The Forms of Discrimination

This case occurred, when whites prohibited African American from learning new skills that would allow them to compete with white for industrial jobs. Therefore, with the aid of northern industrialist and southern agriculturalist depend on black labor to produce cotton, African American return to the field as tenant farmers and sharecroppers. 14 5. Demography If an ethnic group small and scattered, prejudice is less intense, but if the ethnic group is large and concentrated, the sense of in security is much greater in the larger society. Such in Ante Bellum, South Carolina and Mississippi, slaves out numbered whites, and white create hard discipline to control the black. 6. Geographic Mobility When one group encroaches on the territory of another, Confrontation is inevitable. Such the migration of black families to northern cities during word war II this migration led to several racial clashes, the most serious which took place in Detroit. 15

2. The Forms of Discrimination

James Stuart Olson said in his book, The Ethnic Dimension in American History that discrimination assumes in many forms such as: a. Verbal abuse: the example of verbal abuse is such the Ethnic Jokes. 14 Paul A.Shackle 2003,p.8 15 James Stuart Olson, The Ethnic Dimension In American History, Newyork ; St. Martin Press, 1979.p.xxiii b. Avoidance: in restaurants and public places Americans may congregate racially, the white flight to the suburbs in America. c. Segregation: unfair treatment of others, through either private or legal means. This form is formal discrimination, whether sanctioned by private custom or legal authority. d. De-jure segregation: this exclusion of certain group was sanctioned by law. 16 From the 1880’s through the early 1960’s, southern African American were subject to “Jim Crow” law in schools, housing hospitals, jobs, theaters, parks, restaurants and transportation lines and depot. e. Discrimination becomes violent: This form is such as vandalism Nazi when doing genocide to the Jews in German. Or Ku Klux Klan when bums a cross in the yard of a black family. The African American were excluded in many cities and towns in America, African Americans were not allowed to share a taxi with whites, enter a building through the same entrance, the bus system in Montgomery, Alabama, the law required the black to ride at the back of the bus, or the African American had to drink from separate water fountains from white, use separate restrooms and attend separate schools. 17 16 Ibid 17 Young T.J. Williams, American Realities Historical Episodes, from Reconstruction to The present, Boston; Little Brown, 1981, p.25. 18



1. Preacher, Dont Send Me

The writer takes this poem from the book The Complete Collected Poems of Maya Angelou published by Random House, Inc. New York: 1994. This poem is divided into thirty two lines which are written in four stanzas. Angelou used figurative imagery, visual imagery and metaphor. This poem told about the African American who asked to the preacher not to send him after his death to the same life, condition and same place Ghetto, the African American was excluded and isolated in this ghetto area, they had to stay at this place voluntary or involuntary, they were treated badly by the whites, segregation, discrimination, and inequality happened to them. Commonly, this poem described about the condition of African American in America that always feel suffer, and jazz became description his paradise. The paradise was like the beautiful music, the music which always accompanied him. Preacher in this poem assumed as the theologians who used the religion as their tool to create several conditions to support the discriminations. In the last stanza the African American expressed his trauma from the discrimination that he faced from his child.