Oleh: HENDY VARUDIN ( 00520133 )
Civil Engineering
Dibuat: 2007-03-28 , dengan 3 file(s).

Keywords: (Butonite Granular Asphalt), campuran LASTON
Lapisan aspal beton (LASTON) merupakan jenis perkerasan yang banyak digunakan di
Indonesia karena laston memiliki kualitas yang baik dan mudah pelaksanaannya. Namun pada
keadaan tertentu jenis perkerasan ini sering menimbulkan masalah terutama bersumber pada
kekakuan lapisan dan umur rencana yang tidak seperti diharapkan. Dari permasalahan diatas
maka peneliti mencoba meneliti pengaruh penambahan BGA (Butonite Granular Asphalt)
sebagai bahan aditif terhadap sifat-sifat Marshall Pada campuran LASTON.
Penentuan kadar aspal optimum yaitu dengan menggunakan 5 variasi 4.7%, 5.7%, 6.7%, 7.7%,
8.7% dimana tiap variasi dibuat 3 sampel dengan berat masing masing 1200 gram. Kadar aspal
optimum didapat sebesar 7.15%.benda uji untuk kadar aspal optimum dengan bahan tambah
BGA 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2% dan 3% kemudian dibuat benda uji sebanyak 21 buah dengan
perincian 3 buah untuk masing-masing variasi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat pengaruh penambahan BGA terhadap stabilitas
marshall, kelelehan plastis (Flow), hasil bagi Marshall (Marshall Quotient) dan rongga udara

(Air void) pada campuran LASTON. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan uji statistik yang menunjukan
Fhitung > Ftabel untuk semua sifat marshall. Untuk analisa regresi hubungan antara penambahan
BGA dengan sifat marshall adlah sebagai berikut: untuk stabilitas Y = -237.11 X2 + 676.05 X +
1179.1, Flow Y = 0.1738X2 + 0.7517X– 2.1033, hasil bagi marshall Y = -0.1256 X2 – 1.1872 X
+ 6.4822, rongga udara Y = -0.1744X2 - 0.9726X + 6.8622. Dan untuk kadar optimum BGA
didapat 1.57 % kemudian dengan persamaan regresinya diketahui bahwa: dengan kadar BGA
1.57 % didapat nilai stabilitas 1857.27 Kg, Flow 3.71 mm, hasil bagi marshall1.912Kn/mm,
Rongga udara4.9%

Layer of asphalt concrete (LASTON) is a type of pavement that is widely used in Indonesia because the
mix of good quality and easy implementation. However, in certain circumstances this type of pavement
often cause problems mainly stem from the layer stiffness and life plans that are not as expected. From
the problem above, the researcher tried to investigate the effect of adding BGA (Butonite Granular
Asphalt) as additives on the properties of Marshall in the mix mixture.
Determination of optimum asphalt content by using the 5 variations of 4.7%, 5.7%, 6.7%, 7.7%, 8.7%,
where each variation made 3 samples with a weight of 1200 grams respectively. Optimum asphalt
content obtained by 7:15%. specimen for optimum asphalt content with added ingredients BGA 0.5%,
1%, 1.5%, 2% and 3%, then the specimen is made of 21 pieces, with details of 3 pieces for each variation.
The result showed that there are significant additions to the stability marshall BGA, plastic flow (Flow),

the results for the Marshall (Marshall Quotient) and the air cavity (Water void) in the mix was mixed.
This is evidenced by statistics that show the test Fcount> marshall Ftable for all properties. For
regression analysis the relationship between the addition of BGA with nature marshall adlah as follows:
for stability X2 Y = -237.11 + 676.05 x + 1179.1, Flow 0.1738X2 + Y = 0.7517X-2.1033, the results for
marshall Y = -0.1256 X2 - X + 1.1872 6.4822, the air cavity-0.1744X2 Y = - 0.9726X + 6.8622. And to
obtain optimum content BGA 1:57%, then the regression equation is known that: the content of BGA
1:57% obtained the stability 1857.27 Kg, Flow 3.71 mm, the results for marshall1.912Kn/mm, cavity