Causes Sense of Depression Object of the Study Roles of the Researcher


2.8 Causes Sense of Depression

There is not just one cause sense of depression. It is complex disease that can occur as a result of a multitude of factors. Sense depression may be brought on by: 1 Alcohol or drug abuse 2 Childhood events like abuse or neglect 3 Chronic stress 4 Death of a friend or relative 5 Disappointment at home, work, or school in teens, this may be breaking up with a boyfriend or girlfriend, failing a class, or parents divorcing 6 High blood pressure medications 7 Medical conditions such as cancer, or hepatitis http:en.wikipedia.orgwikidepression However, sense of depression can be considered abnormal when it is out of control at which people begin not to be able to recover themselves. Serious description can destroy the life of depressed man, decreasing his self worth, and getting them to the dismal existence. It can also be worse, lasting for years and causing untold suffering. More, some analyses have suggested that there is a greater inclination sense of depression toward possibility of suicide. 28 CHAPTER III METHOD OF INVESTIGATION In this chapter, I explain the method that I use in my final project. There are five subchapters. The first subchapter presents the object of the study that contains information about the songs that I analyze. The second subchapter is roles of the researcher. The third subchapter is procedure of collecting data. The fourth subchapter presents procedures of data analysis. The last subchapter is technique of reporting the result of the analysis.

3.1 Object of the Study

The object of the study is in the Evanescence’s song lyrics. The writer wants to analyze hyperbolic expressions in Evanescence’s song lyrics in Fallen album mean as revealing sense of depression and to analyze the significance of hyperbolic expressions in building the theme of the album.

3.2 Roles of the Researcher

In this study, the writer as a researcher takes the roles as the data collector and data analyzer 29

3.3 Procedures of Collecting Data