Line 4-10 Stanza 1 and 2 Line 10-20 Stanza 2 and 3

b. Line 4-10 Stanza 1 and 2

Where rats eat cats Of the leopard type And Sunday brunch Is grits and tripe The poet uses the figurative language in the poet” rats eat cats” described the people in ghetto area. The life was described in horrible description. The speaker said his Sunday brunch only grits and tripe, Sunday brunch was the event where the whole member of family meet at family event, at Sunday brunch. The life in the black Ghetto is not worth for human life, many criminalities, prostitution murderer and other bad acts. The words of eat, kill, refer to their actions, and these words described the situations above. Ive known those rats Ive seen them kill. In the tenth line the word of “I’ve seen them kill described the torture had been there for a long time, the persona had been living there, had been seen, and had been felt how the ghetto situation. They had lived in ghetto for long time to witness the whole acts, the people inside the ghetto prohibited by the laws to live out the ghetto. In South America the African Americans were discriminated legally ruled by the laws for not allowed to get their own home outside Ghetto area, the laws which were made by the government caused the agents of real estate unable to sell the home inside white areas to African American.

c. Line 10-20 Stanza 2 and 3

Line 10-18 the speaker asked the preacher not to promise him the gold and milk, this line discussed about the disappointment of African American, they were tied by the superior lies, and the promise just become promises which never come true, the promise of equality, freedom and treated as American. Preacher, please dont Promise me Streets of gold And milk, for free.. Promise here can be the meaning of promises of whites which always were betrayed by the themselves, promises had also other meaning, it was a description of American dreams concept freedom, equality these dreams betrayed by the whites people by their segregations and discriminations.

d. Line 21 – 24 Stanza 3 and 4