





Submitted to Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for The Degree of Sarjana Sastra



Registration Number : 2113220042







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Medan, April 2016 The Writer

Swidanty Annisa 2113220042



Skripsi ini diajukan oleh: Swidanty Annisa, Nim: 2113220042, Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris

Program Studi Sastra Inggris/S-1 Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Medan

Dinyatakan telah memenuhi persyaratan untuk Memperoleh Gelar Sarjana Sastra

Medan, April 2016

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Prof. Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S. NIP. 19630525 198803 2 016



Skripsi ini diajukan oleh: Swidanty Annisa, NIM 2113220042 Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris

Program Studi Sastra Inggris Strata Satu Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni

Universitas Negeri Medan

Dinyatakan telah memenuhi syarat untuk memperoleh gelar Sarjana Sastra

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Medan, April 2016


Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum. NIP. 19641207 199103 2 002


Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd. NIP. 19581021 198303 2 002



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gelar Sarjana Sastra

Medan, April 2016

Tim Penguji,

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1. Prof. Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S. NIP. 19630525 198803 2 016

2. Syamsul Bahri, S.S, M.Hum. NIP. 19690104 200312 2 003

3. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd. NIP. 19581021 198303 2 002

4. Juli Rachmadani H, S.S, M.Hum NIP. 19820711 200801 2 008




Annisa, Swidanty, 2113220042. Myth of Drupadi’s Character in Mahabharata Novel (An analysis of Barthes Theory Approach in Literary Text). A Thesis, English, Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan, 2016.

The study deals with the Myth of Drupadi’s Character in Mahabharata Novel ( An analysis of Barthes Theory Approach in Literary Text). The objective of this study is to identify the myth using the signified and signifier. The source of the data were Mahabharata Novel retold C. Rajagopalachari. The data were collected by sentences of novel that contain the data. The result of this study are stated as follows: interpretation was the way to specify the myth of Draupadi’s life in Barthes theory using two kinds which were signified and signifier and the second Draupadi’s character is a symbol of a tough and independent woman that can beat all obstacles in her life.




Great thanks and praise to the Almighty Allah SWT who has blessed and given the ability to the write to complete her thesis as the partial fulfillment of the requirements for degree of Sarjana Sastra at the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

This thesis would not have been possible without the guidance and the help of several individuals who always contributed and extended their valuable assistances in the preparation and completion of this thesis. The writer’s special appreciation goes to:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of


Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean Faculty of Language and Arts,

State University of Medan.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English and Literature

Department and her Thesis Examiners, Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English Department, and Syamsul Bahri, S.S, M.Hum., the Head of English Non-Educational Program and her Thesis Examiners, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

Prof. Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S., her Thesis Supervisor.

Juli Rahmadani, S.S, M.Hum her Thesis Examiners.

Ariatna, M.A and Indra Hartoyo S.Pd., M.Hum., Winda Setia Sari S.S.,M.Hum.,and All The Lecturers who had given very valuable

knowledge through Academic years.

Beloved parents, H. Sucipto S.Pd and Ernawati Nasution for the patience, affection, prayer, financial support and taught the writer many worth things in facing the life. Thanks also given to her sisters Adinda

Ayu Layla S.E., Try Dhiyya Fajrina, her brother Dahril Satria Dandy.

Prof. Drs. H. Darmono M.Ed., for his helps, supports and prayers to the

writers finishing this thesis.

Eis Sri Wahyuningsih, M.Pd., and Pantesas the Administration Staff of

English Department for helping the writer in preparing all the fulfillment in conducting this thesis.

 All her beloved friends in English Literature A and B 2011 and other faculty, especially for Dahratul Aini S.S., Fajri Januardi S.S., Riska



Juli S.S., Manguhal Hutagalung, Raja Bobby Aditya, Nezayana Febriani and others that cannot be mentioned all.

All her lovely best friends Syayu Mutiara, Elvira Lubis S.I.Kom,

Maya Batubara S.Kom, Dyan Rusmiaty S.Kom, Siti Fahrisa Fatin S.Pd and Astika Utami Larassati S.Ked thanks for their support,

kindness, and care to the writer, also warm hearted encouragement friendship in finishing this thesis to the writer.

Her beloved brothers and sisters Swarman, Icha Lubis, Hasbi, Syaiful,

Anggita Kasanra, Nurul Huda, Sylvia Taruna, Arif, Kak Sri Lestari, Sidik, Nayara, Rika Wahyuni, Geby Cindy, Andika,Rizki Odonk, Trisna, Faisal, Fandiin HMJ BSI FBS UNIMED and PERAPUNG.

Thanks for their support, helps, and laughs all these years.

Her special sisters Isma Eriyanti S.Pd, Elnoviamy S.Pd, Nurhamidah

Tanjung S.Pd, Nisha Tita Mutiarni, Zhana Sabrina Amelia and Aini MelbebahwatiSaragih S.Pd the most grateful feeling for having them as

precious friends at the process of completing the thesis as they have encouraged and supported the writer to accomplish the thesis.

Her lovely teacher-friend-parent Mrs. Safithrie Sutrisno for the great love, supports, caring, advises, helps and prayers to the writer as she has become the motivation of the writer to complete the thesis.

Her beloved man Gema Arfantri Putra S.Tthe biggest gratitude for his great love, supports, caring, helps and prayers to the writer as he has become the motivation of the writer to complete the thesis.

 The people who direct or indirectly contributed in this study, your kindness means a lot to her.

Medan, April 2016 The writer,









A. The Background of Study... 1

B. The Problem of Study... 6

C. The Scope of Study ... 6

D. The Objective of Study... 7

E. The Significance of Study ... 7


A. Theoretical Framework... 9

B. Literature ... 9

C. Prose ... 10

D. Semiotics ... 11

1. Semiotics Pragmatics ... 11

2. Structuralist Semiotics ... 13

3. Myth ... 14

4. Semiological Roland Barthes ... 16

5. Signified and Signifier ... 186

E. Synopsis of Mahabharata ... 20

F. Draupadi’s Character... 24




B. The Source of Data... 26

C. The Technique for Collecting Data ... 26

D. The Technique of Analyzing Data... 27


A. Data ... 28

B. Data Analysis ... 28

C. Research Findings ... 37

D. Discussion ... ... 42


A. Conclusion ... 44

B. Suggestion ... 45






A. Background of the Study

Nowadays language is very important for human beings to communicate with each other. Language plays a crucial role in expressing, exchanging and particularly reproducing ideologies. Language is not produced in a context free vacuum, but in discourse contexts that is constructed with the ideology of social systems and institutions. Since language operates within this social dimension, it tends to reflect and construct ideology. According to (Clark, 1981:1) language is not only the principal medium that human beings use to communicate with each other but also the links people together binds them their culture. There are so many functions of language, some of them are to: give information, deliver message, express feelings, persuade people, entertain people, and share opinion.

Considering those various functions of language mentioned above, in simple word it can be concluded that language functioned as a tool of communication. Communication itself is the activity or process of expressing ideas and feeling or of giving information or messages (Hornby, 2000:225). It means when people use language, they need not only to interact with others but also to get other persons to understand their thought and feeling.

In general, communication can be divided into two forms; they are spoken and written communication. Spoken communication means the process of expressing ideas and feelings or giving information which is done orally. While



written communication is done in written form, available in newspaper, brochures, letter, script, novel etc.

World of meanings and symbols have been in the spotlight for a long time language experts. Peirce with trichotomous concept, Umberto Eco, Danesi and Perron, Husserl era with the concept of "Voice" itself, followed by De Saussure that states that verbal language as the language of truth, then Barthes by focusing on studies and cultural criticism (Text), Kristeva, Derrida, and many other figures.

Barthes's many monthly contributions that were collected in his Mythologies (1957) frequently interrogated specific cultural materials in order to expose how bourgeois society asserted its values through them. For example, the portrayal of wine in French society as a robust and healthy habit is a bourgeois ideal that is contradicted by certain realities (i.e., that wine can be unhealthy and inebriating). He found semiotics, the study of signs, useful in these interrogations. Barthes explained that these bourgeois cultural myths were "second-order signs," or "connotations." A picture of a full, dark bottle is a signifier that relates to a specific signified: a fermented, alcoholic beverage. However, the bourgeois relates it to a new signified: the idea of healthy, robust and relaxing experience. Motivations for such manipulations vary, from a desire to sell products to a simple desire to maintain the status quo.

In Western culture there are a number of literary or narrative genres that scholars have related in different ways to myths. Examples are fables, fairy tales, folktales, sagas, epics, legends, and etiologic tales (which refer to causes or



explain why a thing is the way it is). Another form of tale, the parable, differs from myth in its purpose and character.

Myth criticism designates not so much a critical approach in literary studies as the convergence of several methods and forms of inquiry about the complex relations between literature and myth. So heterogeneous are these inquiries, connecting with so many disciplines and interdisciplinary issues, that it is perhaps best to think of myth criticism as the locus for a series of complex, if powerfully suggestive, questions.

Mythology is subjected to connotations and denotations since theinception of its incorporation in the mainstream. Warner (1994 : 14) narrates:

Myths offer a lens which can be used to see human identity in its social and culturalcontext . . . they can lock us up in stock reactions, bigotry and fear, but they arenot immutable, and by unpicking them, the stories can lead to others. Myths conveyvalues and expectations which are always evolving, in the process of being formed,but . . . and this is fortunate . . . never set so hard they cannot be changed again. In literature, Structuralism is concerned with an analysis of texts based on some linguistic principles. Founded on modern linguistic theory of the French Ferdinard de Saussure, literary Structuralism attempts to define, explain and analyse literature by concentrating on signs in a given text. On this note, there is only a thin line of demarcation between Structuralism and Semiotics – the science of signs.



According to Saussure quoted from Terry Eagleton’s Literary Theory (1996), language is:

A system of signs, which was to be studied ‘synchronically’ – that is to say as a complete system at a given point of time – rather than ‘diachronically’ in its historical development. Each sign was to be seen as being made up of a ‘signifier’ (second image, or its graphic equivalent) and a ‘signified’ (the concept of meaning).

Literary Structuralism is an attempt to apply the above linguistic paradigm to study literature. The term connotes structures and is more concerned with the way elements relate with one another in a literary production. The focus of this approach is to analyze deep structures in a given literary text. It sees issues in such a text in relation to the signs employed by a writer. Thus, “Structuralism focuses on the text as an independent aesthetic object and also tends to detach literature from history and social and political implications”. Jerome Beaty (2002: A18)

As laudable and science – based as Structuralism seems to be, literature transcends an analysis of signs. Literature would not achieve its purpose of expressing those fundamental and socio-cultural human desires that have passed through history, if all it preoccupies itself with is an analysis of signs.

Certainly, other crucial elements demystifying the political leaders in Antigua as exemplified in Jamaica Kincaid’s A Small Place (1988) would have been lost,



if the author’s emphases were only on the glamour of the V.C. Bird International Airport. However, it is paradoxical to assert that literary Structuralism is an evidence of the demystification of the monopoly of early literary theories. In other words, it provides alternative principles for studying literature as against the monolithic posture portrayed in the sociology of literature.

In analyzing a literary work, there are many aspect that can be explored. The analysis of character, setting, and plot have been common aspect in literary analysis and one of the into language aspect of analysis literary text is exploring the myth and symbol that might appear in the text. A literary work today is a matter of poetry, drama and prose.

A novel is a not too unorganized, fictitious narrative in prose of at least, say, 20,000 words.In simple words, we can easily define the novel as a long story in prose. Novel is not a short story in prose; instead, it is actually an extensive and an illustrated account of series of events that happened right through the life of a character. Whatever may be the meaning of the novel, it is apparent that novel is a picture-perfect image of the time of the writer. It is much the same as a mirror, which reflects the picture of a thing put against it. Additionally, a novel reflects the patterns, eccentricities and attributes of the contemporary age with true colours. He does not think that the novel is a closely definable affair.

Myth has been studied for years in order to dig up more information to believe and its implications of ethos and ideology. For instances, the myth of success had played roles in shaping some of American people’s modern habit, opinion and way of life. Also it was found that to some people’s opinion myth of success was



connoted with the attaining of materials objects but not to others’ (Arsanti : 2003). Furthermore, it was found out that the characters in MetalGear Solid reflect the myth of American paradox through several elements of character namely physical traits, how he/she dresses, psychological/personality traits, motivation, behavior /actions, relationships with other characters in the story, weaknesses/faults, strengths/virtues, moral constitution, history and background, changes, and similarities and differences of the characters (Purnama : 2007).

However, signifier and signify in myth of Mahabharata has never been studied. Therefore, the researcher will present the data of signifier and signify which are found in the myth of Mahabharata particularly in the character of Draupadi.

B. The Problem of Study

Based on the background of this study, the research problems are formulated as the following :

1) What is the myth of Drupadi’s life story? 2) What is the myth in Draupadi’s character?

C. The Scope of Study

This study will analyze the myth in Draupadi’s character of Mahabharata Novel. Myth generally refers to gods or tales of human origins as the focus of belief, the new definition includes any cultural activity that implies an ethos or ideology as the focus of belief, be that secular or religious. There are 106 chapters



of the novel, the sample of data are 6 selected (Chapter 13. Drona, 17. Draupadi's Swayamvaram, 18. Indraprastha, 28. Krishna's Vow, 29. Pasupata, and 44. Virtue Vindicated ) which are selected based on the frequent used of myth. The writer uses Roland Barthes’s theory to identify myths that is found on Mahabharata characters or setting especially in Draupadi's character and also in relation to the problem stated above, the writer focuses the study on describing how the myth can influence the citizen with their life.

D. The Objective of Study

In relation to the problem mentioned, the objectives of the study are :

1) To find out and describe the way to specify value of myth in Draupadi’s character.

2) To give some information about myth value in Draupadi’s character and to enrich the knowledge of people about myth itself..

E. The Significance of Study

The results of the study are expected to :

1) Theoretically provide information about myth, especially for the students of literature who study about myths.

2) Practically give information about myth to teachers who teach the student in psychology aspect by learning about the good values in myth.



3) Show the readers and the researchers about myth values from characters and setting in “Mahabharata” novel that reflect the characteristic of human being in the novel to keep us being a good person.





A. Conclusion

After analyzing the myth (signified and signifier) of Drupadi’s

character in Mahabharata story, the researcher found that there are some opinion myth of success was connoted with the attaining of materials objects. Semiology theory of Roland Barthes (1915-1980) is obviously very closely with semiology theory of Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913). The difference, as the father of semiotics Saussure states that "language is a sign system" is more dichotomous. While Barthes more triadic with the three elements namely the signifier, signified, and sign. Additionally semiotic move wider. Seeing this we can compared Barthes semiotic with Peirce also is triadic: sign, object, interpertant. The parallel is their use of semiotics in many areas. For Peirce to be underlined is the aspect of interpretation. Each sign can be interpreted on an ongoing basis. But for the two figures Roland Barthes and Peirce, semiotics or semiology is the tool for critical thinking. When Barthes said we should elaborate myth, Pierce said that we have to decipher the text.

Interpretation was the way to specify the value of myth in

Draupadi’s character in Barthes theory using two kinds which were

signified and signifier. Example like this sentences Draupadi shone with

a fresh beauty. Her face glowed with happiness which streamed out of her eyes as she looked on Arjuna. (Chapter 17, pg 29, line 10-11. This



sentences had signifier and signified. The signifier of this sentences was :

Draupadi’s Agreement to accept Arjuna and for signified was “The way Draupadi accepted Arjuna as his husband has a relation with making right decision. She succeeded in following her own instinct. This can be concluded that in making a right decision in tough time, we have to trust ourselves and follow what our heart tells us to do. Draupadi proves that in choosing her husband she has to follow her heart with a believe that the man she chose would be the right man for her.

In modern life, all women have to apply the Draupadi’s character in their life to face out the world. Nowadays, so many crimes can threaten women’s life. By having an ability to do a self-defense, all women can struggle in passing every phase in their life.

Finally, it can be concluded that Draupadi’s character is a symbol of a tough and independent woman that can beat all obstacles in her life.

B. Suggestion

In studying literature, character should be considered important as it can being the readers to the theme of the story. It is also useful for the readers to know the meaning of the people character in the novel or story. To deepen the understanding about meaning of characterization of

characters the author used the barthes’ theory to described myth meaning



More researches and references in different comprehension of signified – signifier are also needed in order to get deeper understanding about myth. The researches also expects that the readers will be interested in discussing other young-adult literature to gain more sources to conduct further researches in literary characters especially in modern literature.




Arsanti, RirisEko. (2003). A Thesis of The American Myth as Reflected by John

Grisham in His Best Seller Novel ‘The Firm’.Surakarta :UniversitasSebelasMaret.

Barthes, Roland (1991) MYTHOLGIES.New York - The Noonday Press. Barthes, Roland (2007). Petualangan Semiologi. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Barthes, R. 1967. Denotation and Conotation dalam Element of Semiology,

London:Jonatahan Cape.

Chandler, Daniel (2012) Semiotics For Beginner. (Accesed on 13-04-2015. 11:44).

Clark, Virginia P. (1981). Language Introductory Readings (thirdedition). New

York: St. Martin’s Press.

Creswell, J. (1994). Research design: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. London: Sage.

Cobley, Paul dan Jansz, Litza. (2002). Semiotika for Beginneres. Bandung. Mizan Hoed, Benny H (2014). Semiotik & Dinamika Sosial Budaya : Ferdinand de

Saussure, Roland Barthes, Julia Kristeva, Jacques Derrida, Charles Sanders Pierce, Marcel Danesi & Paul Prron, dll. Depok : Komunitas Bambu

Hornby, A.S. (2000). Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Sixth Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press .htm (Accessed on June 21th 2015) on December5th 2014) (Accessed on May 24th 2015)

Jung, C. 1981. The Development of Personality (Collected Works of C.G. Jung Vol.17). Bollingen Publishers.



Magoulick, M. (n.d.). What is Myth? from, (Accessed on April 2nd 2016)

Octarini,Dewi (2004) Mitos Perempuan Dalam Film 7 Hati 7 Cinta 7 Wanita Karya Robby Ertanto (Suatu Pendekatan Semiotik). Solo : Universitas Sebelas Maret.

Peirce, C.S. 1955. "Logic as Semiotic: The Theory of Signs" in J. Buchler, Ed., Philosophical Writings of Peirce. New York: Dover.

Purnama, SF Lukfianka Sanjaya (2007). A Thesis of TheMyth of American Paradoxas Reflected through The Characters of Metal Gear Solid. Surakarta : Universitas SebelasMaret.

Selden, Raman (1993). Panduan Pembaca Teori Sastra Masa Kini. Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada University Press.

Sharma, Bhavna. (2015). Mythic Re-vision of Prathibha Ray’s Yajnaseni: The Story of Draupadi. International Journal of English Language, Literature and Humanities.

Trifonas, Pieter Pericles. (2003). Barthes dan Imperium Yanda. Yogyakarta. Jendela.

Wellek& Warren. (1977). Theory of Literature. Jakarta: PT Gramedia.

Warner, Marina.(1994). Managing Monsters: Six Myths of Our Time. London: Vintage



The writer’s name is Swidanty Annisa. She was born on October, 03rd

1993 in Medan and North Sumatera. People usually call her Danty. She is the first daughter of H. Sucipto S.Pd and Ernawati Nasution. She has two sisters, Adinda Ayu Layla and Try Dhiyya Fajrina and a brother, Dahril Satria Dandy.

Her formal education started from primary school in SD Swasta Eria Medan (1999-2005) . Then, she continued her education in SMP Swasta Eria Medan (2005-2008). After that, she finished her Senior High School in SMA Swasta Eria Medan (2008- 2011). Then 2011, she studied on English Literature Program at State University of Medan and she got her Sarjana Sastra in 2016.

Medan, April 2016 The writer,

Swidanty Annisa NIM. 211322042




A. Conclusion

After analyzing the myth (signified and signifier) of Drupadi’s character in Mahabharata story, the researcher found that there are some opinion myth of success was connoted with the attaining of materials objects. Semiology theory of Roland Barthes (1915-1980) is obviously very closely with semiology theory of Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913). The difference, as the father of semiotics Saussure states that "language is a sign system" is more dichotomous. While Barthes more triadic with the three elements namely the signifier, signified, and sign. Additionally semiotic move wider. Seeing this we can compared Barthes semiotic with Peirce also is triadic: sign, object, interpertant. The parallel is their use of semiotics in many areas. For Peirce to be underlined is the aspect of interpretation. Each sign can be interpreted on an ongoing basis. But for the two figures Roland Barthes and Peirce, semiotics or semiology is the tool for critical thinking. When Barthes said we should elaborate myth, Pierce said that we have to decipher the text.

Interpretation was the way to specify the value of myth in Draupadi’s character in Barthes theory using two kinds which were signified and signifier. Example like this sentences Draupadi shone with a fresh beauty. Her face glowed with happiness which streamed out of her eyes as she looked on Arjuna. (Chapter 17, pg 29, line 10-11. This


sentences had signifier and signified. The signifier of this sentences was :

Draupadi’s Agreement to accept Arjuna and for signified was “The way

Draupadi accepted Arjuna as his husband has a relation with making right decision. She succeeded in following her own instinct. This can be concluded that in making a right decision in tough time, we have to trust ourselves and follow what our heart tells us to do. Draupadi proves that in choosing her husband she has to follow her heart with a believe that the man she chose would be the right man for her.

In modern life, all women have to apply the Draupadi’s character in their life to face out the world. Nowadays, so many crimes can threaten women’s life. By having an ability to do a self-defense, all women can struggle in passing every phase in their life.

Finally, it can be concluded that Draupadi’s character is a symbol of a tough and independent woman that can beat all obstacles in her life.

B. Suggestion

In studying literature, character should be considered important as it can being the readers to the theme of the story. It is also useful for the readers to know the meaning of the people character in the novel or story. To deepen the understanding about meaning of characterization of characters the author used the barthes’ theory to described myth meaning (signified-signifier) in the story.



More researches and references in different comprehension of signified – signifier are also needed in order to get deeper understanding about myth. The researches also expects that the readers will be interested in discussing other young-adult literature to gain more sources to conduct further researches in literary characters especially in modern literature.



Grisham in His Best Seller Novel ‘The Firm’.Surakarta :UniversitasSebelasMaret.

Barthes, Roland (1991) MYTHOLGIES.New York - The Noonday Press. Barthes, Roland (2007). Petualangan Semiologi. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Barthes, R. 1967. Denotation and Conotation dalam Element of Semiology,

London:Jonatahan Cape.

Chandler, Daniel (2012) Semiotics For Beginner. (Accesed on 13-04-2015. 11:44).

Clark, Virginia P. (1981). Language Introductory Readings (thirdedition). New York: St. Martin’s Press.

Creswell, J. (1994). Research design: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. London: Sage.

Cobley, Paul dan Jansz, Litza. (2002). Semiotika for Beginneres. Bandung. Mizan Hoed, Benny H (2014). Semiotik & Dinamika Sosial Budaya : Ferdinand de

Saussure, Roland Barthes, Julia Kristeva, Jacques Derrida, Charles Sanders Pierce, Marcel Danesi & Paul Prron, dll. Depok : Komunitas


Hornby, A.S. (2000). Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Sixth Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press .htm (Accessed on June 21th 2015) on December5th 2014) (Accessed on May 24th 2015)

Jung, C. 1981. The Development of Personality (Collected Works of C.G. Jung



Magoulick, M. (n.d.). What is Myth? from, (Accessed on April 2nd 2016)

Octarini,Dewi (2004) Mitos Perempuan Dalam Film 7 Hati 7 Cinta 7 Wanita Karya Robby Ertanto (Suatu Pendekatan Semiotik). Solo : Universitas Sebelas Maret.

Peirce, C.S. 1955. "Logic as Semiotic: The Theory of Signs" in J. Buchler, Ed.,

Philosophical Writings of Peirce. New York: Dover.

Purnama, SF Lukfianka Sanjaya (2007). A Thesis of TheMyth of American

Paradoxas Reflected through The Characters of Metal Gear Solid.

Surakarta : Universitas SebelasMaret.

Selden, Raman (1993). Panduan Pembaca Teori Sastra Masa Kini. Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada University Press.

Sharma, Bhavna. (2015). Mythic Re-vision of Prathibha Ray’s Yajnaseni: The Story of Draupadi. International Journal of English Language, Literature

and Humanities.

Trifonas, Pieter Pericles. (2003). Barthes dan Imperium Yanda. Yogyakarta. Jendela.

Wellek& Warren. (1977). Theory of Literature. Jakarta: PT Gramedia.

Warner, Marina.(1994). Managing Monsters: Six Myths of Our Time. London: Vintage


1993 in Medan and North Sumatera. People usually call her Danty. She is the first daughter of H. Sucipto S.Pd and Ernawati Nasution. She has two sisters, Adinda Ayu Layla and Try Dhiyya Fajrina and a brother, Dahril Satria Dandy.

Her formal education started from primary school in SD Swasta Eria Medan (1999-2005) . Then, she continued her education in SMP Swasta Eria Medan (2005-2008). After that, she finished her Senior High School in SMA Swasta Eria Medan (2008- 2011). Then 2011, she studied on English Literature Program at State University of Medan and she got her Sarjana Sastra in 2016.

Medan, April 2016 The writer,

Swidanty Annisa NIM. 211322042