2.5 Tutur Si Waluh

Tutur Si Waluh is the concept of kinship in Karonese that has relationship with acquaintanceship. They are called as Tutur Si Waluh because consists of: 1 Puang Kalimbubu 2 Kalimbubu 3 Senina 4 Sembuyak 5 Senina Sipemeren 6 Senina Sipengalon 7 Anak Beru 8 Anak Beru Menteri In the ceremony have roles. Explanation about Tutur si waluh: 1. Puang kalimbubu is kalimbubu from kalimbubu. 2. Kalimbubu is a group giver of wife to a particular family. Kalimbubu is arranged in to: a. Kalimbubu Bena-Bena or Kambubu Tua, Namely the giver wife groups to specific groups. Fof example, If A merga Sembiring bere-bere Tarigan clan Sembiring is his family name and Tarigan is family name of his mother, so Tarigan is Kalimbubu of A. if A has children, so their family name is Tarigan. Than they are Kalimbubu Bena-Bena of A. b. Kalimbubu Simada Dareh come from mother. That is the brother from mother. Calling as Kalimbubu Simada Dareh because they mother’s brother and mother are from the same womb. 22 c. Kalimbubu Iperdemui, the calling that because someone to marry the daughter of one family, so he is become Kalimbubu because of marriage. 3. Senina,they are related because they the same clan 4. Sembuyak, means some as womb. They are the peoples who be born from one mother. However in Karo people, the technical term be used for Senina too. 5. Sipemeren, they are persons who he mother are siblings. 6. Senina Sipengalon, they are the persons who are related because they have the children who have someone as wife as same with the clan. 7. Anak Beru, they are the persons who take someone as wife from a family to become his wife. Native Anak Beru can occur causes marry with a girl of certain family, by means of intercessions other of people. This is consists to: a. Anak Beru Tua, they are native our Anak Beru, without their attendance to our ceremony which made by Kalimbubu, so the ceremony does not started. b. Anak Beru Cekoh Baka, they are the sisters from someone to family. For example, if A is a man, has sister B so B is Anak Beru of A. 8. Anak Beru Menteri, they are Anak Beru come from Anak Beru. 23