












This thesis written by Laeli Ro’fatul Anisah was approved on October 31st,2013

By :

Advisor I Advisor II


This thesis was defended in front of the examiners of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of University of Muhammadiyah Malang

ad accepted as one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education

onOctober 31st,2013


1. Drs. Jarum, M.Ed

2. Drs.Taufiq Burhan, M.Pd

3. Dra. ErlyWahyuni. Msi



“If Allah assists you, then there is none that can overcome

you, and if He forsakes you, who is there then that can assists

you after Him? And on Allah should the believers rely” (QS.

Al Imran: 158)

“Man Jadda Wajada...”


“Surely with difficult

is ease, with difficult is surely ease”

(QS Al insyirah: 5-6)


I dedicated this thesis to:

My beloved Mother and Father, My lovely brother and sister, My endless love and



Alhamdulillah, all praise be to Allah the almighty and the beneficient who has given mercy and blessing. Greeting and salutation may Allah always grants to our prophet Muhammad Rasulullah Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam.

The writer would like to express her sinceregratitude toher first advisor Dra. Erly Wahyuni, M.Si and her second advisor Iswahyuni, M.Pd for their suggestions, guidance and advice during the consultation period, and their corrections during the completion of this thesis.

Furthermore the writer would like to express her deepest gratitude to her beloved parents, appa (father) and mamah (mother) for their endless affection, prays, support, and everything given to her. Also the writer would like to express hergratitude to herelder brother (aa hilman), little sister (efi), sister in law (teteh Nenden), little cute nephew (aa Hibban), her endless love and all of her big family who always give her affection, support and great motivation. May Allah always guide us in right way untill jannah.

Last but not least the writer would like to express her gratitude to all of her closest friends Yenny Andika, Rash, and Lara. Also her big family UKMK-Jamaah Fachruddin UMM, Al-Banna dormitory, and B – English class, togetherness make us strongest. So, lets make the bright future.



APPROVAL . . . i



ABSTRACT . . . iv



CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of the Study ……….. 1

1.2Statements of the Problem ……….. 3

1.3Purposes of the Study ……….. 4

1.4Significance of the Study ……….. 4

1.5Scope and Limitation ……….. 5

1.6Definition of Key terms ……….. 5



2.2 Movie ………. 9

2.3 Kinds of Movie ………. 11

2.4 The Elements of Movie ……….. 14

2.5 Theoriesof Suffering ……….. 19

2.5.1 Kinds of Suffering ………... 20

2.5.2 The causes of suffering ……… 20

2.5.3 The way solve suffering ………. 21

2.6 Previous Research ……… 21


3.2 Research Approach ……… 24

3.2.1 Mimetic Approach ……… 24

3.2.2 Pragmatic Approach ……… 24

3.2.3 Expressive Approach ……… 24

3.2.4 Objective Approach ……… 24

3.3 Research Object ……… 25


3.4.1 Observation ……… 25

3.4.2 Document Analysis ……… 26

3.5 Data Collection ……… 27

3.6 Data Analysis ……… 27


4.1.1 Marry Boleyn’s sufferings ………. 28

4.1.2 The Causes of Marry’s Suffering ………. ….. 37

4.1.3 The way Marry Boleyn solve her suffering ……… 44

4.2 Discussion ………. 49


5.2 Suggestion ...……….. 52




Abrams.1999.A Glossary of Literary Terms.Seventh Edition.United States of America: Thomson Learning

Ary, Donald.2002 Introduction to Research in Education.New York: Wadsworth Cengage Learning

Ary, Donald.2010.Introduction to Research in Education.Eighth Edition.New York: Wadsworth Cengage Learning

Gregory.2008.Phillipa Gregory’s biography.(online),


Koesnosubroto, Sunaryono Basuki.1988.The Anatomy of Prose Fiction.Jakarta: Depdikbud

MacMillan.1984.Introducing Literature.New York: MacMillan Publishing Company

Michael,Marx.2008. synopsis for The Other Boleyn Girl. (online), (www.imdb.com)

Muzakki, Ahmad. Kesusastraan Arab:Pengantar Teori dan Terapan.Jogyakarta. Ar –ruzz Media

Ningsih, Lestari.An Analysis on Victoria Andrew’s suffering in Katrina Jhonson’s

novel”evening street”.Unpublished Thesis.Malang: UMM

Ochoa, George Client.The American Film Institute. New York: Dorling Kindersley publishing,Inc.

Prasetya, Joko Tri.1993.Ilmu Budaya dasar.Jakarta: Rineka Cipta

Rafiek.2010. Teori Sastra: Kajian Teori dan Praktik.Bandung. Refika Aditama Schmidt, Jan Zlotnik. 2006. LEGACIES: Fiction, Drama, Nonfiction.Third Edition. Boston: Thomson Wardswoth


Wahyuni, Sari.2012.”Qualitative Research Method: Theory and

Practice”.Jakarta.Salemba Empat

Widaghdo, Joko.1988.Ilmu Budaya Dasar.Bina Aksara

Wilangsari, Wiji Arimurti. An Anlysis on Leslie Stewart’s Suffering in Sidney





This chapter includes background of the study, statements of the problem, purposes of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study

Literature is the way of human being to express their life. Literature reflects about life, thought, feeling, behavior and attitude of human being. Literature is very important in life, it has roots in one of the most basic human desire, the desire for pleasure. According to Koesnosoebroto (1988: 2), literature give the reader something more than pleasure, it hardly justifies itself as something important to our life. It’s mean literature has one of the basic important in our life which fulfill human desire for pleasure. Literature can be classified into drama, poetry, short story, prose, and novel. They are called literary works. Actually, literary works are not only in the written form but also in spoken language. One kind of literary works which combines written and spoken language is drama. Usually the story of drama is based on written form which is performed by the actor and actress.

By the time, technology grows rapidly including literary works, especially drama. They are changed. People try to present drama by using sophisticated technology and they are easier to get it. The result of the development of drama is called. Movie is one of media that contains sounds, video, animation, picture etc.



According to Quinn (2006:165), movie is a general term for a particular motion picture or for motion pictures in general. Movie becomes more popular than drama because the viewer could see it anywhere without sitting in front of the stage. Like drama, movie also tells what happens in human life, fiction and non-fiction, in the past or future like the real situation. Usually it tells about human’s feeling, love, sacrifice, humanity, struggle and suffering.

From the explanation above, the writer chooses movie to be analyzed because she assumed that film is an easy media of literary work. Movie is one of the most popular forms of entertainment containing motion pictures and sounds that make people immerse themselves in an imaginary world for a short period of time. Movie is happy compromise, a term that can connote art and entertainment. Watching film is enable people to learn many things because film have many valuable lessons, pleasure,and also learn to solve problem suffering in our life.

The writer took a movie entitled “The Other Boleyn Girl” by Philipa Gregory because this movie contains the lessons can be taken by the viewer. Also this movie has a unique story with sumptuous tale of intrigue, romance, and betrayal set against the backdrop of a story. In addition, this story has won awards and has been adapted from novel into film in television. The most successful of Gregory’s novels is The Other Boleyn Girl, published in 2002 and adapted for BBC television in 2003. In the year of its publication, The Other Boleyn Girl also won the Romantic Novel of the Year.

From the explanation above, the writer focused on Marry Boleyn’s suffering as the main character of this movie. The writer is interested in to analyze her suffering because during her whole life is dominant with suffering. However she always tried to be prudent in the face of her suffering.



One of the researchers who did the same research about suffering is Ningsih (2006). She observed about “an Analysis on Victoria Andrews’ suffering in Katrina

Jhonson’s novel “Evening Street”. She found the lessons from the suffering faced by

Victoria as the main character in Katrina Johnson’s novel “Evening Street”. First before getting married, husband and wife to be, had to understand each other’s characteristic and personality. Second, family members should always believe in each other. Third, be tolerant is everything of it. Fourth, divorce makes someone suffer. The last the important thing in marriage is communication. Whereas Arimurti (2005) observed about an analysis on Leslie Stewart’s suffering in Sidney Sheldona’s novel entitled The Best Laid Plans. There are six suffering on Leslie Stewart.Those are: feeling disappointed, sadness of her mother’s death, betrayal of her love (Oliver Russell) jealous to Jan, sadness of her husband’s death, and hate to Oliver Russell.

Based on explanation above, this study focuses on analyzing one of the main

characters’ Marry Boleyn related to her struggle to face sufferings in her life.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The writer of this thesis tries to answer some questions. Based on the background of study, the writer formulates the statements of problem as follows: 1. What are Marry Boleyn’s sufferings?

2. What are the causes of Marry Boleyn’s sufferings?



1.3 Purpose of the Study

The writer of this thesis states the purposes of the study in order to achieve a good result. It means to answer the problem statements, which has been mentioned clearly before. They are formulated as follows:

1. To describe and to dig up what are Marry Boleyn’s sufferings

2. To know the events and the factors that cause Marry Boleyn get sufferings 3. Describing how Marry Boleyn solves her sufferings.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The writer of this thesis hopes that this study has some significances and the expected result. First of all, the writer of this thesis wants that this study will be able to help the readers in analyzing literature, especially film and will make them more critical in learning human behavior. For illustration, by analyzing the main

character’s suffering in “The Other Boleyn Girl”, the reader can take precious lessons

about life and everything which is expressed and represented inside. The readers will realize those lessons to improve the quality of his or her life. Besides, this study will provide descriptions of how important the knowledge about human being, especially

when human being faces the problem in their life, such as the main character’s

sufferings. So the reader can use it to anticipate the same problem that may happen in their personal life.

Secondly, the result of this study will encourage students of English department to study literature and develop the art of appreciating literature. Finally, the writer hopes that this thesis will support the readers to make further research about literature by using different model and approach to analyze it.



1.5 Scope and Limitation

The scope of the study is on Marry Boleyn’s suffering. There are many topics in this movie that can be analyzed such as lesson, theme, motive, plot, etc. However, this study only focuses on the discussion about Marry’ Boleyn’s suffering as the main

character’s that are related to the causes of her suffering and the way to solve her


The limitation of the study is focused on Marry Boleyn, who is one of the main characters in this movie. She has the deepest suffering in her life and she also has some ways to solve her sufferings.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

The writer of this thesis describes definition of key terms that correlate to the title in order to avoid misunderstanding of this thesis key terms in this study are follows:

1. Movie

Movie is media that used a sound and image to create meaning Newman (2008: 10)

2. Suffering

Suffering is enduring or feeling something unpleasant. He states that suffering is

from the word “derita” which comes from Sansekerta’s language, it means



3. The Other Boleyn Girl

The Other Boleyn girl is a 2008 drama movie that was adapted from 2001 novel by Philippa Gregory.

4. Marry Boleyn

Marry Boleyn is one of the main protagonist characters in The Other Boleyn





This chapter includes background of the study, statements of the problem, purposes of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study

Literature is the way of human being to express their life. Literature reflects about life, thought, feeling, behavior and attitude of human being. Literature is very important in life, it has roots in one of the most basic human desire, the desire for pleasure. According to Koesnosoebroto (1988: 2), literature give the reader something more than pleasure, it hardly justifies itself as something important to our life. It’s mean literature has one of the basic important in our life which fulfill human desire for pleasure. Literature can be classified into drama, poetry, short story, prose, and novel. They are called literary works. Actually, literary works are not only in the written form but also in spoken language. One kind of literary works which combines written and spoken language is drama. Usually the story of drama is based on written form which is performed by the actor and actress.

By the time, technology grows rapidly including literary works, especially drama. They are changed. People try to present drama by using sophisticated technology and they are easier to get it. The result of the development of drama is called. Movie is one of media that contains sounds, video, animation, picture etc.


According to Quinn (2006:165), movie is a general term for a particular motion picture or for motion pictures in general. Movie becomes more popular than drama because the viewer could see it anywhere without sitting in front of the stage. Like drama, movie also tells what happens in human life, fiction and non-fiction, in the past or future like the real situation. Usually it tells about human’s feeling, love, sacrifice, humanity, struggle and suffering.

From the explanation above, the writer chooses movie to be analyzed because she assumed that film is an easy media of literary work. Movie is one of the most popular forms of entertainment containing motion pictures and sounds that make people immerse themselves in an imaginary world for a short period of time. Movie is happy compromise, a term that can connote art and entertainment. Watching film is enable people to learn many things because film have many valuable lessons, pleasure,and also learn to solve problem suffering in our life.

The writer took a movie entitled “The Other Boleyn Girl” by Philipa Gregory because this movie contains the lessons can be taken by the viewer. Also this movie has a unique story with sumptuous tale of intrigue, romance, and betrayal set against the backdrop of a story. In addition, this story has won awards and has been adapted from novel into film in television. The most successful of Gregory’s novels is The Other Boleyn Girl, published in 2002 and adapted for BBC television in 2003. In the year of its publication, The Other Boleyn Girl also won the Romantic Novel of the Year.

From the explanation above, the writer focused on Marry Boleyn’s suffering as the main character of this movie. The writer is interested in to analyze her suffering because during her whole life is dominant with suffering. However she always tried to be prudent in the face of her suffering.


One of the researchers who did the same research about suffering is Ningsih (2006). She observed about “an Analysis on Victoria Andrews’ suffering in Katrina

Jhonson’s novel “Evening Street”. She found the lessons from the suffering faced by

Victoria as the main character in Katrina Johnson’s novel “Evening Street”. First before getting married, husband and wife to be, had to understand each other’s characteristic and personality. Second, family members should always believe in each other. Third, be tolerant is everything of it. Fourth, divorce makes someone suffer. The last the important thing in marriage is communication. Whereas Arimurti (2005) observed about an analysis on Leslie Stewart’s suffering in Sidney Sheldona’s novel entitled The Best Laid Plans. There are six suffering on Leslie Stewart.Those are: feeling disappointed, sadness of her mother’s death, betrayal of her love (Oliver Russell) jealous to Jan, sadness of her husband’s death, and hate to Oliver Russell.

Based on explanation above, this study focuses on analyzing one of the main

characters’ Marry Boleyn related to her struggle to face sufferings in her life.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The writer of this thesis tries to answer some questions. Based on the background of study, the writer formulates the statements of problem as follows: 1. What are Marry Boleyn’s sufferings?

2. What are the causes of Marry Boleyn’s sufferings?


1.3 Purpose of the Study

The writer of this thesis states the purposes of the study in order to achieve a good result. It means to answer the problem statements, which has been mentioned clearly before. They are formulated as follows:

1. To describe and to dig up what are Marry Boleyn’s sufferings

2. To know the events and the factors that cause Marry Boleyn get sufferings 3. Describing how Marry Boleyn solves her sufferings.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The writer of this thesis hopes that this study has some significances and the expected result. First of all, the writer of this thesis wants that this study will be able to help the readers in analyzing literature, especially film and will make them more critical in learning human behavior. For illustration, by analyzing the main

character’s suffering in “The Other Boleyn Girl”, the reader can take precious lessons

about life and everything which is expressed and represented inside. The readers will realize those lessons to improve the quality of his or her life. Besides, this study will provide descriptions of how important the knowledge about human being, especially when human being faces the problem in their life, such as the main character’s sufferings. So the reader can use it to anticipate the same problem that may happen in their personal life.

Secondly, the result of this study will encourage students of English department to study literature and develop the art of appreciating literature. Finally, the writer hopes that this thesis will support the readers to make further research about literature by using different model and approach to analyze it.


1.5 Scope and Limitation

The scope of the study is on Marry Boleyn’s suffering. There are many topics in this movie that can be analyzed such as lesson, theme, motive, plot, etc. However, this study only focuses on the discussion about Marry’ Boleyn’s suffering as the main

character’s that are related to the causes of her suffering and the way to solve her


The limitation of the study is focused on Marry Boleyn, who is one of the main characters in this movie. She has the deepest suffering in her life and she also has some ways to solve her sufferings.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

The writer of this thesis describes definition of key terms that correlate to the title in order to avoid misunderstanding of this thesis key terms in this study are follows:

1. Movie

Movie is media that used a sound and image to create meaning Newman (2008: 10)

2. Suffering

Suffering is enduring or feeling something unpleasant. He states that suffering is

from the word “derita” which comes from Sansekerta’s language, it means


3. The Other Boleyn Girl

The Other Boleyn girl is a 2008 drama movie that was adapted from 2001 novel by Philippa Gregory.

4. Marry Boleyn

Marry Boleyn is one of the main protagonist characters in The Other Boleyn