









This thesis is submitted to meet one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Education












“ Allah SWT would not change the one’s condition unless they

change themselves”

(Q.S. 13: 11)

“Then, It’s really after difficulty is easiness. In

truth, after difficulty is easiness”

(Q.S. 94: 5-6)

“ I am only one, but I am still one. I cannot do

everything, but still I can do something. And because I

cannot do everything I will not refuse to do something

that I can do”

(Helen Keller)

I dedicated my thesis to:

My beloved mother (Sri Murtini), father (Alm. Awarik), and My Aunt (Sri Sulastri)

Thanks for everything you give the best for me, for every support,

pray, attention, and love. “ I love you so much”

My smart brother (Oldi Martha Fermana), thanks for your support,




Teaching strategy is a specific method used by the teacher for approaching a problem or task, modes of operation for achieving a particular end planned designs for controling and manipulating certain information. In this study, teaching strategy refers to a specific plan to teach speaking for young learners. In this case, the writer wants to know the teaching strategy in teaching speaking at TK Senaputra Malang. This school is one of famous Kindergarten in Malang which has complete extracurricular especially English. The aim of this study are to find out the teaching strategy in speaking that used by English teacher and find out how to solve the problem in teaching speaking English at TK Senaputra Malang.

The research design of this study is descriptive research because it describes the teaching stategy in speaking used by English teacher. The research approach used in this study is qualitative because it is focused on the strategies that used by English teacher in teaching speaking at TK Senaputra Malang. In addition, the data is presented in words or sentences. In collecting data, the writer used two instruments, observation and interview.

Based on the findings, the teacher strategies are various. It can be seen that the teaching strategies in teaching speaking were various and different each other. However, in this case the writer find the teaching strategy in speaking is mostly used by the teacher are lower inhibition, encourage rise taking, encourage students to use right-brain processing, and help students to use their intuition. However, lower inhibition is the most used by the teacher. Then, help students to use right-brain processing and intuition is used in the small portion. The teacher also got the problems in learning English. To solve those problems, the teacher applied some activities by doing unpredictable activities like sing a song, repeated some vocabularies or instructing action activities as jump, stand up, sit down, and clap hand and managing the classroom became the most common problem faced by the teacher.

Based on the previous point of discussion, the writer suggest to the English teacher in TK Senaputra Malang to improve her strategies more fun, various and interesting.

Keyword : Teaching strategy

Advisor I, The Writer,




All my grateful prayers are praised to Allah s.w.t who has given the opportunity to me to finish my thesis, also my prayers are praised too for my beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w who has given powerful guidance from uneducated era to the educated era.

The writer would like to express her deepest gratitude to Drs. Jarum, M.Ed, her first advisor and Rina Wahyu S, M.Ed, her second advisor, for their patience in providing careful guidance, helpful correction, indefatigable advice as well as suggestion and encouragement.

Her sincere gratitude and appreciation are also extended to the head master and teacher at TK Senaputra Malang who had given her the opportunity to conduct the research.

Finally, a special thank goes to her beloved beloved parents (Alm. Awarik and Sri Murtini), her beloved brother (Oldi Martha Fermana), her beloved aunty (Mrs. Sri Sulastri, S.Pd), her close friends (Dedik Riyanto, Justsintha Sindi Alivi, S.Pd, Shinta Isaura, S.Pd, Putri Ramawati, S.Pd, Ratih) for love, pray, motivation, attention, patience in providing careful guidance and the unforgettable moments, so that she can finish this thesis.

Malang, October 2012



APPROVAL ... iii






CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of the Study ... 1

1.2Statement of the Problem ... 4

1.3Purpose of the Study ... 5

1.4Significances of the Study ... 5

1.5The Scope and Limitation of the Study ... 5

1.6 Definition of Key Terms ... 6


2.2Teaching Speaking for Young Learners ... 8

2.3Teaching Strategy ... 9



2.5 Steps for Teaching ... 12

2.5.1 Beginning or Pre- Activity ... 12

2.5.2 Middle or Whilst- Activity ... 13

2.5.3 Ends or Post- Activity ... 13


3.2 Research Subject ... 15

3.3Research Instruments ... 15

3.3.1 Observation ... 15

3.3.2 Interview ... 16

3.4 Data Collection ... 16

3.5 Data Analysis ... 17


4.1.1 Result of Observation ... 18

4.1.2 Result of Interview ... 23

4.2 Discussions ... 24


5.2 Suggestion ... 27


5.2.2 Next Researcher ... 27


APPENDIX I : Observation Checklist Result First Meeting APPENDIX II : Observation Checklist Result Second Meeting APPENDIX III : Observation Checklist Result Third Meeting APPENDIX IV : Some Notes in The First Observation

APPENDIX V : Some Notes in The Second Observation APPENDIX VI : Some Notes in The Third Observation APPENDIX VII : The Result of Interview




Alberta. 2008. Kindergarten Program Statement. Canada: Alberta Education Brown, H. Douglas. 2000. Principles Language Learning and Teaching. Fourth

Edition. New York: San Fransisco State University

Brown, H. Douglas. 2007. Teaching by Principles An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. New York: San Fransisco State University

Clark, H. Leonard and Starr, Irving, S. 1986. Secondary and Middle School Teaching Methods. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company

Clarke, Priscila. 2009. Supporting Children Learning English as a Second Language in the Early Years ( Birth to Six Years). Victorian Curriculum and Assesment Authority

Edelonbos, Peter. Et al. 2006. The Main Pedagogical Principles Underlying The

Teaching of Languages to Very Young Learners. Europe: European


Glasgow. 2009. Learning and Teaching Strategy. Glasgow City Council

Kurniawati, Ike. 2005. Strategy in Teaching English at SDN Talok 04 Turen – Malang. Malang: Unpublished Thesis of UMM

Larsen, Diane and Anderson, Marti. 2011. Techniques Principles In Language Teaching. Third Edition. New York: Oxford University Press

Mack, Nathasa. Et al. 2005. Qualitative Research Methode. USA: Family Health International

Priyatmojo, Arif Suryo. 2009. Suggestopedia as a Method for Teaching Speaking for Young Learners in a Second Language Classroom. Unpublished Thesis: Semarang State University

Richards, Jack C. 2008. Teaching Listening and Speaking. USA: Cambridge University Press

Sari, Septi Ria. 2007. The Teaching of English to Young Learners at “Permata Iman” Kindergaten Malang. Malang: Unpublished Thesis of UMM

Warnaningtyas, Yunita. 2006. A Study on Teaching Strategy Used by Native

Speaker in Teaching English at Bhineka English Course. Malang:

Unpublished Thesis of UMM

Woodward, Tessa. 2001. Planning Lessons and Course: Designing Sequences of Work for the Language Classroom. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press



In this chapter the writer presents the background of the study, the statement of the problem, the purpose of the study, the significance of the study, the scope and limitation, and the definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study

Nowdays, English is very important because it is used as a means of international communication for transfering science and technology. Therefore, more and more people learn English and the development of many fields are discussed and made available in English.

English in Indonesia is taught as a foreign language. Edelonbos & Johnstone & Kubanek (2006 : 14) states that children’s first language will be their country official languange. An additioanl language at primary school will likely be either official language or a foreign language. In Indonesia, English is taught formally at elementary school until senior high school and becomes the compulsory subject which is devided into four skills, namely listening, writing, reading, and speaking. Especially speaking, it is an English skill that is important to learn because speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving, and processing information (Brown, 1994). It is considered as prior skill as well as listening in learning a language. Therefore, speaking is supposed to be the most important skill to be learned in most schools.


Teaching English speaking is important because it trains the students to develop their speaking ability fluently and communicatively with others. It will also focus on the development of the students’ ability in expressing their opinion orally in the language that is why the students are asked to talk a lot. As students become more proficient in understanding what other people say, they also become more proficient at expressing their own thoughts, ideas, and wishes. Therefore, the teachers should have a good strategy to encourage the students speak English in the class activity.

Teaching strategy is needed in the teaching speaking process because it will be used as estimation toward the students’ achievement in speaking. Furthemore, according to Clark and Starr (1986 : 49), a strategy is a plan of attack. It is an outline that intends to be taken in order to achieve an object. Dealing with this statement,a strategy is an important way to reach a purpose. Therefore, the teachers should apply certain strategies to make the students interest to the class speaking activity and master the lesson well.

According to Clarke (2009: 14-15) when children start in a children’s service or school without prior knowledge of English, they cannot draw on their knowledge base and home language in the same way as children familiar with English since birth. They should hear contextualised language by visual materials and need to known concepts to new vocabulary. Therefore, teaching English for kindergarten is not easy work for the teacher. Moreover, teaching English for kindergarten students is quite different from teaching English for elementary or secondary students. Habiba in Sari (2007) states that in teaching and learning English to young learner or kindergarten are not emphasized on the


communication, structural building sentence or gramatical sentence but it is focused on giving the basic knowledge in English language. Teaching English for young learner is about teaching the simple vocabularies.

Kindergarten students cannot be forced to learn something in the same way as the students in elementary school. They are still learning about living in “society”, that is how they can get along well with other children. They are very fond of playing and most of the lesson time in kindergarten is conducted by playing and indirect learning. Furthermore, students are not expected to be able to read and write yet. Most of the activities are conducted by speaking activity like singing or repeating the teacher’s utterances. Here, an English teacher in kindergarten plays a very important role. She ought to select materials and teaching strategies which approaches in teaching activity especially in speaking. Furthemore, according to Glasgow (2009, 8), young learners will be supported in recognising their own learning style and will be provided with a toolkit of strategies to support them to be life long learners. Therefore, kindergarten teachers should know the characteristic of their students and learning style to apply the appropriate teaching strategy for them.

Since teaching English to young learners need special strategy, it always becomes interesting topic to be analyzed. One research related to teaching strategy to young learners is conducted by Kurniawati (2005) about strategy in teaching English at SDN Talok 04 Turen – Malang. She found that the teacher arranged setting in U-shape, established the routines, formed discussion activitties, used body langauge, facial expression and gesture to deliver material. Those made students attentive to the material and make the classroom activity more


interesting. Another study was conducted by Warnaningtyas (2006) who investigated teaching strategy in teaching speaking at Bhinneka English private course Malang found that expository and immersion strategies were frequently used by the teacher in teaching speaking. She also resulted that those strategies were applied in that course to make classroom more fun and interesting.

Based on the background, the writer is interested in investigating the teaching strategy in speaking used by the English teacher in TK Senaputra Malang.English extra curricular is provided to all kindergarten students to introduce English skill since there is no English subject in the kindergarten curriculum. The researcher choose TK SENAPUTRA Malang because this school is one of famous Kindergarten in Malang which has complete extracurricular especially English. Besides, the implementation of teaching strategy used by the teachers in teaching English in this school has never been investigated yet.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

These are several problems to be answered in this research, namely: 1. What are the strategies of teaching speaking used by the English teacher

in TK Senaputra Malang?

2. What problems are faced by the teacher of TK Senaputra Malang in applyingthe strategies of teaching speaking in class ?

3. How does the teacher solve the problems in applying the strategies of teaching speaking in class ?


1.3 Purpose of the study

In this research,the research has some purpose. As a follow :

1. To know the strategy of teaching speaking used by the English teacher in TK Senaputra Malang.

2. To know the problems faced by the teacher of TK Senaputra Malang in applying the strategies of teachingspeaking in class.

3. To know how the teacher solves the problems in applying the strategies of teaching speaking in class.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The writer of this thesis hopes that this study has some significances and the expected result. First, this study will provide description of the strategy in teaching speaking used by the teacher in TK Senaputra Malang. Second, for the English teacher of TK Senaputra Malang, the finding of this study will become her reflection of the teaching strategy in speaking used by the teacher in TK Senaputra Malang.

1.5 The scope and Limitation

The succes of teaching-learning is influenced by severeal aspects. One of them is teaching strategy. Since speaking is important to learn, this study is focused on the strategy in teaching English speaking. To avoid misperception on this study, the writer limited to the English teacher strategies application.


To avoid misunderstanding, the writer makes definitions the key terms as follows :

1. Teaching strategy : a specific method used by the teacher for approaching a problem or task, modes of operation for achieving a particular end planned designs for controling and manipulating certain information (Brown, 2000: 113). In this study, teaching strategy refers to a specific plan to teach speaking for young learners.

2. Speaking : an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing , receiving and processing information (Brown : 1995). In this study, speaking refers to the interactive procces of young learners in producing , receiving, and processing information in their class activity. 3. Young learners : a large number of children who are coming to school at

age of three, four of five with their skills abilities that are useful for their life situation including in their growing and learning (Ronald, K Parker, 1992).

4. Kindergarten refers specifically to the education program of children in the year prior to Grade I and is part of the ECS (Early Childhood Service) continuum (Alberta,2008). In this study, the kindergarten is TK Senaputra Malang.



In this chapter the writer presents the background of the study, the statement of the problem, the purpose of the study, the significance of the study, the scope and limitation, and the definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study

Nowdays, English is very important because it is used as a means of international communication for transfering science and technology. Therefore, more and more people learn English and the development of many fields are discussed and made available in English.

English in Indonesia is taught as a foreign language. Edelonbos & Johnstone & Kubanek (2006 : 14) states that children’s first language will be their country official languange. An additioanl language at primary school will likely be either official language or a foreign language. In Indonesia, English is taught formally at elementary school until senior high school and becomes the compulsory subject which is devided into four skills, namely listening, writing, reading, and speaking. Especially speaking, it is an English skill that is important to learn because speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving, and processing information (Brown, 1994). It is considered as prior skill as well as listening in learning a language. Therefore, speaking is supposed to be the most important skill to be learned in most schools.


Teaching English speaking is important because it trains the students to develop their speaking ability fluently and communicatively with others. It will also focus on the development of the students’ ability in expressing their opinion orally in the language that is why the students are asked to talk a lot. As students become more proficient in understanding what other people say, they also become more proficient at expressing their own thoughts, ideas, and wishes. Therefore, the teachers should have a good strategy to encourage the students speak English in the class activity.

Teaching strategy is needed in the teaching speaking process because it will be used as estimation toward the students’ achievement in speaking. Furthemore, according to Clark and Starr (1986 : 49), a strategy is a plan of attack. It is an outline that intends to be taken in order to achieve an object. Dealing with this statement,a strategy is an important way to reach a purpose. Therefore, the teachers should apply certain strategies to make the students interest to the class speaking activity and master the lesson well.

According to Clarke (2009: 14-15) when children start in a children’s service or school without prior knowledge of English, they cannot draw on their knowledge base and home language in the same way as children familiar with English since birth. They should hear contextualised language by visual materials and need to known concepts to new vocabulary. Therefore, teaching English for kindergarten is not easy work for the teacher. Moreover, teaching English for kindergarten students is quite different from teaching English for elementary or secondary students. Habiba in Sari (2007) states that in teaching and learning English to young learner or kindergarten are not emphasized on the


communication, structural building sentence or gramatical sentence but it is focused on giving the basic knowledge in English language. Teaching English for young learner is about teaching the simple vocabularies.

Kindergarten students cannot be forced to learn something in the same way as the students in elementary school. They are still learning about living in “society”, that is how they can get along well with other children. They are very fond of playing and most of the lesson time in kindergarten is conducted by playing and indirect learning. Furthermore, students are not expected to be able to read and write yet. Most of the activities are conducted by speaking activity like singing or repeating the teacher’s utterances. Here, an English teacher in kindergarten plays a very important role. She ought to select materials and teaching strategies which approaches in teaching activity especially in speaking. Furthemore, according to Glasgow (2009, 8), young learners will be supported in recognising their own learning style and will be provided with a toolkit of strategies to support them to be life long learners. Therefore, kindergarten teachers should know the characteristic of their students and learning style to apply the appropriate teaching strategy for them.

Since teaching English to young learners need special strategy, it always becomes interesting topic to be analyzed. One research related to teaching strategy to young learners is conducted by Kurniawati (2005) about strategy in teaching English at SDN Talok 04 Turen – Malang. She found that the teacher arranged setting in U-shape, established the routines, formed discussion activitties, used body langauge, facial expression and gesture to deliver material. Those made students attentive to the material and make the classroom activity more


interesting. Another study was conducted by Warnaningtyas (2006) who investigated teaching strategy in teaching speaking at Bhinneka English private course Malang found that expository and immersion strategies were frequently used by the teacher in teaching speaking. She also resulted that those strategies were applied in that course to make classroom more fun and interesting.

Based on the background, the writer is interested in investigating the teaching strategy in speaking used by the English teacher in TK Senaputra Malang.English extra curricular is provided to all kindergarten students to introduce English skill since there is no English subject in the kindergarten curriculum. The researcher choose TK SENAPUTRA Malang because this school is one of famous Kindergarten in Malang which has complete extracurricular especially English. Besides, the implementation of teaching strategy used by the teachers in teaching English in this school has never been investigated yet.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

These are several problems to be answered in this research, namely: 1. What are the strategies of teaching speaking used by the English teacher

in TK Senaputra Malang?

2. What problems are faced by the teacher of TK Senaputra Malang in applyingthe strategies of teaching speaking in class ?

3. How does the teacher solve the problems in applying the strategies of teaching speaking in class ?


1.3 Purpose of the study

In this research,the research has some purpose. As a follow :

1. To know the strategy of teaching speaking used by the English teacher in TK Senaputra Malang.

2. To know the problems faced by the teacher of TK Senaputra Malang in applying the strategies of teachingspeaking in class.

3. To know how the teacher solves the problems in applying the strategies of teaching speaking in class.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The writer of this thesis hopes that this study has some significances and the expected result. First, this study will provide description of the strategy in teaching speaking used by the teacher in TK Senaputra Malang. Second, for the English teacher of TK Senaputra Malang, the finding of this study will become her reflection of the teaching strategy in speaking used by the teacher in TK Senaputra Malang.

1.5 The scope and Limitation

The succes of teaching-learning is influenced by severeal aspects. One of them is teaching strategy. Since speaking is important to learn, this study is focused on the strategy in teaching English speaking. To avoid misperception on this study, the writer limited to the English teacher strategies application.


To avoid misunderstanding, the writer makes definitions the key terms as follows :

1. Teaching strategy : a specific method used by the teacher for approaching a problem or task, modes of operation for achieving a particular end planned designs for controling and manipulating certain information (Brown, 2000: 113). In this study, teaching strategy refers to a specific plan to teach speaking for young learners.

2. Speaking : an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing , receiving and processing information (Brown : 1995). In this study, speaking refers to the interactive procces of young learners in producing , receiving, and processing information in their class activity. 3. Young learners : a large number of children who are coming to school at

age of three, four of five with their skills abilities that are useful for their life situation including in their growing and learning (Ronald, K Parker, 1992).

4. Kindergarten refers specifically to the education program of children in the year prior to Grade I and is part of the ECS (Early Childhood Service) continuum (Alberta,2008). In this study, the kindergarten is TK Senaputra Malang.