The Method The Methodology of the Research


A. Character

Character is an important element in building a story. Character is someone who acts, appears, or is referred to as playing a part in a literary work. 6 Without the character there will be not plot and no story. Terminologically, the main character of man is called by “hero” whereas the main character of woman is called by “heroine”. Heroes and heroines are usually larger than life, stronger or better than most human beings, almost godlike. many of common human. 7 In fiction, character divided into several types: a. Major and Minor Character Major character or central character or main character is a figure that has an important role, very dominant, and almost appears in every situation in the story. Whereas Minor character is a figure that just appears once and just have fewer roles in a story. Minor character is less dominant. Usually minor character called by support roles. 8 b. Protagonist and Antagonist Character A figure or protagonist character has important role in a story. Protagonist character is a figure that always gets problems from antagonist character. 6 Jerome Beaty and Alison Booth, The Introduction to Literature Eight Edition, New York: W.W.Norton Company, 2002, p. 102 7 Ibid 8 James H. Pickering, Concise Companion to Literature, New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc, 1981,p.24 Whereas antagonist character is a figure that always gives problems to protagonist character. The antagonist character not only concrete like human, but also like animals, world, destiny, situation or the other things that abstract that be mixed up in conflict by the protagonist character. The antagonist can be somewhat more difficult to identify, especially if he is not a human being. 9 c. Flat and Round Character Flat character is a figure that sees just from one side. Flat characters are those who embody or represent a single characteristic, trait, or idea, or at most a very limited number of such qualities. 10 Whereas Round character is a figure that sees from various directions, described as detail. Round character is just the opposite. The embody a number of qualities and traits and are complex multidimensional characters of considerable intellectual and emotional depth who have capacity to grow and change. 11 d. Static and Dynamic Character Based on the development of characters, characters are divided into two kinds, static character and dynamic character. Static character is a character that has the stable of behavior and not going change into story. Whereas dynamic character going change to the personality development. 12 9 Ibid., p. 25 10 Ibid 11 Ibid., p.26 12 Ibid