ALLOWS (verb):

24. ALLOWS (verb):


  Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘ALLOWS’

  a. Conjunction But, although I pay Grace Poole well, and trust her absolutely, she sometimes drinks too much and allows the creature to escape. (dan memperbolehkan)

  b. Article This statement also allows the naming of the index words used by IOCS. (memperbolehkan penamaan)

  c. Adjective There must be a world of delight beyond Roundhay, where Victor Sylvester always plays and all the men are gentlemanly and such wonderful dancers and my mother spin turns forever in their arms or

  elegantly allows them to light her cigarette. (dengan anggun

  memperbolehkan) memperbolehkan)

  e. Subject pronoun This allows them to generate a plausible pronunciation for a non - word like "blasp", but means that they cannot pronounce many irregular words correctly. (ini memungkinkan)

  25. ALMOST (adverb): hampir Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘ALMOST’

  a. Conjunction Luckily, we escaped death, but the house and almost everything in it was destroyed. (dan hampir)

  b. Auxiliary verb There was a silence and calm that you could almost touch no bird or animal spoke. (hampir bisa)

  c. Adverb He did almost exactly the same as he had done in Russia he took another man's identity - this time an English soldier who had died in a traffic accident. (hamper persis)

  d. Prepositional phrase American 'fast food' is sold in restaurants in almost every country of the world. (di hampir) d. Prepositional phrase American 'fast food' is sold in restaurants in almost every country of the world. (di hampir)

  I am almost happy with what I've done. (hampir bahagia)

  26. ALONE (adjective): sendirisebtang kara Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘ALONE’

  a. Adverb That evening I went to a small room where I was quite alone. (sangat kesepian)

  b. Conjunction She is smiling, but she looks very small and alone in front of the big white building. (dan sendiri)

  c. Auxiliary verb The problem was that the Rajah thought he alone should trade in Patusan he became wild with anger when he discovered anyone else buying or selling. (sendiri harus)

  d. Prepositional phrase I'm alone in this big house. (saya sendirian di rumah besar ini)

  e. Infititive And in the morning Mowgli went down the hill alone to meet those strange things that are called men. (untuk bertemu)

  27. ALSO (adverb): juga Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘ALSO’

  a. Conjunction Arthur was very unhappy, and also angry. (dan juga) a. Conjunction Arthur was very unhappy, and also angry. (dan juga)

  c. Auxiliary verb You can leave out some numbers and you can continue the numbers in

  a side street you can also give the same number to two or three houses. (bisa juga)

  d. Subject pronoun

  I also have to think only of money. (saya juga)

  e. Article 'But I will take these pieces of black clay which we found, and also the

  small pieces of wood from the pencil Good night.' (juga serpihan-

  serpihan kecil)

  f. Preposition This is the office where they keep information about everyone who lives. In Hungary today, and also about people who lived there in the past. (juga tentang)

  g. Adjective

  I think he is proud, and also unhappy. (juga tidak bahagia)

  28. ALTHOUGH (conjunction): meskipunwalaupun Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘ALTHOUGH’ 28. ALTHOUGH (conjunction): meskipunwalaupun Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘ALTHOUGH’

  b. Preposition None of the village people could help me, and I could not bring myself to beg for food, although by now I felt weak and faint. (meskipun sekarang)

  c. Adjective

  I held her hand. Are you Jane Eyre?' she asked. Her face, although deathly pale, was as stern as ever, and she removed her hand from mine. (meskipun pucat seperti mayat)

  d. Possessive But she sat quite still, although her face looked rather white. (walaupun wajah nya)

  e. Subject pronoun

  I was so bruised and exhausted that I did not feel strong enough to walk home, and although I did not want to, I had to spend the night at Wuthering Heights. (walaupun saya tidak mau)

  29. ALWAYS (adverb): selalu Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘ALWAYS’

  a. Adverb If spies are caught during a war, they are almost always killed immediately. (hampir selalu) a. Adverb If spies are caught during a war, they are almost always killed immediately. (hampir selalu)

  c. Verb be These stores are always on busy streets, so a lot of people can 'see them. (selalu)

  d. Auxiliary verb Walking Of course, Manhattan is a small island, so you can always walk. (bisa selalu)

  e. Subject pronoun

  I always know when we're going to play a bad game. (saya selalu)

  30. AMONG (preposition): diantara Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘AMONG’

  a. Conjunction Many people came to live in California after gold was found there in 1848, and among them were 300,000 Chinese. (dan diantara)

  b. Verb be Harvard and Yale in the east and Berkeley in California are among America's famous universities. (diantara)

  c. Article Among the people of the Southwest are the Hopi and the Zuni. (diantara orang-orang) c. Article Among the people of the Southwest are the Hopi and the Zuni. (diantara orang-orang)

  e. Adverb We could also see where someone had been walking. Holmes looked 5 carefully among the flowers. (dengan seksama diantara)

  31. ANIMAL (noun): binatanghewan Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘ANIMAL’

  a. Article The rain crashed against the windows, and the wind screamed like an animal in the night. (binatang)

  b. Adjective It was a very large, black animal and it was moving up and down. (binatang yang berwarna hitam)

  c. Possessive So, he will try to get his animal back. (hewannya)

  d. Preposition George Mikes, how to be an Alien the British are traditionally a nation of animal lovers. (negara pecinta hewan)

  e. Conjunction Coming here to Earth where we're less important than any animal or insect. (binatang atau serangga)

  32. ANOTHER (adjective): lainsatu lagi Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘ANOTHER’

  a. Adverb This is just another room. (hanya ruangan yang lain)

  b. Preposition She won a free place at another college, Redmond College. (di perguruan tinggi lain)

  c. Conjunction There was a picture of Christine, standing up in a boat near the factory, and another picture of her lying in an ambulance, with Simon beside her. (dan fotonya yang lain)

  d. Adjective At this time, King became friends with Ralph Abernathy, another black preacher in Montgomery. (pendeta kulit hitam lainya)

  e. Object pronouns It was another knight. (ksatria lain)

  33. ANSWER (verb): menjawabjawaban Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘ANSWER’

  a. Article

  I found that out this morning. But the gipsies, the whistle, the band - they are more difficult to understand, but I think I have an answer.' (sebuah jawaban) I found that out this morning. But the gipsies, the whistle, the band - they are more difficult to understand, but I think I have an answer.' (sebuah jawaban)

  c. Auxiliary verb

  I can answer them, but it's going to be difficult to understand. (bisa menjawab)

  d. Adjective The police thought that there was an easy answer to these questions. (jawaban yang mudah)

  e. Possessive His answer always seemed to be, 'Yes - but what does that mean?" (jawaban nya)

  34. ANY (adjective): mana sajabeberapasetiap Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘ANY’

  a. Preposition This is different from any story that I've ever written. (dari setiap)

  b. Verb

  I screamed and shouted, but I didn't feel any pain. (merasakan)

  c. Conjunction Ahead of me there wasn't much traffic, and any cars in front moved over into the middle lane as I flashed my lights. (dan beberapa mobil) c. Conjunction Ahead of me there wasn't much traffic, and any cars in front moved over into the middle lane as I flashed my lights. (dan beberapa mobil)

  e. Adjective In the 1960s, much space was still devoted to explaining why Germans did not know about the camps, and why any large-scale attempt at rebellion 'would have been' doomed from the start. (setiap skala besar)

  35. ANYONE (pronoun): siapapunsiapa sajaorang Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘anyone’

  a. Collocation You do not need to be afraid of anyone. (takut dengan siapapun)

  b. Preposition She talked to anyone who could help her. (kepada siapapun)

  c. Auxiliary verb And I don't think anyone could leave this window seat without us knowing. (siapapun boleh pergi)

  d. Subject pronoun She'd never met anyone she wanted to tell. (siapapun yang dia ingin ceritakan) d. Subject pronoun She'd never met anyone she wanted to tell. (siapapun yang dia ingin ceritakan)

  36. ANYTHING (pronoun): apapunapa saja Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘ANYTHING’

  a. Collocation

  I do not want you to worry about anything. (khawatir tentang apapun)

  b. Verb He did not cry or say anything. (mengatakan apapun)

  c. Conjunction You are officers, so you don't talk to sailors about women or drink, or anything! (atau apapun)

  d. Preposition And then I cried some more, and said I didn't understand anything about the church. (apapun tentang)

  e. Adjective Is there anything wrong? (ada yang salah)

  37. APPEARED (verb): muncul Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘APPEARED’

  a. Subject pronoun He appeared only once. (dia muncul) a. Subject pronoun He appeared only once. (dia muncul)

  c. Preposition Nutty stopped and looked back, and just then Jazz appeared through the hole in the hedge. (muncul melalui)

  d. Conjunction

  A sleepy Nutty appeared and Nails told her his wonderful news. (muncul dan)

  e. Adjective As the rich Miss King had left Meryton to stay with her uncle, Mr Wickham appeared eager to transfer his affections back to Elizabeth. (muncul bersemangat)

  38. APPLICATION (noun): aplikasipermohonanlamaranpenerapan Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘APPLICATION’

  a. Article Please could you send me some more information about your advanced level courses, and an application form. (lamaran)

  b. Possessive Nobody would even take his application. (lamarannya) b. Possessive Nobody would even take his application. (lamarannya)

  d. Adjective In other words, nationalism worked well enough when it had limited application. (aplikasi yang terbatas)

  e. Auxiliary verb Your application should include the requirements that have been attached by our company. (lamaran anda harus)

  39. ARE (auxiliary verb): adalah Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘ARE’

  a. Adjective These animals are large and very strong. (besar)

  b. Subject pronoun They can act like people, but they are also very wild. (mereka)

  c. Preposition The stories in this book are about people and ghosts. (tentang manusia dan hantu)

  d. Adverb All these programmes are very popular. (sangat terkenal) d. Adverb All these programmes are very popular. (sangat terkenal)

  40. AREA (noun): daerahtempatwilayah Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘AREA’

  a. Adjective

  A big area of green in the middle of the busy streets of Manhattan. (wilayah yang besar)

  b. Article But Hudson understood immediately that the area was important. (daerah)

  c. Possessive As a priest, moreover, I feel it my duty to encourage all families in my area of influence to live peacefully. (daerah ku)

  d. Adverb Sandra's shining Alfa Romeo, a couple of Mercedes and a bright yellow Fiat sports car were in a parking area next to a large garden. (area disamping)

  e. Preposition One Sunday afternoon in October, Uncle Kolya and Misha Gordon, Yury's old school friend, came rushing into the Zhivagos' living area in the big house. (area di)

  41. ARMS (noun): senjatapersenjataanlengan Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘ARMS’

  a. Possessive She took off her hat and threw her arms around his neck. (lengan nya)

  b. Conjunction He breathed and moved his arms and legs. (lengan dan kaki)

  c. Preposition

  A typist puts her arms on the front of her desk when she types. (lengan nya didepan)

  d. Adverb He waved his arms wildly as he spoke. (tangan nya dengan liar)

  e. Adjective Adam's old arms are not strong enough. in suppose Meriam, the hired girl, might, but-' She looked out of the window at a small wooden house at the far end of the field, and a slow wave of blood flooded her face. (lengan tua)

  42. AROUND (preposition): sekitarkira-kira Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘AROUND’

  a. Conjunction The trains run all day and night, and around 6 million people use the subway every day. (dan sekitar) a. Conjunction The trains run all day and night, and around 6 million people use the subway every day. (dan sekitar)

  I lit a dry piece of wood and danced angrily around the house. (marah sekitar)

  c. Article Only the people in the expensive buildings around the park can use it. (sekitar taman)

  d. Possessive There was no sign of a fight, but there were black marks around his neck. (sekitar lehernya)

  e. Preposition The band was pushed around at the airport and their road manager was knocked over. (sekitar dibandara)

  43. ARRIVE (verb): tibasampaidating Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘ARRIVE’

  a. Subject pronoun At last, I arrive at the red carpet. (saya tiba)

  b. Infinitive Henry couldn't wait for Anne to arrive in London so he travelled secretly to Rochester to meet her. (untuk tiba)

  c. Auxiliary verb She says that a letter from Brisbane will arrive soon. (akan sampai) c. Auxiliary verb She says that a letter from Brisbane will arrive soon. (akan sampai)

  e. Preposition Two or three hundred arrive at Buckingham Palace each day for her. (tiba di)

  44. ARTICLE (noun): artikeltulisankarangan Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘ARTICLE’

  a. Article His information was dangerous for the company Simon had written an article. (artikel)

  b. Possessive David Wilson had written to the newspaper immediately, saying that Simon's article was completely untrue. (karangantulisan simon)

  c. Preposition An Aug 10, 1997 article about the effects of the new tax law on savings for college referred incorrectly to a provision concerning withdrawals from IRAs for higher-education expenses. (artikel tentang)

  d. Adjective There is a most interesting article in the Educational Review on the new ideas introduced at the Innesborough High School. (karangantulisanartikel yang menarik) d. Adjective There is a most interesting article in the Educational Review on the new ideas introduced at the Innesborough High School. (karangantulisanartikel yang menarik)

  45. AS (adverb: sebagaikarenaketikasaat Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘AS’

  a. Adverb The Queen and the royal family often travel abroad as guests of other countries. (diluar negeri sebagai)

  b. Conjunction After lunch Lord Henry said that he was going to the park and as he left the room, Dorian Gray touched his arm. (dan ketikasaat)

  c. Subject pronoun But as I looked at the sleeping boy, my heart beat fas ter and I was filled with fear. (ketika saya)

  d. Article First, you could join the army, not in one of the legions but as a soldier on lower pay. (sebagai seorang)

  e. Possessive But as his dreams started coming true, someone stopped him in the only possible way. (mimpi nya)

  46. ASK (verb): bertanya Criteria for selecting the sentences that use’ ASK’

  a. Auxiliary verb 'Well, we can ask scientists to say that cryonics doesn't work. (bisa bertanya)

  b. Infinitive 'Jill, I need to ask you something. (bertanya)

  c. Subject pronoun Every time we ask him to come with us, he says no. (kami menanyaibertanya)

  d. Conjunction This is why I am afraid to go into the village, or ask for help from anyone.' (atau bertanya)

  e. Adverb He didn't usually ask the Dolphin Cottage people out on his boat in his 'private' time, but there was something he liked about Stephen and Anna - they were different. (biasanya bertanya)

  47. AT (preposition): dipada Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘AT’

  a. Possessive This was where he went to look again at his message from Mat tie. (pesan nya) a. Possessive This was where he went to look again at his message from Mat tie. (pesan nya)

  c. Conjunction Soon, computers will be able to do more for us in our homes and at work. (dan di)

  d. Adjective George continued to defend the Maharishi, but John soon became angry at their old teacher. (marah pada)

  e. Verb be The Queen's most important homes are at Buckingham Palace in London, and Windsor Castle just to the west of London. (berada di)

  48. ATE (verb): makan Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘ATE’

  a. Subject pronoun

  He ate his food, checked the horses and went up to his room. (dia


  b. Adverb He usually ate too much at meals, which made him ill. (biasanya makan)

  c. Article Andrea and I still lived in the same flat we slept in the same bed and

  ate the same food. (makan makanan yang sama) ate the same food. (makan makanan yang sama)

  e. Possessive The little Kelveys listened, while they ate their bread and butter out of a piece of newspaper. (makan roti mereka)

  49. ATTACK (verb): serangmenyerang Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘ATTACK’

  a. Article After the attack, King was weak for some months. (serangan)

  b. Infinitive They gave them fifteen minutes to attack the Freedom Riders. (untuk menyerang)

  c. Auxiliary verb When the cloud hides the moon, I will attack them. (akan menyerang)

  d. Possessive His attack had absolutely no connection with George Ashton, which left us with a big problem. (serangan nya)

  e. Adjective

  I had plenty of time to wonder why these violent attacks happened, first the fire in Mr Rochester"s room, and now a physical attack on a stranger. (serangan fisik)

  50. ATTENTION (noun): perhatian Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘ATTENTION’

  a. Possessive Miss Bingley was concentrating all her attention on Mr Darcy, and Mrs Hurst also joined in their conversation, while Mr Hurst was only interested in eating, drinking and playing cards. (perhatiannya)

  b. Adjective 'If Dr Ashton had been on Cladach Duillich for one more day without proper medical attention, she would be dead now,' he said. (tindakan medis)

  c. Collocation Hu passed her the note. 'Miss Hu! Please pay attention! (perhatian)

  d. Preposition Eleanor stopped the car and shouted angrily at the dancing figure in blue, who paid no attention to her. (perhatian kepada)

  e. Conjunction Mr Anderson says 'A lot of students who come here need that individual support and attention and they may well flounder in a larger organization where there is less support available.' (dan perhatian)

  51. AUTHOR (noun): penulispengarangpencipta Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘AUTHOR’

  a. Article Williams, an author and law professor at Columbia. (seorang penulis)

  b. Adjective Presenter Today in Bookworld we have an interview with Lucy Parker, who has written a biography of Ian Fleming, the well- known author of the internationally famous James Bond spy novels. (penulis


  c. Preposition He is the author of five novels and a collection, "Dusk and Other Stories," which won the 1988 PEN Faulkner Award. (penulis dari lima novel)

  d. Conjunction How about those stories you told us about being a ship-owner and an author and a burglar?' (penulis dan pencuri)

  e. Possessive It is as if the author 's voice and language have been loosed at last. (suara pengarang)

  52. AVAILABLE (adjective): tersediadapat Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘AVAILABLE’

  a. Adverb How else to explain an August of sparkling blue skies, golden weekend afternoons with municipal tennis courts easily available and quiet evenings on which downtown parking places and tables at good restaurants go begging? (mudah tersedia)

  b. Verb be The cash is available under a scheme designed to help projects which tackle language and cultural barriers, and 95 is for education schemes, mainly teaching English to schoolchildren and other ethnic minority members. (tersedia)

  c. Preposition Find out whether fire protection, sewage system, gas, water mains, and electrical lines are available in the locality. (tersedia di)

  d. Conjunction In the early 1980s, it was decided by the amount of money available and the expansion stopped. (tersedia dan)

  e. Infinitive The reference coordinator at headquarters also serves as a consultant, and is available to work with the local librarian in helping to strengthen local reference service. (bisa untuk bekerja dengan)

  53. AVOID (verb): menghindari Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘AVOID’

  a. Auxiliary verb This was the more surprising, because she was careful to inform him that it was her favourite walk, so that he could avoid meeting her. (bisa menghindari)

  b. Infinitive Diana and Mary were curious about my past, but sensitive enough to avoid asking questions which would hurt me. (untuk menghindari)

  c. Subject pronoun You travel in second-class compartments, and you cannot reserve your seats, but you avoid the rush-hour crowds, and you are certain to reach London at a suitable time during business hours. (kamu menghindari)

  d. Article We must do everything we can to avoid an accident. (menhindari kecelakaan)

  e. Possessive

  I wanted to avoid my problems. (menghindari masalah saya)

  54. AWAY (adverbadjective): jauh Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘AWAY’

  a. Preposition The captain pushed Daniel angrily away from him. (darinya) a. Preposition The captain pushed Daniel angrily away from him. (darinya)

  c. Conjunction We will go far away and live in the forests of South America. (jauh dan)

  d. Verb You want to give away a million pounds.' (sedekah)

  e. Adverb He walked quickly away down the street, and did not look back. (segera pergi)

  55. BABY (noun): bayi Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘BABY’

  a. Article

  I have a photo of him, too, as a baby in the hospital, here in Los Angeles. (seorang bayi)

  b. Possessive Her husband saved her, and she hasn't lost her baby. (bayinnya)

  c. Adjective Jack was only two months old, and Jason hit him - a little baby!' (bayi kecil) c. Adjective Jack was only two months old, and Jason hit him - a little baby!' (bayi kecil)

  e. Conjunction The swimming baby and talking of babies, they're doing a lot of swimming these days - into space, underwater, in blue. (bayi dan)

  56. BACK (adjectiveadverbnoun): kembalibelakangpunggung Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘BACK’

  a. Article Her house is at the back of our school. (belakang)

  b. Verb She arrived back at her flat very happy that night. (datang kembali)

  c. Preposition The city hall is at the back of mayor’s office. (dibelakang kantor walikota)

  d. Conjunction We will be at the back and they will be at the front. (dibelakang dan)

  e. Adverb Mr Mybug sat comfortably back in his chair and put a little cake in his mouth. (nyaman kembali)

  57. BAD (adjective): burukjahatmemprihatinkanparah Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘BAD’

  a. Article

  Elizabeth's father died too, trying to free his country from a bad government. (buruk)

  b. Conjunction

  I am bad because I am unhappy. (jahat karena)

  c. Preposition "The court has decided that you must die," the German officer explained, in bad French. (dalam Bahasa prancis yang buruk)

  d. Adverb The tuberculosis was very bad. (sangat parahmemprihatinkanburuk)

  e. Adjective He threw the umbrella away and said many bad things about policemen. (banyak hal-hal buruk)

  58. BALANCE (nounverb): keseimbangan Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘BALANCE’

  a. Article The most notable attempt at achieving a balance of pupils was the system of banding pupils tried by the Inner London Education Authority, disbanded five years ago. (keseimbangan) a. Article The most notable attempt at achieving a balance of pupils was the system of banding pupils tried by the Inner London Education Authority, disbanded five years ago. (keseimbangan)

  c. Possessive 'I lost my balance and slipped off the edge of a steep rock. (keseimbangan saya)

  d. Infinitive 'No way!' says Kimora, who has found ways to balance the competing demands of work and school. (untuk menyeimbangkan)

  e. Auxiliary verb The statement was also made that undoubtedly the railroad had received some compensating benefit from the telegraphers, but that it was difficult to imagine what could balance a job for life. (bisa menyeimangkan)

  59. BANK (noun): tempat menabungbanktepi sungai Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘BANK’

  a. Article Matthew and I had our money in the Abbey bank. But the bank had problems and now there's no money. (bank)

  b. Possessive Just before he left, he took out a lot of money from his bank. (bank nya) b. Possessive Just before he left, he took out a lot of money from his bank. (bank nya)

  d. Preposition There was a hut on the bank of the river, and the women changed there. (tepian sungai)

  e. Conjunction He walked away from the bank and lay down on the warm ground in the sun. (tepian sungai dan)

  60. BARS (noun): bar Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘BARS’

  a. Conjunction They could enjoy a swimming pool, a library, Turkish baths, and excellent restaurants and bars. (restoran dan bar)

  b. Adverb Surprisingly, for their first meal behind bars, they were given steak. (dibelakang bar)

  c. Adjective These passengers also had a library and a few bars. (beberapa bar)

  d. Preposition And she worked in bars on the West Coast - she was as pretty as a doll. (di bar) d. Preposition And she worked in bars on the West Coast - she was as pretty as a doll. (di bar)

  61. BASED (adjective). berdasarkan Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘BASED’

  a. Conjunction They have all read the university's self- assessment of its provision and based on this are concerned about the resourcing of the library and the role and support given to part- time staff. (dan berdasarkan)

  b. Preposition With gravity, life in space can be based on our experience on earth. (berdasarkan pada)

  c. Adjective As the nation returns to work after Labor Day, the producers of a public-broadcasting documentary based on the 1984 book "In Search of Excellence" have suggestions. (dokumenter berdasarkan)

  d. Adverb The nuggets of real criticism are those views which are evidently based on personal reactions and responses. (jelas berdasarkan)

  e. Possessive First, the pope asserted that it was upon evidence presented by Offa that Hadrian had based his judgement. (berdasarkan penilaiannya)

  62. BASIS(noun): dasar Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘BASIS’

  a. Article This takes us a long way from acting on the basis of 'mere probability'. (dasar)

  b. Adjective When thinking right- wingers, like Michael Portillo, agonise publicly about the moral basis for their politics, they tend to end up by stressing the importance of, well, leaving people alone. (dasar moral)

  c. Preposition Adam Worth, the greatest thief of the 19th century, could have furnished the basis of a great novel. (dasar dari)

  d. Possessive Their basis seems deeper than mere authority. (dasar mereka)

  e. Conjunction Indeed, their achievement scores were somewhat better on an absolute basis although the difference was not significant. (dasar walaupun)

  63. BE (verb): menjadiadaberada Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘BE’

  a. Conjunction 'Your wife isn't stupid, you know. This game has not ended yet. Sit still, and be ready.' (dan bersiap) a. Conjunction 'Your wife isn't stupid, you know. This game has not ended yet. Sit still, and be ready.' (dan bersiap)

  c. Article Soapy decided to change his life and be a new man. (menjadi seorang lelaki baru)

  d. Possessive Yes, it took a long time to divorce Katherine, and Anne wanted to marry the King and be his Queen. (menjadi ratunya)

  e. Adverb In Africa, on the other hand, they can be really dangerous. (menjadi sangat berbahaya)

  f. Auxiliary verb You can be very funny, but you can be serious too. (bisa)

  64. BEAR (nounverb): beruangmenahanmenanggung Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘BEAR’

  a. Article At once the monkeys jumped on him, and the bear started to hit them with his great strong arms. (beruang)

  b. Infinitive But one day the name of the Patna was mentioned, and Jim was too sensitive to bear it. (untuk menanggung) b. Infinitive But one day the name of the Patna was mentioned, and Jim was too sensitive to bear it. (untuk menanggung)

  d. Adjective There is only one other animal who can come to these wolf- meetings Baloo, the sleepy brown bear. (beruang coklat)

  e. Preposition They started life together in a tent on bear Island. (di pulau beruang)

  65. BEAUTIFUL (adjective): cantikindah Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘BEAUTIFUL’

  a. Article She was not a beautiful woman, but she was well dressed, quite pretty and, as I quickly realized, very intelligent. (cantik)

  b. Possessive Her beautiful dress was shining in the moonlight. (baju cantiknya)

  c. Adverb Her dresses are so beautiful, and she can sing so well! (sangat indah)

  d. Conjunction It was beautiful but frightening. (indah tapi menakutkan)

  e. Adjective She was looking at a picture of Miss Rosalie Ray, a very beautiful young woman. (wanita muda yang cantik)

  66. BECAUSE (conjunction): karena Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘BECAUSE’

  a. Subject pronoun She looked quickly at her mother, and then at Hassan 'because I love him.' (karena aku)

  b. Preposition He was leaving the Beatles 'because of personal, business and musical differences'. (karena)

  c. Possessive The villagers are all afraid of me - because my name is Device. (karena nama saya)

  d. Adjective He watched the gun and the girl's face, but he was not really afraid because he was still angry. (takut karena)

  e. Conjunction And because the twelve chimes took a long time to ring, each person had more time to think, and feel 31 uncomfortable. (dan karena)

  67. BECOME (verb): menjadijadi Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘BECOME’

  a. Conjunction Third, you could be freed by your owner and become a citizen. (dan menjadi) a. Conjunction Third, you could be freed by your owner and become a citizen. (dan menjadi)

  c. Auxiliary verb He can become British, perhaps he can never become truly English. (bisa menjadi)

  d. Adverb The National Lottery was only started in 1994, but it has quickly become an important part of ordinary British life. (segera menjadi)

  e. Infinitive He did not want to become a preacher like his father. (menjadi)

  f. Subject pronoun They become bad because bad things happen to them. (mereka jadi)

  g. Article But he did not leave college, because he wanted to become a famous actor. (menjadi seorang aktor terkenal)

  68. BED (noun): tempat tidurranjang Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘BED’

  a. Article Rafael was there, lying on a bed. (ranjang)

  b. Adjective Alone in her bed room, she undressed and got into the big empty bed. (ranjang kosong) b. Adjective Alone in her bed room, she undressed and got into the big empty bed. (ranjang kosong)

  d. Preposition It was too early for anyone to be in bed. (di tempat tidur)

  e. Conjunction The Sixth day at three o'clock in the morning Alex got up from the bed and looked out of the window. (tempat tidur dan)

  69. BEFORE (adverbconjunctionpreposition): sebelum Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘BEFORE’

  a. Subject pronoun 'Dorian,' she cried, 'before I knew you, the theatre was my only life. (sebelum aku tahu kamu)

  b. Conjunction But before he left, Van Helsing did one more thing. (tapi sebelum)

  c. Adverb He looked carefully before he got out, but there was nobody with white hair near the hotel. (hati-hati sebelum)

  d. Article Before the center was built, this area of the city was very poor. (sebelum) d. Article Before the center was built, this area of the city was very poor. (sebelum)

  70. BEGIN (verb): mulai Criteria for selecting the sentences that sue ‘BEGIN’

  a. Auxiliary verb We can begin in London. (bisa mulai)

  b. Subject pronoun

  I begin to feel cold and afraid. (saya mulai)

  c. Infinitive That's why we came to England, to begin a new life. (untuk memulai)

  d. Adverb The Games usually begin when a runner brings in the Olympic flame from Greece. (biasanya mulai)

  e. Preposition Begin at the beginning. (mulai di)

  f. Conjunction

  I want to forget what I've done and begin a new life, be a new person. (dan memulai)

  g. Possessive He wants to begin his future! (memulai masa depannya)

  71. BEHAVIOUR (noun): tingkah lakutindakanprilaku Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘BEHAVIOUR’

  a. Adjective Fagin walked home, thinking, 'Nancy is tired of Bill and his cruel behaviour. (prilaku kejam)

  b. Possessive An American though in England is thought to be a little inferior because of his behaviour and his language. (prilaku nya)

  c. Article The subjects of the SCC volumes provide little opportunity for comment on the behaviour and trials of the Chinese people. (prilaku)

  d. Conjunction The subjects of the SCC volumes provide little opportunity for comment on the behaviour and trials of the Chinese people. (prilaku dan)

  e. Preposition Ted Burgess and I had the same ideas about correct behaviour towards other people. (prilaku terhadap)

  72. BEHIND (adverb): dibelakang Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘BEHIND

  a. Article Suddenly, in a comer behind the boat, something moved in the shadows. (dibelakang perahu) a. Article Suddenly, in a comer behind the boat, something moved in the shadows. (dibelakang perahu)

  c. Preposition

  A cloud moved across the moon, and when the moon came from behind it, Count Dracula was not there. (dari belakang)

  d. Possessive Logan stood up and came out from behind her desk. (belakang meja nya)

  e. Passive What thoughts and plans were hidden behind her cold eyes? (tersembunyi dibelakang)

  f. Conjunction

  A second detective came into the room, and behind him was a tall man with dark hair. (dan dibalakang)

  g. Adjective Three nurses sat at the front of the box, and Merrick and I sat in the dark behind them. (duduk dalam gelap dibelakang mereka)

  73. BEING (nounadjective): makhlukmenjadiberada Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘BEING’

  a. Preposition In this book, you will learn many useful rules about being English. (tentang menjadi)

  b. Adverb Lavinia thinks I am being very cruel,' said the Doctor. (menjadi sangat kejam)

  c. Conjunction Alexander and his friends spent the next few months relaxing and being entertained by theatre performances and sports competitions. (dan mnejadi terhibur)

  d. Adjective Simon was certainly drunk. 'That was very rude of me, wasn't it?' he said like a pleased child. 'But I enjoy being rude. (menjadi kasar)

  e. Article Their first platform, the Right to Carry Arms, harps back to the posse tradition and the concept of justice being a local issue. (menjadi sebuah isu local)

  f. Possessive During Eppie's childhood he often gave money to Silas to spend on her, but was careful that nobody should suspect him of being her father. (menjadi ayahnya)

  74. BELIEVE (verb): yakinpercaya Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘BELIEVE e’

  a. Auxiliary verb 'Then I can believe what he writes about you in the prison's book?' (bisa yakin)

  b. Conjunction

  But believe me, Henry, I didn't know what I was doing. (tapi

  percayalah padaku)

  c. Subject pronoun

  I believe that you will be happy together. (aku percaya)

  d. Infinitive He wanted to believe that this was, perhaps, his child. (percaya)

  e. Preposition Hindley did not believe in God, and showed no interest in his son Hareton. (percaya pada tuhan)

  f. Adverb

  I could see that she didn't really believe me. (sangat tidak percaya)

  g. Article

  I refuse to believe the evidence of my own eyes,' said the Doctor. (percaya bukti)

  h. Possessive Nobody will believe your story. (percaya ceritamu)

  75. BELOW (adverbpreposition): di bawah Criteria for selecting the sentences that use ‘BELOW’

  a. Possessive The tomb, I soon learned, was below my bedroom. (dibawah tempat tidur)

  b. Article

  Below the plane, there was another hole. (di bawah pesawat)

  c. Adverb As he came to the last and highest part of the road, he could see, far below in the valley, the line of shadow that was his own country. (jauh di bawah)

  d. Conjunction It could not be seen from below because it was at the top of the hill from the valley, the hill seemed covered with trees. (di bawah karena)

  e. Adjective All pupils took a test in their last year of primary school and each secondary school was allocated 25 per cent of above-average pupils,

  50 per cent average and 25 per cent below average. (di bawah rata- rata)