Middle Achiever Group 2 Analysis of Students’ Texts in Post-Test 1

Efrita Marthalena BR. Saragih Sumbayak, 2014 Implementation Of Genre-Based Approach In The Teaching Of Descriptive Text Writing Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu In terms of linguistic features, the writer had used some linguistics features of descriptive text Gerot and Wignell, 1994; Derewianka, 2004; Knapp and Watkins, 2005; Emilia, 2012, for examples: specific participants My classroom is ... and linking words is, are . In addition, the writer showed his good control of tense in that he could successfully use the present tense in describing his classroom. However, the text still shows grammatical mistake, such as: In the my classroom ... which suggests the student‟s incapacity to use the article “the”. This suggests that the writer still needed more explicit teaching about grammar and more consultation to make his text better as suggested by Gibbons 2002. In sum, compared to his first text in the pre-test, this text in some ways is better since there is no misspell word found in this text. The writer had also written his idea in complete sentences and the text is much longer than his previous text. Generally, the social purpose of this text has already achieved since the text showed that the writer intended to describe about some parts of his classroom. The writer had been successful in using the schematic structure Derewianka, 2004; Gerot and Wignell, 1994 and some of the linguistic features, i.e. significant participant, linking verb and present tense Gerot and Wignell, 1994; Derewianka, 2004; Knapp and Watkins, 2005; Emilia, 2012. Middle Achiever Group 2

Another text Table 5.12 written by Fira, categorized as middle achiever, also shows a lot of improvements in terms of control of the schematic structure and linguistic features of descriptive text. From the length of the text, this text is longer than her previous text, which suggests that the writer had more linguistic resources to write a descriptive text. Efrita Marthalena BR. Saragih Sumbayak, 2014 Implementation Of Genre-Based Approach In The Teaching Of Descriptive Text Writing Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu Table 5.12 Analysis of Text 2 written by Middle Achiever Schematic Structure My Classroom Linguistic Features Identification My classroom is class VII-1 Specific participant: my classroom Linking verbs: is Description Its colour is white. My classroom is full desk‟s and chair‟s. There is a blackboard for writing. Teacher writes with a chalk. We hang many picture‟s in my classroom. We study with pen and book. Linking verbs: is Present verbs: writes, hang, study Adjectives: white, full Description Every morning, we clean classroom with broom‟s so that it is clean. In my classroom there are twenty one glass window‟s. I love my classroom because it is clean and neat. Linking verb: is, are Present verbs: clean, love Adjectives: clean, neat Action verb: clean Mental veb: love In terms of the schematic structure, the text started with a clear Identification My classroom is class VII-1 and continued by descriptions of the classroom and the things found in it. Meanwhile, in term of linguistic features, Fira‟s text shows more variety of linguistic resources used to help this text to be successful. Different from her first text in the preliminary phase, in this text, beside using specific participant and linking verbs, Fira also used present verbs like clean action verb and love mental verb. A mental verb love was used in this text to express personal comment of the writer Emilia, 2012. Fira could use this verb after read some texts in the Building Knowledge and Modeling stage. Furthermore, she used many adjectives in this text, such as: white, full, clean and neat, etc. Based on the analysis of the schematic structure and linguistic features, it can be concluded that this text has achieved the purpose of descriptive text. The writer was successful in controlling the schematic structure of descriptive text. The writer had also used almost all the linguistic features relevant to a descriptive text Gerot and Wignell, 1994; Derewianka, 2004; Knapp and Watkins, 2005; Emilia, 2012. Efrita Marthalena BR. Saragih Sumbayak, 2014 Implementation Of Genre-Based Approach In The Teaching Of Descriptive Text Writing Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu High Achiever Group 3