Submitted to the English Department Faculty of Language and Arts
UNIMED in partial fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of
Sarjana Pendidikan

Registration Number: 2101121010


Arifsyah Putra, Deby. NIM: 210112010. The Effect of Peer Feedback
Technique on Students’ Achievement in Writing Recount. A Thesis. Faculty of

Languages and Arts (FBS), UNIMED (State University of Medan), 2014.
This study concerns on discovering the effect of applying Peer Feedback
Technique on Student’s Achievement in writing Recount Text. It was conducted
by using experimental research design. This population was 196 grade X students
of SMA Dharma Pancasila Medan. The sample of the research was two classes
divided into two groups, experimental and control group which were chosen by
using random sampling technique. The Grade X MIA-3 as Experimental Group
was taught by using Peer Feedback Technique and grade X MIA-2 as control
group was taught With Discussion Technique. The instrument used to collect the
data was by asking the students to write a Recount Text. Based on the result of the
data analysis, it was concluded that Peer Feedback Technique significantly affect
the student’s ability in writing recount text (t-calculated > t-table, α =0.05). The
appication of Peer Feedback Technique made the students write recount correctly
than Discussion Technique. The calculation of t-test is 2.29 > 1.66 with df 74 and
the level of significance 0.05. It means that the application of Peer Feedback
Technique in teaching learning process has significant effect on writing Recount
text. It is implied that Peer Feedback Technique as one technique which affect
students’ achievement.
Keywords: Peer Feedback Technique, Students’ Achievement, Recount Text

First and foremost, the writer would like to express thanks to Allah SWT,
the Almighty God for Blessing, Health, Protection, knowledge and opportunity
that at last he is able to complete this thesis entitled “The Effect of Peer Feedback
Technique on Students’ Achievement in Writing Recount Text” as one of
requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S1) at English Department,
Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.
This thesis could have not been accomplished without the guidance,
helping, suggestion, advice, motivation and encouragement from people, for
which the writer would like to express her extremely grateful which directed to:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si, the Rector of State University of
Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum, the Dean of Languages and Arts Faculty.
Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd, the Head of English Department and also
his Thesis Consultant.
Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed, as the Head of English Education
Study Program.
Dra. Rahmah, M.Hum as his Academic Consultant and his Reviewer.
Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A, Ph.D and Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed,
Syamsul Bahri, S.S, M.Hum as his Reviewers.
Drs. Ibrahim Daulay, M.Pd the headmaster of SMA Dharma Pancasila
Medan. And the English teacher, Kartina Rahmadani Rambe, S.Pd.
Fujiono and Sarini as his beloved parents, Dewi Fuji Astuti, A.Md.Keb
and Desi Krisna Sari, S.Pd as his beloved sisters, Sertu Arief Utomo
A.Md.Kep as his brother in low, Azzam, Aira, Filzah as his nephew and

Suprapto, Rahimah S.Pdi, Sri Rahayu S.E as his uncle and aunties, his
beloved second parents.
Vicky Zuanda Damanik, Aprianus Ermawan Purba, Junaidi
Lesmana, and Citra Era Parangin-Angin as his brothers, best friends.
Adliya Eka Putri, Meina Safitri Siregar and Sartika Sari his sisters, his
best friends.
Arindawati Sipahutar, Ayu Widyaningtyas, Elnoviamy, Pradiba
Utari, Irna Junita, Sri Devi Meilani, Aminah Ari Fadhila, Christin


Helena, Dessy Sari, Solly Novalia and all members of Reguler C 2010
as his best classmates.
All the Lecturers of English Education Department and also Bu Eis,
Mam Ola and Pak Pantas.


December 2014
The writer,

Deby Arifsyah Putra
NIM. 2101121010


ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................iv
LIST OF TABLE .......................................................................................... vi
LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................. viii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...................................................................
A. The Background of the Study............................................................... 1
B. The Problem of the Study..................................................................... 5
C. The Objective of the Study................................................................... 5
D. The Scope of the Study ........................................................................ 5

E. The Significance of the Study .............................................................. 6
A. Theoretical Framework ........................................................................ 7
1. Students’ Achievement .................................................................... 7
2. Writing ............................................................................................. 9
a. Writing process ........................................................................ 10
b. The Purpose of Writing ........................................................... 11
c. Genre- Based Writing ...............................................................12
1. Recount Text ..................................................................... 14
a. The Rethorical Structure of Recount Text ................... 15
b. Language Feature of RecountText ............................... 12
3. Cooperative Learning ...................................................................... 17
a. Peer Feedback Technique........................................................ 19
1. Guiding Principles for Peer Feedback .............................. 20
2. Advantages of Peer Feedback .......................................... 21
B. Conceptual Framework ....................................................................... 22
C. Hypothesis ............................................................................................ 24
A. Research Design ................................................................................... 25
B. Population and Sample ......................................................................... 26

1. Population ........................................................................................ 26
2. Sample ............................................................................................. 26
C. The Instrument of Collecting Data ....................................................... 26
1. Assessment and Scoring of writing ................................................ 27
D. The Procedure of Treatment ................................................................. 25
1. Pre-test ........................................................................................... 29
2. Teaching Process ........................................................................... 29

3. Post-test ......................................................................................... 33
E. The Technique of Analyzing Data ....................................................... 33
F. The Statistical Hypothesis .................................................................... 33
A. The Data .............................................................................................. 34
B. The Data Analysis ............................................................................... 38
C. Testing Hypotesis ................................................................................ 39
D. Research Finding.................................................................................. 39
A. Concusion............................................................................................. 40
B. Sugestion ............................................................................................. 40
REFERENCES ............................................................................................... 42

Table 1.1 The Presentage Students’ Score in Writing ........................... 2
Table 2.1 The Function of Rethorical Structure ..................................... 11
Table 2.2 The Exampleof Recount Text ................................................. 12
Table 3.1 Randomized Subject Design .................................................. 21
Table 3.2 Assesment in Writing ............................................................. 23
Table 3.3 Teaching Learning Procedure for Experimental Class ......... 27
Table 3.4 Teaching Learning Procedure for Control Class .................... 29
Table 4.1 Total Score Pre-test Post-test Experimental Group ............... 32
Table 4.1 Total Score Pre-test Post-test Control Group .......................... 34

Appendix A Lesson Plan ........................................................................ 43
Appendix B Total Score Pre-test Post-test Experimental Group ............ 84
Appendix C Total Score Pre-test Post-test Control Group ..................... 86
Appendix D The Calculation Score Pre-test Post-test Experimental
Group ................................................................................. 88

Appendix E The Calculation Score Pre-test Post-test control Group ..... 90
Appendix F Calculation Value of t-Table .............................................. 93

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Harmer, Jeremy. 2001. The Practice of English Language Teaching. Third Edition.
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Heaton, J.B. 1989. Writing English Language Test. New York: Longman Group
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A. The Background Of The Study
English is becoming more important in this modern life which parallel
with the developement of science and technology. It is necessary and important to
be studied in order to improve the quality of social life. English is used in oral and
written to make an international contact and cooperation among people in
different countries.
Commonly, everyday people use writing form. They use a simple to
complex written text such as writing letters, notes, memos, stories, etc. It means
that writing holds an important role in daily communication. Through writing
people can express their experiences, events, stories, and ideas. So writing is
central to our personal experience and social identities which is focusing on the
contents, ideas, and written products (Hyland, 2002).
Writing skill is also served in a visible way, which is meant to convey a
message to the reader. The writing should communicate something clearly,
precisely and unambiguity. The aim of writing is conveying the ideas or thoughts
to writing form. Writing is process of putting ideas into words, and then arranges
the words into sentences, and then combines them in to paragraph. Writing
required the mastery of vocabulary, spelling, grammar, punctuation, appropriate
content, coherence. Since all that materials are difficult to master, writing
becomes difficult to be mastered.



Based on Indonesia curriculum , English Language Teaching in senior
high school is aimed at enabling students to reach functional level in a sense that
they can communicate in spoken and written way to solve daily problems. Based
on the Curriculum of 2013, the first grade of senior high school students are
expected to be able to express the meanings in the written forms of the
interpersonal, and transactional discourses, short functional texts, and many kinds
of genres; recount, narrative, news item, report, descriptive and etc in the dailylife contexts.
Refers to English syllabus for grade X of Senior High School student,
recount text is one of genre in writing that should also be well mastered by the
students. They must be able to write a recount text related to their real life.
Recount is kinds of types text genre that retell the past event which the purpose is
informing or entertaining the reader.
Table 1.1
The Percentage Students’ Score in Writing


1st Semester

< 75

29 Students


≥ 75

9 Students


< 75

27 Students


≥ 75

11 Students




2 Semester


Source: Students’ accumulated score of Grade X MIA-1 students at SMA Dharma
Pancasila Medan academic year 2013/2014
From the previous data, it can be concluded that the students’ ability in
writing is still low. It can be seen from the most of students’ score percentage was
under the KKM. The table show that the students’ English achievement at the


school is still need of improving. The minimum competence criteria for passing
the English test is 75.
The Expectation was different from the real life. The writer found that the
students were still confused of what to write and how to write. some students also
feel afraid and ashamed to ask questions to their teachers. Students’ difficulties
occured either because writing is a process to get a product is influenced by some








prunounciation. Moreover, writer had interviewed the English teacher, and then
the writer can conclude that student hardly organize their idea in a right sentence.
Related to the problem described above, the way of teaching needs to be
improved. There are many techniques to make the students have a better
understanding in English learning process that can be used. One of these
techniques is peer feedback technique which is choosen by the writter that
expected to be useful to improve students’ achievement expecialy in writing
recount text. Peer feedback is a practice in language education where feedback is
given by one student to other students in the class. Students was divided into some
small group. In small groups, students share strengths and also develop their
skills. This technique also helps the students to develop their interpersonal skills.
They learn to deal with conflict and improve their understanding of subjects
explored. By grouping the students, teacher easier to teach the student and the
students also were encouraged by the other friends.
According to Atay and Kurt (2007), peer feedback provides the students to
do more practices in writing with their peer. The students will not only listen to


the teacher’s instruction and feedback. They also have chances to give feedback to
their friends’ work and ask for each other’s opinion. They can learn many things
from their groups. In this case, students' anxiety becomes lower and learning
motivation can be higher.
Considering the problem which was found during the observation that
some students feel afraid and ashamed to ask questions to their teachers, writer
expects that peer feedback technique can help to solve the problem. In this
technique students trained to share opinions with their peers. Giving and accepting
feedback and exchange their ideas and thought without being afraid to make
mistakes. Moreover, peer feedback also expected to help the students to take more
responsibilities in learning process. Not only doing their assignments, students
also have to read their friends’ work carefully to be able to give feedback.
In line with the advantages mentioned above, the previous researcher
Ibrahim (2012) proved peer feedback is one of technique which can be applied in
teaching writing. He conducted a research in SMA Negeri 18 Medan and found
that Peer Feedback technique improved students’ achievement in writing narrative
text. It can help students to be more active in class and help to increase students’
writing achievement. By applying peer feedback technique, students’ score in
writing increase from 68.08 to 74.70. It is proved that peer feedback technique is
one of promising technique which can be applied in teaching writing.
Natalia (2014) conducted the experimental research in SMA N 6 Medan
which objective of her studies were to find out the effect of peer feedback
technique on students’ achievement in writing analytical exposition text. The


result of the analysis show that the value of t-observed is higher than value of ttable (2.02>1.66 (α=0.05) with the degree of freedom (df) = N-2 = 66. It means
that there is significant effect of applying peer feedback technique on students’
achievement in writing recount text.
In line with the background above, to achieve writing competence,
corresponding meaning and retorical structure of recount text accurately and
appropriately in the context of daily life. The writer expects to find the effect of
peer feedback technique on students’ achievement in writing recount tex.
B. The Problem of the Study
Based on the background of the study, the problem is formulated in the
“Is there any significant effect of applying peer feedback technique on
students’ achievement in writing recount text?”
C. The Objective of the Study
This study is intended to find out whether students’ achievement taught by
Peer Feedback Technique is higher than the students’ achievement taught without
Peer Feedback Technique in writing Recount text.
D. The Scope of the Study
There are several cooperative learning techniques that can be applied to
improve students’ writing achievement. This study focuses on the applying of
Peer Feedback Technique to improve students’ achievement in writing Recount.
The object of the study is limited on the senior high school students grade X at
SMA Dharma Pancasila Medan.


E. The Significance of the Study
The study were expected to have both theoretical and practical
1. Theoretical perspectives

The result of the research will be useful to improve the teaching
learning process; not only recount material, but also the other

2. Practical perspectives
a. For the teachers
The writer hopes that this research and technique will be inspiring
for English teacher to develop the teaching learning process; not only in
teaching writing but also other skills.
b. For the students
This study also expected to encourage the students to develop their
writing achievement, especially in writing recount through peer
Feedback technique.


A. Conclusion
After the data had been analyzed, it was concluded that peer feedback
technique significantly affect the student’s ability in writing recount text (tcalculated > t-table, α=0.05). Applying peer feedback technique made the students
write recount text grammatically than with discussion technique. The calculation
of t-test is 2.29 > 1.66 with df 74 and the level of significance 0.05. From the
result of the data, it can be seen that the highest score of experimental group was
90 and the lowest score was 60 in post-test. Meanwhile the highest score of
control group was 88 and the lowest score was 55 in post-test.
In conclusion, those findings imply that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) :
Peer Feedback technique affect the students’ achievement in writing recount text
is accepted. Means that peer feedback technique significantly affected on students
achievement in writing recount text.
B. Suggestions
The result of this study shows that application of Peer Feedback
Technique is significantly affect the students’ achievement in writing recount test.
Based on the conclusion above, the researcher point out some suggestions in the
1. For the teacher : in order to get the teaching succesful, it is sugested the
teacher to use Peer Feedback Technique because this approach helps the

teacher in monitoring and encouraging the students so that the students can
expand the ideas easily by shared it to their friends.
2. For the students : it helps the students to write recount text based their
mistakes wich were reviewed by their friends, and also to make the
students more active in the learning process.
3. For the other researcher, may this research will bring a good understanding
how make teaching learning process more eficient and usefull by applying
Peer Feedback Technique not only in writing recount text, but also in each
subject of study.