Conclusions mitigating the threat of banana fusarium wilt und 96783

Page 57 9 Conclusions and recommendations

9.1 Conclusions

Fusarium wilt a major banana disease limiting banana production Indonesia. Tropical Race 4, and other strains of Foc are now widely found affecting bananas in almost all provinces in Indonesia. Survey results corroborate that banana disease is the main production constraint. The projects findings highlight the widening distribution of TR4 Foc in Indonesia, and its spread and apparent predominance over other VCGs since previous surveys were conducted, which emphasises the importance of managing its spread to other areas within Indonesia and neighbouring countries. Infected planting material continues to be moved to new areas within and between provinces, and TR4 is now found very close to the border of Papua New Guinea PNG in Papua Province Davis et al., 2000, posing an imminent threat to the extensive banana diversity of that country. It was also found that Blood disease, a bacterial wilt disease is equally destructive as Fusarium wilt. Project surveys have provided a wealth of data on the current status of banana pests and diseases in the region ,and farmers will be more able to deal these pests and disease problems as a whole rather than individually. Disease management field trials participated in by farmers indicated that management of diseases is part of the whole production system and even influenced by market. Most farmers considered banana production in a mixed-cropping system. While the use of clean banana seedlings were important component of the disease management-crop production system, their availability and affordability at farm level was very important. While resistant varieties were available and proved effective in reducing incidence of infections, and also were higher yielding, market acceptance is a very important consideration for their adoption. The adoption of re-integration of bananas in the cropping system of farmers was also affected by its profitability relative to other crop options. The general survey however, still showed that bananas are important source of foods and livelihoods of many small scale farmers. Managing banana diseases to improve livelihoods of farmers should be approached in cropping system strategy with the overall goal of improving their income. Results indicate that high nitrate levels in acid soils may be conducive to Fusarium development, and highlighted some interactions between soil pH, electrical conductivity EC and nitrate levels as factors influencing disease levels. However further studies are needed to adequately understand the role of soil health and properties in the incidence and suppression of Foc on banana see below. Enhanced local capacities of researchers, extension workers, quarantine personnel and growers will facilitate more effective disease management.

9.2 Recommendations