Research Design Data Collection


3.1 Research Design

In doing this thesis, the writer applies the descriptive qualitative method. Bodgan and Blinken 2007:4 state qualitative research is descriptive and data collected in the form word or picture rather than number. This method attempts to understand and interpret the meaning of an event interaction of human behavior in certain situation according to the writers’ perspectives. Qualitative research is subjective, open, contextual and rational. Besides the descriptive qualitative method, the library research method is also applied to support the validity of the data. Nawawi 1993:30 says “Penelitian kepustakaan dilakukan dengan cara menghimpun data dari berbagai literatur baik dari perpustakaan maupun tempat tempat lain.” Library research is done by collecting data from books in the library or any other places. All the information about this thesis is also collected from internet, dictionary, and any other sources.The resource data of this research is the novel Fingersmith, written by Sarah Waters. This novel was published in 2002 by Riverhead Books consist of 582 pages. The data of this research is words, phrase, sentence which indicate the social condition of lesbians through the main characters. After collecting the necessary data, the data is interpreted and analyzed by applying qualitative methods psychological approach. By doing so, the final step is to make the conclusion and suggestions obtained from the study as a result. Research 24 Design is a depiction of the structure of the planning and execution of this study in order to facilitate researchers to undertake a study in accordance with the correct sequence. These steps are described as the chart below: Internet Book Novel DATA COLLECTING : Socio. Lit Postmodernism RESEACHER INTERPRETATION RESEARCHER FIND DECIDE : READ NOVEL : Fingersmith SUPPORTING THEORY : Sociological Approach QUALITATIVE METHOD ANALYZING DATA Feminism CONCLUSION 25

3.2 Data Collection

The primary source of the data is the novel itself, and the data is the sentences in novel, but not all the sentences are considered as data. Before analyzing the data, the first step which should be done is determining which sentences that would become the data. After collecting all the data which have been found in the novel, the next step is selecting the most significance data which are related to the analysis to make the analysis clear. In other hand, the analysis of this thesis focuses on the main character Susan Trinder who has a sexual deviation. The writer also collects data from other books such as the extrinsic approach as the one of approaches in analyzing literary works, and the descriptive method. Besides taking data from books, this thesis also gets several other resources as references related to the topic being analyzed.

3.3 Data Analysis