At the school The Bad Treatments Experienced by Percy

it can be a bad impact on the development of the children. Moreover, Gabe always asks money from Percy. He considers Percy like a bank for him. If Percy does not give Gabe money, he will threaten Percy. Whenever I was home, he expected me to provide his gambling funds. He called that our guy secret. Meaning, if I told my mom, he would punch my lights out Riordan, 2005: 31. Based on the quotation above, Gabe’s threat towards his step-son is a part of bad treatment that Percy experienced. It is not a common and acceptable manner that parents do towards their own child. The bad treatments that Percy has experienced are Percy must obey the orders from his step-father and has to always provide his step-father the money to play poker every day. If Percy does not obey the orders, his step-father will beat him. Then, one day, Gabe’s friends came to Percy’s house and saw Gabe’s treatments towards his child. The rea ction from Gabe’s friend was they only gave an advice to Gabe not to do such thing. It can be seen through Eddie, one of Gabe’s friend’s speeches, “Eddie the super of the apartment building, looked at me with a twinge of sympathy.” Come on, Gabe, he said. The kid just got here. Riordan, 2005: 32, Based on the quotation above, even Gabe’s friends put sympathy on Percy. Eddie seems cannot bear to see Percy always gets scolded by Gabe, his step- father. From Eddie’s reaction, the writer can conclude what Gabe does towards his son is actually unaccepted based on social norm. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Afterward, Percy always becomes the object of mistake by his step- father. It can be seen through this quota tion, “Like I’d be the one driving. I was twelve. However, that did not matter to Gabe. If a seagull so much as pooped on his paint job, he’d find a way to blame me” Riordan, 2005: 36. Percy is always blamed for every fault even though he does not do it. According to the theory of dyslexia Growing with Dyslexia by Gunnel, people who have the dyslexia syndrome tend to become the object of injustice, although they get an achievement 2007: 31- 32. In the story, the appreciation that Percy obtains only comes from his mother. One day, Percy is asking to go to the camp with his mother. However, Gabe does not want Percy and Sally to go. Even though Gabe lends hi s car after Percy’s mother ask him, but Gabe does not trust it to Percy. Gabe then threats Percy by saying, “Not a scratch on this car, brain boy, Riordan, 2005: 36. From that quotation, the writer can conclude that Percy gets bad treatment in his family, especially from his step-father who is actually supposed to protect and love his own child.

3. Camp

In this section, the writer analyzes the reaction and treatment of the society towards Percy as a dyslexic in camp. Percy does not only get bad treatment from school and family, but also from his friends who also have dyslexic in the camp. From the common analogy, rarely people who have the similarity and same problem will discriminate one another. As seen in the camp, Percy goes to camp because he can find peace and meet people who have the same problem with him that is discriminated from their society or neighborhood. There are various people who live in the camp according to the story. Commonly they have unique skill non-human skill, and unique characteristics temperamental, troublemaker, etc. They are rejected by the common society because they are different. Common society thinks that they will bring negative impact to the society. Then, it makes people who feel rejected and have same uniqueness go to this camp and live there. Therefore, the camp is the same like a community where people with uniqueness and dyslexia gather together. In the novel, this kind of camp is created as a community to accommodate the people who have such characteristics. Percy then is also sent by his father and his mother to join the camp, because Percy’s parents know that the characteristic of Percy is special, which means he is not like other common people. She told me she was afraid to send me here, even though my father had wanted her to. She said that once I was here, I probably couldnt leave. She wanted to keep me close to her. Typical, Mr. D said Riordan, 2005: 66. Based on the quotation above, Percy’s parents do not want Percy to join the camp. However, Percy’s parents are forced to do it. They do not have any other choice, because Percy always gets bullied and trouble whenever he enters any school in the town. Moreover, Percy’s parents worry if Percy does not join the camp. Percy’s parents have worries about Percy’s future life. Those worries are; Percy cannot success in school academically, Percy cannot PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI get m any friends, and Percy will always be dominated by his “normal” friends because the people judge Percy as a troublemaker. It can be seen from what Mr. D said, “Typical” Riordan, 2005: 66. Mr. D is Percy’s teacher who teaches Latin language at Yancy school. Based on what the Mr. D said, the people who have the characteristic of dyslexia always have difficulty to interact with common communities. From those difficulties that Percy has experienced, it shows a bad treatment towards Percy because the communities do not want to interact with people like Percy. Then, the people who join the camp cannot join into one group directly, they should be quarantined or join a particular group, “Mr. D turned to me .”Cabin eleven, Percy Jackson. And mind your manners. Riordan, 2005: 71. It can be concluded that the people in the camp does not want to get in trouble or something that can happen by the arrival of new person or new student who is Percy. This treatment then shows a form of bad treatment from the teachers in the camp by putting Percy in cabin eleven. Cabin eleven is a form of bad treatment because the new people do not know his or her skill or what kind of habit that they have. Then the teachers put Percy or new people who join the camp to cabin eleven. The teachers put Percy in the cabin eleven because they worry that Percy can cause trouble. The worries are feared by the teachers at first since, the teachers do not know what Percy do with the other group. Next, the teachers know why Percy has been sent into this camp by his parents. Then, the teachers want Percy to know their friends in a small group. Although the teachers put Percy into cabin eleven, some of