “An analysis of Students’ problems in speaking of English Teacher Education

Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya (Library of UIN Sunan Ampel) 2014.p.1


Hanunah, “Students’ Strategies in Overcoming Speaking problems in Speaking Class of second

semester at English Department of Tarbiyah Faculty IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya” Unpublished thesis(Surabaya: library of Islamic State University Sunan Amppel Surabaya, 2009)




knowledge.5 From this statement, it can be inferred that the students who are able to memorize one vocabulary of English that they were taught or they ever heard, they could be more successful in learning English.6

When students study in the class, grammar has also been one of the students’ problems in learning English. Almost all of students said that there is too many structure of English which has to be mastered, especially when they are trying to speak English.7

Another factor which influences the students’ inability to speak English during English lessons is lack of confidence. Confidence is one of influencing factor in learning a second language. Most of the students who struggling in learning speaking were embarrassed, did not feel confidence in participating during the English learning process. They often have less experience with telling stories at parties, giving presentations, and speaking up. They tend to be observers rather than participators; they also tend to be audience than players.8 When their teacher asked them to read, translate, or answer the questions, they did not want to do it, although they knew the answer, they only kept silent.

Students feel less of confidence when they speak English in their class. The student said that they feel un-confidence when they speak English, they are


Douglas H. Brown, Principle Of Language Learning and Teaching, (New Jersey: Prentice Hall,Inc, 1987), p.57


Douglas H. Brown, Principle Of Language Learning and Teaching, (New Jersey: Prentice Hall,Inc, 1987), p.24


Ibid P.44


Jamilah “Contributing Factor to the Inability in speaking of first and second graders of Ma’arif



afraid to make mistakes, since pronouncing a word in English is considered to be difficult.9

However in the class there are a lot of problems in learning speaking, but the most crucial problem that most student face is lack of confidence. It is because confidence affects the student learning. By having confidence, the student can successfully execute a desired behavior. However, Rutledge states that students who have low confidence have difficulty in making up their minds, taking responsibilities and communicating with other people.10

This study focuses on the student lacks of confidence in the fourth semesters in the English Education Department because in most research conducted confidence has always been one of the problems. A research done by Okta under the title “An analysis of Students’ problems in speaking of English Teacher Education Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya11 found out that some problems that the students of English department are facing is lack of confidences, lack of interesting topic, large class size, anxiety of making mistakes, peer response, lack of motivation, teacher’s talk and students talk, students participation, lack of opportunity to use the target language and grammar item which was taught in a deductive manner.12 Aida stated in his research that there are some problems that occur in speaking learning process


Ibid, P 41


Rutledge, T. Earning Your Own Respect : A Handbook of Personal Responsibility (A. Çakirolu, Trans. Istanbul kuraldisi. (2000). P.166


Prasetyo Okta “An analysis of Students’ problems in speaking of English Teacher Education

Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya (Library of UIN Sunan Ampel) 2014.p.1

12Ibid. p.3



are less vocabulary, less participation and little motivation to speak English. Speaking subject is focused on students’activities.13 So, the students have to be active when in the learning process. It has correlation with the students’ self-confidence.

The participant of research is English Education Department because it specifically has speaking classes. Regarding to the problem, the researcher wants to do a research entitled “Study on Students’ Lack of Confidence in Speaking Class at the fourth grade of English Teacher Education Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya Academic Year 2014/2015”.

B. Research Questions

1. What is percentage the students’ lack of confidence in speaking class of English Teacher Education Department?

2. What are the causes of students’ lack of confidence in speaking class of English Teacher Education Department?

C. Objectives of the Study

Referring to the above research questions, the objectives of this proposed research are:

1. To know the percentage of students’ score in speaking class 2. To know the reasons they have lack confidence in speaking class


Aida, Y.. Examination, and Cope’s construct of foreign language anxiety: The case of students of Japanese. The Modern Language Journal ((1994), p. 78, 155- 168.



D. Significance of the Study

This study is significant:

1. For teachers: the result can be used by teachers to as the to give information of students’ lack confidence

2. For students: the results provide information to solve their problem and improve their confidence.

3. For readers: the result of this study can give further information about students’ reason the influence lack of confidence in speaking class.

E. Scope and Limit of the Study

This research focuses on analyzing students’ lack confidence in speaking class, fourth semester of English Teacher Education Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya in the academic year 2014-2015. This study also aimed to know the causes why they have lack of confidence in speaking English.

F. Definitions of the Key Terms

To avoid misunderstanding in the study, there needs to give definition of terms that are often found in the study:

1. Speaking class

Speaking class is one of the courses in English Education Department which taught student’s speaking ability. There are some levels from 1-4, this research focuses on the fourth levels, it is to get information about the material and students’ ability during learning speaking English.



In learning speaking students have to actively communicate in the class, but in reality, the student still have problem in the learning language process. The student’s problem is the things that are difficult to understand.14 In his research, problem means obstructions self confidence in speaking for the students of English education department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Problem in this research refers to lack confidence of the students in learning speaking.

2. Lack of Confidence

Lack of Confidence is characterized as anxiety in the face of a variety of situations, shy, did not dare to be responsible for the actions, often cheating during the replay, not sure of his ability and always so negative about him. Therefore, Lack confidence in this research means the individually attitude which do not show or develop their-self to achieve their aim.

3. Lack Confidence in Speaking Class

The phenomena students who have problem are less able to speak English, it’s like feel shy when they communicate, and they have just silent in the classroom. The students feel difficult to express themselves in the class, they appear do not participate in the class and less contribute in the classroom.




This chapter provides some basic and prominent theories of the study, those are: speaking skill, the importance of speaking, the problem of speaking, confidence, categories of confidence and the factors lack confidence in speaking.

A. Speaking Skill

There are four significant skills which have to be mastered in the learning a language, they are speaking, listening, writing and reading. According to Nunan, speaking and writing are productive skills, since the language is created by the learners. While listening and reading are receptive ones, since language is directed at the learners.1 Lindsay and Knight stated that speaking involves “putting two messages together, communicating the message and interacting with other people”.2

According to Widdowson speaking is an active productive skill that is commonly performed in face to face and occurs as parts of a dialogue or the form of verbal exchange.3 In Oxford Advance Dictionary the definition of speaking is “to express or communicate opinions, feelings, ideas, etc. by or as


David Nunan, Practical English Language, , (New York: Mc Graw-Hill, 2003), First Edition, p.48 16Cora Lindsay, and Paul Knight, Learning and Teaching English, (New Jersey: Oxford University, 2006), p.57


Nurlaila Fitri. Study of the eight students of English department STAIN Batusangkar. Factor causing students’ unwillingness to speak in language classroom. 2011. p.17



talking and it involves the activities in the part of the speaker as psychological, psychological (articulator) and physical (acoustic) stages”.4

These following are some important information about speaking: 1. Speaking means fundamental to human communication.5

2. Speaking is a productive skill, it is a complex task and the learners need some practice to develop the speaking skill.6

3. Speaking is a productive skill, like writing, it involves using speech to express meanings to other people.7

4. Speaking is mastering the art of the single most important aspect of learning a second or foreign language.8

5. Speaking is the hardest skill among the others (reading, writing and listening), since it is productive skill or oral skill which consists of producing systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning.9

6. Speaking involves a number of complex skill and strategies, but since spoken language leaves no visible trace, its complexity and organizational features are hard to track.10


Oxford pocket Dictionary. 2008


It was taken from Http:// at fifth of April 214


Cora Lindsay, and Paul Knight, Learning and Teaching English, (New Jersey: Oxford University,2006), p.57


Mary Spratt, Alan Pulverness, and Melanie Williams, The TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test)Course, ( Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003), p.34


Christopher N. Candlin, (Language Teaching Methodology, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc, 1987), p.39


David Nunan, Practical English Language, , (New York: Mc Graw-Hill, 2003), First Edition, p.48


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice Of English Language Teaching.( Edinburgh Gate:Longman,2001), p.108



7. Speaking is one of the central elements of communication. In EFL Teaching, it is an aspect that needs special attention and instruction.11

From the statement above that speaking is a tool of interaction to give or share information with another people, to understand meaning. speaking is very important aspect as to express or communicate idea feeling, opinion and it is the most important aspect of learning second or foreign language.

B. The Importance of speaking Skill

Every learner needs good speaking skill to communicate with another foreign learner, because the priority for many second-language or foreign language learners is to master speaking skill in English.12 Many language learners regard speaking ability as the measure of knowing a language.

There are two things which are very important in mastering speaking skill, there are accuracy and fluency.13 Accuracy means how to use language in the correct sentence in term of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation, while fluency is the speakers’ capability when using the language quickly, spontaneously and confidently.


Jack C. Richards and Willy A. Renandya, Methodology In Language Teaching: An Anthology Of

Current Practice, ( Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2002), p. 210


Jack C.Richard, p19


Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy,



C. Speaking Problems

In speaking, it cannot be denied that appear. Ur has identified some of problems:14

1. Student inhibition. Speaking activities require a student to have all eyes on him and exposure to an audience can often give students stage fright. They may also be worried about making mistakes, being criticized or losing face in front of the rest of the class. Actually they can do it but they have less confidence in their self so the students just focus in mind about their failed but it is against in the class.

2. Nothing to say. Another common problem is that students sometimes think they have nothing to say on a particular topic. In reality, they may be bored or feel that the topic is unrelated to anything they know. If this is the case, they will have no motivation to speak other than the fact that they know they should be participating in the speaking activity. Students often lack confidence in their speaking ability and feel they have insufficient language skills to express exactly what they want to say. There were the students lose their confidence in self when they want to express or giving contribute in class so they do not focus in material, do not active class and dispose be quiet i the class.




3. The low of participation. There will always be dominant students in an English class making it difficult for more reserved students to express themselves freely. Dominant students who interrupt frequently or who constantly look for the teacher's attention tend to create an environment in the ESL class where more timid students are quite happy to sit back and watch the lesson unfolding instead of participating. They low participant it’s cause they lack confidence so they feel not getting chance to contribute their idea, they have just silent and follow teacher material during learn speaking class. If they have confidence they will more active in the class. 4. Mother-tongue use. Students who insist on using their mother tongue are

students who are fearful of criticism and need to be encouraged to speak English. Students must understand that they cannot revert to their mother tongue as this will take away precious speaking practice time during lessons and slow down oral progress. The students who use mother tongue it’s cause they less confidence with their self, they feel afraid, uncomfortable when they want to speak English because it will not be good English with fluently.

Harmer also states that reluctance or unwillingness is a problem in speaking activities.15 Unwillingness or reluctant occurs more often which is the natural reluctance of some students to speak and to take a part in speaking. In


Harmer, Jeremy. 1998. How to Teach Language: An Introduction to the Practice of English Language Teaching



this case, students are often reluctant to speak because they are shy and are not predispose to expressing themselves in front of other people, especially when they are being asked to give personal information or opinions. Baker and Gerstein state there are many students have serious difficulties in speaking what they practice for example, when they want to practice, their struggle with comprehension problems seem aware of their speaking difficulties.16

According to Emma, she adds, there are several problems found in the speaking classrooms,17 such as:

1. Students do not want to talk or say anything. One of the problems is students feel really shy about talking in front of other friends, the student suffers from a fear of making mistakes and therefore losing face in front of friends. Many people have a good ability in English language skills but when they should communicate with English, they fail in expressing their ideas. They are afraid and anxious of saying something wrong or incomprehensible. One way to encourage students to speak in English is simply to speak in English as much as possible in classroom.

2. Students keep using their own language. One problem may teacher face is that students use their native language rather than English to perform classroom tasks. This might happen because they want to communicate something important, and so they use language in the best way they know.


Gerstain Speaking ability (2007) p.732




They have difficulty to say something and because they do not want to lose their face in front of their peers, they think that it is better for them to use their native language and so others can understand them. This problem also connected with students does not want to talk or say anything in the foreign language but they keep using their own language. In this situation, teacher can create an English environment and keep reminding them always use English.

3. Students are not discipline in classroom. Some students do not pay attention to the lesson given; they just talk with each other and make some noises. Some come and go as they like, as the teacher cannot control them. The problems may be because the students bored with the activities or they feel unable to cope with the task given. They show their frustration by disruptive behavior and loud outbursts. The discipline of the students in the classroom is related also to the motivation of the students themselves. If they have low motivation, it means they have low enthusiasm in following the classroom which makes them indiscipline in the classroom. In this situation, the teacher can create activities that make students feel enjoy themselves in the class.

4. Students have low motivation to learn English. Nunan wrote in Lawtie, success is measured in terms of the ability to carry out a conversation in the (target) language‟. Therefore, if students do not learn how to speak or do not get any opportunity to speak in the language classroom they may soon



get de-motivated and lose interest in learning.18 Nevertheless, if the right activities are taught in the right way, speaking classroom can be a lot of fun, raise learner motivation and make the English language classroom a fun and dynamic place to study English. Their motivation is more likely to increase if the students can see how their process of classroom learning achieves the objective, and helps them to accomplish the success.

The development of communicative skills can only take place if learners have motivation and opportunity to express their own identity and to relate with the people around them (Littlewoods).19 One key to increasing motivation is to use activities matched to the personalities, learning styles and characteristics of the learners as often as practically possible.

D. Confidence

Definition of Confidence

According to Littlewood confidence is the positive attitude of an individual who enabled him to develop a positive assessment both to themselves and to the environment or situation, where individuals feel they have the competence, confident, capable and believes that they can because it is supported by the experience, the actual potential, achievements, as well as realistic expectations of his self.20


Nunan & Lawtie, Fiona.. Teaching Speaking Skills 2-Overcoming Classroom Problems (1999). P.12


Littlewood, (1981) p.93




James Neil, proposed some terms related to the issue of self-confidence. Among them are:

1. Self-concept: how does she conclude herself as a whole, how does she see her self-portrait as a whole, how does she conceptualize herself as a whole. 2. Self-esteem: the extent to which she has positive feelings toward herself,

how far she has got something that she feel is valuable or precious than herself, the extent to which she believes that something of value, dignity or worth in herself.

3. Self-efficacy: the extent to which she has confidence in the capacity she has to be able to perform tasks or handle the issue with great results (to succeed). It is called the general self-efficacy. Or also, as far as she believes in her capacity in her field in handling certain affairs. It is called the specific self-efficacy.

4. Self-confidence: the extent she has confidence in her judgment on her ability and the extent to which she can feel the "appropriateness" to succeed. According to James Neill Self-confidence is a combination of self-esteem and self-efficacy.21

Based on all that, while some kind of self-confidence conclusion that it is the effect of how we feel, believes and knowing. Self-confidence is the courage that comes from certainty about. Abilities, values and objectives of us,


James Neill. Confidence.Eglish as a second language student and English student confidence. Issue in the mainstream classroom. 2005.p.43



or it could also be defined as an individual's positive attitude that enables him to develop a positive assessment, both to themselves and to the environment / situation.

Confidence means beliefs, what someone believe to achieve may be called by confidence. Self-confidence is the term of someone that beliefs on them truly.22 There are some experts that mention the definitions of self-confidence. Grubber state that self-confidence is an attitude that someone holds about herself that allows her to move forward and achieve your goals.23

Oxford English dictionary state that confidence means having strong beliefs, firm trust or sure expectation, feeling fully assure, having not failure, etc.24 Meshua in Nurlaila also states some students might good have pronunciation and he have a high proficiency level but they still preferred to be reticent because of the lack of courage, do not have lots confidence/courage will prefer to be quite rather than speak English.25

So, self-confidence is a positive attitude of someone. It is about someone beliefs of their self that make them achieve better than other. What the other thing it is hard to achieve, the person that have better self-confidence will done it well.


Anderson Marc. The important of Confidence. Tips on how to build up your confidence when speaking English . 2013. P.23


Gruber, Karl. [online]: the importance self-confidence “The Importance of Self Confidence”. (2010) on Monday at 9.34 AM

24Oxford University press “Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary

, fourth Edition. 2008.




E. The Importance of Self- Confidence

Self-confidence plays the important role in many aspect of someone’s life. Not only in speaking but also in many aspect of someone’s life. Confidence is the most important assets--more important than skills, knowledge, and experience. Lawtie Fiona states the important of confidence.26 They are:

1. Confidence equals competence.

For example, take an employment interview, someone can have all the experience and skill in the world but they still have to convince an employer that he believes he can do the job. If his body language says otherwise, like not looking in people’s eyes, looking down, or bad posture, he is less likely to get the job.

2. Confidence creates trust.

Everybody have to trust those that are confidence. If someone doesn’t trust his selves to do a something then why should someone else trust them? If someone doesn’t think that he can succeed than no one else will take them seriously.

3. Confidence helps someone communicate.

Those who aren’t confidence often have problems communicating in the work place and in social situations or in the school. If student lack


Lawtie, Fiona. 1999. Overcoming Classroom Problems. Teaching Speaking Skills. TESL Journals., 1.999. P.8



confidence, it’s difficult to speak in front of both large and small groups. It’s also difficult to speak with conviction to your colleagues. It can keep you from meeting new people and from meeting a significant other. If you lack confidence you also have trouble telling people no.

4. Confidence helps someone get what they want out of life.

Someone deserves to be happy and get what they want out of life no matter what it takes to reach their goals. But if they don’t believe that they’re capable of reaching them goals than their own negative talk will actually keep them from reaching world.

5. Confidence impacts the way people enjoy life.

A lack of confidence can spiral into all sorts of other problems including poor body image, disordered eating, fear, alcohol and drug abuse, procrastination, anxiety, and depression. It can also motivate people to take student hatred of somebody out on others in the form of bullying or sheer isolation. Happiness and confidence are actually close friends.

6. Confidence allows someone to be comfortable in body own skin.

Someone can tell a confident person from a mile away. They walk into a room and people stare. But on the other hand, if someone afraid to be self then no one will ever have the honor of meeting the true meet.



F. Lack Confidence

1. Definition of lack confidence

A lack confidence which characterizes student behavior as anxiety in the face of a variety of situations, shy, did not dare to be responsible for the actions, often cheating during the replay, not sure of his ability and always so negative about him.27

Students who lack confidence are usually found to be extremely fearful and timid, reluctant to express their opinions and even unable to utter a complete meaningful sentence in class.28 Less confidence learners feel uncomfortable when they are asked for speaking activities, they are not able to take oral tasks as challenges, and these are like threats to them. They lack faith in their own capabilities and are more concern about being criticize or rejected by others.29

Jasinta F. Rini describes students with high self-confidence as follows:

a. Believe in his ability and capability in accomplishing a task b. Dare to be himself

c. Have a good self-control d. Have internal locus control


Hakim, Thursan. Puspa Swara. Mengatasi Rasa Tidak Percaya Diri. Jakarta : (2005). P.06 28

Gruber, Karl. [online]: the importance self-confidence “The Importance of Self Confidence”. (2010) on Monday at 9.50 AM


Marium Jamila M.A. Confidence. A Psychological Factor Affecting Spoken English of University Level Adult Learners in Bangladesh (2012) p.161



e. Have positive thinking of himself f. Have a realistic object of himself30

According to Lie, student with high self-confidence can be known through his behavior. Below are the characteristics of them:

a. Be optimist in solving problem b. Be independent in solving problem c. Be sure in making decision

d. Feel to have high self-esteem e. Not boast of himself

f. Be brave to act31

Meanwhile, Taylor argues that someone with high confidence can be known from his body language. Below are his characteristics:

a. Be warm and friendly b. Stands with full of relax c. Stretches his hands often

d. Makes an eye contact softly often e. Not get nervous easily

f. Likes to do natural tasks32

30 Jacinta F. Rini, ‘Memupuk Rasa Percaya Diri’ accessed on May 1, 2014.


Anita Lie. 101 Cara Menumbuhkan Percaya Diri Anak. (Jakarta: Gramedia, 2003), 29




2. Characteristic of students with low self-confidence

According to Hakim Thursan, there are some kind’s students who have low confidence in learning speaking33:

a. Students do not dare to ask and express opinions

b. Student feel Nervous while performing in front of the class c. The emergence of excessive shyness

d. Easy to anxiety in the face of a variety of situations if against him. Agung H. said the descriptions of the people who lack self-confidence, among others are pessimistic, hesitant and afraid to express ideas, indecisive in determining the choice and compare themselves with another people34.

And Iswidharmanjaya states that, there are some students have low confidence. Below are the characteristic:

a. The student can’t demonstrate the ability to herself. b. Less achievement in the study.

c. Shy awkward.

d. Do not dare to express ideas

e. Tent to only watch and wait for an opportunity. f. Wasting time in making decisions.

g. Feel fear and insecurity.


Hakim, Thursan. Puspa Swara. Mengatasi Rasa Tidak Percaya Diri. Jakarta: (2005). P.16




h. If that fails tents to blame others. i. Like seeking recognition from others35. 3. Cause Of Lack Confidence

According to Juhana J. it is commonly understood that students’ lack of confidence usually occurs when the students realize that theirs conversation partners have not understood them or when they do not understand other speakers36. On other hand, student who lack confidence are usually found to be extremely fearful and timid, reluctant to express their opinion and even unable to utter a complete meaningful a sentence in class37.

Jordan said in his book, the causes students’ lack confidence in the classroom because shyness personality factor which are independent of language being used, they feel shy afraid and worried about making mistake when speak English.38

Another important cause has been identified Yoshitaka in Viswat and Jackson state the student are constantly told from childhood to sit quietly and listen to the teacher and not to stand up and speak out unless called upon, so the developing oral communication skills become


Agung & Iswidharmanjaya,. Media Komputindo. Satu Hari Menjadi Lebih Percaya Diri. Jakarta: 2004 p.07


Juhana J. journal of education and practice. Psychological faktor that hinder students from speaking in English class. 2012. P.106


Ni, Hu. Theory practice in language studies. The effect of affective factor in SLA and pedagogical implication. 2012. P. 1506




problematic when learners suffer from a lack of self-confidence, low confidence learners uncomfortable, afraid and frustrate in the classroom.39

According to Zulkarnain in his research said that one of problem student low achievement were caused by lack of confidence. Individual character with low achievement also expressed by as follows:

a. Lack of personal responsibility in doing a job or activities b. Be apathy and lack confidence

c. Have a work program but is not based on realistic plans and goals, as well as the weak implementation.

d. Hesitant in making decisions.

e. Actions are less focused on the goal.40

The characteristics of individuals who have a low under achievement can be expressed, among others:

a. Orientation in the past.

b. Having a difficult task and not according to his ability.

c. Does not have confidence in the face of duty, a sense of pessimism owned.

d. Consider the success of luck.


Yoshitaka S. TESL reporter. Capitalizing on cultural differences in English Foreign Language classroom in Japan. 1991. P.16


Zulkarnain. Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau.

Peran Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Prestasi Guru di SMA Negeri 7 Merbau Kecamatan Merbau Kabupaten KepulauanMeranti. 2013.p.35



e. More take the risk level of work is weak, so it will be easy to achieve success.

f. Love lazing and perform in a new way.

g. Feel not enjoys a demanding job responsibilities and feel satisfied the extent of the achievements.

h. Do not look for feedback from his actions when doing work that is unwanted.41

In a study conducted by Prantiya one of the characteristics of individuals who have low achievement can be seen from a weak effort and give up easily. Individuals with low achievement considered failures caused by the inability and lack of confidence.42

Ability is a stability factor, which cannot be changed solely by ability. Therefore, the opinions of failure will be followed by a series of failures as well. From the opinions it can be concluded that the characteristics of individuals who have low achievement is the lack of responsibility in completing the task, lack of confidence in his ability and easy to give up on the difficult task as well as easy to give up when faced with failure.


( // di unduh pada tanggal 22 Januari 2016.pukul


Prantiya, Tesis: Magister Manajemen Pendidikan Program Pascasarjana Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Kontribusi Fasilitas Belajar Dan Motivasi Berprestasi Terhadap Hasil Belajar Kimia Pada Siswa Sma Negeri 1 Karangnongko Kabupaten Klaten.Surakarta 2008.p.40



G. Review of Previous Study

There are some researches previously held by some researchers related to this study. Here are some previous studies which have in the similar sub skill in students’ self confidence in speaking problems;

The first is a thesis with the title “An Analysis of Students’ Speaking Problems at English Education Department, State Institute of Islamic Studies, Sunan Ampel Surabaya” written by Aida Fitria. In this thesis, she explains in detail about the problems which are faced by the fifth semester students of English Education Department IAIN Sunan Ampel. She conducted interview and distributes questionnaire to collect the data from sample of the research. She does the interview not only to the students, but also to the lecturer about the problems that students face.43 And the problem faces by her study are: mother tongue used, lazy to open dictionary, lazy to practice speaking mastering grammar etc.

The researcher and Aida Fitria research have the differences problem in speaking. Aida focused in speaking problem and the researcher focus on student lack confidence, it‘s more specific speaking problem. The methods to collect the data are different. In this research, the researcher takes from document of speaking score and doing interview. Before interview the

43Aida Fitria, ”An Analysis of Students’ Speaking Problems at English Education Department, State

Institute of Islamic Studies, Sunan Ampel Surabaya” Unpublished thesis(Surabaya: library of Islamic State University Sunan Amppel Surabaya, 2009)



researcher finds the categories speaking low score in the preview semester. So that the researcher can find and choose the categories on student low score which will be faced by the students with other.

The second is a research by Yuyun Eka Andraini under the title “Teacher and Student Problems in Teaching Learning Process of Speaking in MA Darul Ulum Waru Sidoarjo”. In her study, she takes the teacher and the students of MA Darul Ulum as the subject of her study. She found out that the teacher of MA Darul Ulum faced some problems, such as; the passiveness of students in speaking class, students use their mother tongue frequently, students are afraid of uttering their opinion, and too many students are in class. The problems faced by students on her study are; limited vocabulary, less understanding in grammatical structure, the difficulties to arrange sentence, confused to choose the appropriate tenses, and pronounce incorrectly.

Yuyun’s study and the researcher’s study has similarity in finding the students’ speaking problems, but her study also focuses on teacher problems in teaching speaking. The researcher study only focuses on students’ lack confidence in speaking. On her study, she gives only the problems without the strategies to overcome those problems. She talks about two problems in



speaking that actually those can be only a problem, such as problems in tenses and grammar.44

The third is “A Study of Students’ Problem in Daily English Speaking Activity at SMA Pomosda Tanjung Anom Nganjuk” written by Yun Arita. Arita’s study has relationship with this study in discussing about students’ speaking problem. She also researches about how to overcome the students’ speaking problem. Her study explains the common speaking problems without explaining specific problems in learning speaking skill.

She mentions some problems faced by the students in the result of her study, those are; students feel difficult to make sentence correctly, students are very hard to remember vocabularies. She explains about the causes why those problems occur, such as; the students only have a few vocabularies and use those vocabularies rarely. Students feel shy when pronounce incorrectly. The way to overcome the students’ problem on her study is to do more exercise for the students and practice speaking with their partner (teacher and other students).45

The fourth, a thesis from Hanunah by the title “Students’ Strategies in Overcoming Speaking Problems in Speaking Class of Second Semester at English Teacher Education Department of Tarbiyah Faculty IAIN Sunan Ampel


Yuyun Eka Andriani, “ Teacher and students problems in teaching learning process in

speaking in MA DarulUlumSidoarjo” (state institute of Islamic studies Sunan Ampel

Surabaya : unpublished thesis, 2011)

45Yun Arita, “A Study of Students’ Problem in Daily English Speaking Activity at SMA Pomosda



Surabaya”. In this thesis, she takes the second semester as the subject of her research. She chooses the second semester because they have taken speaking 1 subject, and they are considered to have some problems in speaking. She uses a structure or closed form questionnaire which contains of the questions and alternative answer to them. After distributing questionnaire, the researcher observes the students when they fill the questionnaire, in case they find difficulty or unclear questions. She analyzes the data by identifying the answer of the questionnaire and then getting the percentage of each item questionnaire.46

The similarity between Hanunah’s study and the researcher’s study is focusing on speaking skill. The differences of those two studies are the problem in speaking, she focuses on strategis in overcome the problem and the researcher has focusing on student’s who have lack confidence in speaking class. In the instrument she uses to collect the data is questionnaire, observes, in researcher’s study also uses study document and interview guide to collect the data.

The Fifth is a thesis from Jamilah “Contributing Factor to the Inability in speaking of first and second graders of Ma’arif Senior High School 4 Driyorejo”. She concludes that the causes of the inability in speaking of first and second graders during English lesson are; lack of motivation, lack of


Hanunah, “Students’ Strategies in Overcoming Speaking problems in Speaking Class of second

semester at English Department of Tarbiyah Faculty IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya” Unpublished thesis(Surabaya: library of Islamic State University Sunan Amppel Surabaya, 2009)



vocabulary, lack of grammar understanding, environment and lack of teacher’s role and teacher’s technique.

The similarity between Jamila’s study and the researcher’s study is focusing on the inability in speaking (speaking problem). The differences of those two studies are factors inability in speaking problems and the researcher is focus on students’ lack confidence. She uses to collect the data is just questionnaire. In researcher’s study also uses study document and interview guide to collect the data.47


Jamilah, Contributing Factors to the Inability in Speaking of First and Secong Grades of Maarif Senior High School 4 Driyorejo During the English Lesson, unpublished thesis (Surabaya: library of state Islamic institute (IAIN SunanAmpel), 2009)




This research aims to investigate the percentage of student lack confidence and the cause of students lack confidence in speaking. This chapter explains the research design, research procedures, and the subject of the research, the setting, research instrument, data collection technique, and data analysis.

A. Research Design

The method of research is the common strategy that is used by research to get and collect the data needed in order to answer the research problems.1 According to Donald Ary there are four categories of research that use in research education.

1. Experimental research describes what will be if certain variables are carefully controlled or manipulated. The focus is on relationship2.

2. Ex Post Facto, it is the same with experimental research but the researcher cannot manipulate the free variable.

3. The third historical method, it describes, “What it was”. The process

involves investigating, documentation, analyzing and interpreting the

1Arif Furqon.” Pengantar Penelitian Dalam Pendidikan”.

Translated from Donal Ary. (Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar, 2011), p.39.


J.W. Best , “Research in Education“Forth Edition ( New Jersey : Prentice Hall, Inc, 1981),25. Ibid 2,p.25



events of the past for the purpose to discovering the past, understanding the present, and limit the extent in anticipating future3.

4. And the last is descriptive method, it describes and comments recent the phenomena. This study aims to get information about students who have lack confidence in speaking class and finding describe students who have high, medium and low scoring in study document. Arikunto states that documentation is a method to get about anything on the form of notes, transcripts, magazines, book, etc.24

This descriptive study is designed to obtain information concerning particular issues and then describe them. Arikunto states that descriptive research is not meant to test a certain hypothesis, but it only describes the phenomena, situation and condition that occur during the study. Descriptive research is to present a board range of activities that have in common the purpose of describing situation or phenomena.

Denzin and Lincoln as cited in Moleong state that qualitative research is a research that use natural setting to interpret a particular phenomenon and done using various method5. Donald Ary in his book states that descriptive qualitative is designed to get information about indication status when the research is done6.


Ibid 2,p.25


Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian, (Jakarta: PT.Rineka Cipta, 2002) page 234


Lexy J Moleong, “MetodologI Penelitian Kualitatif edisi revisi”, (Bandung: Rosda Karya, 2005), P.5

6Donal Ary, “Pengantar Penelitian Dalam Pendidikan”.



Referring back to Denzim, qualitative study uses various methods. In this study, data were collected using qualitative method. Qualitative method was used to collect and analyze the data from the document of students when they have low confidence, and after that, to know the students’ lack confidence by giving them interview.

B. Subject of Research

This study takes students of English Teacher Education Department Islamic State University Sunan Ampel Surabaya as the participants. The researcher uses a purposive sampling to choose the subject of the research. Purposive sampling is a non-representative subject of some larger population and is constructed to serve a very specific need and purpose.7 Therefore, the researcher researches the fourth semester students of English Teacher Education Department. The researcher takes fourth semesters because in each semester the students still face speaking class. In fourth semester, that is researched will be taken some students who have lack score in their speaking class. For the study document, the researcher takes score of their previous semester (the third semester speaking score). Those documents are used by the researcher to analyze the abilities of the students who lack in speaking class. Students who have lack score based on study document means students who chosen to giving information about causes lack of confidence in speaking class.


Http:// access at 8.40 PM 29th of April



According to Hakim Thursan, there is several factor and characteristics or criteria problem face students’ who have lack of confidence in learning speaking English.

C. Data and Source of Data

Data is everything taken from the study document and interview guidelines which are studied by the researcher. Data obtained through documents and will be strengthened by interviewing the samples. The sources of data in this study are fourth semester students of English Teacher Education Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

The data explains and answers the research question about the students’ confidence in learning speaking, with the result that the research can find the cause and how to overcome those problems.

D. Research Procedure

In this research, the researcher wants the reader to understand the steps from the beginning of how to collect the data in general view. Before doing the interview, the researcher asked for the fourth semester students’ score of speaking class in their previous semester. The researcher then analyzed the document score of each class to know the level of their speaking score. Then the researcher asks the lecturer of their speaking class about the score criteria to know what the students’ confidence also influence their speaking abilities. After knowing the students’ abilities in their speaking class, the researcher chooses students in low score of each semester who are researched by the



researcher to interview them. So that, in fourth semester the researcher takes samples students low in score only. After selecting the students who will be interviewed, the researcher does the interview to the selected students.

E. Data Collection Technique

To obtain the valid data, the researcher uses two kinds of data collection technique.

1. Study document

The technique for collecting data in this study, the researcher used the study documentation in collecting the data. And then with documentation, the writer will collect the data through these following. Steps:

a. Finding the percentage students who have result scoring in their speaking class. It means to know student who have high, medium and low. The categories students who have high scoring above 81-100 or A+, A & A-. And the students who have medium scoring above 71-80 B+, B & B-. And the student who have low score above 55-65 or C+, C & C-.

b. Finding the students who have low scoring in their speaking class. It means low scoring in this study is the student who has score underscores 65 / grade C+, C & C-.



According to Imam A. percentage is also used to indicate how big or small a quantity is as compared to another one.8

Percent is often calculated in mathematics in order to estimate the percent difference between some quantities. The three characteristics which are easy to differences their speaking scores:

Table.1 scale students’ speaking score Based on IUN Sunan Ampel Surabaya guideline

NO. Quality Scoring Scale

1. High

A+ A A-

Very Good

2. Medium

B+ B B-


3 Low

C+ C C-


In this table above, the researcher calculate the result of student’s speaking score with the some categories high, medium and low. There are fourth classes A, B, C and D in the preview semester (student’s speaking score in third semesters) which describing to the percentages of students’ speaking scores with the graphic.


Imam A. Persen rasio & proporsi. Teori Bilangan. Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN Ponorogo), 2014. P4



2. Interview

Interview is collecting data through by giving questions to the respondent based on the subject of the study.9Interview is used in this study

to know why do the students’ lack of confidence the data obtained from

questionnaire. The interview is done with some students of each semester. The researcher chooses some students of each semester who answers need to be explored. Interview is necessary to find out students’ point of view about their difficults and its causes in learning low confidence speaking and also to strengthen their answers from questionnaire.

F. Research Instruments

In this part, the researcher uses the instrument to complete all data which are needed in this study. In this research, the instruments which are used by the researcher are observation field note and interview guideline.

1. Study Document

For study document, the researcher asked for score sheet of speaking class of the previous semester to the lecturer to know the students’ speaking scores. The researcher calculated the score into percentage to know their score level in speaking, and then select some students who have low score to be the samples of interview.




2. Interview Guide

In this stage, after knowing the percentage of their abilities in speaking, the researcher takes students low score to be interviewed based on an interview guideline. The result of interview is used to find out the causes of students’ lack of confidence in speaking class at English Teacher Education Department.

G. Data Analysis Technique

The researcher acquires the data through study document and interview. Interview is adapted from a book written by Patton. Interview is one of three kind techniques to collect data beside questionnaire and observation.10 In this study, the researcher analyzes the data by using descriptive qualitative. All the data obtained by the researcher are presented in the form of description.

The researcher analyzes the data which is earned from the study document and interview. The score of document is identified by the researcher in order to know the abilities of students in speaking by percentage. The result of percentage in their speaking score is to answer research question number one

about the percentage of students’ confidence in learning speaking. Interviewing

the students is the next step in order to acquire the data on what causes the students’ lack of confidence when they speak English.


Michael Quinn Patton, Qualitative Research and Evaluation Method, (London: Sage Publication)2002 p.4



After identifying the data which are obtained from study document and interview, the researcher describes the information concerning with the

students’ lack confidence in speaking. The data obtained from interview is used

to strengthen the information from study document.

To find out the percentage of the students’ confidence in speaking, the researcher calculates how many students who get low score in speaking. To calculate how many students who face the same lack score, the researcher has to get the percentage of each student’s grade from the document. To get the percentage of students’ who got low score, the researcher uses the formula from Suharsimi as stated below:11

P = the percentage of students with low medium and High score

F = the number of frequency of students with low medium and High score N = the number of with low medium and High score

This formula is only used to find out the lowest confident percentage in order to know the dominant problem in speaking English of English Teacher Education Department students.


Suharsimi Arikunto, “Prosedur Penelitian (Suatu Pendekatan Praktik)”, (Jakarta: Rineke Cipta, 2006. P.152




X 100%



In conclusion, the researcher begins to describe the findings in a chart percentage and present the data obtained descriptively. The description made by the researcher based on the data collection. Then, the researcher analyzed the data in specific but brief and clear description.




This chapter presents and describes the result of this study. The data obtained from the study document and interview will be analyzed and elaborated to answer the research problems mentioned in chapter I. The results are the percentages of student’s low speaking score and what factors causes the students who have lack confidence during English speaking class.


1. The Percentages of Student’s Speaking Score

According to the lecture of level speaking 3, the student speaking score was taken from previous semester (the third semester speaking score), before the researcher account to know some students’ who have different score. However the researcher tried to classify the level of

students’ speaking score from previous semester using the scales High,

Medium and Low.

Each category is displayed on graphic. Each graphic is explained by the researcher descriptively as follows:



It can be seen from Graphic 1 that 42% of the students have low scores, 37% in the categories medium and 20% students have high score or student who have good performance and good achievement in speaking.

The percentages of student low in speaking score still dominant in class as many as 42%. This grouping tells that the majority of speaking score is low and this indicates the majority of students have problem in speaking.

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%

High Medium Low




It can be seen on Graphic 2 above that 26% students were included in high categories or considered to be having good performance in speaking class.

In the next category, 50% students who have scores in speaking English. The last is the percentage of students’ low in speaking scores there are 23% student low percentage. In Graphic 2, they are many students who have difficulties in speaking.

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

High Medium Low




It can be seen from the Graphic 3 above that there are only 2 levels of students those who have categories high and medium score.

The first the percentages of student speaking score is that 84% students include in high categories student who have good performance and good achievement in speaking. While the second categories, it is 16% students who have medium scores in speaking.

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

High Medium




It can be seen from the graphic above that 35% students include in high categories. And the second categories, there are 45% students who have medium scores in speaking.

And the last is the percentage of student with low speaking score; which is 19% of student. In graphic 4, there are more students who have difficulties in speaking.

From the percentages in graphic above the researcher decided to take from (A) graphic as a sample to getting information with interview,

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%

High Medium Low




because there were the most students who have low scores in speaking class.

2. The Cause of Student’s Lack Confidence in Speaking

From data above the researcher gives interview with take one of the graphic percentages speaking class which is categories student who have low score in speaking. The researcher takes from (A) class as a sample to more know factor cause lack of confidence in speaking. The researcher takes students (A) class because there are the most students who have low scores in speaking class.

The researcher used document from speaking score as a means to finding the students who still have problem in speaking class at fourth semesters. The interview aimed in finding more information about student lack of confidence and its causes.

The researcher revealed the factors causing the students’ lack of confidence in speaking class gained from the result interview which consist of nine items. The result of the data was classified into 9 variable factors which contain some sub variable factors. The causes which are faced by majority students speaking class in English Teacher Education Department can be seen on tables below:



Table 4.1 Student responds to question “Do you always ask and express your opinion/idea in the class?

Student Responds Percentage

Yes No

70% 30%

To the first questions show that there were 30% participants who said that they less of express their opinion in the class. It happens because of majority students get difficulty to express their idea. Some of them have difficult to express their opinion. It could be explanation that their expressing the idea in the class as one of the problem causing their confidence.

And the result showed that there were 70% participants who said that they do not have only difficulties to express their idea during learning in the speaking class. They were more confidence to giving participant in the class.

Table 4.2 Student responds to question “what make you difficult to express your

opinion in the class?

Student Respond Percentage

- Cannot speak fluently - Less vocabulary - Error in grammar - Confused with accent

30% 60% 50% 10%



Based on the result of the interview to the student speaking class, the researcher found some causes that make student difficult to express their opinion in the class which is because they cannot speak with fluently, 30% as causes of participant face, 60% participants said that they lack of English vocabulary, 50% participants said that they lack of grammar knowledge, and 10% participants said they are confused with the accent.

Table 4.3 Student responds to question “do you feel nervous when you speak or communicate in class?

Student Respond Percentage

Yes No

80% 20%

According to the result from the interview there were 80% participants agreed that the students feel nervous when they speak English, and there were 20 % participants said that they do not fell nervous when they communicate in the class. The tables above show that the students who have feeling nervous are being majority problem causing the student lack of confidence during learn in the class.



Table 4.4 Student responds to question” What makes you nervous during learning

in the class?

Student Respond Percentages

- worry making mistake - not accustomed to speak - less preparation

- Difficult to speak English

40% 20% 40% 30%

The students responds from the interview show that the causes that make student feel nervous during learning in the class are 40% participants said that they were worry of making mistake, 20% participants said that they did not accustomed to speak English, 40% participants said that they were less preparation before learning activity and 30% participants said that they feel difficult to speak in English.

According to the result students responds above can be seen that could be explanation the problems face students learn speaking in the class this indicate the majority of students because they do not feel confidence in the speaking class.



Table 4.5 Student responds to question “Do you think communicate in front of making you feel shy when you speak English?

Student Respond percentage

Yes No

60% 40%

According to the students respond from the interview, it show that 60% of the participants said that they agreed most of them who have problem face when they communicate in front of making they feel shy when they speak English and there were 40% participants said that they were against about the cause students feel shy to speaking English in the class.

The majority of student still has cause of lack confidence because feeling shy to speak English and rarely to speak up, so they are less participation and giving contribute in the class.

Table 4.6 Student responds to question “What the causes you feel shy when you speak English?

Student Respond Percentage

- Less practice - Pronunciation - Not accustomed to speak

- Worry making mistake

40% 30% 20%



The students respond from the interview show that the cause students feel shy when communicating in English is that 40% participants said that they were did not have enough practice in the class, 30% participants said that they are difficult in pronunciation, 20% participants said that they did not accustomed to speak in English and 40% participants said that they are worried of making mistake.

Most of them, when the student speak English in the class they feel shy because they are lack confidence and they rarely speak English in the class. They have just listened the teacher explanation to the material and they were as listener by their friend when speak English. The student have problem face with feeling shy its’ followed the teacher roles during active the class.

Table 4.7 Student responds to question „Do you wait for an appropriate time to

express your idea?

Student Respond Percentage

Yes No

50% 50%

The students respond from the interview show that there were 50% of the participants said that they agreed as the reason only waiting the occasion to demonstrate their idea because the cause students’ who have lack confidence. It was because they rarely communicate in the class. And



there were 50% of the participants said that they were against about the cause students waiting the occasion to demonstrate their idea.

Table 4.8 Student responds to question “Do you feel afraid when you speak in


Student Respond Percentage

Yes No

40% 60%

The students respond from the interview above show that there were 40% of the participants agreed to say that they feel afraid when they speak English. And there were 60% of the participants said that they were against about feeling afraid when they speak English with fluently in the class.

Table 4.9 Student responds to question “What make you feel afraid when you

speak English?

Student Respond Percentage

- Fear making mistake - Grammar Understanding - Have no good pronunciation

40% 20% 30%

The students respond from the interview above show that there were some causes of students who have lack confidence in the learn



speaking such as 40% participants said that they were worry about making mistakes in speaking English, 20% participants said that they were lack grammar understanding when they want speaking English, difficult to arrange the sentences and 30% participants said that they had no good in pronunciation so the afraid if their pronunciation is not fluently.

Table 4.10 Recapitulation the causes of lack confidence

Problems as causes of lack confidence Difficult to expressing opinion

Feel Shy to speak English Feel nervous to communication

Worry about making mistake/feel afraid

According to student respond from the table 5.1 above that there are

4 causes of the students’ lack confidence. The students feel nervous when

they communicate in the class, the students feel worry about making mistakes when they speak English. There are some students in the same inhibition category who face problem in shy of attention. The students feel afraid when speak English because they were error in grammar understanding and have no good pronunciation.



And the next lack vocabularies which to make students do not know the meaning of words in English. In the next nothing to say category, they are not demonstrate their idea, the student have just been silent in the class and follow the teacher role. And there are many students who face difficulty in expressing information in their mind.


This section presents the discussion based on the findings of the study. The discussion is concerned with the percentage student lack confidence in speaking and the causes of students’ lack confidence in speaking English.

1. The Percentages of students’ Speaking Scores

The result from the percentage above shows that there were still some students that face problems in speaking English. It is like what has been shown on the graphic, the researcher found that more that 50% of the overall class have low score in speaking English. This indicates the majority of student has problem in speaking.

Students who have low score in study document means students who have problem lack of confidence in speaking because students who have low score in her speaking class are influenced by less of their



confidence.1 Some students who have low score in speaking it has found their problem that cause them getting low achievement.

The result from the percentage above shown that it is able concluded that there are many students who have still not good speaking in speaking class or they are many problems that the cause students lack of confidence in learning speaking English.

2. The Causes of Students Lack Confidence in Speaking Class.

Based on the research finding of this thesis, the researcher finds that

there are some causes of students’ problems in speaking English at

Tarbiyah Faculty of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

The researcher finds some factors which cause students of English Teacher Education Department get difficulty in speaking English from interviews with 9 students. After finding the problems which are faced by students, the researcher analyzes what cases which cause student lack confidence. The researcher clarifies the causes which cause the problems occur one by one briefly and clear.

First, feel nervous is one of the causes that are faced by students of English Teacher Education Department. She feels very nervous when she speaks English in front of the class. They were less accustomed to speak in front of other people. The attention of other students makes her more




nervous when she speaks English in front of class. It makes her lose information she want to say to audience. These finding are supported by Ur penny statement that learners are often inhibited about trying to say thing in classroom, feeling nervous, fearful to critic or losing face.2 If the students always that feel personality feeling, the student will have difficult time to practice their English.

Next, less of preparation makes her feel difficult to communicate by using English comfortably. Less of preparation also affects how the students understand the words which are on the topic of the lesson in class. The students do preparation before he comes to the class helps him to speak English better than he does not have any preparation. Jones states that talk as performance needs to be prepared for and scaffolded in much the same way as written text, and many of the teaching strategies used to make understandings of written text accessible can be applied to the formal uses of spoken language.3

Second is the feeling shy of the attention. Shyness is the uncomfortable feeling when students speak English and get the attention from other people. Jordan said in his book, the causes students’ lack confidence in the classroom because shyness personality factor which are independent of language being used, they feel shy afraid and worried about


Ur Penny learners are often inhibited... A course in language teaching, p.121




3. For the next researcher

The researcher hopes for the next researchers who continue this research to investigate all factors more detail about another speaking’s problems.

The researcher also hopes for the next researchers can solve the

problems and find the best solution of the problems which are faced by



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