Pictures Series Definition of Pictures in General Related to English Language Learning

16 or accomplish a common goal ” p. 32. When students learn each other collaboratively, it increases t he students’ passion to learn Isjoni, 2013. Using cooperative learning as a teaching method has some advantages. Sadker and Sadker 1997 as cited by Huda, 2012 describes the advantages of cooperative learning, those are: 1 The students who learn using cooperative learning might get better achievement, 2 The students who participate in cooperative learning have more high self-esteem and high motivation to learn, 3 by using cooperative learning, 4 the students will be more care to their friends so it will build the positive dependence in learning process p.66. Cooperative learning helps the students to work together in the process of teaching learning activity. The students learn to work in group and cooperate with their friends by using cooperative learning. Furthermore, cooperative learning is also as a teaching method which motivates the students to learn in the process of learning activity.

2.1.3 Cooperative Learning Method and the Students’ Motivation

Cooperative Learning emphasizes working in a small group and asking the students to work or act together to achieve the learning goal Johnson, 1994 as cited by Huda, 2012. In this method, each student in the group will be motivated to help each other to achieve the goal Huda, 2012. Therefore, through cooperative learning each member in a group will be motivated to help each other to reach the goal. Besides, Sharan 1990 as cited by Isjoni 2013 also supports that, “by using cooperative learning the students will have high motivation 17 because of en couragement from their peers”. Cooperative learning is also believed as a strong strategy to motivate the students. It is stated by Minister Education 1997 as cited by Huda 2012 that, cooperative learning regards as a powerful tool to motivate learning. Besides, it has a positive effect on the classroom climate which leads the students to encourage greater achievement, to foster positive attitudes and higher self-esteem, to develop collaborative skills and to promote greater social support.

2.1.4 The Definition of Motivation in the Context of Learning

Motivation is related to concepts in human mind. Brown 2001 defines motivation as , “the extent to which you make choices about goals to pursue and the effort you will devote to that pursuit ” p. 72. The students will be motivated when they know the goal that they have to reach. The goals can be divided into two different goal orientations. There are mastery and performance goal Schunk, Pintrich, Meece, 2008. A mastery goal orientation focuses on learning, self- improvement, trying to accomplish something challenge. This goal does not focus on high grade but the process of learning. However, a performance goal orientation focuses on competence and ability which show how great the students’ ability by showing the high grade. In other word, a performance goal focuses on getting the high grade and attempting to be the best than others Schunk, Pintrich, and Meece, 2008.