Method of the Study

inequality, and limitation to women from women‟s perspective. This approach helps the researcher to understand Tita‟s resistance and how women themselves think and react about their relation with tradition so that women choose to follow the tradition or fight against it. Therefore, this approach is appropriate to analyze this story.

C. Method of the Study

This research is done through a library research. The literary work is analyzed through contextual step, which is based on the novel. This step is used in order to gain deeper understanding about Tita‟s characteristics which influence her resistance against the limitation. The primary sources which are used in this research are mainly from books. They are the novel, some books of theories, articles, and journals which have relation to the topic of the research. In order to support the findings from the books, the researcher uses the secondary sources which are from internet. The researcher opens some websites which have related topic with the research, and uses them as the supporting idea of this research. Before analyzing the story further, the researcher formulates two questions or research problems. Those questions are made in order to keep the focus of this research. After that, the researcher looks for some studies which had relation to this research ‟s topic. The related studies are used as the comparison PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI between this research and those previous studies. The researcher compares the concern of the studies. If the main concern is similar, the researcher uses her research as the development of the previous studies. To help the researcher reaching the purpose, there are some theories used to gain the conclusion. The first theory is used to find the characteristics of the main character. After finding the characteristics, the researcher uses the theory of feminism which concerns about patriarchy in Mexico and gender roles theory to analyze patriarchal practices that Tita experienced, and then they are used to understand the significance between the characterization and the gender roles of the character. Therefore, it is known how the character reacts to and fought against the limitation. After that, the researcher relates the previous results to the historical background so that the researcher finds the cause of the limitation and the reason o f the character‟s rebellion. The researcher keeps working on those results to produce or create the analysis of this research. After finishing the analysis, the researcher makes conclusion about the research. 28