Characterization Feminism values the novel of the sweetheart season written by karen joy fowler

publish the other version of the independence of America‟s declaration that “all men and women are created equal”. The second opinion suggests that the religion aspect underlying arise the feminism movement in America. Depend on this opinion; the church has the responsibility about the inferiority of women position, because the protestant and catholic put the women in the lower position than men position. 17 The next opinion that influences the feminism ideology is socialism concept and Marxism concept. Depend on the feminist political activists from America; the woman is a class in society who always get the bad treatment from the man. The other side from the woman argument who have the same time with Marx‟s opinion is that American woman, as class that have the bad treatment in capitalism society, have not economic values, think of their works as manager of household that have not the values and can not compared with the man occupation that produced the money. 18 The feminists try to change images of women who are subordinant, powerless, domestic, and so on. According to Ellmann, literature commonly describes women as formlessness, passivity, instability hysteria, confinement narrowness, practicality, piety, materiality, spirituality, irrationality, compliancy, and incorrigibility. 19 So, feminists struggle to have equal right between men and women in every aspect and remove the domination of men. The feminists want to refuse the assumption of patriarchal system that put 17 Soenarjati Djajanegara, Kritik Sastra Feminis Sebuah Pengantar, Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaska Utama, 2003, pp.1-2 18 Ibid., pp.2-3 19 Josephine Donovan, Feminist Literary Criticism Exploration in Theory, Lexington, Kentucky: The University Press of Kentucky, 1975, p.3 women lower than man. 20 Therefore, appear the equal right‟s movement called as feminism. The movement itself can be divided into three waves. The first wave of feminist‟s movement begins in the 19 th century, precisely in 1848. The USA held a convention in Seneca Falls that tried to declare another version of declaration of independence, which is the declarati on called that „all men are created equal‟ without represent the women aspiration. This movement brings the equality between men and women and the convention declared another version, „all men and women are created equal‟. 21 In the other hand the first wave feminism movement is about the equality of authority for women. Women want to get the same position with that of man in every aspect in their life. Especially in education, politic and economy. The second wave of the feminist movement was born when the publishing of The Feminine Mystique, written by Betty Friedan. It is in the middle of 1960s in the USA. This book has given wide influences to the society that has reached artist, press media, academician, and so on. The second wave of the feminist movement tried to condemn the sexual discrimination, sexual insulting and get fairer house job-description. 22 Although there are many different specific ideas about the feminism but the most important thing about those ideas is that women must be free from men‟s domination. So they free from ordered by men. This concept reveals through the scientific research, so that in the scientific research, there is a motivation to view about women‟s role. 20 Djajanegara, op.cit.,p.5 21 Ibid., p.1 22 Ibid., p.10