The role of Motivation in Language Learning

23 4. Support- Building Trust and Support for Risk Taking Among Students In this part, the teacher’s role is building the students’ confidence and convenience that their efforts will be supported by others. It will help the students to build a supportive climate for learning. The activities that the teacher can do such as asking the students to get know someone better, providing games, asking the students to perform. The teacher gives support and guidance to the students for what they will do. 5. Responsibilities-defining responsibilities, establishing rules, and clarifying procedures for the conduct of the group In this way, the teacher helps the students to accept the responsibilities and follow the rules. Building responsibility in the classroom is necessary since it allows the class to function effectively. The activity that the teacher can conduct is class meeting. In this activity the teacher and the students meet and talk about the rules that unworkable. The students have willingness to study and get motivation to learn in the class by establishing positive learning climate. In creating positive learning climate, it needs support from the teacher and the students. The teacher conducted the condition of the class as comfort as possible. 24

2.1.6 The Characteristics of Motivated Students

There were some characteristics which indicate the motivated students. A research that had been conducted by Koulentes as cited by Mertler 2014 find out those characteristics are: 1. Readiness The students, who are motivated, usually are ready in joining the lesson. It is because they have a need to learn. As supported by Uno 2007, p. 23 who believed that the indicators that the students are motivated, there is a motive and need to learn. The students who have readiness in the class will pay attention to the teacher and give respond if the teacher asks to them. In addition, the students who are ready will prepare the material so they are ready in receiving the lesson. 2. Involvement The students who are motivated will involve their selves during the lesson. As Creager 2014 believed that in the learning process one of motivational devices to i ncrease students’ motivation is giving opportunities to the students much more in the learning process. Therefore, the students who participate actively in the class could be indicated as motivated students. 3. Enthusiastic The students who are motivated usually have more enthusiastic in facing the task that the teacher gives. It is shown with based on their behavior. When the students looked happy in receiving the task and looked enthusiastic in doing the task, generally they were motivated.