4.6 Program Lengkap

Berikut adalah program yang bekerja dalam rangkaian yang dibuat. Apabila program dibawah di download ke mikrokontroler, maka rangkaian yang dibuat dapat bekerja dengan baik. This program was created by the CodeWizardAVR V3.12 Advanced Automatic Program Generator © Copyright 1998-2014 Pavel Haiduc, HP InfoTech s.r.l. Project : Version : Date : 05072015 Author : Company : Comments: Chip type : ATmega8535 Program type : Application AVR Core Clock frequency: 8.000000 MHz Memory model : Small External RAM size : 0 Data Stack size : 128 include mega8535.h include stdio.h include delay.h 50 include stdlib.h define reset PIND.7 define t1 PIND.4 define t2 PIND.5 define t3 PIND.6 define pump PORTD.3 Alphanumeric LCD functions include alcd.h unsigned char temp[8]; int data,set1=0, set2=0, set3=0, state=0, loop, waktu; float liter=0; char buff[8]; Declare your global variables here void mainvoid { Declare your local variables here InputOutput Ports initialization Port A initialization Function: Bit7=In Bit6=In Bit5=In Bit4=In Bit3=Out Bit2=In Bit1=In Bit0=In DDRA=0DDA7 | 0DDA6 | 0DDA5 | 0DDA4 | 1DDA3 | 0DDA2 | 0DDA1 | 0DDA0; State: Bit7=T Bit6=T Bit5=T Bit4=T Bit3=0 Bit2=P Bit1=P Bit0=P PORTA=0PORTA7 | 0PORTA6 | 0PORTA5 | 0PORTA4 | 0PORTA3 | 1PORTA2 | 1PORTA1 | 1PORTA0; Port B initialization 51 Function: Bit7=In Bit6=In Bit5=In Bit4=In Bit3=In Bit2=In Bit1=In Bit0=In DDRB=0DDB7 | 0DDB6 | 0DDB5 | 0DDB4 | 0DDB3 | 0DDB2 | 0DDB1 | 0DDB0; State: Bit7=T Bit6=T Bit5=T Bit4=T Bit3=T Bit2=T Bit1=T Bit0=T PORTB=0PORTB7 | 0PORTB6 | 0PORTB5 | 0PORTB4 | 0PORTB3 | 0PORTB2 | 0PORTB1 | 0PORTB0; Port C initialization Function: Bit7=In Bit6=In Bit5=In Bit4=In Bit3=In Bit2=In Bit1=In Bit0=In DDRC=0DDC7 | 0DDC6 | 0DDC5 | 0DDC4 | 1DDC3 | 0DDC2 | 0DDC1 | 0DDC0; State: Bit7=T Bit6=T Bit5=T Bit4=T Bit3=T Bit2=T Bit1=T Bit0=T PORTC=1PORTC7 | 1PORTC6 | 1PORTC5 | 1PORTC4 | 0PORTC3 | 0PORTC2 | 0PORTC1 | 0PORTC0; Port D initialization Function: Bit7=In Bit6=In Bit5=In Bit4=In Bit3=In Bit2=In Bit1=In Bit0=In DDRD=0DDD7 | 0DDD6 | 0DDD5 | 0DDD4 | 1DDD3 | 0DDD2 | 0DDD1 | 0DDD0; State: Bit7=T Bit6=T Bit5=T Bit4=T Bit3=T Bit2=T Bit1=T Bit0=T PORTD=1PORTD7 | 1PORTD6 | 1PORTD5 | 1PORTD4 | 0PORTD3 | 0PORTD2 | 0PORTD1 | 0PORTD0; TimerCounter 0 initialization 52 Clock source: System Clock Clock value: Timer 0 Stopped Mode: Normal top=0xFF OC0 output: Disconnected TCCR0=0WGM00 | 0COM01 | 0COM00 | 0WGM01 | 0CS02 | 0CS01 | 0CS00; TCNT0=0x00; OCR0=0x00; TimerCounter 1 initialization Clock source: T1 pin Falling Edge Mode: Normal top=0xFFFF OC1A output: Disconnected OC1B output: Disconnected Noise Canceler: Off Input Capture on Falling Edge Timer1 Overflow Interrupt: Off Input Capture Interrupt: Off Compare A Match Interrupt: Off Compare B Match Interrupt: Off TCCR1A=0COM1A1 | 0COM1A0 | 0COM1B1 | 0COM1B0 | 0WGM11 | 0WGM10; TCCR1B=0ICNC1 | 0ICES1 | 0WGM13 | 0WGM12 | 1CS12 | 1CS11 | 0CS10; TCNT1H=0x00; TCNT1L=0x00; ICR1H=0x00; ICR1L=0x00; OCR1AH=0x00; OCR1AL=0x00; OCR1BH=0x00; OCR1BL=0x00; TimerCounter 2 initialization 53 Clock source: System Clock Clock value: Timer2 Stopped Mode: Normal top=0xFF OC2 output: Disconnected ASSR=0AS2; TCCR2=0WGM20 | 0COM21 | 0COM20 | 0WGM21 | 0CS22 | 0CS21 | 0CS20; TCNT2=0x00; OCR2=0x00; TimersCounters Interrupts initialization TIMSK=0OCIE2 | 0TOIE2 | 0TICIE1 | 0OCIE1A | 0OCIE1B | 0TOIE1 | 0OCIE0 | 0TOIE0; External Interrupts initialization INT0: Off INT1: Off INT2: Off MCUCR=0ISC11 | 0ISC10 | 0ISC01 | 0ISC00; MCUCSR=0ISC2; USART initialization USART disabled UCSRB=0RXCIE | 0TXCIE | 0UDRIE | 0RXEN | 0TXEN | 0UCSZ2 | 0RXB8 | 0TXB8; Analog Comparator initialization Analog Comparator: Off The Analog Comparators positive input is connected to the AIN0 pin The Analog Comparators negative input is 54 connected to the AIN1 pin ACSR=1ACD | 0ACBG | 0ACO | 0ACI | 0ACIE | 0ACIC | 0ACIS1 | 0ACIS0; SFIOR=0ACME; ADC initialization ADC disabled ADCSRA=0ADEN | 0ADSC | 0ADATE | 0ADIF | 0ADIE | 0ADPS2 | 0ADPS1 | 0ADPS0; SPI initialization SPI disabled SPCR=0SPIE | 0SPE | 0DORD | 0MSTR | 0CPOL | 0CPHA | 0SPR1 | 0SPR0; TWI initialization TWI disabled TWCR=0TWEA | 0TWSTA | 0TWSTO | 0TWEN | 0TWIE; Alphanumeric LCD initialization Connections are specified in the Project|Configure|C Compiler|Libraries|Alphanumeric LCD menu: RS - PORTC Bit 0 RD - PORTC Bit 1 EN - PORTC Bit 2 D4 - PORTC Bit 3 D5 - PORTC Bit 4 D6 - PORTC Bit 5 D7 - PORTC Bit 6 Charactersline: 16 lcd_init16; 55 while 1 { if reset==0{pump=0;state=0;set1=0;data=0,liter=0; loop=0;} while state==0 { lcd_gotoxy0,0; lcd_putsfPilih Pengisian; delay_ms50; if t1==0{set1=1;state=1;} if t2==0{set2=1;state=1;} if t3==0{set3=1;state=1;} lcd_clear; } while set1==1 { data=TCNT1; liter=data0.0019455;0.0019455=1514; ftoaliter,2,temp; if liter=1 { pump=0; liter=1; } else { pump=1; loop++; waktu=loop0.05464100; itoawaktu,buff; 56 lcd_gotoxy0,0; lcd_putsfwaktu :; lcd_gotoxy13,0; lcd_putsfms; lcd_gotoxy8,0; lcd_putsbuff; delay_ms50; } ftoaliter,2,temp; lcd_gotoxy8,1; lcd_putstemp; lcd_gotoxy13,1; lcd_putsfL; lcd_gotoxy0,1; lcd_putsfVolume:; if reset==0{pump=0;state=0;set1=0;data=0,liter=0;TCNT1=0 ; loop=0;} } while set2==1 { data=TCNT1; liter=data0.0019455;0.0019455=1514; ftoaliter,2,temp; if liter=2 { pump=0; liter=2; } else { pump=1; 57 loop++; waktu=loop0.05464100; itoawaktu,buff; lcd_gotoxy0,0; lcd_putsfwaktu :; lcd_gotoxy13,0; lcd_putsfms; lcd_gotoxy8,0; lcd_putsbuff; delay_ms50; } ftoaliter,2,temp; lcd_gotoxy8,1; lcd_putstemp; lcd_gotoxy13,1; lcd_putsfL; lcd_gotoxy0,1; lcd_putsfVolume:; if reset==0{pump=0;state=0;set2=0;data=0,liter=0;TCNT1=0 ;loop=0;} } while set3==1 { data=TCNT1; liter=data0.0019455;0.0019455=1514; ftoaliter,2,temp; if liter=3 { pump=0; liter=3; } 58 else { pump=1; loop++; waktu=loop0.05464100; itoawaktu,buff; lcd_gotoxy0,0; lcd_putsfwaktu :; lcd_gotoxy13,0; lcd_putsfms; lcd_gotoxy8,0; lcd_putsbuff; delay_ms50; } ftoaliter,3,temp; lcd_gotoxy8,1; lcd_putstemp; lcd_gotoxy13,1; lcd_putsfL; lcd_gotoxy0,1; lcd_putsfVolume:; if reset==0{pump=0;state=0;set3=0;data=0,liter=0;TCNT1=0 ;loop=0;} } } } 59

4.7. Pengujian Alat