Abbreviation and Acronym LITERARY REVIEW

2.3 Abbreviation and Acronym

Abbreviation is a process of omitting one or more part of lexemes or combination of lexemes to produce new form as a word Kridalaksana, 2007: 159. Whereas acronym is a shortening process by combining words or syllables or other parts of the word that is written and pronounced as a word Kridalaksana, 2007: 162. Winarno 1991: 5 stated that abbreviation is different with acronym. Abbreviation is a form of a word or words shortening becomes one word or more that is pronounced by spelling letter by letter. For example, DPR Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat. Whereas acronym is a form of a word or words shortening becomes a group of words that is pronounced as a word. For example, Puskesmas Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat. According to Depdiknas 2001, there are some rule of making abbreviation and acronym: 2.3.1 Abbreviation a. Abbreviation of people name, academic title, call, position or grade are followed by dot marker. For example: Muh. Yamin; S.Pd.Sarjana Pendidikan; and Bpk.bapak b. Abbreviation of the official name of government institute and constitution, corporation or organization, and the name of official documents consist of an initial words letter are written with capital letter without dot marker. For example: MPR Majelis Perwakilan Rakyat; PGRI Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia; KTP Kartu Tanda Penduduk c. Common abbreviation consists of three letters of more are followed by dot marker. For example: dsb dan sebagainya; hlm halaman; sda saudara. d. Common abbreviation consists of two letters, each letter followed by dot marker. For example: a.n. atas nama; u.p. untuk perhatian e. Chemistry symbol, abbreviation of size or measurement, and currency are not followed by dot marker. For example: Rp rupiah, cm sentimeter. 2.3.2 Acronym. a. Proper name acronym consists of the combination of the initial letter of the word series is written in capital letters. For example: ABRI Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia; SIM Surat Izin Mengemudi b. Acronym which is not proper name consist of syllables combination, or the combination of words and syllables from words series are written in small letters. For example: pemilu pemilihan umum; rudal peluru kendali.

2.4 Language and Society