Meeting 5: ICoT Action and Observation

Efrita Marthalena BR. Saragih Sumbayak, 2014 Implementation Of Genre-Based Approach In The Teaching Of Descriptive Text Writing Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | Meeting 5: ICoT

The ICoT stage was the final stage of the implementation of the GBA. At this stage, students have to be able to write their own text individually. The students had experienced all stages of GBA at this time. They had developed knowledge about the topic, became familiar with the major features of the genre, and participated in a joint construction with the teacher as their guide, so this independent writing has been strongly scaffolded. Students should able to write the text and draw on their learning experience in the previous three stages Gibbons, 2009 cited in Emilia, 2010. In this stage, Hammond 1992 suggests that the teacher‟s role consists of being available for consultation with individual student who need specific feedback, instead of providing them with direct support. Since this stage was not finished in one meeting, the teacher needed two meetings to do this phase. The first meeting of this stage was for the students to write their first draft of the descriptive text about their classroom. They had eighty minutes to finish all the activities and they could ask for the teacher‟s help when they needed. Before writing the first draft, students made a mind map of the topic they should write. Some of the students did it well while others still needed guidance. The teacher gave guidance to the students to do the mind mapping. Having finished the mind mapping activity, the students began drafting the ideas into a rough draft. Then they write their first drafts. When they had finished their texts, one by one the student showed their texts to the teacher to be read and commented. Then, the teacher and the students discussed ways to improve the first draft both structurally and linguistically. The teacher also made some of students‟ mistakes as the subject for the next meeting, without mentioning whose mistakes they were. The students managed to complete the assignment within forty minutes although some of them did not finished their texts. At the end of this meeting, all the students submitted their first draft to the teacher to be marked. In summary, meeting 5 shows a conducive situation throughout the meeting. The student gave the impression that they were enthusiastic in writing their own text. Efrita Marthalena BR. Saragih Sumbayak, 2014 Implementation Of Genre-Based Approach In The Teaching Of Descriptive Text Writing Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | Meeting 6: ICoT