Data Analysis Technique METHODOLOGY

39 noisy and not focused in learning process. They did not want to pay attention to the teacher’s saying. When the researcher interviewed some students after two months the writer taught them, they said both previous and recent teacher always taught the same technique, which was memorizing. The students said that there was no variety of technique in the class. It made students have no motivation to learn English in class. The answer from the students could be concluded that the way of teaching from the teacher was one of the causes. The interview was not only done with the students, but also another teacher in Bumblebee English Course Yogyakarta. She said that there were some students who were still shy and unconfident in performing their task in the learning process. Therefore, this case was from the students themselves. The main point of the problem faced by young learners of Bumblebee English Course Yogyakarta was their lack of motivation. It influenced the atmosphere of teaching learning activity. The learning process became not conducive. Games technique was chosen because it is considered as fun and enjoyable. Besides, games give variation in language learning and increase learners’ motivation by using the target language Lewis and Bedson, 1999: 5. Therefore, the researcher as the teacher prepared the material for every meeting based on the technique applied. After formulating the action that would be utilized to solve the problems in the teaching and learning process faced by young learners of Bumblebee English Course Yogyakarta, the researcher implemented it. The implementation of action 40 was done in a part of cycle. Each cycle had four steps. There were plan, action, observation, and reflection. Plan was designed before implementing the action. It was used for having a goal planned by the researcher. Then, the researcher had action to apply the plan that had been designed before. When implementing the action, the researcher also observed the progress of the students in the classroom. The result of any action would be reflected by the researcher to figure out whether the students were enhanced in their motivation or not. After having action, the students would give their opinion in personal journal. These responses in form of opinion would also be a consideration of how the researcher reflected the process of teaching learning. The implementation was conducted from February until March 2010 February 22 nd , 25 th , and March 1 st , 4 th . Every week, there were two meetings, on Monday and Thursday. Every meeting was conducted in at least 60 minutes.

A. Cycle 1

1. Plan Plan was done after the problem of young learners of Bumblebee English Course Yogyakarta was identified. The action that would be the solution was games technique. It was planned based on the problem faced by young learners so that it could overcome the problem. It was also based on the students’ idea so that they would be motivated. Besides, this technique was their own request. In this study, the problem faced by young learners was the lack of motivation of students when they had teaching learning activity in classroom. They did not want to listen, they talked a lot during the lesson, and they seemed 41 afraid of making mistake and shy to express their performance in class. Therefore, the researcher planned to implement games technique in order to enhance the students’ motivation to learn English in class. Games also provide a stimulus to have good motivation in language learning so that the learners’ motivation can be enhanced easily Lewis and Bedson, 1999: 1. The games technique was not only games. Inside the games, there were also the lessons of grammar, speaking, and listening. The difference was this technique was more fun. The teaching and learning process of games technique in class was described in these steps. a. In the first meeting, the teacher explained to the students that there would be four meetings of games class. The teacher also explained to them about the aim and the rules of using games in class. b. In the first meeting, the teacher explained to the students that they still had to write reflection about their learning after having learning process in the personal journal. c. In every meeting, the teacher explained the rules of the games and gave instruction to the students. d. In every meeting, the students had games with friends and teacher. e. In every meeting, the students learned something from the games, for example making sentences, learning verbs of past tense, etc. f. In every meeting, the students found out the mistakes made by their friends and corrected them.