Question and answer Instrument of the Study

3.5.1. Question and answer

In this research, I uses question and answer to gather the data. Brown explains that question and answer task can consist of one or two questions from an interviewer, or they can make up a portion of a whole battery of questions and prompts in an oral interview. It means they can vary from simple question like ‘What is a car?’ to complex question like ‘What are steps governments should take, if any, to stem the rate of deforestation in tropical countries?’ The first question is intensive in its purpose; it is a display question intended to elicit a predetermined correct response. Questions at the responsive level tend to be genuine referential question in which the test-taker is given more opportunity to produce meaningful language in response. In designing such question for test takers, i want to elicit the errors that Unnes English students make in producing conditional sentences orally. But, i also concern on the grammar sorrounding the test takers’ result of data collection. Responsive questions may take the following forms: Question eliciting open-ended responses Test-takers hear: 1 What if you find a package of 1billion rupiahs on the way you go to campus this morning? 2 How if on the package is written the address of the owner? 3 And what if there is no address on it? 4 Let’s consider if you were the owner of the package, what would you do? 5 If you had that 1bilion, what would you buy? 6 What if you had had a problem about money in your life? 7 Let’s talk another thing, what if you had a power to come back to past time? 8 What thing that you would really change if you came back to past time? 9 If you are able to see future, let me know one thing you will see 10 What if you had known the time of your death? 11 What if you had known that yesterday was your last day living? 12 What if you know that you are rich in the future? 13 And what if you are poor in the future? 14 Have you dated before? What if your first girlboyfriend had been decided by god as your life mate? if yesWhat if the girlboy next your door had been decided by god as your life mate? if no 15 What if you had a chance to date your favorite actressactor? 16 Let’s consider you are dating someone. What if yesterday your date asked you to marry himher right after your graduation? 17 Let’s talk about career. If you are asked a job with big salary but that job is not linear with your knowledge on your school, will you take it? 18 What if you had been offered a fulltime job before your graduation? 19 What if you had had your dream job but you worked far away from your hometown? 20 What if you were given a chance to teach in a back country pedalaman location and that place really needed good education? Remember, there were no representative facilities like in a big city. Test-takers respond with a sentence or few sentences at most