Data Gathering Technique METHODOLOGY



In this study, the researcher observed the real condition that happened toward young learners of Bumblebee English Course Yogyakarta. The researcher conducted interview in order to find out the students’ problems in learning English. By knowing it, the problem they faced in class could be identified. The problem is identified by observing and interviewing. Observation was done by monitoring the students’ performance in the class when the researcher taught them. Interview was conducted toward the students informally and another teacher in Bumblebee English Course who also taught that class. Interview is aimed at getting the opinion about all the things related to teaching and learning activity, including the problems that the students face. The researcher has been teaching the students since July 2009. When the researcher taught the students, the researcher found that they were very lack of motivation in performing their task in class. Their lack of motivation could be identified from their behavior in class. They did not want to listen to the teacher when the teacher gave instruction and explanation. They talked a lot during the lesson. Some students were afraid of making mistake and shy to express their performance. They seemed shy to express their task. Recently, the teaching learning activities employed memorizing technique. The material given to the students was only about memorizing of vocabularies. There was possibility if they were bored with the material. They tended to be 39 noisy and not focused in learning process. They did not want to pay attention to the teacher’s saying. When the researcher interviewed some students after two months the writer taught them, they said both previous and recent teacher always taught the same technique, which was memorizing. The students said that there was no variety of technique in the class. It made students have no motivation to learn English in class. The answer from the students could be concluded that the way of teaching from the teacher was one of the causes. The interview was not only done with the students, but also another teacher in Bumblebee English Course Yogyakarta. She said that there were some students who were still shy and unconfident in performing their task in the learning process. Therefore, this case was from the students themselves. The main point of the problem faced by young learners of Bumblebee English Course Yogyakarta was their lack of motivation. It influenced the atmosphere of teaching learning activity. The learning process became not conducive. Games technique was chosen because it is considered as fun and enjoyable. Besides, games give variation in language learning and increase learners’ motivation by using the target language Lewis and Bedson, 1999: 5. Therefore, the researcher as the teacher prepared the material for every meeting based on the technique applied. After formulating the action that would be utilized to solve the problems in the teaching and learning process faced by young learners of Bumblebee English Course Yogyakarta, the researcher implemented it. The implementation of action