Greenhouse Gas Emissions Underlying Theories and The Prior Researches


2.1 Underlying Theories and The Prior Researches

2.1.1 Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Peraturan Presiden precidential decree number 712011 explained that the definition of Greenhouse Gas GHG is gases which contains the atmosphere, whether natural or anthropogenic, absorbing and retransmit the infrared radiation. Whereas, the definition of greenhouse gas emissions is release from greenhouse gases into the atmosphere in certain areas within particular period. Greenhouse gas emissions consists of Carbon Dioxide CO 2 , Methane CH 4 , Nitrous Oxide N 2 O, Hydro Fluorocarbons HFCs, Per Fluorocarbons PFCs, and Sulphur Hexafluoride SF 6 . A lot of chemical compounds are found in the earth’s atmosphere, which is known as greenhouse gas emissions that allow sunlight fill into the atmosphere freely. When sunlight has struck the earth’s surface, some of it was reflected back in space as infrared radiation heat. Furthermore, greenhouse gases will absorb this infrared radiation and trapped in the heat of atmosphere. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has ability to absorb solar radiation that reflected by the earth, so it causes the earth get warmer. This event is called a greenhouse effect because it the same as the phenomenon which occurs in a greenhouse. Greenhouse phenomenon occurs when the heat came and trapped inside and unable to 9 penetrate in outside, so it can warm up the whole of greenhouses National Energy Information Centre, 2004. The increasing of greenhouse gas emissions in atmosphere above of normal standard causes the global warming and other changing in the climate system. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC found that over the last 100 years 1906-2005, the average of earth’s temperature was rose about 0.74˚ C. Moreover warming on land was greater than the sea. The average of warming’s rate over the last 50 years was higher than that was occurred in the last 100 years.

2.1.2 Institutional Governance System Theory