Background of Study INTRODUCTION


A. Background of Study

Language is the most important element in communication. People from all over the world know each other through language. It is also an unlimited phenomenon, since it is considered as the never-ending story, which cannot be separated from human life. In fact, people use the language to express their emotions, feelings, and ideas. There are various languages in the world such as Indonesian, Arabic, French and others. Recently, English has become the international language that used by people to connect and share with the other. Besides, English is used as a means of communication among people in the world, it is also used in variety of scientific fields generally; the acquisition of English will help the people in developing of technological transfer and technological advance. The short coming of English knowledge is one of motivations to progress in certain areas, for example in computer fields, business field, tourism, educational technology, and so on, English is also very important for disseminating news in many countries around the world. As we know in Indonesia the main foreign language which is taught in school is English, therefore it becomes one of the compulsory subjects. It is very important for the development of knowledge, science, culture and relationship among others. For their reason, English becomes the main foreign language subject which is taught in all levels, from elementary school up to university. 1 There are four language skills that we might know in English language, they are: listening, speaking, reading and writing. In addition there are also three language components to teach: such as grammar, sound and vocabulary. Long and Richard stated that: “vocabulary like grammar is essential component of all aspects of language”. 1 One of the English components taught to the learners is vocabulary, because it has primary role for all language skills as Linda said: “adult learner that does appear to be slowed down by age”. 2 In other words, the statement implies that vocabulary plays an important role in communication. All skills demand much on the vocabulary mastery. A good vocabulary goes hand in hand with the ability to think logically and to learn easily and quickly. A good vocabulary handling is an ability to use words correctly and effectively. It can be a passport to the world of interesting and exciting information. Large vocabulary helps to express an idea precisely in communication. It is often believed that a large number of words are needed to master English language, because knowing many words in a foreign language is very important. The more words you know, the better your chance to understanding or making yourself understood. 3 Sometimes, there are some difficulties in understanding the meaning of words, in differentiating the word forms, and in applying the words in a sentence. In other case, some words are sometimes difficult to know the forms grammatically, such as noun, verb, adjective, or adverb. Michael Swan stated that noun is a word. Nouns are most often the names of people or things. 4 1 Michael H Long and Jack C Richard, Methodology in TESOL: A Book of Reading New York: New Barry House Publisher, 1987 , p. 305 2 Linda Taylor, Teaching and Learning Vocabulary New York : University Cambridge Press, 1990, p. 1 3 Julian Edge, Essentials of English Language Teaching, Singapore, Longman Singapore Publisher, 1993, p. 27 4 Michael Swan, Practical English Usage New York: Oxford University Press, 1995, p.xxv The importance of learning new vocabulary has encouraged language teachers of English today to move from passive learning to active learning, to find better ways of engaging students in the English language learning process. But many teachers feel the need for help in imagining what to do, in or out of class that would constitute a meaningful set of active learning. To help drive active students in the class, teachers need games to involve in the teaching-learning process. Games in the school are sometimes viewed as an activity in which students can only get fun or amusement without anything they can learn from it but games can also be used as one of educational aids in teaching. In teaching and learning process, the important thing is not only how much or how less teaching and learning are done in the classroom, but also how the students are active and fun in their leaning process. It has formed the philosophy of learner-centered method that is divided into two focuses on the language process and the language content. Nowadays, students need to know the ways to find the meaning of difficult words. In the teaching-learning process for example, the students are influenced by motivation. The students need something fun and easy to memorize the vocabulary. By using the suitable material, the lessons will be more interesting, efficient and effective. That is why the writer takes the puzzle game that can be used to reinforce students’ vocabulary, because puzzle can give easier way for students to find out the word without looking up the dictionary. In this study, the teacher is hoped to be creative to give the clue of word and is supposed to think carefully about the puzzle they choose, so using puzzle could be effective. Before, the teachers are required to know the use of game, the principle of using game and procedure for playing game. Nowadays, the challenge is how to use puzzle in teaching vocabulary. As we know mastering vocabulary is not easy, yet other aspects of the language should be considered such as; sound and structure. Vocabulary is one of the most important elements in language. We could not speak the language well if we do not master it. No matter how well we learn grammar, how successfully the sound of a foreign language is mastered, without words to express a wider range of meanings, communication in the foreign language just could not happen in any meaningful way. 5 Based on the theory above, the writer is interested in discussing puzzle in teaching vocabulary. According to the preceding statement, the topic that will be discussed by the writer is “REINFORCING STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY THROUGH PUZZLE GAMES”.

B. Identification of Problem