The Simple Sentence which consists of direct speech.

31 The Simple Sentence which consists of direct speech.

The simple sentence below belongs to simple sentence which contains direct speech. Table 4.4 Simple Sentence which consists of direct speech. No Simple sentence Page 1. ‘Hold up’ said an elderly rabbit at the gap. 12 2. ‘Lean on that’ he said. 14 3. ‘Now then, step lively’ and the Mole to his surprise and rapture found himself actually seated in the stern of a real boat. 14 4. ‘The river,’ corrected the Rat. 16 5. ‘By it and with it and on it and in it,’ said the Rat. 16 6. ‘Greedy beggars’ he observed, making for the provender. 19 7. ‘Such a rumpus everywhere’ continued the Otter. 19 8. ‘Such a good fellow, too,’ remarked the Otter reflectively. 20 9. ‘Well, Well,’ said the Rat. 21 10. ‘Alright Ratty,’ he said. 28 There are 10 examples of simple sentence which has direct speech found in the novel. However, there are only 5 sentences are chosen as samples since they have different kinds of elements that build them up become a simple sentence. Universitas Sumatera Utara 32 1 ‘Hold up’ said an elderly rabbit at the gap. 2 ‘Such a good fellow, too,’ remarked the Otter reflectively. 3 ‘Alright Ratty,’ he said. 4 ‘The river,’ corrected the Rat. 5 ‘Such a rumpus everywhere’ continued the Otter. The examples above show us that simple sentence which has direct speech can be described in some verbs. The simple sentence 1 has a verb said that describes the direct speech. It is usually used to describe sentence in direct speech context. It’s hard to describe the element of such simple sentence because it seems doesn’t have any subject. However, it can be described if we transform the sentence into indirect speech, as below: 1 Direct speech: ‘Hold up’ said an elderly rabbit at the gap. 2 Indirect speech: An elderly rabbit says hold up at the gap. From the explanation above, the subject can be seen perfectly clear, that is an elderly rabbit. It is a noun phrase. The predicate is say, the object is hold up. It also has an adverb of place that is at the gap. So, the subject in direct speech can be seen if the sentence is transformed into indirect speech. The simple sentence 2 also has a verb but it’s not like the first sentence. The second has remarked as a predicate. The simple sentence also has a subject the Otter and also has an adverb of manner reflectively. It has a subject and also a verb that makes it become a simple sentence. Universitas Sumatera Utara 33 The next simple sentence with direct speech also has a subject and a predicate. Its subject is he, and the predicate is same with the first simple sentence that is said, and what the subject was said become the object of the simple sentence, alright Ratty. The simple sentence 4 has a noun phrase as its subject, the Rat. The verb that describes the direct speech in this sentence is corrected. The last simple sentence has a noun phrase as its subject, the Rat. And the predicate is corrected.

3.2.2. Compound Sentence