Reinforcing Students' Vocabulary Through Scrabble Game



Aris Hakim






2014 M/1435 H





In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. All praises be to Allah, lord of the world who has given the Mercy and Blessing upon the writer in completing this “Skripsi”. Peace and salutation be upon the prophet Muhammad, his family and his followers.

His greatest appreciation, honor and gratitude to her beloved parents ( Lukman Hakim Marzali and Adriwati Sikumbang ), for their valuable supports and moral encouragements in motivating the writer to finish his study. And also his beloved sister and brother ( Anita Purmasari Hakim and Adnan Surya Hakim ) for their supports to the writer in writing this “Skripsi”.

The writer also would like to express his deepest gratitude to Drs. Nasrun Mahmud, M. Pd. For his advice, guidance, corrections, and suggestions for this “Skripsi”.

His gratitude also goes to:

1. All lecturers of Department of English Education who have taught and educated the writer during his study at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. 2. Nurlena Rifa‟i, MA, P.Hd the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers


3. Drs. Syauki M. Pd, the head of English Education Department.

4. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum, the secretary of English Education Department. 5. Drs. Soekamto, M.M, the head master of SMA Kartika X-1, who has given a

great chance to the writer to carry out the research at the school he leads. and Drs. Kamaluddin Ismail, the English teacher of SMA Kartika X-1, as the collaborator who has helped him in conducting the research.


contribution to the writer during finishing his “Skripsi”. The words are not enough to say any appreciations for their help.

May Allah bless them for all of what are they have done.

Finally, the writer feels it is really pleasure for him to receive critics and suggestions to make this skripsi better. He also hopes that this “Skripsi” would be beneficial, particularly for him and for those who are interested in it.

Jakarta, 23 Juli 2014


“ReinforcingStudents’ Vocabulary t

Research at the Tenth Grade of SMA Kartika X-1 Pesanggrahan)”. Presented to the English Education Department Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers‟ Science. Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta 2014.

Advisor: Drs.Nasrun Mahmud, M.Pd

Key words: Reinforcement, vocabulary, scrabble game

The research is conducted in order to describe the application of reinforcing students‟ vocabulary through scrabble game at the first grade students of SMA kartika X-1.

A Classroom Action Research (CAR) used as the research method in this study in overcoming students‟ problem of learning English especially in vocabulary. Kemmis and McTaggart design is used in this research, in which it consists of four phases; planning, acting, observing, and reflecting per cycle. In sustaining the research result, two types of data are collected; qualitative data derived from observation and interview towards the students and the teacher as well. On the other hand, the quantitative data that derived from the test result; pre-test and post test result. Then, those data analyzed by the researcher by using descriptive analysis and statistic analysis to know the final result of the implementation of scrabble game towards students English language learning in the Classroom Action Research (CAR).

The result of this research shows that using scrabble game activities in teaching vocabulary at first grade of SMA Kartika X-1, can motivate the students to learn English and reinforce their vocabulary ability. The students‟ responses showed that they were interested to learn English vocabulary because they thought that the activities were interesting. Moreover, the students‟ achievement in pre-test and post-test which are analyzed that showed a significant improvement. The students‟ average score in pre-test was 66.13 and the average score in post-test was 75.77 while the improvement of students‟ average score in pre-test and post-test was 9.64. From this result, the researcher concluded that teaching vocabulary using scrabble game activities at tenth grade students of SMA Kartika X-1 can improve students‟ vocabulary ability.


Pesanggrahan)”. Dipersembahkan kepada Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Pendidikan. Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta 2014.

Advisor: Drs. Nasrun Mahmud, M.Pd

Key Words: Reinforcing, vocabulary, scrabble .

Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk menggambarkan sekitar aplikasi penguatan kosa-kata siswa melalui permainan scrabble pada kelas X SMA Kartika X-1 Pesanggrahan.

Dalam mengatasi permasalahan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris khususnya dalam kosakata yang dihadapi oleh siswa, penulis menggunakan metode Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Model penelitian tindakan yang digunakan adalah model penelitian Kemmis dan McTaggart dimana dalam setiap siklusnya terdiri dari empat fase; fase pertama yaitu perencanaan, kemudian pelaksanaan, pengamatan dan yang terakhir adalah refleksi. Untuk mendukung hasil dari penelitian ini, si penulis mengumpulkan dua macam data yakni data yang bersifat kualitatif yaitu data yang diperoleh melalui observasi dan interview terhadap siswa dan guru yang bersangkutan. Dan atau data yang bersifat kuantitatif yakni data yang diperoleh dari hasil test baik pre test maupun post test. Kemudian data-data tersebut dianalisa dengan menggunakan analisis deskripsi dan analisis secara statistik untuk mengetahui hasil akhir dari penerapan permainan scrabble terhadap pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris dalam Penelitian Tindakan Kelas tersebut.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan scrabble game activities dalam mengajar kosakata bahasa Inggris di kelas X SMA Kartika X-! Pesanggrahan dapat memotivasi siswa untuk belajar bahasa Inggris dan menguatkan kosakata mereka. Respon dari siswa menunjukkan bahwa mereka tertarik untuk belajar kosakata karena menurut mereka kegiatan yang digunakan menarik. Disamping itu, pencapaian siswa dalam pre-test dan post-test yang dianalisa menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan. Nilai rata-rata siswa pada pre-test adalah 66.13 dan nilai rata-rata pada post-test adalah 75.77, sementara peningkatan nnilai rata-rata pada pre-test dan post-test adalah 9.64. dari hasil ini peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa pengajaran vocabulary dengan menggunakan scrabble game activities di kelas X SMA Kartika X-1 Pesanggrahan dapat menguatkan kosakata siswa.









CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study……….………1

B. Limitation and Formulation of the Problem………5

C. Objective of the Study……….5

D. Significance of the Study……….5

E. Organization of Writing………...5


1. Definition of Vocabulary………...………7

2. Kinds of Vocabulary Items………..…………..9

3. What Do Students Need to Know?...10

B. GAME………16

1. Definition of Game……….………….16

2. Forms of Language Games….……….16

3. Roles of Game in Language Teaching……….17

4. Principles of Game Selection……….………..18

C. SCRABBLE GAME……….……….19

1. Definition of Scrabble Game………….………..19

2. Rules of Playing Scrabble Game……….19


1. Reinforcers……….………..21



A. Subject of Study………25

B. Place and Time of the Research……….25

C. Research Instrument………..25

D. Technique of Data Collecting……….……...26

1. Observation………..26

2. Test………..26

3. Interview………..26

E. The Writer‟s Role on the Study………...27

E. Data and Data Sources………...27

1. Event………27

2. Informant……….27

3. Place……….27

F. Technique of Data Analysis………...27

G. Action Research Procedure:……….……….29

1. Cycle 1………...34

a. Planning………...34

b. Action………...……….34

c. Observation………..……..34

d. Reflection………..……….34

2. Cycle 2……….………35 a. Planning……….35

b. Action………35

c. Observation………35

d. Reflection………...36


b. Data from Interview with the English Teacher…..39

c. Data from Interview with the Students…………..40

3. The Implementation of Scrabble Game in Teaching Vocabulary………41

a. Cycle One………42

1. Planning………...42

2. Action………..43

3. Observation……….…….44

3. Reflection……….…45

b. Cycle Two………..45

1. Planning………..45

2. Action……….……46

3. Observation……….46

4. Reflection………47

4. The Improvement of Students‟ Vocabulary Achievement………...48

5. Students‟ Responses on the Implementation of Teaching Vocabulary by Using Scrabble Game……….50


1. Data of Observation………..65

2. Data of Interviews……….66

3. The Implementation of Scrabble Game Activity to Reinforce Students‟ Vocabulary………..67









A. Background of Study

The emergence of globalization era which has caused no borders between countries in this world, people decide an international language to overcome the communication problems when people from different countries with different languages meet in some occasions. Today, the first international language is English. Therefore, almost all people in this world try to master English in order to be accepted in this globalization era.

The ever-growing need for good communication skills in English has created a huge demand for English teaching around the world.1 Millions of people today want to improve their command of English or to ensure that their children achieve a good command of English. The opportunities to learn English are provided in many different ways such as through formal instruction, travel, and study abroad, as well as through media and Internet. The worldwide demands for English have created an enormous demand for the quality of language teaching and language teaching materials.

Communication is an essential need for human being. Language as a means of communication has an important role to reveal an intention to someone else. Since language is a means of communications, it is not enough for students to learn words, phrases and grammatical features if they want to produce language in their daily communication or to interact with others in English. Therefore, we are hoped to consider the goal of English teaching today, that is to develop what Hymes in Jack C.


Jack C. Richards, Communicative Language Teaching Today, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), p.1


Richard‟s referred to as “communicative competence”. Communicative competence is a definition of what a speaker needs to know in order to be communicatively competent in a speech community.2

Therefore students are hoped to master English. In fact the students do not master the English yet. It can be known from the writer‟s experience in teaching English at Kartika Senior High School X-1. The students always ask the writer about the meaning of the words

One of English components taught to the learners is vocabulary because it has primary role for all language skills as Linda said “vocabulary may have special importance for adult learners, since it is the one area of the language learning that does not appear to be showed down by age.3 Vocabulary makes good students‟ performances in all aspects especially in communication. But it does not mean the other components are ignored such as: phonology and syntax. All of these aspects are learned together, they are attached one to another.

Mastering English language well needs a large number of words. This belief is not wrong because limited vocabulary is doubtful to use the language precisely and vividly. And sometimes it can cause difficulties in understanding the meaning of the words, in differentiating word form, and in applying the words in sentences. When a word is found, it cannot be known its form grammatically, such as; noun, verb, adjective, or adverb. When we look up the meaning of words, we always find several meanings given.

Knowing word roots and affixes can help to understand the meaning of a word and increase vocabulary easily as AM. Zainuri says “on the other hand in vocabulary, many English words consist of roots and affixes. They frequently can be


Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching A Description and Analysis, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994), p. 69.


Linda Taylor, Teaching and Learning Vocabulary, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990), p. 1


found in many contexts in reading texts; and in conversation in speaking and listening. Recognizing roots and affixes can increase vocabulary effectively.”4

Mastering vocabulary is not easy, yet other aspects of the language are considered as sound, and structure. Vocabulary is one of the most important elements in a language. To speak the language well needs to master it. No matter how well you learn grammar, how successfully the sound of the foreign language just cannot happen in any meaningful way.5

Vocabulary is important in learning a foreign language. It is one element that links the four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing all together. In order to communicate well in a foreign language, students should acquire a sufficient number of words and know how to use them accurately.6

We can improve our vocabulary such as by reading books, watching TV, or learning through internet such chatting among the country and film video. Increasing learning process the teachers are hoped to develop their students‟ ability to communicate to others by giving them practice pattern, which contains the vocabulary items for every day situation.

Students need something fun and easy to access the vocabulary quickly when is required for use. By using a suitable method, his subject matter will be more interesting and teaching learning process can be more effective and efficient, therefore the purpose can be achieved.

Teacher is an important factor for the students‟ progress, to help the students master the material of language skills. The teacher is hoped to make the suitable methods of teaching or techniques.


AM. Zainuri, vocabulary I, (Jakarta: UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 2003), p. 29


Norbert Schmit and Michael Mc. Chartey, Vocabulary: Description, Acquisition and Pedagogy, (London: Cambridge University Press, 1997), p. 140


Anonymous, Kurikulum 2004 SMA; Pedoman Khusus Silabus Berbasis Kompetensi (Jakarta: PT. Binatama Raya), p. 2


In teaching vocabulary at first grade of SMA Kartika X-1, the teacher teaches the students traditionally. The teacher asks the students to read a text in the textbook together. Then, the teacher asks the students to look up the words in dictionary to check the meaning of the word and to ask them to memorize that vocabulary. And sometimes, the teacher asks the students about that vocabulary and they do not remember it. This teaching strategy cannot help the students to reinforce their vocabulary.

This strategy influences the teaching of vocabulary which causes many problems.

The teacher also has difficulties to teach the materials in a large class. The main problem is the way to manage it. During the teaching hours, the teacher makes the students pay attention to the materials given to them and also to their friends‟ performances in front of the class. It needs hard work for getting students attention without giving them an interesting activity for more than one hour.

Based on the problems above, the writer tries to give a solution for the teacher to implement an English teaching strategy which can motivate and give more opportunities for the learner to contribute in English teaching process that is playing scrabble game. This strategy is designed to create students‟ interests to learn with pleasant. In playing scrabble game activity, the game played with two to four players with the players using their vocabulary to create words. Scrabble allows players to use any word in the English language except for words that are capitalized which need hyphens, abbreviations, prefixes or suffixes. Using scrabble game in teaching vocabulary will encourage the students to reinforce their vocabulary that they have stored in their brains. These types of activities are extremely effective in the foreign language classroom.

Based on the problems above, it encourages us to think how to manage classroom activities to be an active class so that the students can participate actively in the teaching and learning process and then we can achieve the objective of English


learning. So, in presenting this paper the writer has the title : The Reinforcement Students‟ Vocabulary Through Scrabble Game at Tenth Grade of SMA Kartika X-1. B. Limitation and Research Question

The writer limits the research in discussing reinforcing students‟ vocabulary through scrabble game. The subject of study is students of the tenth grade of SMA Kartika X-1.

The writer proposal question. Can scrabble game reinforce students‟ vocabulary ?

C. Objective of Study

This Classroom Action Research (CAR) is conducted in order to get an easy way to reinforce students‟ vocabulary by playing scrabble game.

D. Significance of Study

The writer hopes this research will give significant advantage in reinforcing vocabulary for students who reads his research paper. He also hopes that it will be useful for the English teacher in SMA Kartika X-1 especially in teaching vocabulary, so that the teacher can manage classroom activities effectively.




A. Vocabulary

In learning a new language, first thing we hoped to have is some vocabulary because it is an important element in the language besides other elements. Whether we need to understand every word in a text depends on why we are reading that particular text. Unless the students understand about this, they may find the vocabulary load of some of the text rather daunting, or when we want to speak, listen or write, we need vocabulary.

1. Definition of Vocabulary

There are some definitions of vocabulary given by experts; it is impossible, how ever, to discuss all of them in this chapter. Therefore, the writer only chooses several of them that in the writer‟s opinion are very important to talk about. Vocabulary is

the total number of words that make up a language.7 Harimukti Kridalaksana says “vocabulary is a component of language that maintains all information about meaning and using words in a language).”8And in Webster‟s Dictionary, vocabulary is defined as follows:

a. A list of collection of words and phrases usually alphabetically arranged and explained or defined


A S. Hornby, Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary, (Oxford University Press, 1985), p. 956


Harimukti Krisdalaksana, Kamus Linguistik, Third Edition (Jakarta, PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1993)p. 27


b. A sum or stock of words employed by a language group individual or work or in relation to a subject scope of language

c. A list of foreign language textbook of the words and phrases taught or used.

If we look it up in the Oxford Advance Dictionary, we find that; 1. Vocabulary can simply be defined as the total number of words that make up a language. 2. (range of) words know to or used by a person, class, or profession.9

“Vocabulary is central to language and critical importance to the typical language learner”.10

“Vocabulary is central to both a system and the use of language. Words are pronounced and written and organized into sentences and other grammatical combinations, being the fundamental units of meaning.”11

From some opinions given above, it seems that vocabulary is a total number of words used by a person, class, profession in communication.


Penny Ur., A course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory, (New York: Cambridge University Press), 1996, p. 60

10Kevin Eyrand, Gillian Giles, Susan Koenig, and Fredika L Stoller, “the

word wall

approach”, English Teaching Forum, Vol. 38 no. 3 July 2000, p. 2


John Algeo, the Cambridge History of: The English Language, Vol IV 1776-1997 Edited by Suzanne Romaine.


2. Kinds of Vocabulary Items

Knowing a word is needed to understand the meaning of a sentence. There are two kinds of words: full words and form words. A.M Zainuri says:

Full words and form words are often known as a content word and an empty word. For instance: the boys will play golf tomorrow. From the example, it can be classified: boys, play, golf, are included in full words category or content words. Meanwhile the, and will, are included in form words or empty words. A word whose meaning is expected to be found in a dictionary is a word which is included in full words or content words. Form words or empty words are included in grammatical category and have grammatical meaning.12

Furthermore Fries explains vocabulary items have four kinds that are classified into four groups as follows:13s

a. first, there are the “function words” those words which, although some of them may have also full-word meaning content, primarily largely operate as means of expressing relations of grammatical structure. These include so-called auxiliaries: prepositions, conjunctions, interrogative particles, and a miscellaneous group consisting of the words for degree, for generalizing, the article, etc. the important auxiliaries are; be, have, do, may, (might), can (could), will (would), shall (should), must, ought to.

The important preposition-adverb (most frequent used): at, by, for, from, to, of, on, and with, behind, in front of, over, under, above, below, beside, between, beyond, around, (place), (direction) through, into, out of, toward, away from, up, down, across (time), before, after, during, since, until, (comparison) like, different, as…as, …than.

The important conjunction; and, that, which, if, as, but, so, who, when, while, what, where, (most frequently used); (time) after, before, until, (cause) for, because, since, (purpose) in order that; (comparison) as …as than: (concession) although, condition unless.

Interrogative particles: who, which, what, whose, when, where, why, how, article the, a, an, degree words more, most, the generalizing particle ever, and special uses of there, it, and one whether; (conclusion) therefore.

b. the second kind of vocabulary items consists of the “substitute” words: the personal pronoun: I, me, us, you, he, hem, she, her, they, them, our, your, his, its, their, mine, ours, yours, theirs, the indefinites, any (one/body/thing/where); and the negative; none,, no body/thing/where;


A.M. Zainuri, Vocabulary I, (Jakarta: UIN Syarif Hidayatullah,2003), p. 13


Charles C. Fries, Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language (Ann Arbor: the university of Michigan Press, 1970) p.38


quantity or number each; both, all, some, any, few, many, several, much, one, ones, two, etc.

Other substitutes include; do (yes, I do), think, say, tell, seem, appear, hope, believe, fear, guess, and the word so.

c. the third kind of vocabulary item consist of those that are distributed in use according to such grammatical matters as the presence or absence of a negative; some (I have some), any (I don’t have any), too, either, already, yet,, etc.

d. the fourth group is of “content” words in English, these content words fall into three classes; class I, the words for things; such as; hat, stone, water, paper, knife, food, blood, etc.

The fourth group is of content words becomes the larges and the meanings can be looked up in the dictionary.

From the descriptions above, it can be summarized that in a sentence there are content words that their meanings can be found in a dictionary and empty words are included as grammatical category.

3. What Do Students Need to Know?

Language students need to learn the lexis of the language. They need to learn what words mean and how they are used. Whilst this obviously involves giving them the names for things it also involves showing them how word are stretched and twisted. Clearly some words are more likely to be taught at lower levels than others, and some uses of words may be more sophisticated than others- and, therefore, more appropriate for advanced students.

We know that our students are aware of the vocabulary they need for their level and that they can use the word which they want to use- and/or the words we have selected for them to use. Vocabulary, what it means and how it should be taught.14

a. Meaning15


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching New Edition, (London: Longman,1991), p. 23 – 24


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching New Edition, (London: Longman,1991), p. 156


The students are hoped to understand about meaning, because from this meaning the students can understand the text. And meaning here has many definitions, it depends on the context. In linguistics, meaning is what is expressed by the writer or speaker, and what is conveyed to the reader or listener. Meaning is inferred from objects or concepts expressed by words, phrases or sentences in semantics. Meaning is inferred from the current context as intended by the writer or speaker in pragmatics. Ambiguity in meaning may cause confusion in what is conveyed, and lead to different interpretations of the current context.

The first thing to realize about vocabulary items is that they frequently have more than one meaning. The word „meaning‟ for example, obviously refers to something we use to read from-(a written work in the form) a set of printed pages fastened together inside a cover, as a thing to be read, according to one learner‟s dictionary. But the same dictionary then goes on to list eight more meanings of book as a verb and three meanings where „book‟ + preposition make phrasal verbs. So it can be said that the word „book‟ sometimes means the kind of thing you read from, but it can also mean a number of other things.

When a word comes across, then, and tried to decipher its meaning it is needed to look at the context in which it is used. If a women in the theatre arguing at the ticket office and saying „but I booked my tickets three weeks ago‟ it will obviously understood a meaning of the verb „book‟ which is different from a policeman (accompanied by an unhappy-looking man at a police station) saying to his colleague. „We booked him for speeding.‟ In order words, it is needed to understand the importance of meaning in context.

From the description above, it shows that: Many English words have more than one meaning. Sometimes words have meanings in relation to other words (by looking at the context in which it is used) such as antonyms and synonyms, general and specific meaning, etc.

So, to know a meaning needs to know meaning in context and sense relations.

b. Word Use16


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching New Edition, (London: Longman,1991), p. 156-157


Word use here is how a word, phrase, or concept is used in a language. Word use involves grammar and thus be the subject of profound analysis. By knowing word use, the students can put vocabulary into a good sentence.

What a word means can be changed, stretched or limited by how it is used and this is something students need to know about.

Word meaning is frequently stretched through the use of metaphor and idiom. It is known the word „hiss‟, for example, describes the noise that snakes make. But stretching its meaning describes the way people talk to each other „”don‟t move or you are dead, “she hissed.‟) That is metaphorical use. At the same time it can be talked about treacherous people as snakes („He is a real snake in the grass‟). „snake in the grass‟ is a fixed phrase that has become an idiom like countless other phrases such as „raining cats and dogs‟, „putting the cat among the pigeons‟, „straight from the horse‟s mouth‟, etc.

Word meaning is also governed by collocation that is which words go with each other. In order to know how to use the word „sprained‟ need to know that whereas it can be said „sprained ankle, „sprained wrist‟ and cannot be said „sprained tight‟ or sprained rib. It can be said a headache, stomachache or earache, but cannot be said a throat ache‟ or a leg ache.

From the descriptions above, it shows that: Word use frequently is metaphor and idiom from word meaning. There is a collocation that is which words go with each other in word meaning. There are style and register words such as formal and informal words.

So, it is better for us to recognize metaphorical language use, know how words collocate, and understand stylistic and topical contexts words and expressions.

c. Word formation17

Word formation here is the creation of a new word. Word formation sometimes contrasted with semantic change, which is a change in a single word's meaning. The students need to know about the change of the words.


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching New Edition, (London: Longman,1991), p.157


Word can change their shape and their grammatical value, too. Students need to know facts about word formation and how to twist words to fit different grammatical contexts. Thus the verb „run‟ has the participle „running‟ and „run‟ the present participle „running‟ can be used an adjective and „run‟ can also be a noun. There is a clear relationship between the word „death‟, „dead‟, „dying‟ and „die‟.

Students also need to know suffixes and prefix work. Ho to make the word potent and expensive opposite in meaning? Why it is prefaced one with im- and the other with in-? There are two kinds of suffixes in English, inflectional and derivational.

Students need to know how words are spelt and how they sound. Indeed the way words are stressed (and the way that stress can change when their grammatical function is different – as with nouns and verbs, for example) is vital of students are able to understand and use words in speech. Part of learning a word is learning its written and spoken form.

From the description above, it shows that words can change their form such as a noun into a verb (advice into advise), etc. so, knowing that can be helped by knowing how words are written and spoken.

d. Word Grammar18

Word grammar here started as a model of syntax, whose most distinctive characteristic is its use of dependency grammar, an approach to syntax in which the sentence's structure is almost entirely contained in the information about individual words.

Just as words change according to their grammatical meaning, so the use of certain words can trigger the use of certain grammatical patterns.

To make a distinction between countable and uncountable nouns. The former can be both singular and plural. It can be said „one chair‟ or two chairs‟. The latter can only be singular, but can not be said „two furniture‟. This difference, then, has certain grammatical implications. „Chair‟ can collocate with plural verbs (provide that it is pluralized) whereas „furniture‟ never can (unless it is the name of a pop group, for example). There are also nouns that are neither countable uncountable but which have a fixed form and therefore collocate only with singular or plural verbs, e.g. „people‟, „the news‟, „ mathematics‟, etc.


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching New Edition, (London: Longman,1991), p.157-158


Verbs trigger certain grammar too.‟ Tell‟ is followed by an object + to + infinitive, for example („he told him to wake him up at six‟) and so is „ask‟, but „say‟ does not work in the same way. The modal auxiliaries in English are; can, could, had better, may, might, must, aught to, shall, should, will, would.19 Knowing modal verbs like „can‟, „must‟, etc. means also knowing that these verbs are followed by a bare infinitive without „to‟. When students don‟t have this kind of knowledge they come up with erroneous sentence which all teachers instantly recognize, e.g. „he said me to come, „I must to go‟ etc. It should be „I must go‟ without adding „to‟ after modal auxiliaries.

From the descriptions above, it shows that there are many words are countable and uncountable noun, singular and plural that can change according to their grammatical patterns.


Betty Schrampfer Azar, Understanding and Using English Language Teaching Grammar second Edition, (New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents, 1989), p. 68


It can be summarized “knowing a word” in the following way:

Meaning in context

Sense relations



Parts of speech

Prefixes and suffixes

Spelling and pronunciation

Nouns: countable and

uncountable, etc.

Verb complementation

phrasal verbs, etc.

Adjectives and adverbs

positions, etc. WORD





B. Game

1. Definition of Game

The word “game” has been applied to a wide variety of human behavior to determine exactly what is meant by “game”. In Oxford Advance Dictionary, game is an activity or a sport with rules in which people or teams compete against each other.20 Rita Susana Larcabal stated that games provide an enjoyable atmosphere, a situation in which communication is essential and a distraction from the study of language itself.21 Game is a structured activity, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as an educational tool.22

2. Forms of Language Game

There are many forms of games applied in a wide variety of human life, such as psychoanalytic games and war game, game of chance and game of strategy, game for the young and for the old. There are many familiar games in which we are involved either as a spectator or a participant. In teaching learning activities, there are many available techniques to transfer the teaching points to students such as demonstration, discussion, and game and so on.

William Francies Mackey made games divided into;

a. Listening game. It consists of perception games that are the grape vine and comprehension game that is fine the object.

b. Speaking game consists of observation game including “point and say, Kim‟s game the here and there game.

c. Reading game consists of recognition game such as “matching the card, say the word kind the word and roulette. Compare game read and go game.


A S. Hornby, Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary, (Oxford University Press, 1985), p. 553


Rita Susana Larcabal, the Role of Game in Language Acquisition, (Washington D.C: English Teaching Forum, April 1992), p. 28



d. Writing game consists of spelling game such as “the magician‟s game, crossword puzzle, composition game include the label and decoding game.23

From the forms of language game above, it shows that there are many kinds of games that usually human beings play in their daily life. In language games, there are four kinds of games: listening, speaking, reading, and writing games.

3. Roles of Games in Language Teaching

Role of game in teaching English is to provide a welcome break in the lesson routine. The games provide new and interesting context for practicing language already learned and for acquiring new language in the process. Game as a technique plays its role in language learning to provide very much fun and relaxation within the frame of language learning and reinforce that learning.

The role of the games in teaching and learning vocabulary cannot be denied. However, in order to achieve most of vocabulary games, it is essential that suitable games be chosen. Whenever a game is to be conducted, the number of students, proficiency level, cultural context, timing, learning topic, and the classroom settings are factors that should be taken into account

Games are highly motivating because they are amusing and interesting. They can be used to give practice in all language skills and be used to practice many types of communication.'

Games also help the teacher to create contexts in which the language is useful and meaningful. The learners want to take part and in order to do so must understand what others are saying or have written, and they must speak or write in order to express their own point of view or give information.24


William Francies Mackey, Language Teaching Analysis, (London: Longman, Green and Co. Ltd, 1995), p. 439



Using game in language teaching helps students to see learning English as enjoyable moment. Playing games in the classroom develop the student‟s ability to cooperate with other students in order to win the competition. Adewui Fawui Abala stated “One significant different between language games and other activity is that they introduce an element of competition into their lesson while we wouldn‟t wish the students to become excessively competitive.25

4. Principles of Game Selection

In determining the role of games to develop students‟ vocabulary, the teacher needs to have their clear purpose in mind if the major purpose is to make learning English vocabulary effectively and successfully. The English teacher thinks carefully about the game selection a head of time before working out their lesson plan. On the other hand they have considered principles of using games.

According to Emilio G Cortez there are some principles of game selection, as follows:26

a. The games should reinforce a particular point of language that the student‟s lack

b. The games should offer practice for items previously taught

c. The games should involve many members of the class and not just a few d. The context should be appropriate to be incorporated in the game

e. The games should contain the elements of surprise of competition f. The games should provide sufficient motion to heighten and to sustain interest

g. The games should conduct in an enough space of the classroom Here are also mentioned the principles game selection, as follows:27 a. The games should involve friendly competition


Adewui Fawui Abala, the Role of Game in the Learning Process, (English Teaching Forum, April 1987), p. 46


Emilio G. Cortez, Some Pointers of Using Games, (English Teaching Forum, Vol. XIII, 1975), p. 308



b. The games should keep all of the students involved and interested

c. The games should encourage the students to focus on the use of language rather than on the language itself

d. The games should give the students a chance to learn, practice, or review specific language material

From the description above, it shows that there are many principles in the game selection, such as; the games should involve many members of the class and the games should keep all of the students interested.

5. Scrabble Game

a. Definition of Scrabble Game

Scrabble is a board game played with two to four players with the players using their vocabulary to create words. They can make a word from 7 letters given to each player to put on an available scrabble board in the game. One of the players must get the highest score to win the game. In Oxford Advance dictionary, scrabble is a board game in which players try to make words from letters printed on small plastic blocks and connect them to words that have been already placed on the board.28

b. Rules of Playing Scrabble Game

In playing scrabble game, there are any differences in conducting the rules due to different rules, which is made by each country or even region. To play scrabble game needs rules to play it. The rules of playing the scrabble game as follows:29 a. Determine the discussion subject that will be used in the game

b. Place every stones, face to down and stir it. Then, determine who is the first player, every player takes a stone and who gets the letter A or the nearest of it, so


A S. Hornby, Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary, (Oxford University Press, 1985), p. 1991



he is the first player. And then, return the stone and stir it. Now every player takes 7 stones.

c. By using that stones in the particular time, the first player creates a word on the board. The word can be placed from left to right or from above downward and the first word must pass the * (center of the board).

d. The player finishes his return by accounting the number that he achieves in his return. Then, he can take the new stone as many it has already used. So, he still has 7 stones on his hand.

e. The player uses the time in the game is one minute to create the word. f. The new words can be formed by:

1. Adding one or more of the letter in one word or the letter has already put on the board.

2. Putting the letters crossly in a word or letter that has already on the board. 3. Placing a word in an equal line that has already on the board, with the

result that create a complete word.

g. The player can use the empty stones to change the letter that he wants. And he must say it.

h. Every player can use his turn to change the stones and take the new stones in an equal number. Then, he waits his turn to play the game.

i. All words which exists in dictionary can be used except the special name which started by capital letter and abbreviations. Check the word with dictionary whether it corrects or not.

j. The game is going on until all of the stones finished and one of the players has used all his stones.

k. The scores of each player can be assisted by totaling the letter‟s score that has already been on the board.


From the rules of playing scrabble above, it shows:

1. There are many different rules conducted by each country or region. 2. Playing scrabble game needs the techniques in making a new word from the tiles given. Making a new word needs to recognize the letter that will form a word.

C. Reinforcement

Reinforcement here can be defined as an event, a circumstance, or a condition that increases the likelihood that a given response will occur in a situation like that in which the reinforcing condition originally occurred. In behaviorism, reinforcement refers to the consequences of desired behavior. Reinforcement may be either positive or negative, depending on its application.

1. Reinforcers

A reinforcer is an event which controls behavior. Consequences or reinforcers may be positive (things a person will try to get or retain) or negative (things a person will try to avoid or escape). Reinforcers may be used to increase (reinforce) or decrease (punish) a behavior. A reinforcer may be either presented or withdrawn to influence the strength of behavior. Thus, there are four distinct methods of influencing a behavior by presenting or withdrawing positive or negative reinforcers. The process of reinforcement always results in an increase or strengthening of behavior. Punishment always results in a decrease or weakening of behavior. Note that negative reinforcement should not be contused with punishment. Negative reinforcement, withdrawing something unpleasant after a behavior, has the effect of increasing or accelerating the behavior it follows. Punishment, withdrawing something pleasant or presenting something unpleasant after a behavior, has the opposite effect of decreasing or decelerating the behavior it follows.30


Gerald Wallace and James M. Kauffman, Teaching Children with Learning Problems second edition, (United State: Charles Merill Publishing Company, 1987), p. 29


Positive Reinforcer

(Something you will work to get) Positive Reinforcement

Effect: increase or strengthen behavior which produces reinforcer; acceleration of behavior.


Behavior: child begins assigned seatwork.

Consequence: teacher smiles at child and remarks, “good, I see you‟ve started!” if the child‟s initial effort at doing his assigned work is consistently given immediate attention and praise by the teacher, the promptness with which he begins his work will likely increase.

Negative Reinforcer

(Something you will work to avoid) Punishment

Effect: Decrease or weaken behavior which produces reinforcer; deceleration of behavior.


Behavior: Child destroys paper other children.

Consequence: Teacher points at child and shouts “NO!”

If the teacher is generally positive, controlled, and soft-spoken in his interaction with the child, but consistently points child and shout “no!” when he begins to destroy another child‟s paper, child‟s destruction of paper will likely decrease.

2. Schedule of Reinforcement

Effective control of behavior is largely a result of the arrangement of consequences. In any behavior- management situations there are rules, either explicitly stated or implicit in the sequence of event, which determine the arrangement of rewards and punishment. These rules which arrange the relationship between the occurrence of behavior and its consequences are called contingencies or


schedule of reinforcement. A contingency states the conditions under which reinforcement will occur. For example, the child may be required to do a certain number of specified behaviors to obtain reinforcement, or he may be expected to complete a task during a certain time interval to get a reward.31

There are two classes of reinforcement schedule: continuous, in which every response is reinforced, and intermittent, in which not all of the child‟s appropriate responses are reinforced.

I. Continuous Reinforcement

Every time the behavior occurs, it is reinforced.

For example, each time the child completes an arithmetic problem correctly he is given a point for his progress chart

II. Intermittent Reinforcement

Intermittent reinforcement is given only part of the times that gives the desired response. It is often used instead of continuous reinforcement once the desired response is conditioned by continuous reinforcement and the reinforcer wishes to cut down or eliminate the number of reinforcements necessary to encourage the intended response.

The number of times a student performs the target behavior will determine when she will receive the reinforcer. Example: A student will be reinforced after turning in four homework assignments.

3. Reinforcing Vocabulary through Scrabble Game

Once students have mastered the fundamental grammatical pattern of a language, his next task is to master or remember its vocabulary or at least that part of its vocabulary that he needs. Nobody ever learns all the words in any language to learn new words as long as we live.


Gerald Wallace and James M. Kauffman, Teaching Children with Learning Problems second edition, (United State: Charles Merill Publishing Company, 1987), p. 30


Before the writer discusses how to reinforce vocabulary through scrabble game, the most important one is we must know the meaning of reinforcing. The writer found it refers to wikipedia, reinforcing is defined as describing something used to reinforce while other defines reinforcing as something reinforces.32

Kufaishi states that a large number of vocabulary items are necessary to success in social, professional and intellectual life; that vocabulary is a vehicle for thought, self-expression, interpretation, and communication.33 It means reinforcing vocabulary should not be delayed. Scrabble cane be used to get rid of the students‟ boredom and can serve a lot of fun. Scrabble has a great tendency to attract attention of students. It also introduces an atmosphere of gaiety, fun and informality in the classroom.

In class situation, way of reinforcing vocabulary is mostly monotonous so, students will get bored easily. Teacher drills the words to the students and ask them to do some exercises, i.e. completing sentences using the suitable word given. Other example is students are asked to match words on column A with the suitable definition on column B. those kind of exercise will not attract students‟ attention. This can cause the influence on the teaching- learning process in the classroom.


http://en. Wikipedia. Org/wikipedia/reinforce


Adil Al- Kufaishi, A Vocabulary Building Program is Necessary not a Luxury, (English: 1989)p. 87




A. Subject of Study

The subject of this study is the first grade students of SMA Kartika X-1. The tenth grade consists of five classes with 30 students or more for each class. For this study the researcher just took out 1 class from the classes above as the subject to be applied for this study.

B. Place and Time of the Research

The writer did his research at junior high school namely SMA Kartika X-1. This school is located on Jl. Kodam Raya No.53, Kodam Bintaro Pesanggrahan, Jakarta Selatan. The research was held from March, 17th 2014 to August, 21st , 2014.

C. Research instrument

The research instruments used in order to get the data needed included observation, documents of teaching-learning process and interview. In order to support the data of teaching and learning process, pre-test and post-test were

conducted in order to know how the students’ scores after they are taught using

scrabble game.

D. Technique of Data Collecting

There are three techniques of data collecting applied in this study; they are observation, test, and interview:


1. Observation

The writer did the observation directly toward English teaching and learning-process in first grade of SMA Kartika X-1 2013/2014 Academic Year. In this research, the writer acted as an active observer. The writer interacted with the students as well as the teacher. In English lesson, the writer observed their vocabulary.

2. Test

The test is used to compare students’ vocabulary achievements before

conducting the research and after conducting the research. The form of the test is the written test. Pre-test and post test are kind of the test that will measure the students’ scores in reinforcing their vocabulary. Both of pre-test and post-test are presented in translating the text and essay form. The writer chooses this form because it is an

appropriate test to measure the students’ ability in reinforcing their vocabulary

through scrabble game. From this test we will know the students’ progress in reinforcing vocabulary before and after teaching and learning vocabulary process through scrabble game.

3. Interview

One of the ways to get deep and more information in the classroom is by using interview. The writer interviewed the students of tenth grade of SMA Kartika X-1. The interview was conducted structurally by using interview guide and it was conducted after finishing teaching and learning process in each of cycle. Here, the researcher took 8 samples of 36 students. The interview was about problem in vocabulary lesson before and after using scrabble game activities in vocabulary lesson.


E. The Writer’s Role on the Study

In this research, the writer works collaboratively with the teacher. The writer’s

role as teacher who makes the lesson plan, prepares the teaching media, and makes the pre-test before conducting Classroom Action Research (CAR) and post-test after

doing the action. Besides, the teacher has role as observer who observes the students’

activities and writer’s activities during the teaching learning process. Then the writer

and teacher discuss about the data and analyze it.

F. Data and Data Sources

The sources of data in this study are: 1. Event

It is the teaching of vocabulary by using scrabble game at tenth grade students of SMA Kartika X-1.

2. Informant

The informants are the English teacher and students of the tenth grade students of SMA Kartika X-1.

3. Place

The researcher conducts this Classroom Action Research (CAR) at SMA Kartika X-1.

G. Technique of Data Analysis

In this research, there are two kinds of data which will be collected by the writer as follow:

a. Qualitative data are about the information which gives a description of

students’ expression about comprehension level toward the subject (cognitive), students’ respond toward new method (affective), and students’

activity toward learning a subject, their attention, their enthusiastic in learning, their response; their motivation of learning that can be analyzed qualitatively. The writer uses descriptive analysis to analyze this qualitative


data, which consists of the observation of students’ activities and teacher’s performance during the teaching learning process, the interview before and after Classroom Action Research (CAR).

b. Quantitative data comprises students’ score of learning outcome. This research can be considered success when they have understood simple past tense. The increasing of their achievement can be shown with increasing score which is gotten by students from pre-test to post-test. The writer used three techniques in analyzing the numerical data as follow:

1) The writer seeks the average of students’ vocabulary score within pre-test and post-test of every cycle by using the formula:37

_ ∑x X = ──


_ X : mean

x : individual score n : number of students

2) The writer seeks the class percentage which passes the KKM score (70) by using the formula:38


P = ── X 100%

N P : the class percentage F : total percentage score N : number of students


Sudjana, Metoda Statistika, (Bandung: PT. Tarsito, 2002), p. 67.


Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistis Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2008), p. 43.


3) To know whether any improvement or not in students’ score, the writer analyzes their score from pre-test up to post-test score in cycle 2 by using the formula of Gronlund is the pre-test subtracted with the post-test.39

G. Action Research Procedure:

This research is Classroom Action Research (CAR), which is done to solve the instructional problems. Classroom Action Research (CAR) is a form of self-reflective inquiry undertaken by participants in a social (including educational) situation in order to improve the rationality and justice of: (a) their own social or educational practices; (b) their understanding practices; and (c) the situation in which practices are carried out.40

CAR is the type of research that could offer a procedure to improve and enhance the professionalism of teachers in teaching and learning in the classroom by looking at various indicators of the success of learning processes and outcomes that occur in the students. In other words, through the CAR teachers can improve learning practices to become more effective.

Action research is classroom-based research conducted by teachers in order to reflect upon and evolve their teaching. It is a systematic, documented inquiry into one aspect of teaching and learning in a specific classroom. The purpose of teacher research is to gain understanding of teaching and learning within

one’s classroom and to use that knowledge to increase teaching efficacy or

student learning. Reflective teachers do this every day, only not as carefully and systematically. With training and support, you can learn how to systemize your inquiry from informal reflection and teacher story sharing to formal research.41


Robert L. Linn and Norman E. Gronlund, Measurement and Assessment in Teaching. (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1995), p.349


Kunandar, Langkah Mudah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (Sebagai Pengembangan Profesi Guru), (Jakarta: Rajagrafindo Persada, 2008), pp. 45-46


Jannifer Kevorkian, Conducting Action Research in Foreign Language Classroom. (New York: Northeast Conference, 1998), p. 1.


It means that classroom action research is an on-the job problem, problem-solving, action and improvement-oriented. Cohen and Manion said that it’s a situational, contextual, small scale, practice, flexible, adaptive, self-evaluation and participatory research. The writer concludes that classroom action research is formative, subjective, interpretive, reflective, and experiential model of an education research based on an inquiry that arises during teaching learning activities.

Dave Ebbutt (cited in Hopkins, 1985) said that action research is about the systematic study of attempts to improve educational practice by group of participants by means of their own practical action and by means of their own reflection upon the effects of those actions42. So, the researcher can see the improvement from the action that he does, the result of what he did whether it is successful or not. While, Jhon Elliot defines action research as:

“Action research is the process through which teachers collaborate in

evaluating their practice jointly; raise awareness of their personal theory; articulated a shared conception of values; try out new strategies to render the values expressed in their practice more consistent with educational values they espouse; record their work in a form which is readily available to and understandable by other teachers; and thus develop a shared theory of

teaching by research practice.”43

Based on the definition above, Classroom Action Research is an effective

medium in improving the quality of English teachers’ performance in instruction as

well as students’ achievement in learning English in classroom. In Classroom Action

Research, English teacher assesses the effectiveness of their teaching activities and plan the improvement based on the result of the assessment. Classroom Action Research for English instruction is aimed at developing innovative instructional

strategy that can help enhance the success in students’ learning English.


Suwandi, Sarwiji, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dan Penulisan Karya Ilmiah (Surakarta: Yuma Pustaka, 2010), p. 9


Mark R. Young and Collegue, Journal of Instruction Pedagogies, Action Research: Enhancing Classroom Practice and Fulfilling Education Responsibilities. P. 1.


English teacher believed that every student can succeed in learning English if appropriate learning strategy is provided. When students fail in learning English, the mistake is on the teachers who do not provide appropriate help to the students. When the students fail in learning English it may be because the teachers have failed in

helping them. And this is the teachers’ problem. Identifying classroom problems and

trying to solve the problems can be done through the process of Classroom Action Research. It is the job of professional teachers to identify their classroom problems and to try to solve the problems.

In this Classroom Action Research (CAR), the writer used the CAR principle to collect the data. Classroom action research is performed in form of processes that consist of four phases, which is: (1) Planning, (2) Action, (3) Observation, and (4) Reflection. This research consists of two cycles and each cycle consists of four elements. The writer described the cycles through the scheme of action research designed by Kemmis and Mc Taggart as follows:


Figure 3.1

Action Research Cycle

(Arikunto, Suharsimi. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendidikan Praktik, (Jakarta; PT. Rineka Cipta, 2006), P.93)


Figure 3.2 Action Research Cycle

(Arikunto, Suharsimi. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendidikan Praktik, (Jakarta; PT. Rineka Cipta, 2006), P.93)

- Deciding appropriate strategy - Make lesson plan

- Choose suitable topic and teaching aids -

- Implementing the lesson plan (teaching vocabulary by using scrabble game

- Identify the problem from students - Revise the lesson plan and the teacher


- Reselected teaching aid -

- Implementing the new lesson plan - Playing scrabble game and use the

dictionary - Evaluate teaching and learning


- Analyze students’ achievement - Revise the action planning for the

next cycle

- Give the questionnaire

-- Ask students’ responses - Observe the class while students

are learning

- Analyze students’ achievement - Discuss with the English teacher - Evaluate action

- Give the questionnaire

- Calculating the post-test to see the improvement


The steps of action procedure in this Classroom Action Research (CAR) in detail as follows:

Cycle 1

1) Planning

The planning of giving an action of this research is to apply discovery 0f learning technique to students in order to be able to improve students’ problem in understanding of the simple past tense. Before implementing it, the writer prepares everything related to the actions that are used in teaching learning process, such as preparing materials, determining an interesting topic, making a lesson plan, preparing a teaching aids, such as interesting recount text and bingo sheet, and also preparing research instruments, such as the structured observation sheet, the field notes, and the posttest.

2) Action

After accomplishing the planning phase, the writer and the teacher discuss about the strategy in acting phase. According to the teacher, he chooses to become an observer, and the writer as the teacher. As teacher, he will conduct the activity based on the lesson plan concerning to vocabulary.

3) Observation

During the teaching learning process, the teacher as observer, he observes the

teacher’s performance, the students’ activity, the students’ participation, the students’ attention, the students’ response and the class situation using the field note and

structured observation sheet.

4) Reflection

After conducting the action phase, the writer and the teacher accomplish a reflection about the activity in the action phase by analyzing observation data with


collaborator and reflecting her teaching experience herself when she implements the

action. Also analyzing the students’ score of pre-test based on criteria success in

order to know that discovery learning is good to imply in teaching vocabulary at tenth grade students of SMA Kartika X-1 or not. If the first cycle is unsuccessful, the writer

will make the next cycle to solve students’ problem.

Cycle 2

1). Planning

After identifying the problems found in cycle 1, the writer will revise the lesson plan and reselect the topics and teaching aids to motivate students, so that they will get a better achievement in reinforcing their vocabulary through scrabble game.

2). Action

In this action, the writer does the teaching-learning vocabulary process that appropriate with the lesson planning that was made. The writer does not do many different strategies with the cycle I. But the writer just does the correcting of the activity that was happened in the cycle I. for examples, the student who makes noisy and moves to the other students’ seat.

3). Observation

In this phase, the teacher as observer accomplishes an observation phase during the teaching and learning process. When he becomes observer, he observes the

students’ activity, students’ participation, students’ attention, students’ response and

students’ situation in the classroom by using field note and observation sheet. Then


4). Reflection

The writer conducts the reflection with collaborator about her activity,

students’ activity and also their situation when the action is accomplished. Then he

analyzes observation data, interview data, pre-test and post-test based on criteria success.

H. The Criteria of the Research Success

These are criteria by which this research considered successful according to Nunan, Those are:

a. The result exceeds the determined target score.

b. The innovation had overall positive response from participating teachers.

c. The innovation had beneficial impact on students’ speaking. A

comparative analysis students’ test score indicated, in terms of

evaluation criteria identified by the researcher.

d. Teachers’ classroom practice changes as a result of participation


e. The objectives of the innovation largely met.

f. The innovation has a number of distinctive features which contributed to its effectiveness44.

In line with these, the writer infers that the research will be considered successful if the implementation of the scrabble game in teaching vocabulary for students first grade bring about changes and benefits by all mean for reinforcing

students’ vocabulary, students’ motivation, and the teaching and learning outcomes.

In this study, the research will succeed when there is 75% numbers of students could achieve some improvement scores from the pre-test until the second post-test in cycle two and/or they could pass the target score of the minimal mastery level


David Nunan, Research Methods in Language Learning, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992), 207-208


criterion (KKM).45 Based on the agreement between the researcher and the teacher and referring to the school regulation at SMA Kartika X-1, The KKM of English lesson is 70 (seventy). So, if the students can achieve the criteria of the action success of this Classroom Action Research (CAR), this research will be stopped. However, if they cannot achieve it, this research will be conducted in the next cycle.


Syaiful Bahri Djamarah dan Aswan Zain, Strategi Belajar Mengajar, (Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta, 2006) p. 108.




In this research finding, the writer presents the data that have been collected. The data description consists of the description of data from observation, data from interview, the implementation of teaching vocabulary using scrabble game and the improvement result of the implementation of scrabble game activities in teaching vocabulary at tenth grade of SMA Kartika X-1.

A. Data Description

1. Data of Observation

Based on the observation conducted by the writer,it is known that in teaching vocabulary at first grade of SMA Kartika X-1, the teacher teaches vocabulary traditionally. The teacher asks the students to read a text in the textbook together. Then, the teacher asks the students to look up the words in dictionary to check the meaning of the word and to ask them to memorize that vocabulary. And sometimes, the teacher asks the students about that vocabulary and they do not remember it. This teaching strategy cannot help the students to reinforce their vocabulary.

This strategy influences the teaching of vocabulary which causes many problems.

The teacher also has difficulties to teach the materials in large class. The main problem is the way to manage it. During the teaching hours, the teacher makes the students pay attention to the materials given to them and also to their friends’ performances in front of the class. It needs hard work for getting students attention without giving them an interesting activity for more than one hour.


2. Data of Interview

a. The Description of Data from Interview with English Teacher of SMA Kartika X-1.

Based on the interview with the English teacher of tenth grade of SMA Kartika X-1 conducted by the writer, it is known that he is the alumna of English Education Department, faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher’s Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

The Teacher has been teaching in SMA Kartika X-1 for almost fifteen years. During his time in teaching English to tenth grade students of SMA Kartika X-1 for almost one year, he found some problems in getting students’ attentions and participations in the classroom, furthermore, the student of tenth grade of SMA Kartika X-1 are very active and noisy, it is very difficult to get their attention and to keep them silent. The English teacher thought that the cause of it may be because not all students motivated in learning English. Besides, it is very difficult to motivate the students to speak English or to perform in front of the class because their lack of vocabulary and difficult to remember it.

The English teacher of first grade of SMA Kartika X-1 teaches vocabulary by asking the students to read a text in the textbook together. Then, the teacher asks the students to look up the words in dictionary to check the meaning of the word and to ask them to memorize that vocabulary. And sometimes, the teacher asks the students about that vocabulary and they do not remember it.

From this interview, it is also known that the English teacher is very rare facilitates the students of first grade in teaching learning process by the other strategies, such a game. The reason is that the time of teaching and learning process inside the classroom is very limited, so it is very difficult to find a suitable activity in this situation. Therefore the writer here tries to make a fun strategy in teaching-learning vocabulary process.


According to the English teacher of first grade of SMA Kartika X-1, the

students’ ability in remembering the vocabulary that they have learnt is still low,

however they have shown some improvements compared to their ability before they learn in SMA Kartika X-1. At first, they look confuse in translating the text or the vocabulary that the writer gave them, but now they are more knowing and remembering the vocabulary.

b. The Description of Data from Interviews with Students of tenth grade of SMA Kartika X-1.

Based on the interviews conducted by the writer to the five students of tenth grade of SMA Kartika X-1, it is known that most students like English; however they are not motivated in learning English because they thought that learning English is very difficult and boring.

The students of tenth grade of SMA Kartika X-1 have some problems in learning English that they can not understand English well and they never have the occasion to reinforce their vocabulary in the classroom, therefore it is easy for them to forget the vocabulary that they have learnt. Most students are motivated in learning vocabulary, however, sometimes they are bored because they are always asked to memorize.

The students said that their English teacher teaches them byasking them to read a text in the textbook together and sometime they read one by one. Then, the teacher asks them to look up the words in dictionary to check the meaning of the words and to ask them to memorize that vocabulary. And sometimes, the teacher asks them about thatvocabulary and they do not remember it.


3. The Implementation of Scrabble Game Activities in Teaching Vocabulary

Based on the information from the data collected, the students were not interested in learning English. They were difficult to learn English, especially in vocabulary. Their score of the English test was poor. They felt the way to teach English was monotonous or not interesting. They needed a method to make them pay attention to the English lesson.

They had limited vocabulary, they felt difficult to remember the vocabulary that they have learnt and they had less motivation in vocabulary class. The teacher had some problems when he teaches in class. The problem was the teacher had a difficulty in handing the passive students and the hyper active ones who always makes a lot of noise in the class during the teaching learning process. To overcome the problem in that school, the writer used scrabble game activities to support the teaching-learning process. The writer teaches the students using scrabble game activity as the technique of teaching the students. The topics used in this research were modern games, sport games, playing kites , children games.

In this research implementation, the writer arranged pre-test and post-test. The test is aimed at measuring the students’ achievement in reinforcing vocabulary. In the pre-test, the writer used a text of game that the students translate it into Indonesian language, answer the questions and change the vocabulary in Indonesian language.

After knowing that the students’ vocabulary ability is low, from the result of pre-test score, the writer prepared two cycles. Each cycle consists of four steps; planning, actuating, observing, and reflecting. After each cycle was done the writer conducted post-test, to know the improvement of students’ vocabulary ability. The description of each cycle can be explained as follows.

This research was held in SMA Kartika X-1 from March, 17th 2014 to April, 18th , 2014in two cycles. Every cycle was conducted in three meetings.



Cycle One

1. Planning

To find the students’ vocabulary ability, the writer did pre-test in cycle one.

The writer planned a lesson plan and selected the appropriate material. There is one lesson plan in cycle one; the topics are modern games, children games and playing kites.

This cycle is begun with the planning process, actuating the learning process, observing and evaluating or reflecting.

a. Based on the first condition, the problems can be identified in the English teaching learning processes that must be solved by the writer are: students’ low motivation and low in remembering the vocabulary that they have learnt. The writer tries to improve their motivation in learning vocabulary and to reinforce their vocabulary through scrabble game activities.

b. Planning to make the students group by looking at the total of students. Based on that case, the writer makes the class into nine groups; each of group has four students.

c. Arranging the English lesson plan with the game topics. The steps of teaching learning process as follows:

1. first activities

Apperception and motivation of the students to the aim of teaching learning process.

2. prominent activities

The writer divides the students into groups by giving one set of scrabble game in each group. And then, the writer explains the scrabble games and the rules of playing scrabble game.


Making evaluation

4. making a paper of evaluation and the paper of observation

5. Preparing the important facility such as the scrabble board games.

2. Action

a. the writer and the students make the class group

b. the writer explained the goal of teaching learning process and gave the

students’ paper activities

c. the writer and the students did the English learning process with the games subject and scrabble, gobak sodor game and playing kites sub-topics. The summary of learning that has been done as follows:

The writer explained the way how to play scrabble game, assessment and the rules of playing scrabble games. Students implemented the games about 30 minutes.

d. after completed, the writer and the students made the summary. The teaching learning activities closed with the evaluation, the writer gave the tasks to the students and the students did it. Doing the tasks such translating the discourse, answering the questions from that discourse and making the sentences after playing scrabble game.

3. Observation

In this phase, the writer observes the students’ response, participation, achievement and everything which is found during the teaching and learning process. Sometimes, the writer also asks students’ opinions about the process of teaching and learning using information gap activities.


4. Dwi Kurniawati : Mengulang-ulangi kosa kata itu 5. Catherine : Membuat kedalam kalimat

6. Priambodo : Menulis kosa kata itu setelah diucapkan 7. Gregorius : Mencari di kamus

8. Tia Afrilia : Mengingat kosa kata itu setelah dipelajari

4. Apa masalah anda dalam belajar vocabulary?

1. Novri Putra : Mengartikan

2. Meilinda : Bila harus menghapal 3. Ahmad Sofyan : Mencari arti

4. Dwi Kurniawati : Tidak ada

5. Catherine : Sulit membuat kalimat 6. Priambodo :Menghapal

7. Gregorius : Mengingat kosa kata itu lagi

8. Tia Afrilia : Mengingatnya lagi setelah dipelajari

5. Bagaimana pendapat anda tentang belajar vocabulary dengan menggunakan

kegiatan permainan scrabble?

1. Novri Putra : Senang

2. Meilinda : Asyik dan menyenangkan 3. Ahmad Sofyan : Santai tapi serius

4. Dwi Kurniawati : Cukup meneyenangkan dan mengasyikkan 5. Catherine : Asyik bias bermain scrabble

6. Priambodo :Pertamanya bingung, tapi lama-kelamaan jadi asyik 7. Gregorius : Kadang susah nyari kosa katanya


6. Apa kesukaan anda ketika belajar vocabulary dengan menggunakan kegiatan permainan scrabble?

1. Novri Putra :Menyusun kata dari keeping-keping permainan scrabble 2. Meilinda :Ketika mencari kosa kata

3. Ahmad Sofyan :Menambah kosa kata 4. Dwi Kurniawati :Jadi bisa bermain scrabble 5. Catherine :Bermain scrabble

6. Priambodo : Mencari kosa kata supaya mendapat poin yang tinggi 7. Gregorius : Belajar bersama dan mencari kosa kata

8. Tia Afrilia : Bisa mudah lebih ingat

7. Apa masalah anda dalam belajar vocabulary dengan menggunakan kegiatan

permainan scrabble?

1. Novri Putra : Tidak ada 2. Meilinda :Tidak ada

3. Ahmad Sofyan :Susah nyari kosa katanya 4. Dwi Kurniawati :Tidak ada

5. Catherine :Sepertinya tidak ada 6. Priambodo : Tidak ada

7. Gregorius : Tidak ada 8. Tia Afrilia :Tidak ada

8. Bagaimana kemampuan anda untuk mengingat kosa kata yang anda miliki,

yang anda rasakan setelah diajarkan dengan menggunakan kegiatan permainan scrabble?

1. Novri Putra : Lebih baik 2. Meilinda : Semakin baik 3. Ahmad Sofyan : Lumayan


5. Catherine : Lebih ingat 6. Priambodo : Memuaskan 7. Gregorius : Biasa aja




Bacalah dengan teliti pertanyaan dibawah ini dan jawablah dengan jujur tanpa dipengaruhi oleh siapapun

1.Apakah anda sudah merasa jelas dengan peraturan permainan scrabble yang anda mainkan?

a. sudah b. belum

2. apakah anda kesulitan dalam bermain scrabble?

a. tidak b. ya

3. Apakah anda benar melakukan Tanya jawab dalam menjawab permainan scrabble?

a. ya b. tidak

4. Apakah ada kesulitan dalam mencari kosa-kata dalam permainan bahasa inggris?

a. ya. b. tidak

5. Bagaimana perasaan anda ketika guru anda memberikan scrabble untuk melatih dalam mengingat kembali kosa kata yang anda kuasai?

a. senang b. bosan c. takut

6. Apakah anda merasa kosa kata yang anda kuasai sebelumnya semakin anda ingat?




Bacalah dengan teliti pertanyaan dibawah ini dan jawablah dengan jujur tanpa dipengaruhi oleh siapapun

1.Apakah anda sudah merasa jelas dengan peraturan permainan scrabble?

a. sudah b. belum

2. Apakah anda kesulitan dalam menyusun kata dalam permainan scrabble?

a. ya b. tidak

3. Kesulitan apa yang anda hadapi ketika menyusun kata berikutnya?

a. kosa kata b. tata bahasa

4. Dengan pembelajaran melalui permainan scrabble, seberapa kuat ingatan anda terhadap kosa kata yang suda anda kuasai tentang tema yang diajarkan?

a. lebih kuat b. semakin lupa c. tidak ada pengaruh 5. Apakah anda semakin senang dengan menggunakan media scrabble?

a. senang sekali b. tidak senang c. bosan

6. Apakah anda kesulitan dalam penyusunan kata berikutnya dari teman anda?

a. ya b. tidak

7. Apakah anda kesulitan dalam tata bahasa dan kosa kata?


Apendix 20 Scrabble Game Triple word score double letter score Triple word score Double letter score Triple word score Double word score Triple letter score Triple letter score Double word score Double word score Double letter score Double letter score Double word score Double letter score Double word score Double letter score Double word score Double letter score Double word score Double word score Triple letter score Triple letter score Triple letter score Triple letter score Double letter score Double letter score Double letter score Double letter score Triple word score double letter score Double letter score Triple word score Double letter score Double letter score Double letter score Double letter score Triple letter score Triple letter score Triple letter score Triple letter score Double word score Double word score Double letter score Double word score Double letter score Double word score Double letter score Double word score Double letter score Double letter score Double word score Double word score Triple letter score Triple letter score Double word score Triple word score Double letter score Triple word score Double letter score Triple word score