Theory of Gender Role

something. Past life is like background knowledge about a character which affects and shapes this character’s characteristics. Conversations of others are what other characters say about a character. A reaction is how a character responds to a certain situation. Direct comment is like a telling method to describe a character. Thought is knowledge about what a character’s thinking, and mannerism is how a character behaves 1972: 161-173. The methods of characterizing from Abrams and Murphy actually have same main methods which are telling and showing. Murphy elaborates the showing method in various ways which make the characterizing of a character deeper.

2. Theory of Gender Role

Gender is a socialized behaviors and expectations related to men and women Andersen, 1997: 383. While gender roles is a state of how someone should behave in the society based on their sexes, as Andersen stated: ―Gender roles are the expectations for behavior and attitudes that the culture defines as appropriate for women and men‖ 1997: 31. Men are known for their masculinity and women for their femininity. Those are the stereotype given to both gender from the society. If men are not masculine and women are not feminine, they will be considered as inappropriate Related to the term of masculinity Connel, 2005: 830, Connell in her writing used a term ―hegemony masculinity‖ which refers to the pattern of practices that allows men’s dominance over women to continue. Gender differences before the 19 th century became the study field of theologians. Women and men were created for different goals. The Rev. John Todd and his supporters tried to persuade women that they would get independence, wealth, and renown in mans sphere, while their only safety and happiness are patiently, lovingly, and faithfully performing the duties and enacting the relations of their own Kimmel, 2000: 22. From that, we can conclude that women were given the ideology that they are inferior and only can be safe or happy if they obey the rules and limitation made by men. In the context of a family, the parents educate the children based on gender custom. Since their childhood, their parents differentiate the toys given to them. Boys are given toys which stimulate their creativity, aggressiveness, and fantasy, while girls are given toys which teach them to have a sense of affection, creativity, and to be attractive, as stated: Toys rated as boys toys were also rated as high in the promotion of symbolic or fantasy play, competition, constructiveness adding pieces or combining with another toy to create something new, handling, sociability, and aggressiveness; girls toys were rated higher on manipulability ease of removing and replacing parts, creativity, nurturance, and attractiveness Lips, 1989: 3. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

3. Feminism