Reinforcing student's vocabulary through puzzles game ( a pre experimental study at second grade SMPN 1 Jonggol-Bogir)



Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the Degree of S.Pd in English Language Education

Universitas Islam Negeri



ZAINI RAHMAN NIM.105014000368





2009 M/1431 H




(A Pre Experimental Study at Second Grade SMPN 1 Jonggol – Bogor)


Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the Degree of S.Pd in English Language Education


ZAINI RAHMAN NIM.105014000368

Approved by Advisor:

Drs. A.M. Zaenuri, M.Pd NIP: 150188518





2009 M/1431 H


Students’ Vocabulary through Puzzles’ Game” written by Zaini Rahman, Students registration number: 105014000368 were examined by the committee on March 24th 2010. The paper has been accepted and declared to have fulfilled one of the requirements for the degree of S.Pd (Bachelor Art) in the Department of English Education.

Jakarta, March 24th 2010

Examination Committee

Chairman : Drs. Syauki, M.Pd. ... ...

NIP. 196412121991031002

Secretary : Neneng Sunengsih, S. Pd. ... ... NIP. 197306251999032001

Examiner : 1. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd. ... ... NIP. 196412121991031002

2. Drs. Nasrun Mahmud, M.Pd ... ...

NIP. 150 141070

Acknowledgement by:

Dean of the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers’ Sciences

Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, MA NIP. 195710051987031003



Rahman, Zaini 2009. Reinforcing students’ vocabulary through puzzles’ game. Presented to the English Education Department Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers’ Sciences. Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

Key words: Reinforcing, vocabulary, puzzle

The purpose of this study is to describe about application of reinforcing students’ vocabulary through puzzles’ game at the second grade of SMPN 1 Jonggol – Bogor.

This study is categorized as quantitative descriptive analysis by doing pre- experiment research, which is pre-test before taught by using puzzle and post-test after taught by using puzzle in vocabulary teaching. It is to gain the information about the effectiveness of using puzzle for reinforcing students’ vocabulary.

The data collected in this research analysis by using T-test. According to the result of statistical calculation, it is obtained the value of to > tt in 5% included as significant level. It means there is obvious difference between the average score from the results of teaching vocabulary with using puzzle and teaching vocabulary without puzzle.

Based on the analysis on the results in the table above, it can be inferred that teaching vocabulary by using puzzle is more effective than teaching vocabulary without puzzle. It simply illustrates that teaching vocabulary by puzzle gives more advantages and can improve students’ vocabulary.



Bahasa Inggris. Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Pendidikan. Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Key words: Reinforcing, vocabulary, puzzle

Tujuan studi ini akan menguraikan sekitar aplikasi penguatan kosa kata siswa melalui permainan teka-teki pada kelas VIII di SMPN 1 Jonggol- Bogor.

Studi ini digolongkan melalui analisa deskriptif kuantitatif dengan mengadakan percobaan riset sebelumnya, yang mana di sebut dengan pre-test (sebelum mengajar) menggunakan permainan teka- teki dan post-test (setelah mengajar) menggunakan permainan teka-teki pada pelajaran kosa-kata. Setelah itu maka kita akan memperoleh informasi tentang efektivitas penggunaan teka-teki untuk penguatan kosa kata siswa.

Data yang dikumpulkan pada analisa riset ini adalah menggunakan T-Test. Mengacu pada hasil dari kalkulasi statistic yg diperoleh, bahwa to > tt sebanyak 5% termasuk tingkatan penting. Ini berarti terdapat perbedaan jelas/nyata antara rata-rata score dari hasil pengajaran kosa-kata melalui penggunaan teka-teki dan pengajaran kosa-kata tanpa teka-teki.

Berdasarkan pada Analisa hasil dalam table di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengajaran kosa-kata dengan menggunakan teka-teki jadi lebih efektif dibanding pengajaran kosa-kata tanpa teka-teka-teki. Penggambaran sederhananya bahwa pengajaran kosa kata itu melalui permainan teka-teki lebih member keuntungan sekaligus dapat meningkatkan kosa-kata siswa.



In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds who has bestowed upon the writer in completing this “skripsi”. Peace and Blessing be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, his families, his companions and his followers.

This “skripi” is presented to the English Department of the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers’ Sciences, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta as partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Strata-1 (S1).

The writer would like to express his great honor and deepest gratitude to his, his beloved mother (N. Ratna Komala, S.Pd), his father (Ule Rustandi), his brothers (Fahmi Amiq), and all families who always give support, motivation and moral encouragement to finish his study.

The writer would like to express his thanks and great gratitude to his advisor Drs.A.M Zaenuri, M.Pd. for his valuable help, guidance, corrections and suggestions for the completion this “Skripsi”.

His gratitude also goes to:

1. Prof. DR. Dede Rosyada as the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers’


2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd. as the Head of English Department.

3. H. Rahmat Hidayat, S. Pd., the Principal of SMPN 1 Jonggol - Bogor who has given the permission to do this research in his area.

4. Mrs. Nurwidi Astuti, S. Pd., the English teacher, and all other teachers and administrations staff of SMPN 1 Jonggol - Bogor who have given their time for sharing.

5. Especially great thank to his beloved girl (Puji Astuti) who always gives

motivation and encouragement to the writer in completing his study.



7. All students in VIII Grade of SMPN 1 Jonggol – Bogor for their time in class during the research.

8. All friends in English Department, especially B class 05’ for sharing their time and for being good friends.

9. All friends in dormitory, especially Mr. Kuyet for his computer and Mr. Lion for sharing and joking, thank you all.

10.All friends at PMII, especially M. Irfan and Deden Fatih for his support. 11.All his friends that he cannot mention them one by one who always help and

gives the writer support, time and love and so remind him in accomplishing this “Skripsi”.

May Allah, the Almighty bless them all, amen.

Finally, the writer realizes that this “Skripsi” is not perfect yet, therefore the writer would like to welcome and accept constructive suggestion and criticism to make this “Skripi” better.

Jakarta, March 24th 2010









A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Identification of the Problem ... 4

C. Limitation and Formulation of the Problem ... 4

D. Objective of the Study ... 5

E. Method of the Study ... 5


A...V ocabulary ... 7

1...M eaning of Vocabulary ... 7

2...T ypes of Vocabulary ... 9

3...T echnique in Presenting Vocabulary ... 10

B...T he Games ... 10

1...D efinition of Games ... 10

2...U se of Games ... 11


rocedure for Playing Games ... 13 C...R

einforcing Vocabulary through Puzzle ... 14 1...D

efinition of Puzzle ... 14 2...K

inds of Puzzle ... 14 D...H

ypothesis ... 16


A...B rief History ... 17 B...V

ision and Mission ... 17 C...A

chievement ... 18 D...S

tudents... 18 E...T

eaching Staff ... 19 F...F

acilities of the School ... 21


A...R esearch Methodology


1. Time and Place ... 22

2. Population and Sample ... 22

3. Instrument of Research ... 22

4. Teaching Procedures ... 23

B...R esearch Findings 1. Description of Data ... 26

2. Test of Hypothesis ... 30

3. Interpretation of Data ... 31


A...C onclusion ... 32

B...S uggestion ... 33




3.1 Students total number ... 18

3.2 Personal detail of the teacher ... 19

3.3 Personal detail of English teachers ... 20

3.4 Infrastructures supported of the school ... 21

4.1 The scores of students’ pre-test ... 24



1....A ppendix 1 ... 36

2....A ppendix 2 ... 37



3....A ppendix 3 ... 38

4....A ppendix 4 ... 39

5....A ppendix 5 ... 40

6....A ppendix 6 ... 44

7....A ppendix 7 ... 48

8....A ppendix 8 ... 53

9....A ppendix 9 ... 56

10....A ppendix 10 ... 61

11....A ppendix 11 ... 65




A. Background of Study

Language is the most important element in communication. People from all over the world know each other through language. It is also an unlimited phenomenon, since it is considered as the never-ending story, which cannot be separated from human life. In fact, people use the language to express their emotions, feelings, and ideas. There are various languages in the world such as Indonesian, Arabic, French and others. Recently, English has become the international language that used by people to connect and share with the other.

Besides, English is used as a means of communication among people in the world, it is also used in variety of scientific fields generally; the acquisition of English will help the people in developing of technological transfer and technological advance. The short coming of English knowledge is one of motivations to progress in certain areas, for example in computer fields, business field, tourism, educational technology, and so on, English is also very important for disseminating news in many countries around the world.

As we know in Indonesia the main foreign language which is taught in school is English, therefore it becomes one of the compulsory subjects. It is very important for the development of knowledge, science, culture and relationship among others. For their reason, English becomes the main foreign language subject which is taught in all levels, from elementary school up to university.



There are four language skills that we might know in English language, they are: listening, speaking, reading and writing. In addition there are also three language components to teach: such as grammar, sound and vocabulary. Long and Richard stated that: “vocabulary like grammar is essential component of all aspects of language”.1

One of the English components taught to the learners is vocabulary, because it has primary role for all language skills as Linda said: “adult learner that does appear to be slowed down by age”.2 In other words, the statement implies that vocabulary plays an important role in communication. All skills demand much on the vocabulary mastery.

A good vocabulary goes hand in hand with the ability to think logically and to learn easily and quickly. A good vocabulary handling is an ability to use words correctly and effectively. It can be a passport to the world of interesting and exciting information.

Large vocabulary helps to express an idea precisely in communication. It is often believed that a large number of words are needed to master English language, because knowing many words in a foreign language is very important. The more words you know, the better your chance to understanding or making yourself understood.3

Sometimes, there are some difficulties in understanding the meaning of words, in differentiating the word forms, and in applying the words in a sentence. In other case, some words are sometimes difficult to know the forms grammatically, such as noun, verb, adjective, or adverb. Michael Swan stated that noun is a word. Nouns are most often the names of people or things.4


Michael H Long and Jack C Richard, Methodology in TESOL: A Book of Reading (New York: New Barry House Publisher, 1987 ), p. 305


Linda Taylor, Teaching and Learning Vocabulary (New York : University Cambridge Press, 1990), p. 1


Julian Edge, Essentials of English Language Teaching, (Singapore, Longman Singapore Publisher, 1993), p. 27


Michael Swan, Practical English Usage (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995), p.xxv


The importance of learning new vocabulary has encouraged language teachers of English today to move from passive learning to active learning, to find better ways of engaging students in the English language learning process. But many teachers feel the need for help in imagining what to do, in or out of class that would constitute a meaningful set of active learning.

To help drive active students in the class, teachers need games to involve in the teaching-learning process. Games in the school are sometimes viewed as an activity in which students can only get fun or amusement without anything they can learn from it but games can also be used as one of educational aids in teaching.

In teaching and learning process, the important thing is not only how much or how less teaching and learning are done in the classroom, but also how the students are active and fun in their leaning process. It has formed the philosophy of learner-centered method that is divided into two focuses on the language process and the language content.

Nowadays, students need to know the ways to find the meaning of difficult words. In the teaching-learning process for example, the students are influenced by motivation. The students need something fun and easy to memorize the vocabulary. By using the suitable material, the lessons will be more interesting, efficient and effective. That is why the writer takes the puzzle game that can be used to reinforce students’ vocabulary, because puzzle can give easier way for students to find out the word without looking up the dictionary.

In this study, the teacher is hoped to be creative to give the clue of word and is supposed to think carefully about the puzzle they choose, so using puzzle could be effective. Before, the teachers are required to know the use of game, the principle of using game and procedure for playing game.

Nowadays, the challenge is how to use puzzle in teaching vocabulary. As we know mastering vocabulary is not easy, yet other aspects of the language should be considered such as; sound and structure. Vocabulary is one of the most important elements in language. We could not speak the language well if we do not master it. No matter how well we learn grammar, how successfully the sound



of a foreign language is mastered, without words to express a wider range of meanings, communication in the foreign language just could not happen in any meaningful way.5

Based on the theory above, the writer is interested in discussing puzzle in teaching vocabulary. According to the preceding statement, the topic that will be discussed by the writer is “REINFORCING STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY THROUGH PUZZLE GAMES”.

B. Identification of Problem

To make the problem clear, the writer has identified the problem that will be investigated as follows:

a. How to teach English vocabulary to students? b. How to teach English vocabulary through puzzle? c. Is puzzle reinforce students’ vocabulary achievement?

C. Limitation and Formulation of Problem 1. The Limitation

To avoid misunderstanding and to clarify the problem, it is necessary to make a limitation of the problem. The writer will limit the problem in reinforcing students’ vocabulary through puzzle games. So from the aspects of language it will only cover one component, that is vocabulary and for the level it is focused on the second year students of SMPN 1 Jonggol.

2. The Formulation

Based on preceding discussion, the writer would like to formulate the problems as follows: is there any significant difference of achievement between the students’ English vocabulary taught by using puzzles and without using puzzles technique?



D. Objective of Study

This study is aimed to make a significant resut in the achievement of using puzzle in vocabulary teaching at the second year students of SMPN 1 Jonggol. The writer hopes this research may become a guide for teachers to teach a vocabulary in a better way and also for students to get a better achievement in their English subject.

E. Method of Study

In this “skripsi” the writer uses field research. The writer collected data by observing and teaching the class. Firstly, they are given a pre test to know their vocabulary achievement. After that, the writer teaches them by using puzzle technique. At last, they are given a post-test to know whether there is a significant result vocabulary achievement after they were taught by using puzzle.




A. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is indeed important in learning a foreign language. It is one element that links the four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing altogether. Vocabulary research has tended to focus on reading.

In order to communicate well in a foreign language, students are hoped to acquire a sufficient number of words and need to know how to use them accurately. Without having enough vocabularies, communication will end up in unpleasant situation and make the students reluctant to continue their sentence or idea.

When someone talks about vocabulary, the first thing that come in his/her mind; vocabulary is a group of words on a certain language as a part in teaching-learning a foreign language.

1. Meaning of Vocabulary

In language learning and teaching vocabulary, it is important to know what vocabulary is. About the meaning of vocabulary it has already been interpreted in many different ways by experts to have clear understanding, it is better to take a look at some definitions.


Penny Ur said “vocabulary can be defined, roughly, as the words we teach in the foreign language”.1 Hatch and Brown define “vocabulary as a list or set of words for a particular language or set of words that individual speaker of language might use”.2

According to AS Hornby, vocabulary is:

a. Total number of words which make up a language.

b. (Range of) words known to, or used by, a person, in trade,

profession, etc.

c. Book containing a list of words; list of words used in a book, etc, usually with definition or translation.3

To master a language is not easy, because some aspects of language are needed. It is impossible to learn a language without mastering vocabulary.

In Webster’s dictionary, vocabulary is defined as follows:

a. A list of collection of words and phrases, abbreviation in

inflectional form, etc. usually arranged in alphabetical order defined of otherwise identified as in a dictionary of glossary.

b. An interrelated group of non-verbal symbols, sign, gestures, etc. used for communication or expression in a particular art, skill, etc.4 Based on definitions above, we can say that vocabulary is a list or a stock of words, phrases, signs, codes, or rules of the words.

2. Types of Vocabulary

According to Mary Finnochiaro and Michael Bronomo in their book “vocabulary is divided into two, namely: function word and content word”. The function words are closed class, which can be added on the


Penny Ur, A course In language teaching Practice and Theory (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996), p. 60


Evelyn Hatch and Cherry L Brown, Vocabulary, Semantics and Language Education

(Cambridge University press, 1995), p. 1


AS Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (Oxford: 1981), p. 1959


Meriem Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary (America: Meriem Webster’s, Inc., 1983), p. 1494



prepositions or auxiliaries or modal or many other structure words of the language. Content words; on the other hand, can be added to any time at any scientific advances to make new words and communication about new invention necessary, for example: a word of quantity or measure is usually preceded by “a” and followed by “or” in English. (a piece of bread, a head of lecture, a pound of bananas).

Jo Ann Aeborsold and Mary Lee distinguish vocabulary into active and passive vocabulary.

a. Active vocabulary is also known as productive vocabulary.

Students must know how to pronounce it well, they must know and be able to use grammar of the target language, and they also must be familiar with collocation and understand the connotation meaning of the word, this type is often used in speaking and writing skill.

b. Passive vocabulary refers to language items that can be recognized and understood in the context of reading and listening and it’s also known as receptive vocabulary.

Another opinion comes from Nelson Brooks; vocabulary is divided into three, namely:

a. Little or empty words that have little meaning in themselves but serves particular items in an utterance and relate them to teach other as well as change and guide the direction of taught, such words are: an, these, but, although and the like.

b. Content words that their own stay, such as: salt, ugly, holiday, etc.

c. Cluster of words such as verb that convey special concept when

used with given pronouns or preposition. (For example; call it off and go without).5

3. Technique in Presenting Vocabulary


Nelson Brooks, Language and Language Learning (New York: Harcourt, Bruce & World Inc, 1964), p. 182


Generally as a beginner, to understand the meaning of a sentence is not easy, especially if he or she has a lack of vocabulary, that is why to know the vocabulary is strongly important to understand a language, but of course if he or she does not often practice it, automatically it will be reduced or lost. However, it is crucial to know the technique to present the vocabulary to students.

According to Ruth Gairns and Stuart Redman, there are two techniques in presenting vocabulary, visual technique and verbal technique.

a. Visual technique includes visuals, mime, and gesture, visuals

includes flash cards, photograph, blackboard drawing, wall charts. They are extensively used for teaching concentrate items of vocabulary.

b. Verbal technique includes the use of illustrative situation (oral or written), use of synonym and definition, contrasts, and opposites, scales and example of type.6

B. Games

Puzzle is one of language games; therefore the writer would first discuss the game itself before the puzzle.

1. Definition of Games

It is teacher’s responsibility to seek an interesting way to motivate students in learning, especially in learning vocabulary. It is also stated in the new curriculum that students should be more active in learning process. Therefore, games can be applied in vocabulary teaching, especially for students in elementary school and junior high school.

Gibbs defined game as “activities carried out by cooperating or competing, decision makes seeking to achieve, within a set or rules, their


Ruth Gairns and Stuart Redman, Working With Words, A Guide To Teaching And Learning Vocabulary (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991), p. 73-74



objectives”.7 In the word power dictionary, a game is defined as an activity that is engaged in for amusement, played according to rules.8

From the definition above, it seems that game is an activity to get fun and relaxation, which is carried out by cooperating or competing with a set of rules.

T. S. Rodgers in Connie L. Shoemaker states that games have four basic characteristics:

a. Competitive

b. Governed by rules

c. Goal-defined, engaging in that they challenge the participants.

d. They have closure on a predetermined point at which they are


Since games are amusing and relaxing, it is expected that games motivate students in learning vocabulary.

2. Use of Games

Games in the school are sometimes viewed as an activity where students can only get fun or amusement without anything they can learn from it. Nowadays, teacher realize that games can be used as one of the educational aids in teaching learning process of English, especially in teaching vocabulary, teacher could use games as one of techniques in presenting the lesson in an interesting way. Some experts states that the use of games as follow:

According to Larcabal, games provide (a) an enjoyable atmosphere, (b) a situation in which communication is essential and (c) a distinction from


Sandra J. Savignon and Margie S. Berns, Initiatives in Communicative Language TeachingII, (New York: Addison-Wesley Publish Company, 1987), p. 209


Bill Trumble and Julia Elliott, Word Power Dictionary, (London: The Reader’s Digest Association Limited, 2000), p. 1081


Connie L. Shoemaker, and F. Floyd Shoemaker, Interactive Techniques For The ESL Classroom (Boston: Heinie and Heinie Publisher, 1997), p. 73


the study of language itself.10 While Lee Su Kim states the use of games in the classroom is:

a. Games are a welcome break from the usual routine of the language class.

b. They are motivating and challenging.

c. Learning in language requires a great deal of effort. Games help the students to make and sustain the effort of learning.

d. Games provide language practice in the various skill-listening,

speaking, reading and writing.

e. They encourage students to interact and communicate. f. They create a meaningful context for language use.11

From the statement above, it shows that the function of game in language teaching is that it:

a. Helps students remember things faster and better under low

pressure, game as a way to practice the language.

b. Enables the students to get involved. This situation gives shy

students more opportunity to express themselves.

c. Enables the learner to use the language consciously or

unconsciously without worrying about the correct from of the language.

3. Principle of Using Games

Before using a game in teaching-learning process, we as English teachers should think carefully about the game we choose, so the using game could be effective. Julia Dobson points out that to create the greatest success with the game, there are several suggestion to be considered:

According to Dobson “a good language game is one that (a) requires little or no advance preparation, (b) is easy to play and yet provides the students with an intellectual challenge, (c) is shout enough to occupy a convenient space during the classes period, (d) entertains the students but does not cause the class to get out of


Rita Susanna Larcabal, The Role of Games in Language Acquisition, English Teaching Forum, April, 1992, p. 28


Lee Su Kim, Creative Games For The Language Class, English Teaching Forum, Vol. 33, No. 1, January, 1995, p. 35-36



control and (e) requires no time-consuming correction of written responses after word.12

Wright said that, there are five essential criteria of language games. They are: (a) ease of preparation; the time and energy required to make the game is realistic, (b) ease to organization; using the game is easy and/or worth the effort, (c) intrinsic language; language must be used to play the game successfully and that same language must be useful in other situation, (d) density of language; while chess, for example: is wonderful game, it requires so little language classroom (Rixon 1981), and (e) like hood of interest for the learners.13

From the criteria above, it can be considered that games used in a language teaching have to meet these qualifications:

a. Suit to the students (their age, knowledge, and capability).

b. Challenging, exciting, entertaining and encourage students to

produce the language. c. Ease of preparation.

4. Procedure for Playing Games

When a teacher use game, he/she should have a good plan such as choosing the suitable game for their students ability, decides what the players should do, how which the time allocated, and the teacher should know how the procedures of game are:

According to Adewui-Abalo, there are many procedures for playing game such as:

1. Choose games on the basis of their suitability in terms of the

language they put into practice and also with regard to the students themselves (e.g. their age and interest).

2. Prepare the game carefully beforehand; try to predict the language items that maybe needed.

3. Explain to the students (in the mother tongue if necessary) the

purpose of rules for the games.


Julia Dobson, Try One of My Game, English Teaching Forum, Vol. VIII, No. 3, 1996, p. 18



4. Involve as many students a possible e.g. by dividing the class into two teams and also by letting the students take over for you if the game permits.

5. If the games are played on team basis, points should be awarded for each correct answer and the scores are written on the blackboard. Deduction can be made for grammatical errors (e.g. half point) but credits should be given for creative expression.14

C. Reinforcing Vocabulary Through Puzzle 1. Definition of Puzzle

Puzzle which is part of games and defined in the Collins COBUILD new student’s dictionary, is question, game, or toy which you have to think about carefully in order to answer it correctly or put it together properly.15

In this study the writer tries to describe puzzle as one of many language games used to teach vocabulary at junior high school.

2. Kinds of Puzzles

There are many kids of puzzles, among other are:

a. Word Search Puzzle

In this game the students will be given a list of encoded letter which contain hidden names of subject. The students will have to find those names by circling those words, for example:

Find out three part of body in the boxes, and clues bellow will help you to find out them:

1. We have a pair of this part, we use them to see.

2. All the thread like growth on the skin, especially on the human head.

3. We have five of it in each hand.


Adewui-Fauwi Abalo, The Role of Game, In The Learning Process, English Teaching Forum, July, 1987., p. 46


Collins COBUILD, New Student’s Dictionary, Second Edition (Glosgow: Harper Collins Publisher, 2002), p. 559








b. Crossword Puzzles

This game is very familiar to the students for they can find such a puzzles in their language in this game, the students will have to fill the boxes latter by latter based on the question. For example:

1. Instituting for educating children. Like secondary and primary school.

2. Four legged, solid-hoofed animal with flowing mane and tail, used from early times to carry loads, for riding.

3. Seaman, member of ship’s crew.

2 1


c. Scramble Letters Puzzle

It is kind of puzzle where the player have to rearrange the scramble letters based on the clues. This puzzle is useful primarily for the recognition of words and their spelling. For example:

By unscrambling the following letter you will get the kinds of fruits.

Arrange these letters into the correct word! e.g. RANOGE: ORANGE


2. LPPEA :

3. RAGPE :



(Answer: Strawberry, Apple, Grape, Banana, Coconut)

D. Hypothesis

1. The experimental hypothesis (Ha): there is a significance difference in teaching English vocabulary through puzzle and without puzzle technique for second year students of SMPN 1 Jonggol.

2. The Null Hypothesis (Ho) : there is no significance difference in teaching English vocabulary through puzzle and without puzzle technique for second year students of SMPN 1 Jonggol.




A. Brief History

SMPN 1 Jonggol was established in 1963. It was built on 2566 m2 of land on Jl. Menan, Sukamaju Jonggol. The schools founders are:

1. R. Abdurrachman Komara

2. R. Mangun Sudibja

3. R.M. Mulyana

4. R.A. Mangun Sugara

At the beginning, the establishment of the school is aimed to focus on giving the lesson around of the school. The school was expanded its educational coverage by opening some classes. The expanding had a purpose to give a bigger opportunity for the students to access the education.

For several years, the people’s demand for education increased, while the member of educational institutions was limited, therefore the school decides to open the class until nine classes.

B. Vision and Mission 1. Vision

SMPN 1 Jonggol as a junior education center, as a society pride that graduated only qualified cadres preeminent in science and technology.


2. Mission

Contain steps should be done in order to render vision above by:

o Preparing the young generation who is mastering in knowledge and

technology based on IPTEK and IMTAQ. o Improving the students’ intelligence.

o Creating the best graduation as a Junior High School.

C. Achievement

Up to now, SMPN 1 Jonggol has existed for 47 years; it won over many challenges and obstacles. During those years, many achievements had been achieved by school, some of them are:

1. The first winner of Cultural Dance in Bogor.

2. The first winner of Mathematics Olympiads in Province. 3. First Winner of Tilawatil-Qur’an in Bogor.

D. Students

Like other schools, SMPN 1 Jonggol also faced the increased every years or up and up of its student’s number, it is affected by many factors. Some of them are school achievements and society environment.

Table 3.1

Students Total Number

Class VII Class VIII Class IX Total Total Total

Year Total of

Registrar Students Students Students

Total of students

2006/2007 715 363 381 385 1129

2007/2008 710 396 364 362 1122

2008/2009 653 405 374 358 1137



E. Teaching Staff

Table 3.2

Personal Detail of the Teachers

No Name/NIP Position Subject


1 Rachmat Mulyana,S.Pd

130924827 Headmaster -

2 M. Sukarmawijaya, S.Pd

130672919 Vice of Headmaster Pejaskes

3 Dedi Subarna Rendiawan, S.Pd

131614038 Vice of Headmaster PLS

4 Drs. Wawan Gunawan

131685908 Vice of Headmaster Elektro

5 Dedi Karyana, S.Pd

131887450 Curriculum staff PPKn

6 Tri Wahyudi, S.Pd

131831286 Students’ Consultant Matematika

7 Purrnama Sari, S.Pd

132232402 BP/BK staff IPS

8 Sri Erlina, S.Pd

130881793 Teacher staff B.indonesia

9 Imas Rusyanti

131421947 Teacher staff B.indonesia

10 Turenih

132041394 Teacher staff Matematika

11 U. Suhandi, S.Pd

131422158 Teacher staff Biologi

12 Ea Juariah, S.Pd

131967531 Teacher staff Bioligi

13 Ernida, S.Pd

131959757 Teacher staff Biologi

14 Dra. Musrini

132146185 Teacher staff Fisika

15 Djaka Sudjana, S.Pd

132205894 Teacher staff Geografi

16 Dra. Risa Nurhayati

132205891 Teacher staff Geografi

17 Nurwidi Astuti, S.Pd

132223970 Teacher staff B.inggris

18 Dadang Kusnendar, S.Pd

132196655 Teacher staff B.inggris

19 Maman

131904861 Teacher staff B.sunda



21 Elon Darwita

130879269 Teacher staff IPS

22 Sahroni, S.Pd

131849400 Teacher staff IPA

23 Taufan Suriyanto, S.Pd

132118687 Teacher staff Matematika

24 Yuli Purnamawiati, S.Pd

480141158 Teacher staff Sejarah

25 N. Ratna Komala, S.Pd

131962087 Teacher staff B.indonesia

26 Esep Muhamad, S.Pd

132185638 Teacher staff B.indonesia

27 Aam Muharam, S.Pd

480140912 Teacher staff Penjaskes

28 Eva Syelly Syahvitri, S.S

480183307 Teacher staff B.inggris

29 Agung Mahmilasari, S.Pd

480183392 Teacher staff Ekonomi

30 Heni Windiarti, S.Pd

480183016 Teacher staff Ekonomi

31 Ismayani, S.Pd

480183454 Teacher staff B.indonesia

32 Asep Hermansyah, S.Pd

480183466 Teacher staff B.inggris

33 Ujang Anwar, Sag

150239064 Teacher staff Pend.Agama

Table 3.3

Personal Detail of the English Teachers

No Name/NIP Teaching


Class Latest Education

1 Nurwidi Astuti, S.Pd


Since 3/1/1999 VIII g,h,i

IX d,e,f

English Department 2 Eva Syelly Syahvitri, S.S


Since 2/1/1998 VII g,h,i IX a,b,c

Science and Technology

3 Asep Hermansyah, S.Pd


Since 1/1/2008 VII d,e,f IX g,h,i

English Department

4 Dadang Kusnendar, S.Pd


Since 1/1/2008 VII a,b,c

VIII a,b,c

English Department



F. Facilities of the School

In order to make the students learning process run well, it is a necessary for the school to provide good supporting facilities, without those facilities the learning process may lead to a disorder situation. SMPN 1 Jonggol realizes this fact so that it always tries their best effort to provide good learning facilities. The writer will mentions as follow:

Table 3.4

The Infrastructures Supported of the School

No Name of Infrastructures Total

1 Head Master Room 1

2 Administrative Stuff 1

3 Teachers lounge 1

4 OSIS 1

5 Medical Room 1

6 Science Laboratory 1

7 Computer Laboratory 1

8 Classes 27

9 Warehouse 1

10 Productive unit room 1

1 Canteen 1

12 Library 1

13 Mosque 1

14 Teachers’ Restroom 5




1. Research Methodology 1. Time and Place

The writer did the research at SMPN 1 Jonggol-Bogor. He conducted this research at the school from May16th 2009 to 25th of August 2009.

2. Population and Sample

The writer took the population and research sample from the VIII grade students. The total number of students in the VIII grade is 409 students which is divided into nine classes, from A, B until I classes, the writer only took 40 students from I class.

3. The Instrument of Research

The instrument carried out in this research divided into two seasons, the first season consisted the pre test (the evaluation test given before teaching through puzzle) and the second season consisted the post test the evaluation test given after teaching through puzzle), and the results of both used as data. (The form of the test can be seen in appendixes)

The instrument of this research is vocabulary test which consisting of 35 (thirty five) questions. The test is divided into four test form; they are essay



tests, matching tests, fill in the blank tests, and scrambled words. The essay tests consist of 7 items from number 1 to number 7. It’s score per item is 2. it means if all tests answer correct the score is 14. For the matching tests, it consists of 10 items from number 1 to number 10. It’s score per item is means if all the answer correct the score is 10.

Fill in the blank tests consist of 10 items from number 1 to number 10. It’s score per item is 2. If they can choose the answer of 10 items correctly, they will get 10 scores. The scrambled words consist of 8 items from number 1 to number 8. It’s score per item is 2. it means if all tests answer correct the score is 16. And the sum of all form’s score will be multiply by two for the final score.

From the description of each test form above, we can see that the highest score of this test is 100.

4. Teaching Procedures

The teaching procedures that the writer held as follow; The First Season:

a. Motivation

o Teacher greets the students

o Teacher asks the students about their condition o Teacher does the attending list check of students

b. Presentation

o Teacher mentions something that related to the topic (Flora and Fauna).

o Teacher explains about the topic.

o Teacher simulates students about the topic by asking some


“Tell me what animal do you know? Mention them”. Teacher writes the answer on the board. The teacher guiding students to specify animal into two kinds: domestic animal (pets) and wild animal. “How many kind of animal do we have? Or What is the special characteristic of the dog?, etc”.

o The class divided each group get firs turn by answer the question orally:

1. What is a long nose of an elephant? 2. How does a cat sound like?

3. Lion, tigers and bear are pets or wild animal? 4. If a young cat is kitten, what is young dog? 5. Snake is kind of? Birds or Reptiles.

o Teacher writes the answer on the board.

c. Evaluation

Teacher gives the students some question (pre-test) to get the result as the pre-test scoring.

The second season, taken two weeks after the first season; The teaching procedures that the writer held as follow; The Second Season:

a. Motivation

Teacher greets the students

Teacher asks the students about their condition Teacher does the attending list check of students

b. Presentation

o Teacher mentions something that related to the topic (Flora and Fauna).

o Teacher explains about the topic.

o Teacher simulates students about the topic by asking some




o Teacher writes the answer on the board by making a semantic



o Some students read aloud the text about animal farms. o Each group is given the hand out.

o Each group has to find 10 words related to the topic animals in the puzzle.

o The group has to make sentence for each word, and write the

sentence on the space provided.

o Students write the letter into the correct order based on the clue given.

e.g. MSOQIUOT Small and like a human blood


A cat Some mammals live in the sea.

A butterfly Small animal with soft fur, often keep as a pet or for catching mice.

A frog Reptile

A dolphin An insect with long thin body and four usu brightly colored wings.

A snake Amphibian

c. Evaluation

Teacher gives the students some question (post-test) to get the result as the post-test scoring.


2. Research Findings

1. Description of Data

To know the result of the test, the writer makes the table of student’s score Pre-test and Post-test, as follows:

Table 4.1

The Test Scores of Students’ Pre-test


1 78 21 88

2 52 22 86

3 70 23 84

4 50 24 84

5 76 25 88

6 74 26 72

7 72 27 84

8 76 28 83

9 76 29 73

10 56 30 80

11 88 31 90

12 88 32 90

13 84 33 80

14 84 34 80

15 80 35 72

16 80 36 78

17 78 37 84

18 78 38 82

19 66 39 80



Table 4.2

The Test Scores of Students’ Post-test


1 80 21 96

2 66 22 88

3 70 23 88

4 54 24 84

5 84 25 84

6 76 26 72

7 72 27 84

8 84 28 84

9 80 29 80

10 56 30 80

11 80 31 92

12 84 32 92

13 84 33 84

14 88 34 84

15 88 35 72

16 80 36 80

17 88 37 92

18 84 38 88

19 60 39 84


2. Analysis of Data

Table 4.3

The Result Calculation of Test both Pre-test and Post-test

NO X Y X y x2 y2

1 80 78 -1.15 -0.35 1.3225 0.1225

2 66 52 -15.15 -26.35 229.5225 694.3225

3 70 70 -11.15 -8.35 124.3225 69.7225

4 54 50 -27.15 -28.35 737.1225 803.7225

5 84 76 2.85 -2.35 8.1225 5.5225

6 76 74 -5.15 -4.35 26.5225 18.9225

7 72 72 -9.15 -6.35 83.7225 40.3225

8 84 76 2.85 -2.35 8.1225 5.5225

9 80 76 -1.5 -2.35 2.25 5.5225

10 56 56 -25.15 -22.35 632.5225 499.5225

11 80 88 -1.5 9.65 2.25 93.1225

12 84 88 2.85 9.65 8.1225 93.1225

13 84 84 2.85 5.65 8.1225 31.9225

14 88 84 6.85 5.65 46.225 31.9225

15 88 80 6.85 1.65 46.225 2.7225

16 80 80 -1.5 1.65 2.25 2.7225

17 88 78 6.85 -0.35 46.225 0.1225

18 84 78 2.85 -0.35 8.1225 0.1225

19 60 66 -21.15 -12.35 447.3225 152.5225

20 92 84 10.85 5.65 117.7225 31.9225

21 96 88 14.85 9.65 220.5225 93.1225

22 88 86 6.85 7.65 46.225 58.5225

23 88 84 6.85 5.65 46.225 31.9225

24 84 84 2.85 5.65 8.1225 31.9225

25 84 88 2.85 9.65 8.1225 93.1225



27 84 84 2.85 5.65 8.1225 31.9225

28 84 83 2.85 4.65 8.1225 21.6225

29 80 73 -1.15 -5.35 1.3225 28.6225

30 80 80 -1.15 1.65 1.3225 2.7225

31 92 90 10.5 11.65 110.25 135.7225

32 92 90 10.5 11.65 110.25 135.7225

33 84 80 2.85 1.65 8.1225 2.7225

34 84 80 2.85 1.65 8.1225 2.7225

35 72 72 -9.15 -6.35 83.7225 40.3225

36 80 78 -1.15 -0.35 1.3225 0.1225

37 92 84 10.5 5.65 110.25 8.1225

38 88 82 6.85 3.65 46.9225 13.3225

39 84 80 2.85 1.65 8.1225 2.7225

40 88 86 6.85 7.65 46.9225 58.5225

TOTAL Σ 3246 Σ 3134 Σ 0.1 Σ 0 Σ 3551.978 Σ 3417.3

1. Determining Mean I with formula:

1 1

N X M =

40 3246

= =81.15

2. Determining Mean II with formula:

2 2

N X M =

40 3134

= =78.35

3. Determining of Standard of Deviation of Variable I:

N X SD =

2 1 1 40 978 . 3551










4. Determining of Standard Deviation of Variable II:


SD =

2 1 2 40 3 . 3417


5. Determining of Standard Error Mean Variable I:


1 1 1 =

N SD SEM 39 422 . 9 = 1 40 422 . 9 −

= = 0.241





6. Determining of Standard Error Mean Variable II:


2 2 2 =


SEM = 940.2421

39 242 . 9

= = 0.236





7. Determining Standard Error Mean Difference of M1 and M2:

2 2 2 2 2 1 2

1.SEM = SEM + SEM = 0.49 + 0.485

SEM 235225 . 0 2401 . 0 + =









8. Determining to with formula:












68 . 0 35 . 78 15 . 81 − = 2 1 2 1 .SEM SEM M M to = −

9. Determining t-table in significance level 5 % and 1 % with df:


− 1


= 40 − 1 = 39

= N


The writer gained t table: Significan level 5 % = 2.02 Significan Level 1 % = 2.69

10.The Comparison between t-score with t-table t-score = 2.69 < 4.11 > 2.02

3. Test of Hypothesis

The writer hypothesis is that teaching by using puzzle in vocabulary subject has reinforced students’ ability in memorizing vocabulary.



The statistic hypothesis states that:

If to > tt = there is difference and Ha is accepted

If to < tt = there is not difference or the same and Ha is rejected and Ho is accepted

to = t observation

tt =t test

As Sudijono states that if the result of calculation to (t observation) is bigger than tt (t table), to > tt; so the zero hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. It means that the experiment technique is accepted) and if the result of calculation to (t observation) is smaller than tt (t table), to < tt; so

the zero hypothesis (Ho) is accepted. It means that the experiment

technique is rejected)1.

It means that the influence of using the puzzles is higher than the influence of without using it. It can be concluded that teaching by using puzzle in vocabulary subject has reinforced their ability in memorizing vocabulary.

4. Interpretation of Data

Based on the data collected from pre-test without using puzzle the scores are 78.35. After teaching by using puzzle and giving post-test the mean scores was 81.15 It means, teaching by using puzzle in vocabulary subject has reinforced their ability in memorizing vocabulary. After giving the test, they got the better scores than before; from the result of statistic calculation indicates that the value of t- score (to) is 4.11 which is higher from the t-table (tt) in level 1% and 5% as described above. Since to score in the table is higher than tt score obtained from the result of calculating, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected.


Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 1994), p. 270.


The degree of freedom (df) is 40 obtained from (N1 =`40 – 1 = 39). In this paper, the writer uses the degree of significance of 5 % and 1 %. In the table of significance, it can’t be found the df of 39 so it’s used the df of 40. And on the degree of significance of 5 % and 1 %, the values of the degree of significance are 2.69 and 2.02. Comparing the to with each value of the degree of significance, the result is 2.69 < 4.11 > 2.02.




A. Conclusion

Based on the students’ achievement of the research stated, that most of the students often get difficulties in studying vocabulary when they learn English. The writer concludes that the use of puzzles for reinforcing vocabulary on students at second grade of SMPN 1 Jonggol can be an alternative way to reinforce vocabulary; that fact can be seen from the total score of the students. It is clear that the use of puzzle is better than without.

Based on the results of the research analysis by using the puzzles, the students who got the difficulties were lower than before. Then in the T-test analysis the result shows that “to (t- observation)” is higher than “t table”. It means that

there is significant difference between using English puzzle and without using English puzzle at second grade of SMPN 1 Jonggol.

B. Suggestion

Dealing with conclusion, the writer would like to suggest as follows:

1. Nowadays, the technique by using puzzle is not familiar. Perhaps, in

some institution this technique can be applied.

2. Today students need something fun and different in learning process

which can motivate them to study. By using puzzle, it is hoped that students can enjoy more in learning English, it has been proved by the


technique that the writer use by using English puzzle to reinforce students vocabulary.

3. In presenting the puzzle, teacher should have as follows: a. Knowledge on how to teach puzzle to the pupil.

b. Choose the best puzzles that convey the necessity toward the

material that need to be taught.

c. Teacher should consider the interest level and age of the

students in the choosing puzzle

4. Students should be creative in learning English, not just depending on the material given by teacher in the class.



Abalo, Adewui-Fauwi, The Role of Game, In The Learning Process, English Teaching Forum, July, 1987.

Brooks, Nelson, Language and Language Learning New York: Harcourt, Bruce & World Inc, 1964.

COBUILD, Collins New Student’s Dictionary, Second Edition Glasgow: Harper Collins Publisher, 2002.

Dobson, Julia, Try One of My Game, English Teaching Forum, Vol. VIII, No. 3, 1996.

Edge, Julian, Essentials of English Language Teaching, Singapore: Longman Singapore Publisher, 1993.

Gairns, Ruth and Redman, Stuart, Working With Words, A Guide To Teaching And Learning Vocabulary Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.

Hatch, Evelyn and Brown L. Cherry, Vocabulary, Semantics and Language Education Cambridge University press, 1995.

Hornby, AS. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary Oxford: 1981.

Kim, Su Lee, Creative Games For The Language Class, English Teaching Forum, Vol. 33, No. 1, January, 1995.

Larcabal, Susanna Rita, The Role of Games in Language Acquisition, English Teaching Forum, April, 1992.

Long, H. Michael and Richard, Methodology in TESOL: A Book of Reading New York: New Barry House Publisher, 1987.

Miriam Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary America: Miriam Webster’s, Inc., 1983.

Mukarto, English on sky for junior high school students, Jakarta: PT Glora Aksara Pratama, 2004.

Savignon, J. Sandra and Berns S. Margie, Initiatives in Communicative Language Teaching II, New York: Addison-Wesley Publish Company, 1987.


Savignon, J. Sandra and Berns S. Margie, op. cit.

Shoemaker, L. Connie, and Shoemaker, F. Floyd, Interactive Techniques for the ESL Classroom Boston: Heinie and Heinie Publisher, 1997.

Swan, Michael, Practical English Usage New York: Oxford University Press, 1995.

Taylor, Linda, Teaching and Learning Vocabulary New York: University Cambridge Press, 1990.

Trumble Bill and Elliott, Julia, Word Power Dictionary, London: The Reader’s Digest Association Limited, 2000.

Ur, Penny, A course in language teaching Practice and Theory New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996.

Wardiman, Artono and Jahur, B. Masduki, English in focus for VII Grade, .Bandung: Pusat Pembukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2008. Zaenuri, A.M. Vocabulary 1. 2003



1M A 1M M A L S 4I

I 2F N

C 3P I S 5G

2B E A R S E O


R 3C 6A T S

4G O A T N E



1. …. Give milk to their babies. They have warm blood.

2. … A large heavy wild animal with thick fur and live in cave.

3. Small animal with soft fur, often keep as a pet or for catching mice. 4. A small lively animal with horns

1. … An animal like a small rat with a long thin tail.

2. …. … Live in the water and lay eggs. They have cold blood and can swim.

3. Any of various types of usual tropical birds.

4. … Have six legs. Most of them have wings and can fly.

5. A bird like a duck with a long neck.

6. Tiny animals that lives in colony.


A cat Some mammals live in the sea.

A butterfly Small animal with soft fur, often keep as a pet or for catching mice.

A frog Reptile

A dolphin An insect with long thin body and four usually brightly colored wings.

A snake Amphibian




Find 15 words of animal and the habitat, the selected 3 word and mark a sentence for each word!











1. ……….

2. ……….


Food Types



2. Draw the semantic mapping of animals.


Food Types


o Give Your Description of WILD ANIMALS

……… ………

o Why DOMESTIC ANIMALS are tame? Explain

……… ………

o Rewrite the letter into the correct order based on the clue!


1. ………


2. ………


3. ………


4. ………



Level : 2 year

Theme : Flora and Fauna

Sub theme : Domestic Animals

Approach : Active Learning

Method : Discussion, Work Classes

Time allocation : 2 x 40 minutes

Basic competence : Students are able to communicate in spoken and written language by using appropriate register fluently and accurately in interactional discourse and/or monologues in the forms of narrative, descriptive and recount.

Indicator : Student could classify animals includes to domestic animals, and mention the

characteristic of animals.

Evaluation : Written text

No Activity Time


Class organization

Material attendance list


1 Opening 7 - - o Teacher gets students


good morning students, how are you today?

(Respond by the students).

o The teacher checks the attendance list by calling the students’ name one by one.

2 Warming up /


10 - - o The teacher begins the lesson “lets start

our lesson today by reciting Basmallah”. o The teacher informs the students the

topic of the lesson “today we are going to talk about animals”.

o The teacher simulates students about the topic by asking some question:

“tell me what animal do you know? Mention them”. Teacher writes the answer on the board. The teacher guiding students to specify animal into two kinds: domestic animal (pets) and wild animal. “How many kind of animal do we have?” What is the special characteristic of the dog, etc?


2. How does a cat sound like?

3. Lion, tigers and bear are pets or wild animal?

4. If a young cat is kitten, what is young dog?

5. Snake is kind of? Birds or Reptiles. o Teacher writes the answer on the board.

4 Review /


8 Individual Exercise o Students answer the question below.

1. C – O – R – C – O – L – I – D – E.

2. R – O – O – N – O – G – K –A.

3. U – D – C – K.

4. L – E – P – A – H – N – T – E. 5. B – T – E – U – T – R – L – F – Y.

5 Closing 5 - - o The teacher asks the students about the

best conclusion about the lesson. o The teacher indeed the lesson ok, that’s


Wednesday, lets end the lesson by saying Hamdallah.“

Jonggol, August 18th 2009 Mengetahui:

Guru Mata Pelajaran Mahasiswa

Nurwidi Astuti, S.Pd Zaini Rahman


Level : 2 year

Theme : Flora and Fauna

Sub theme : Habitat

Approach : Active Learning

Method : Discussion and Work Classes

Time allocation : 2 x 40 minutes

Basic competence : Students are able to communicate in spoken and written language by using appropriate register fluently and accurately in interactional discourse and/or monologues in the forms of narrative, descriptive and recount.

Indicator : Student could classify animals includes their habitat, and mention the

characteristic of animals.

Evaluation : Written text

No Activity Time


Class organization

Material attendance list


1 Opening 7 - - o Teacher gets students


Good morning students, how are you today?

(Respond by the students).

o The teacher checks the attendance list by calling the students’ name one by one.

2 Warming up /


10 individual - o The teacher begins the lesson “let’s start

our lesson today by reciting Basmallah”. o The teacher informs the students the

topic of the lesson “today we will go to continue about animals”.

o The teacher simulates students about the topic by asking some question:

“Tell me what animal we can see in farms? Mention them”. Teacher writes the answer on the board.

3 The lesson 1 15 Individual Text o Some students read aloud the text about

animal farms.

4 The lesson 2 35 Individual Discussion o Students discuss about animals and their


each word, and write the sentence on the space provided.

3. Students have to identify the habitat, types and foods.

5 Review /


8 Individual Test of


o Students write the letter into the correct order based on the clue given.


Small and like a human blood

o Students have to identify the scrambled word.


A Cat ……… A Frog ……… A Butterfly ……… A Dolphin ……… A Snake ………


6 Closing 5 - - o The teacher asks the students about the best conclusion about the lesson. o The teacher indeed the lesson ok, that’s

all the lesson for today, see you on …… lets end the lesson by saying


Jonggol, 25th August 2009 Mengetahui:

Guru Mata Pelajaran Mahasiswa

Nurwidi Astuti, S.Pd Zaini Rahman


Level : 2 year

Theme : Flora and Fauna

Sub theme : Habitat

Approach : Active Learning

Method : Using Puzzles

Time allocation : 2 x 40 minutes

Basic competence : Students are able to communicate in spoken and written language by using appropriate register fluently and accurately in interactional discourse and/or monologues in the forms of narrative, descriptive and recount.

Indicator : Student could classify animals includes their habitat, and mention the

characteristic of animals.

Evaluation : Written text

No Activity Time


Class organization

Material attendance list


1 Opening 7 - - o Teacher gets students


Good morning students, how are you today?

(Respond by the students).

o The teacher checks the attendance list by calling the students’ name one by one.

2 Warming up /


10 individual - o The teacher begins the lesson “let’s start

our lesson today by reciting Basmallah”. o The teacher informs the students the

topic of the lesson “today we will go to continue about animals”.

o The teacher simulates students about the topic by asking some question:

“Tell me what animal we can see in farms? Mention them”. Teacher writes the answer on the board by making a semantic mapping.


divided into 5 group

puzzle 1. Each group has to find 10 words

related to the topic animals in the puzzle.

2. The group has to make sentence for each word, and write the sentence on the space provided.

5 Review /


8 Individual Test of

vocabulary in the scramble

letter puzzle form

o Students write the letter into the correct order based on the clue given.


Small and like a human blood

A B A cat Some mammals live in

the sea.

A butterfly Small animal with soft fur, often keep as a pet or for catching mice.


A dolphin An insect with long thin body and four usu brightly colored wings.

A snake Amphibian

6 Closing 5 - - o The teacher asks the students about the

best conclusion about the lesson. o The teacher indeed the lesson ok, that’s

all the lesson for today, see you on …… lets end the lesson by saying


Jonggol, 25th August 2009 Mengetahui:

Guru Mata Pelajaran Mahasiswa

Nurwidi Astuti, S.Pd Zaini Rahman


Name : ……… Date : ……..,……….. 2009

Class : ……… Time : 40 minutes

Sex : Male / Female Score :

Read the following text with the suitable words in the box! ALL KINDS OF ANIMALS

You have probably seen many different animal of TV. There are animals that live on land and animals that live in water. Some animals have wings, some animals don’t. Some animal lay eggs while others give birth. To make easier to study animals, scientist usually divide them into groups.

The first group is mammals. Lions, bears, elephants, horses, monkeys, mice and sheep are mammals. Mammals give birth to their babies. Then, they feed their babies with milk from their breast, like humans. Some mammals live in the sea. They are whales and dolphins.

The second group is called birds. Birds have wings and feather and most of them can fly. Birds don’t give birth, instead they lay eggs. Birds like ducks, geese and swans can also swim in the water. Some birds like chicken, penguins, and ostriches can’t fly.

The third group is reptiles. Reptiles are cold blooded. Most reptiles are lay eggs. They are lizard, snakes, crocodiles, and komodo dragons.

Amphibian can live on land and in the water. They look like reptiles. A commonly found amphibian is a frog.

A group of animals can only live in the water. They are called fish. To help them to swim, they have fins. Fish also can breathe in the water using their gills.


The last group is insects. We can see many insect everyday like flies, bees, mosquitoes, cockroaches, crickets, and grasshopper. Most insect has wings. Their bodies are divided into three parts. Insect usually has six legs.

1. What are the characteristic of mammals? 2. Do birds give birth?

3. What does fish have to help it swimming? 4. Does fish breathe with lungs?

5. Is all bird able to swim?

6. Mention the mammal which lives in the sea? 7. How many legs do usually an insect has?

Complete the sentence below with can or can’t

1. Zebras ... climb but they ... run very fast. 2. Penguins ... fly but they ... swim.

3. Kangaroos ... jump very well but their babies ... jump for eight month.

4. Kangaroos ... jump for 9 metres but they ... walk 5. Tigers ... run very fast but their babies ... see.

6. Bears ... climb but their babies ... see for two weeks. 7. Ostriches ... fly but they ... run fery fast.

8. Polar bears ... run very fast and swim very well but they ... jump.

9. Male gorillas ... climb well but the female and young gorilas ... climb.

10.Chameleons ... look at two directions at the same time but

they... fly.

Put the verb in the brackets into present tense!

1. Whales and dolphins (be) ... mammals.

2. Female elephants (carry) ... the baby for 20-22 month. 3. A snake (not give birth) ... It (lay eggs) ...


7. A kangaroo (have) ... a pouch.

8. Mammals (give birth) ... while bird (lay) ...egg.

Arrange the letter into the correct order!

1. C – O – R – C – O – L – I – D – E.

2. R – O – O – N – O – G – K –A.

3. U – D – C – K.

4. L – E – P – A – H – N – T – E. 5. B – T – E – U – T – R – L – F – Y. 6. R – O – H – S – E..

7. T – G – E – I – R. 8. K – E – Y – M – O – N.


Answer Key 1. What are the characteristic of mammals?

Mammals give birth to their babies. Then, they feed their babies with milk from their breast.

2. Do birds give birth? No, they lay eggs

3. What does fish have to help it swimming?

To help them to swim, fishes have fins. Fish can also breathe in the water using their gills.

4. Does fish breathe with lungs? No, they are not

5. Is all bird able to swim? No, not all of them can swim

6. Mention the mammal which lives in the sea? Dolphins and whales

7. How many legs do usually an insect has? Insect usually has six legs

1. Zebras can’t climb but they can run very fast. 2. Penguins can’t fly but they can swim.

3. Kangaroos can jump very well but their babies can’t jump until eight


4. Kangaroos can jump for 9 metres but they can’t walk 5. Tigers can un very fast but their babies can’t see.

6. Bears can climb but their babies can’t see for two weeks. 7. Ostriches can’t fly but they can run fery fast.

8. Polar bears can run very fast and swim very well but they can’t jump. 9. Male gorillas can’t climb well but the female and young gorilas can climb. 10.Chameleons can look at two directions at the same time but they can’t fly.


4. A rabbit likes carrot very much. 5. Koala bears comes from Australia.

6. A plant gives fruits. It also releases oxygen. 7. A kangaroo has a pouch.

8. Mammals give birth while bird lays egg.

1. C R O C O D I L E.

2. K A N G O R O O

3. D U C K.

4. E L E P H A N T .

5. B U T T E R F LY.

6. H O R S E.

7. T I G E R.




Name : ……… Date : May 2009

Class : ……… Time : 40 minutes

Sex : Male / Female Score :

A. Complete the description with the correct answer!

Is/are lives/live eats/eat sleeps/sleep climbs/climb

Koala bears

Koala bears (1)... mammals. They (2)... in Australia. They (3)... in trees and they also (4) ... in trees. They (5)... leaves. They can (6)... very well.

Koala bears (7) ... usually small. The babies (8)... only two

centimeteres Tall. This koala bear (9) ... an adult koala. It (10) ... about 0.5 metres tall. It (11) ... about 1 kg of leaves a day.

B. Fill in the blank with appropriate word below.

Climate Season Sun Hot Enough Warm

In the dry (12) …….. the (13) ……. Shines brightly. The skies are blue and the day is usually very (14) …., but It is (15) …. All day and there is very little rain. The rivers do not have (16) …. water. Some rivers are even dry.

C. Choose the correct answer!

17) A cat (give, gives) milk to its babies. 18) Reptiles (has, have) thick skin.


22) Zebra (come, comes) from afrika.

23) Bats (live, lives) in trees. Their blood (is, are) cold. 24) A tortoise (eats, eat) leaves and grass.

25) A tortoise (is, are) a reptile.

D. Arrange the letter into the correct order!

26) N – D – I – O – S – A – U – S – R

27) K – E – Y – M – O – N

28) R – O – G – F

29) B – B – T – I - R – A


Answer key

1) Are

2) Live

3) Eat

4) Live

5) Sleep

6) Climb

7) Are

8) Are

9) Are

10)Is 11)Is 12)Season 13)Sun




17)Gives 18)Have


22)Come 23)Live 24)Easts 25)Is



28)Frog 29)Rabbit 30)mouse








































