The Definition of Racism

segregation, hate speech and violence. Anthropology also supports the idea of racism, an anthropologist, Henry leis Morgan, Supporting the idea by his work when creating a “scientific” rank of human group that ranged from savagery to barbarism to civilization. Western societies achieved the rank of civilization, while new groups encountered though exploration and imperialism were placed in other two categories. These theories supported the idea that the God had ruled and classified his creator Human in categories, Such superior and inferior, the whites became the superior human and outside of the whites were inferior and the inferiors had to obey and serve their master the whites. Racism is a belief system or doctrine which postulates a hierarchy among various human races or ethnic groups. It may be based on an assumption of inherent biological differences between different ethnic groups that purport to determine cultural or individual behavior.

1. The Definition of Racism

The meaning of racism in Oxford dictionary is: The unfair treatment of people who belong to a different race; violent, behavior toward them”. 13 It means the belief that some races of people are better than others. Racism may define as a belief system or doctrine which postulates a hierarchy among various human races or ethnic groups. It may be based on an 13 A S Hornby, Op Cit, p. 1041. assumption of inherent biological differences between different ethnic groups that purport to determine cultural or individual behavior. Racism may be described as a strong form of ethnocentrism, including traits such as xenophobia fear and hate of foreigners, views against interracial relationships anti- miscegenation, ethnic nationalism, and ethnic stereotypes. Racism commonly is defined as believe or doctrine which inherent biological differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, with corollary that ones own race is superior and has the right to rule others. The prejudice or the judgment of members of particular group and discrimination were created by several conditions: 1. Colour Discrimination of white to darker skinned such to the Italian, Asians, and African American. 2. Cultural Differences Shared cultural values, such language and religion, guarantee more tolerance, such protestant more tolerant to the Christians than Jews. In cultural values, such in America, black, Indians, Asian American, have difficult than other group in dealing with whites in the America. 3. Economic Interest When one group is economically dependent upon exploiting a minority, prejudice will be more intense, slavery is an example. 4. Economic Mobility and Job Competition This case occurred, when whites prohibited African American from learning new skills that would allow them to compete with white for industrial jobs. Therefore, with the aid of northern industrialist and southern agriculturalist depend on black labor to produce cotton, African American return to the field as tenant farmers and sharecroppers. 14 5. Demography If an ethnic group small and scattered, prejudice is less intense, but if the ethnic group is large and concentrated, the sense of in security is much greater in the larger society. Such in Ante Bellum, South Carolina and Mississippi, slaves out numbered whites, and white create hard discipline to control the black. 6. Geographic Mobility When one group encroaches on the territory of another, Confrontation is inevitable. Such the migration of black families to northern cities during word war II this migration led to several racial clashes, the most serious which took place in Detroit. 15

2. The Forms of Discrimination