Data Analysis The Life of Lesbian Portrayed in Sarah Waters Novel Fingersmith


3.2 Data Collection

The primary source of the data is the novel itself, and the data is the sentences in novel, but not all the sentences are considered as data. Before analyzing the data, the first step which should be done is determining which sentences that would become the data. After collecting all the data which have been found in the novel, the next step is selecting the most significance data which are related to the analysis to make the analysis clear. In other hand, the analysis of this thesis focuses on the main character Susan Trinder who has a sexual deviation. The writer also collects data from other books such as the extrinsic approach as the one of approaches in analyzing literary works, and the descriptive method. Besides taking data from books, this thesis also gets several other resources as references related to the topic being analyzed.

3.3 Data Analysis

After collecting and selecting all the data, then the next step is starting to analyze all those selected data to prove what are being written in the objective of this thesis and finally the writer can draw the conclusion for this thesis. In analyzing all the data which support this research, the descriptive method is applied. Descriptive research is used to describe the main data from the novel. Those main data are given in a quotation form to prove the analysis. 26 CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS In social life, there are so many problems which cause something that occurs in our daily life or daily activity. One of them is interaction. God makes people in couples, man and woman, to make a good communication, and then they build a happy family after they get married, but in fact, some people do something which is considered unnatural. A number of people from the same sex have a love relationship called female homosexual or lesbian. Lesbian’s love story which is portrayed in Sarah Waters’ novel Fingersmithdoes not only focus on the romantic love but also focuses on the complicated life and complex problems of life in that era. Two women from different worlds are brought together by strange circumstances and forbidden desires in this period-drama. Its a thriller and also a love story that contains a sexy, passionate and startling one. The writer hesitates to call it lesbian, because that seems to marginalize it far more than it deserves. Suffice it to say that, it is erotic and unnerving in all the right ways. The problems that happen in this novel are commonly caused by social indication such as social status, violence and romantic friendship so what are told in this novel is related to lesbianism. The various meanings of lesbian since the early 20th century have prompted some historians to revisit historic relationships between women before the wide usage of the word was defined by erotic proclivities. Discussion from historians cause further 27 question of what is qualified as a lesbian relationship. As lesbian-feminists assert, a sexual component was unnecessary in declaring oneself as a lesbian if the primary and closest relationships are with women. If we consider past relationships within appropriate historic context, there are opportunities in which love and sex are separated and unrelated notions. In 1989, an academic group named the Lesbian History Group wrote: Because of societys reluctance to admit that lesbians exist, a high degree of certainty is expected before historians or biographers are allowed to use the label. Evidence that would suffice in any other situation is inadequate here... A woman who never married, who lived with another woman, whose friends were mostly women, or who moved in known lesbian or mixed gay circles, may well have been a lesbian. ... But this sort of evidence is not proof. What our critics want is incontrovertible evidence of sexual activity between women. This is almost impossible to find. Koedth on BBC News,1999:34 Lesbianism’s symptom can happen because the involved women are fed up with their hetero sex relationship, such as their husbands or boyfriends. A lesbian cannot experience orgasm. Other causal factor is traumatic of mean husbands or boyfriends that cause hatred and antipathy toward every man. She then prefers being with other woman. A lesbian assumes that relationship with man gives no happiness to her; she takes her relation with other women as compensation of her unhappiness. Lesbianism in literature which has been existed since the 14 th century can be found in any poetries. In London, lesbianism-thematic poetries are written by Sappho who were banned and vanished by the government. After a few centuries, the writers re- found and recreate lesbianism-thematic poetries and inspired the modern poet to write 28 poetries with the same theme. This thesis discusses about Lesbianism which is derived from a novel by Sarah Waters.

4.1 The Life of Lesbian Portrayed in Sarah Waters’ Novel Fingersmith