The background of study The Objective of Study



1.1 The background of study

Indonesia is a country of republic. It consists of thousand islands. The society of Indonesia has several of ethnic groups. North Sumatra province for instance can be divided into five ethnics such as Batak Toba, Karo, Mandailing, Pak-Pak, Nias. Karo is one of them. Karonese usually lives in one regional of Karo, but they also live in the outside of Karo such as Langkat, Dairi, Pak-pak, Aceh Tenggara. According to Hinkel 1999:1 states that culture is the fields of inquiry into human societies, groups, systems, behaviours and activities. Indonesian culture has been shaped by long interaction between original indigenous customs and multiple foreign influences. Indonesia is central along ancient trading routes between the far east and the midlle east, resulting in many cultural practices being being strongly influenced by a multitude of religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Islam. Wikipedia, 2011 Pengkayah is one of method to find the goods that lost in the past, by shaman as a mediator. Pengkayah is used in the past before the karonese has not laws. We know that the law is very important in our life. Because, law makes someone be cured of a bad habit likes thief, killer, and steal. It is the same as law in the past. The traditional culture likes Pengkayah have an important role in life. Pengkayah is one method to help the karonese handling the life. Based on the explanation above, The writer is interested in describing the title “ Description of Pengkayah and Society in Kidupen Village “ because the writer wants to describe about Karonese Culture in nowadays and the writer keepss the karonese culture. 6

1.2 The Objective of Study

The objectives of the study are :  To describe the contents of Pengkayah culture of Karo society.  To describe the kinds of Pengkayah culture.  To fill up one of requirement to finish my study from Faculty of Cultural Science University of Sumatera Utara.

1.3 The Scope of the study