Place and Time of Research The Subject of the Study The Method of the Study

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A. Place and Time of Research

This action research was carried out at SD Negeri Kalimacan. It is on Kalimacan, Kalijambe, Sragen 57275. This school is the one of Government Elementary School on Kalimacan. The research was conducted on April 2009.

B. The Subject of the Study

The subject of the study is the students of fourth grade of SD Negeri Kalimacan in academic year 20082009. The class consists of 18 students, 9 boys and 9 girls. They are active students. They like playing and talking. Academically their achievement is average. There is no student with special need in study. Most of the students come from family with medium to low level of economic background. Most of their parents are farmer. A few of them are entrepreneurs and only one is a government employee.

C. The Method of the Study

The research used in this study is an action research. Kemmis and McTaggart in Sukmadinata 2006,p:210 define action research as the way groups of people can organize the conditions under which they can learn from their own experiences and make their experience accessible to others. Burns 1999, p: 30 states the characteristics of action research as follows: 1. Action research is contextual, small scale and localized. It identifies and investigates problems within a specific situation. 2. It is evaluative and reflective as it aims to bring about change and improvement in practice. 3. It is participatory as it provides for collaborative investigation by terms of colleagues, practitioners a research. 25 commit to user 4. Changes in practice are based on the collection of information or data which provides the impetus for changes. Action research can be implemented in education to improve the quality of education such as improving students’ learning, improving students’ motivation, improving students’ mastery of certain subjects and etcetera. Ebbun in Hopkins 1983,p:44 states that action research is systematic study of attempt to improve educational practice by groups of participants by means of their own practical actions and by means of their own reflection upon the effect of those actions. Wiersma 2000,p:11 adds that action research is a research usually conducted by teacher, administrators, or other education professionals for solving specifics problems or for providing information for decision making at local level. From the explanation above, it can be summarized that action research is systematic study of effort to overcome educational problems to change things related to educational problems andor for improvement. It is conducted collaboratively among the teacher, researcher, and those with an interest in the problem of affected by it by means of their own practical actions and by means of their own reflection upon the effect of the actions. In this study, the action research is conducted to solve the problem in teaching vocabulary in the fourth grade students of SD NegeriKalimacan using realia. The researcher collaborated with the English teacher in conducting the research. The action in this research is the implementation of using realia in teaching vocabulary. The researcher plays as teacher while the English teacher helped the researcher by being as observer. D. The Model of Action Research The action research in this study used the model developed by Kemmis and McTaggart. In this model, Kemmis and McTaggart use the spiral system which consists of many cycles. In every cycle there are four steps namely planning, action, observation, and reflection. This model can be illustrated as follows: 26 commit to user

E. The Procedure of Action Research