



This thesis is submitted to meet one of the requirements to achieve

Sarjana Degree in English Education


BERLIAN LUTFIANITA 20101010100311229




This thesis was written by Berlian Lutfianita was approved on May 4th, 2016





“Nothing worth having comes easy”

“Treat someone as you want to treat”

I dedicate this thesis to:

My Beloved Parents

My Beloved Brothers and Sister

My Beloved Friends



In the name of Allah, the most gracious and Merciful. Alhamdulillah, by the blessing and mercies of Allah SWT, the researcher could finish this thesis. Sholawat and salam are always up to beloved Nabi Muhammad SAW who has brought us from the darkness to the lightness, that is Islam.

The researcher expresses gratitude to Dra. ThathitManonAndini, M. Hum as her first advisor and PujiSumarsono, S.Pd., her second advisor who have spent a lot of time to give her valuable guidance, advice, and suggestions during the completion of this thesis. The researcher has great admiration and respect forthem.

Her sincere gratitude is also extended to her lovely father and mother for the best power, endless prayers, funds and supports.Her gratitude is also to her beloved brothers, sister, friends (Hilwa, Hida, Nita,) and FotocopyNilafor their supports during the time she did this research. Then, special thanks for Kimmi word and AripMinggaryanto who inspired and entertain me during I did my research.

Finally, a special thank goes to WahyuUtomo, S.S and all of teachers at SMPMuhammadiyah2 Malang for their helps and support during research. To all her beloved friendstheir wonderful friendship, care, motivation and colorful life. May Allah SWT always bless and care them.










1.1 Background of Study………..……… 1

1.2 Statement of Problems……… 3

1.3 Purpose ofStudy………..………... 3

1.4 Significance of Study……….……… 4

1.5 Scope and Limitation……….. 4

1.6 Definition of Key terms………..………. 4


2.1. Definition of Teaching …….……… 6

2.2. Principle of Language Teaching…...………. 7

2.3. Vocabulary ….…………..………. 12

2.4.TeachingVocabulary ………..……...……… 13

2.4.1 Techniques of Teaching Vocabulary ……… 14

2.7 Problem of Teaching Vocabulary……… 16


3.1 Research Design………... 17

3.2 Research Subjects….………. 18

3.3 Research Instruments……….... 18

3.3.1 Observation………. 18

3.3.2 Interview………. 19

3.4 Data Collection………. 20

3.5 Data Analysis……… 20


4.1 Research Findings………. 21

4.1.1 Teacher’s Problems in Teaching English Vocabulary in Reading Skill……….……… 21

4.1.2 Teacher’s Way to Solve the Problem in Teaching English Vocabulary in Reading Skill ………. 23

4.2 Discussion ……….. 25



5.1 Conclusion……….. 26

5.2 Suggestion……….. 27

5.2.1 For English Teacher ……… 27

5.2.2 For Next Researcher ……….…….. 27





Allen. 1983.Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary . New York : Oxford

Ary, et al. 2010. Introduction to Research in Education, Eight Edition. USA:Wadsworth. Cengage Learning.

Brown, H. D. 2000.Teaching by Principles An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. San Fransisco: Pearson Education. Inc.

Cahyono, B. Y. and Widiati, U. 2011. The Teaching Of English as a Foreign Language In Indonesia. Malang: State University Of Malang Press.

Ferreira, L. H. F. 2007. How To Teach Vocabulary Effectively. Praia

Fraenkel, J. R. and Wallen, N. 2009. How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

Grabe, William and Fredericka L. Stoller. 2002. Teaching and Researching Reading. London: Pearson Education Longman.

Grellet, F.1999. Developing Reading Skill. Cambridge University Press

Ika, Novi. 2008. The Difficulties Of Teaching Vocabulary Faced By The English

Teacher At SDN 02 Yosowilangun Kidul Lumajang. Unpublished Thesis.

Malang: University Of Muhammadiyah Malang

Haskew, Laurence and McLendon, Jonathon. 1968. This Is Teaching / Laurence D. Haskew, Jonathon C. McLendon ; with an illustrated reference manual: Basic data on American Education, and a Section of Selected Readings: Views on education. Australia: [Glenview, III.] : Scott, Foresman

Nation, I.S.P. 1990. Teaching and Learning Vocabulary. New York: Newburry House. Orlich, et. al. 2010. Teaching Strategies (Guide to Effective Instruction). Boston: Wadsworth.

Pateel, M. F. and Dr. Praveen M. J. 2009. English Language Teaching (Methods, Toosl and Technique). Jaipur: Sunrise Publisher and Distributor

McLendon, J. C and Hasken, L. C.1986. This is Teaching 3rd Edition. USA: Scott,



This chapter presents such topics as: background of the study, statement of the problems, purpose of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of the key term.

1.1Background of the study

English has an important role right now, since it is an international language. There are many countries use English as their second language, in Indonesia English is treated as foreign language. Moreover, Indonesia have entered globalization that many foreigner come for certain purposes such as education, technology, business, etc. Most of them speak English although they do not come from England or the USA.

In connection to the importance of English, in Indonesia English has been learned in school and has become one subject that is taught from kindergarten to university. To comprehend English, students must learn four English language skills that are speaking, reading, writing, and listening. To understand the four English skills, they should learn vocabulary. Cahyono and Widiati (2011:107)

state, “Good vocabulary mastery support mastery of each of the language skills, both receptive (listening and reading) and productive (speaking and writing).” So,

vocabulary mastery is very important to be achieved by the students because it can support their understanding of four English skills. For reading, vocabulary mastery helps them support their skill. When they read a passage of book, novel,



newspaper or any kind of reading material, they can comprehend the message of the text. It means that they know the meaning of the words. In the other words, they also get information from the text. Consequently, the teacher should teach vocabulary and give motivation to the students to memorize vocabulary. The teacher may give vocabulary for the students while they are teaching reading. According to Nation (1990) teaching vocabulary is language activities directly related to some other language activities. It means that teaching vocabulary is the activity of understanding new word that related to some other language So, teaching vocabulary is the activity of understanding new word that is unknown before.

From these points, it shows that vocabulary is being the important element in language mastery. We cannot communicate without mastering an adequate number of vocabularies.

It can be easily teaching vocabulary through reading skill because the students especially in Junior High School will easily memorize some words while they are read. However, the English teacher still get some problems in teaching vocabulary in reading skill, so that the problems should be solved and the new method or approaches should be found in order to teach vocabulary easier and the students would be easy to understand and can master vocabulary as well. It supported by empirical works done by Ika (2004). The study which conducted are about teaching vocabulary.



According to previous study which was conducted by Ika (2004) who studied about the difficulties of teaching vocabulary faced by the English teacher of SDN 02 Yosowilangun Kidul Lumajang, found that the difficulties in teaching vocabulary was divided into four aspect, they are materials of the study, media, method or teaching technique, and evaluation.

Based on previous study and background of study above. This research is focused on problems faced by the teacher in teaching vocabulary and how the teacher solves the problems. Therefore, the researcher is interested in conducting

research entitled “The Problem Faced By The Teacher in Teaching Vocabulary in

Reading Skill At SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Malang”

1.2Statements of the problem

Based on the statement above the problem of the study is formulated as follows: 1. What are the teacher’s problems in teaching English vocabulary in reading

skill at SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Malang?

2. How does the teacher’s way to solve the problem in teaching English vocabulary in reading skill?

1.3Purpose of the study

The purposes of the study are formulated to answer the research questions. The purposes are as follows:

1. To know the teacher’s problems in teaching English vocabulary in reading skill at SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Malang

2. To know the teacher’s ways to solve the problems in teaching English vocabulary in reading skill.



1.4Significance of the study

The writer hopes the result of the study will give benefit to the English teacher in teaching English especially English vocabulary in reading skill. Not only that, but it also can be used for other teachers if they have similar difficulties in teaching English vocabulary in reading skill, so they can teach better than before.

Hopefully, this study will give something useful to the reader to give information about the topic.

1.5Scope and Limitation

This study only focuses on the problems faced by the teacher in teaching English vocabulary in reading skill, and also the ways to solve the problems in teaching English vocabulary in reading skill.

This study is limited for one of the teacher in 7A class at SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Malang.

1.6Definition of key term

Problem is a question proposed for solution or consideration, a question, matter, situation, or person that is perplexing or difficult; a proposition requiring solution by mathematical operation, construction. (Webster’s New World, 1985)

Teacher is a professional who conduct classes. (Laurence, 1968)

Teaching is an activity of delivering information by showing something related to knowledge in the purpose of making someone knows about something. (Brown, 2000)



Vocabulary is a total number of words that make up a language; vocabulary refers to all words in the whole language or the words and phrase used in particular variety. (Nation, 1990)

Reading is assumed to be central means for learning new information and gaining access to alternative explanations and interpretation (Grabe and Stoller, 2001).



Allen. 1983.Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary . New York : Oxford

Ary, et al. 2010. Introduction to Research in Education, Eight Edition. USA:Wadsworth. Cengage Learning.

Brown, H. D. 2000.Teaching by Principles An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. San Fransisco: Pearson Education. Inc.

Cahyono, B. Y. and Widiati, U. 2011. The Teaching Of English as a Foreign Language In Indonesia. Malang: State University Of Malang Press.

Ferreira, L. H. F. 2007. How To Teach Vocabulary Effectively. Praia

Fraenkel, J. R. and Wallen, N. 2009. How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

Grabe, William and Fredericka L. Stoller. 2002. Teaching and Researching Reading. London: Pearson Education Longman.

Grellet, F.1999. Developing Reading Skill. Cambridge University Press

Ika, Novi. 2008. The Difficulties Of Teaching Vocabulary Faced By The English Teacher At SDN 02 Yosowilangun Kidul Lumajang. Unpublished Thesis. Malang: University Of Muhammadiyah Malang

Haskew, Laurence and McLendon, Jonathon. 1968. This Is Teaching / Laurence D. Haskew, Jonathon C. McLendon ; with an illustrated reference manual: Basic data on American Education, and a Section of Selected Readings: Views on education. Australia: [Glenview, III.] : Scott, Foresman

Nation, I.S.P. 1990. Teaching and Learning Vocabulary. New York: Newburry House. Orlich, et. al. 2010. Teaching Strategies (Guide to Effective Instruction). Boston: Wadsworth.

Pateel, M. F. and Dr. Praveen M. J. 2009. English Language Teaching (Methods, Toosl and Technique). Jaipur: Sunrise Publisher and Distributor

McLendon, J. C and Hasken, L. C.1986. This is Teaching 3rd Edition. USA: Scott, Foresman and Company



This chapter presents such topics as: background of the study, statement of the problems, purpose of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of the key term.

1.1Background of the study

English has an important role right now, since it is an international language. There are many countries use English as their second language, in Indonesia English is treated as foreign language. Moreover, Indonesia have entered globalization that many foreigner come for certain purposes such as education, technology, business, etc. Most of them speak English although they do not come from England or the USA.

In connection to the importance of English, in Indonesia English has been learned in school and has become one subject that is taught from kindergarten to university. To comprehend English, students must learn four English language skills that are speaking, reading, writing, and listening. To understand the four English skills, they should learn vocabulary. Cahyono and Widiati (2011:107) state, “Good vocabulary mastery support mastery of each of the language skills, both receptive (listening and reading) and productive (speaking and writing).” So, vocabulary mastery is very important to be achieved by the students because it can support their understanding of four English skills. For reading, vocabulary mastery helps them support their skill. When they read a passage of book, novel,



newspaper or any kind of reading material, they can comprehend the message of the text. It means that they know the meaning of the words. In the other words, they also get information from the text. Consequently, the teacher should teach vocabulary and give motivation to the students to memorize vocabulary. The teacher may give vocabulary for the students while they are teaching reading. According to Nation (1990) teaching vocabulary is language activities directly related to some other language activities. It means that teaching vocabulary is the activity of understanding new word that related to some other language So, teaching vocabulary is the activity of understanding new word that is unknown before.

From these points, it shows that vocabulary is being the important element in language mastery. We cannot communicate without mastering an adequate number of vocabularies.

It can be easily teaching vocabulary through reading skill because the students especially in Junior High School will easily memorize some words while they are read. However, the English teacher still get some problems in teaching vocabulary in reading skill, so that the problems should be solved and the new method or approaches should be found in order to teach vocabulary easier and the students would be easy to understand and can master vocabulary as well. It supported by empirical works done by Ika (2004). The study which conducted are about teaching vocabulary.


According to previous study which was conducted by Ika (2004) who studied about the difficulties of teaching vocabulary faced by the English teacher of SDN 02 Yosowilangun Kidul Lumajang, found that the difficulties in teaching vocabulary was divided into four aspect, they are materials of the study, media, method or teaching technique, and evaluation.

Based on previous study and background of study above. This research is focused on problems faced by the teacher in teaching vocabulary and how the teacher solves the problems. Therefore, the researcher is interested in conducting research entitled “The Problem Faced By The Teacher in Teaching Vocabulary in Reading Skill At SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Malang”

1.2Statements of the problem

Based on the statement above the problem of the study is formulated as follows: 1. What are the teacher’s problems in teaching English vocabulary in reading

skill at SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Malang?

2. How does the teacher’s way to solve the problem in teaching English vocabulary in reading skill?

1.3Purpose of the study

The purposes of the study are formulated to answer the research questions. The purposes are as follows:

1. To know the teacher’s problems in teaching English vocabulary in reading skill at SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Malang

2. To know the teacher’s ways to solve the problems in teaching English vocabulary in reading skill.



1.4Significance of the study

The writer hopes the result of the study will give benefit to the English teacher in teaching English especially English vocabulary in reading skill. Not only that, but it also can be used for other teachers if they have similar difficulties in teaching English vocabulary in reading skill, so they can teach better than before.

Hopefully, this study will give something useful to the reader to give information about the topic.

1.5Scope and Limitation

This study only focuses on the problems faced by the teacher in teaching English vocabulary in reading skill, and also the ways to solve the problems in teaching English vocabulary in reading skill.

This study is limited for one of the teacher in 7A class at SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Malang.

1.6Definition of key term

Problem is a question proposed for solution or consideration, a question, matter, situation, or person that is perplexing or difficult; a proposition requiring solution by mathematical operation, construction. (Webster’s New World, 1985)

Teacher is a professional who conduct classes. (Laurence, 1968)

Teaching is an activity of delivering information by showing something related to knowledge in the purpose of making someone knows about something. (Brown, 2000)


Vocabulary is a total number of words that make up a language; vocabulary refers to all words in the whole language or the words and phrase used in particular variety. (Nation, 1990)

Reading is assumed to be central means for learning new information and gaining access to alternative explanations and interpretation (Grabe and Stoller, 2001).