Background of the Study



In this chapter, the researcher is trying to discuss about background of the study, statements problem, purpose of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study and definition of the key terms. Each will be as below:

1.1 Background of the Study

The development of a country cannot be separated from the role of education which exists on that country. It happens due to the fact that education is a foundation of a country to grow larger. So, it is a must for a government of a country to provide its citizen the best quality of education in order to develop both on human resources and the facilities. Moreover, a good way of government in arranging and managing the planning in a system of education will also rule importantly to direct the education into a better condition and results. Then, to provide a good system of education, there are four elements that play important role in building a good system of education, they are; students, facilities, teacher, and curriculum. Those all elements should work accordingly and support each other in order to build a good education because they will never result on a maximum result if they do not support each other. Curriculum is one of the most acknowledged elements by the government and citizen. The Indonesian curriculum sometimes is considered by students and teacher as an inconsistent matter due to its frequency of changes. Those changes happen in a very short time of period and it depends on the political condition of Indonesia. It can almost be predicted that in 2 every changes of leadership also bring the changes on curriculum. Those matters undeniably will bring the confusion into teacher and students. For teacher as example, those who have arranged the planning of the previous curriculum will be shocked and clumsy into the new curriculum. They will be paralyzed into a condition where they have to adapt into a new environment that sometimes differs so much from the previous one. As the result, their lack of mastering the new curriculum will also bring the inefficiency of result on student that they will not be able to get the maximum result in education. Usually when curriculum change many teachers are not ready with new curriculum policy. They do not understand what the component of new curriculum. Many teachers try to improve or develop the curriculum to make learning activity easier and more attractive, but only a few teachers just follow or do nothing. They just try to understand the curriculum and to do learning activity without improvitation.. On the other hand, many teachers feel that their contribution in education is still not appreciated by other elements of education. Sometimes they feel just like a robot who run government program. Furthermore, the development of new curriculum is highly concentrated on student’s need and ignores the teachers side. As the result, the consideration on teacher adaptation on new curriculum will affect on the quality on teacher in which they have to learn new thing and undeniably it will result on the quality of students who get no maximum results in learning process. Based on phenomena above, the researcher tries to know and discover the answer from all of that problem. The researcher chooses English teacher 3 to be the subject because they have experiences in teaching process and they have experiences with indonesian curriculum. The researcher expect that this research will be usefull for all part on education elements especially for teacher.

1.2 Statement Problem