Self-image Depression The Bad Treatment Facing Dyslexic

20 Moreover according to studies by Syensson, Lundberg and Jacobson as cited by Gunnel, it shows that the cause that make dyslexics cannot read and write is because of the poor guidance from their own parents, society, and teachers. They tend to see dyslexics as the people who cannot do anything eventhough they are already taught. It is not caused by the natural limitation that dyslexics have. All of those factors, then, can also cause their poor self-esteem that trigger their inabillity in reading and writing which then, are seen as the social problem. People with dyslexia are often considered as weird and hyperactive. The reason why dyslexics are weird and hyperactive is their syndrome. They include hyperactive or daydreamer, lazy, and poor in vision, reading, spelling. They also cannot count in math, and make the right time management cannot focus. April 9, 2015 Based on the studies above, it can be conclude that people who have syndrome of dyslexia commonly make many people do not feel comfortable. It is because they judge or bully the dyslexics. There are some explanations that show some signs of dyslexics who may be bullied; 2009: April 9, 2015: 1. Children who got bullied seem anxious about going to school. 2. They will try to skip the class. 3. They tend to avoid joining certain activities. 4. Children have bruises and do not want to give a straight answer about how they got the bruises. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 21 5. Children are submissive or withdrawn with other children. They seem to be unhappy or insecure, have low self-esteem or self-confidence. 6. They will t alk about “nobody likes me” or “I haven’t got any friends” 7. They will talk about how they want to hurt someone or get back at someone 8. They will become someone who cannot stand up for themselves. They will tend to be more shy and become introvert or vise versa. They can be someone who are arogant and hot-tempered. Because of the bad treatment from the society toward dyslexics and from those signs of the bullying to dyslexic, the victims will not feel comfortable. They will always become sad because they have become the bullying object. The shocking fact is that there is also a case where a child who always got bullied ended his life by hanging himself. In an article from states that “A dyslexic boy hanged himself and said in a note that it was because he had been bullied by primary school teachers eight years earlier. ” According to the facts and studies, the writer can conclude that children with dyslexics who always got bullied and humiliated by the society will feel stressed, depressed and traumatic. It can happen because of the bad relation between dyslexics and society. They cannot understand how to treat the dyslexics appropriately. However, not all of people who have the similar syndrome always end their own life. Aside from that, normal people do not want to have a bloodline descended from the people who have a symptom of dyslexia. For example, London Sperm Bank does not want take the sperm for donate from the dyslexic. 22 In a practice branded “eugenics” by campaigners and a would-be donor, the London Sperm Bank has banned men with dyslexia or other common conditions it described as “neurological diseases” from donating. This is a social bad treatment toward the people with syndrome of dyslexia. They do not want to take and will reject the donation from the dyslexic. There are also some people who have successed to manage their illness and their relation with society. As the result, the society also recognizes and gives a reward of the achievement that they have reached. They are Agatha Christie, Albert Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci, Tom Cruise, Walt Disney, Orlando Bloom and many else. They succeed to manage their dyslexic syndrome and got many achievements.

4. The Relation between Psychology and Literature

Literature and psychology are two different issues. However, they are related to each other. According to Wellek and Warren in Theory of Literature, it is described that psychology and literature have a close relation in which some of literary works talk about psychology cases. Through psychology, people will learn about human condition in systematic way, meanwhile people will learn about psychological value in the art of writing through literature Wellek and Warren, 1963:81. In Psychology and its Allied Disciplines, Bornstein states that both literature and psychology have one common purpose that is to describe the human condition. Literature tries to describe the human condition into drama 23 while psychology studies human characteristics systematically Bornstein, 1984:144. Then, Richard explains more in The Psychology of Human Behavior. He states that the author can communicate the feeling of his functional character and make them look more like the real people whose behavior is trying to be described by psychologist Kalish, 1972:8.

C. Theoretical Framework

In this part, the writer explains the application of theories to answer the problems formulation of the study. All related studies and theories are useful as instruments to analyze problems formulation in this study. The reviews which are mainly taken from the internet and books are important to be used in the writer’s analysis. To analyze the study, the writer chooses some suitable theories. They are theory of character and characterization, theory of dyslexia, review of relation between social and dyslexia, and theory of relation between psychology and literature. The first related theory is the theory of character and characterization. This theory is used to answer problem number one which is how Percy’s character is described in Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Lightning Thief. The second related theories are the theory of dyslexia, review of relation between society and dyslexia, and theory of relation between psychology and 24 literature. The first is theory of dyslexia. It is used to give more description and understanding about the the dyslexia syndrome that are reflected throu gh Percy’s characterization. The second is theory of relation between pyschology and literature which can help the writer to analysis how the dyslexia syndrome can affect Percy’s psychological character. Finally, the review of relation between society and dyslexia which is important to help the writer’s understanding about what kind of dyslexia’s symptom that Percy suffers that influences his character in his social process is. 25


A. Object of the Study

The object of this study is a novel entitled Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan. Moreover, Riordan writes this novel because of his experience and his imagination. Riordan writes this novel based on Greek mythology because he is a teacher who teaches about Greece at his school. It is a fantasy-adventure novel based on Greek mythology. Greek mythology means the myths surrounding the Heroes Demigods, the sons and daughters of gods from Ancient Greece and Rome. The definition of Demigods: Demigods were the offspring of a deity and mortal, half-gods, who were invariably known for their courage and great strength. Many of the ancient gods, like Zeus, had children as a result of their romantic involvement with mortals. Demigods, being part of god and part mortal, had great powers and abilities and often featured in the mythology of the Ancient Greeks and Romans. The Demigods were fabulous famous heroes they are Achilles, Hercules, Theseus and Perseus, September 26, 2016. Then, this novel includes a fantasy fiction novel. It means that a form of literary genre in which a plot cannot occur in the real world. Its plot usually involves witchcraft or magic taking place on an undiscovered planet of an unknown world. Its overall theme and setting is a combination of technology, architecture, and language resembling European medieval ages. The most interesting thing about fantasies is that their plot involves witches, sorcerers, mythical and animal creatures talking like humans, which never happens in the real life, September 26, 2016. It is also the first young adult novel written by Rick Riordan, known for his Percy Jackson novel series. Based on the explanation above, this novel is the first novel in the Percy Jackson the Olympians series, which tells about the adventures of modern twelve-years-old teen, Percy Jackson; he discovers that he is a demigod, the son of Sally Jackson and the Greek god Poseidon. Percy and his friends, Annabeth Chase and Grover Underwood, go on a quest to prevent a war between the gods Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. The writer is not to analyze this research Percy who is demigod but the writer wants to analyze from Percy as a student and son in his school, family, and society. The Lightning Thief was sold at auction to Miramax Books and published in June, 2005. The book has been sold over 1.2 million copies in the subsequent four years, appearing on The New York Times childrens Best Seller list and being listed as one of the Young Adult Library Services Associations Best Books for Young Adults, among other awards. This novel consists of 375 and 22 chapters. It was adapted into a film named Percy Jackson the Olympians: The Lightning Thief which was released in the United States on February 12, 2010. The sequel of this novel is The Sea of Monsters. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI