Instrument of the Study Technique of Collecting the Data

material which is tested to students and the objective of teaching and learning can be achieved.

E. Reliability of the Instrument

The test also must reliable; it means that the test must be consistent in its measurement. 7 To make the test is reliable; the writer used rubric scoring as Hughes suggested namely analytic scoring to score the students’ pre-test and post- test. The analytic scoring scores every aspect of content and composition of writing which is, sometimes, cannot be scored by other scoring. The scales of analytic scoring are derived from John Anderson. Actually, this analytic scoring is based on oral scoring found by Harris but it also can be a scoring of writing skill. There are some advantages of analytic scoring, the scores are compiled to consider aspect of performance which it might otherwise ignore, besides, the very fact that the scores have to give a number of scorer will tend to make the scoring more reliable. 8

F. Instrument of the Study

The instrument of this study was a test, exactly a written test. Test is some questions or other tools which are used to measure the stud ents’ performance, the intelligence, ability, or talents possessed by the individual or group. 9 The writer, then, administered a written test to measure the students’ performance in writing a descriptive text by using clustering technique.

G. Technique of Collecting the Data

In collecting the data, the writer used a written test as the primary instrument. There are two types of tests; pretest and posttest. Pretest is a measure that the researcher assesses for the participants in an experiment before receive a 7 Ibid, p. 162. 8 Arthur Hughes, Testing for Language Teachers, Second Edition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003, p. 94. 9 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, Jakarta: PT RINEKA CIPTA, 2010, p. 193. treatment. Posttest is a measure that the researcher assesses for the participants after receive a treatment. 10 The pre-test and post-test included in these processes: 1. The preliminary study conducted on October 1 st 2013. The writer asked the information from the English teacher to know the circumstances of learning English and teaching descriptive writing. 2. After getting the permission from the English teacher, the writer administered pre-test in both experimental and controlled class on October 2 nd 2013. 3. The writer set the kisi-kisi of the instrument and Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran to be applied in the classroom during the research. 4. On October 9 th 2013, the writer conducted the certain treatment in the experimental class to write a descriptive text by using clustering technique; whereas in the controlled class did not use clustering technique to write a descriptive writing. The topic given is about animal, the students have to describe about animal. 5. Then, the teaching was continued on November 7 th 2013. The writer asked students to write a descriptive text about place 6. The final treatment was on November 12 th 2013; in this meeting the students wrote a descriptive writing about person. 7. After permitting by the English teacher to administer post-test, the writer conducted it on November 14 th 2013 in the experimental class. 8. The writer administered post-test in the controlled class on November 19 th 2013. 9. After getting the whole data, the writer calculated the result of students’ score in pre-test and post test by using some formulations. 10 John W. Creswell, Educational Research: Planning, Conducting and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research, Boston: Pearson Education, Inc., 2012, p. 297.

H. Technique of Analyzing the Data

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