The Five Desperated Spirits’ Lessons That Eddie Received As Reflected In The Five People You Meet In Heaven By Mitch Albom










REG. NO. 102202050






It has been proved by Supervisor,

Dra. Redita Lubis, Dip. Appl. Ling., M.Hum. NIP. 19490423197412 2 001

Submitted to Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera in partial fulfillment of the requirements for DIPLOMA (D-III) in English

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Head of Diploma III English Study Program,

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Approved by the Diploma III English Study Program Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatra


Accepted by The Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the D-III Examination of the Diploma III English Study Program, Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera.

The examination is held on June 2013

Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera


Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A. NIP. 19511013197603 1 001

Board of Examiners/Readers

No. Name Signature

1. Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A. (Head Of ESP)

2. Dra. Redita Lubis, Dip. Appl. Ling., M.Hum (Supervisor)



I am, HORAS P. SINURAT, declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except where the reference is made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the main text of this paper. This paper has not been submitted for the award of anotherdegree in any tertiary education.

Signed : ...………. Date : 2013




Title of Paper : The Five Desperated Spirit’s Lesson That Eddie Received In Heaven As Reflected In “The Five People You Meet In Heaven”

Qualification : D-III / Ahli Madya Study Program : English

I am willing that my paper should be available for reproduction at the discretion of the Librarian of the Diploma III English Department Faculty of Letters USU on the understanding that users are made aware of their obligation under law of the Republic of Indonesia.

Signed : ….……….. Date : 2013



Kertas karya ini berjudul “The Five Desperated Spirit’s Lesson That Eddie Received As Reflected In The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom.” Penulis tertarik membahas tentang kehidupan Eddie di Surga. Dalam penulisan kertas karya ini, penulis menggunakan metode penelitian perpustakaan dan pendekatan intrinsik. Semua data yang ada dikumpulkan, dianalisis dan disimpulkan untuk mendukung kertas karya ini. Penulis berharap para pembaca dapat mengerti unsur-unsur yang terdapat dalam novel ini, memahami alur cerita dan mengetahui karakter-karakter tokoh utama yang terdapat di dalamnya. Berdasarkan cerita dari novel laris ini, penulis menceritakan pertemuan Eddie dengan kelima arwah lainnya dan saling berinteraksi di surga. Para arwah memberitahu berbagai hal yang belum pernah diketahui Eddie semasa hidupnya. Eddie mengira kehidupannya dulu dan kematian yang baru dialaminya merupakan hal yang sia-sia. Pertemuan dengan para arwah pun dimulai. Eddie bertemu dengan arwah pertama bernama Blue Man. Melalui pertemuan itu Blue Man memberitahu Eddie bahwa hidup saling berkaitan satu dengan yang lainnya dan tidak dapat dipisahkan. Arwah kedua, The Captain. Pertemuan tersebut, The Captain mengajarkan Eddie bahwa saat seseorang kehilangan sesuatu, mereka akan mendapat sesuatu yang lain. Kemudian pada pertemuan selanjutnya, Eddie bertemu arwah ketiga bernama Ruby. Pada kesempatan ini Ruby mengajarkan pada Eddie tentang pentingnya memaafkan siapapun khususnya orang tua sendiri. Arwah keempta, Marguerite. Marguerite semasa hidupnya dulu merupakan istri Eddie. Marguerite memberitahu Eddie bahwa kehidupan bias berakhir tetapi cinta tetap abadi. Pada pertemuan terakhir, Eddie bertemu arwah kelima. Arwah tersebut bernama Tala. Eddie akhirnya mengetahui bahwa anak kecil yang berusaha ditolongnya di Freddy’s Free Fall selamat. Tala mengajarkan pada Eddie bahwa semua hidup punya tujuan. Sekarang Eddie mengetahui bahwa sebuah akhir dari sesuatu hal merupakan awal dari sesuatu yang lainnya.



The author is interested in discussing about Eddie's life in heaven. In the writing of this paper, the author uses the method of library research and the intrinsics approach. All data is collected, analyzed and concluded to support this paper. The author hopes readers can understand the elements whichc contained in this novel, understand the plot and find out the main character entirely. Based on stories from the best-selling novel, the author imagine a meeting with other five wizards Eddie and interact in heaven. The spirits tell various things that have never been known to Eddie during his life. Eddie thinks his life and his death is vain. The meeting with the spirits will be began. Eddie met first spirits named Blue Man. Through that meeting Blue Man tells Eddie that life is related to each other and cannot be separated. Second, the spirit of The Captain. In the meeting, The Captain teaches Eddie that when someone loses something, they will get something else. Then, Eddie met the third spirit named Ruby. On this occasion, Ruby teaches Eddie about the importance of forgiveness anybody, especially his parents. The fourth spirit, Marguerite. Marguerite was Eddie’s wife. Marguerite tells Eddie that life ends but love goes on forever. At the last meeting, Eddie met the fifth spirit. The spirits named Tala. Eddie knows from Tala that he was success to help a gril in Freddy's Free Fall. Tala teaches at Eddie that all life has a purpose. Now, Eddie knows that all endings are also beginnings.



First of all, I would like thank and praise to Lord Jesus Christ, The

Almighty God, for blessing me in completing this paper as one of the

requirements to get a Diploma certificate in English Department at Faculty of

Culture Studies University of North Sumatera.

In this opportunity, I would like to express my gratitude to the Dean of Faculty of Science Studies Dr.Syahron Lubis M.A and the Head of English Department Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A. Then I would like to express my special gratitude to my supervisor Dra. Redita Lubis, Dipl.App.Ling., M.Hum for her time, advice, and guidance to this paper during the process of writing. My special gratitude also goes to my reader Mahmud Arief Albar, S.S., M.A. for his advice and precious time in correcting this paper. I also thank to other lecturers of English Diploma III Program who have contributed their knowledge in teaching me during my academic years.

The most special thank is dedicated to my beloved parents, Drs. P. Sinurat, S.Pd., M.Pd. and M. Sitanggang for their love and patience,

supporting me morally, spiritually, and financially in completing this paper. My special thank is also dedicated to my siblings, my lovely sister Dewi Sinurat, S.Ag. and my lovely brother Allen Sinurat.

I also would like to express my special thank to my beloved lady, my special one and only one, Lilis H. Napitupulu (Red Chubby a.k.a. Peceek). Thanks for everything that we have passed together. Keep spirit, keep pray, keep Jesus to lead and bless us.


For the encouragement of my great desire, I would like to say thank you to my best friends Yuris and Nicholas who always gave me advice, critics, support and make my day great, that’s what friends are supposed to do. Then to my friends in the Faculty whom I make my loving gratitude to Atika, Aya, Labora, Stefanus, Habibie, Wahyu, Basten, Andre for their help, loyalty, love and support and sharing your time to suggest me to do my best in finishing my paper. Last but not least thank to allmy classmate that I can’t mention one by one.

However, I realize that this paper is still far from being perfect because it is not easy to finish it to my satisfaction. Therefore, I welcome any constructive criticism and suggestion to develop this paper for the advantages in the future.

Medan, July 2013

The Writer

Reg. No. 102202050 Horas P. Sinurat










1.1 Background of Study ... 1

1.2 Problem of Study ... 2

1.3 Scope of Study ... 3

1.4 Purpose of Study ... 3

1.5 The Method of Study ... 3


2.1 Novel ... 4

2.2 Plot ... 4

2.3 Character ... 5

2.4 Setting ... 5


3.1 Eddie ... 7

3.2 Blue Man ... 9

3.3 Captain ... 11

3.4 Ruby Pier ... 13

3.5 Marguerite ... 15



4.1 Conclusions ... 18 4.2 Suggestions ... 20



1. Biography of the Author 2. Summary of the Novel



Kertas karya ini berjudul “The Five Desperated Spirit’s Lesson That Eddie Received As Reflected In The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom.” Penulis tertarik membahas tentang kehidupan Eddie di Surga. Dalam penulisan kertas karya ini, penulis menggunakan metode penelitian perpustakaan dan pendekatan intrinsik. Semua data yang ada dikumpulkan, dianalisis dan disimpulkan untuk mendukung kertas karya ini. Penulis berharap para pembaca dapat mengerti unsur-unsur yang terdapat dalam novel ini, memahami alur cerita dan mengetahui karakter-karakter tokoh utama yang terdapat di dalamnya. Berdasarkan cerita dari novel laris ini, penulis menceritakan pertemuan Eddie dengan kelima arwah lainnya dan saling berinteraksi di surga. Para arwah memberitahu berbagai hal yang belum pernah diketahui Eddie semasa hidupnya. Eddie mengira kehidupannya dulu dan kematian yang baru dialaminya merupakan hal yang sia-sia. Pertemuan dengan para arwah pun dimulai. Eddie bertemu dengan arwah pertama bernama Blue Man. Melalui pertemuan itu Blue Man memberitahu Eddie bahwa hidup saling berkaitan satu dengan yang lainnya dan tidak dapat dipisahkan. Arwah kedua, The Captain. Pertemuan tersebut, The Captain mengajarkan Eddie bahwa saat seseorang kehilangan sesuatu, mereka akan mendapat sesuatu yang lain. Kemudian pada pertemuan selanjutnya, Eddie bertemu arwah ketiga bernama Ruby. Pada kesempatan ini Ruby mengajarkan pada Eddie tentang pentingnya memaafkan siapapun khususnya orang tua sendiri. Arwah keempta, Marguerite. Marguerite semasa hidupnya dulu merupakan istri Eddie. Marguerite memberitahu Eddie bahwa kehidupan bias berakhir tetapi cinta tetap abadi. Pada pertemuan terakhir, Eddie bertemu arwah kelima. Arwah tersebut bernama Tala. Eddie akhirnya mengetahui bahwa anak kecil yang berusaha ditolongnya di Freddy’s Free Fall selamat. Tala mengajarkan pada Eddie bahwa semua hidup punya tujuan. Sekarang Eddie mengetahui bahwa sebuah akhir dari sesuatu hal merupakan awal dari sesuatu yang lainnya.



The author is interested in discussing about Eddie's life in heaven. In the writing of this paper, the author uses the method of library research and the intrinsics approach. All data is collected, analyzed and concluded to support this paper. The author hopes readers can understand the elements whichc contained in this novel, understand the plot and find out the main character entirely. Based on stories from the best-selling novel, the author imagine a meeting with other five wizards Eddie and interact in heaven. The spirits tell various things that have never been known to Eddie during his life. Eddie thinks his life and his death is vain. The meeting with the spirits will be began. Eddie met first spirits named Blue Man. Through that meeting Blue Man tells Eddie that life is related to each other and cannot be separated. Second, the spirit of The Captain. In the meeting, The Captain teaches Eddie that when someone loses something, they will get something else. Then, Eddie met the third spirit named Ruby. On this occasion, Ruby teaches Eddie about the importance of forgiveness anybody, especially his parents. The fourth spirit, Marguerite. Marguerite was Eddie’s wife. Marguerite tells Eddie that life ends but love goes on forever. At the last meeting, Eddie met the fifth spirit. The spirits named Tala. Eddie knows from Tala that he was success to help a gril in Freddy's Free Fall. Tala teaches at Eddie that all life has a purpose. Now, Eddie knows that all endings are also beginnings.



1. Background of the Study

In the world, we only see the world from our eyes, but afterlife it will be viewed from many angles. Learning about life not just take place in the world during we live, but after the life we actually ended up in the world. Once arrived at the place called heaven, we will be guided back to find out how our lifetime. In heaven, we also met people who provide an understanding of the meaning of life.

In “The Five People You Meet in Heaven” contains life lessons that received by Eddie from the five desperated spirit in heaven, namely: 1. Eddie knows that all lives are interrelated, 2. Eddie learned about sacrifice, 3. Eddie learned about forgiveness especially to his parents, 4. Eddie learned the lesson of love, 5. Eddie was told that he had saved the life of a child, his life is not vain because every life has purpose. Eddie is a spirit who met with five other spirits in heaven. Eddie interacts with the five spirits and he tells how once in his lifetime. As Eddie meets each spirit, he learns how closely the five desperated spirit with him when he was alive. Through their stories, he finds the meaning of his own existence. Before becoming a desperate spirit and was in heaven, Eddie is a war veteran who worked as a maintenance at the seaside amusement park "Ruby Pier". Daily activities - the day before Ruby Pier was opened was to make sure all the game can run well. Eddie also had to be ready whenever he is needed by the amusement park. People called him "Eddie Maintenance," because that's the name that stuck on his clothes’ works, although he prefers to be called less so. At day 83 birthday, he got a disaster when one of the game "Freddy's Free Fall" suddenly broken. He was trying to save a little girl when one of the cable cars fell on him it would be. Eddie was killed in a tragic accident, and Eddie is now a desperate spirit and then met with five other desperate spirit spirits in heaven.


Novel is a fictional narrative. We must be able to know the element of prose, such as setting, plot, theme, characterization etc. And we need the ability to identifying the element of novel if we want to analyze a novel. Novel is human literature creations. Novel does not, however, present a documentary picture of life. Kennedy (1991: 203) says that novel is a book-lenght story in prose, whose author try to create senses while we read, we experience actual life. The novel is a picture of real life and manner time when it was written. Some of them are fiction (unreal) and some of notification (real). In notofication novel, the author’s present actual people and events. In fiction novel, the readers can know more about the characte. By this description, the readers will know about characters are categorized as a main character and peripheral characters. Character is one part which very important in a story. Character make the story become real and interesting. We can understand about the way of story in a novel. Without character, the novel is nothing. The readers can get meaning and many messeges of life from the character in a story.

The writer use library method (Library Research) that is by collecting data from books in the library and also search the information from internet, such as data are colleceted, sorted, and summarized. The writer also uses intrinsic approach by Wellek and Warren (1994:24) which is the approach taken the data from text it self.

2. Problem of Study

The problems are:

1. What are the lessons that Eddie received from the five desperate spirits in heaven?

2. How does Eddie get the five lessons from the five desperate spirits in heaven?


3. Scope of Study

So many aspects that can be discussed in this novel, but the writer is interested to discuss the lessons that Eddie received from the five desperate spirits in heaven.

4. Purpose of Study

The purposes are:

1. To find out what are the lessons that Eddie received from the five desperate spirits in heaven

2. To find out how does Eddie get the five lessons from the five desperate spirits in heaven

5. Method of Study

The author uses the method of data collection through research libraries (Library Research). The first step of the novel is the author read to understand the story and intrinsic elements that exist in the novel. After understand and know the content of the novel, the authors collected data from books in the library. The author also search the information from internet, such as data are colleceted, sorted, and summarized the information about the novel and make the selection of data that have been collected to be presented in this paper.



2.1 Novel

Gustav freytag ( 1816 ) confirmed that novel is a prose narrative created considerable length by complexity certain related to the experience imaginative man, usually through order connected with events involving a group of people in arrangement certain. In the broad, genre novel has includes various species of and style.

Novel is one form of a literary work which is the story fiction in form of writings or words and had instances of instrinsik and extrinsic. In a novel author make a a bouquet having a groove broader and clearly and containing the urethane story someone and people around him with accentuating dispositive deeper and setting being diverse. Hence can be concluded that novel is a fictitious tales that seeks describing or delineating life the characters by using grooves. Fictional story not only as mere fantasy, but an imagination that is produced by the author is reality or phenomenon that is seen and perceived.

2.2 Plot

The Plot is a literary term is defined as events that shape the story, especially as they relate to each other in patterns, respectively, through cause and effect, how readers perceive the story, or just by chance. The Plot requires objective motivated to push the story reaches the end, and the relationship between the events themselves. The Plot is a casual sequence of events, the ' why ' to the things that happen in the story. The Plot draws the reader into the lives of characters and helps the reader understand the choices that make characters.

Gustav Freytag (1816-1895) came up with the structure of how the story was told in the language of Shakespeare's drama and ancient Greece. This analysis is known as Freytag's analysis. Its analysis consists of dividing the play into five parts: The Exposition. This is the introduction to the story that contains the background information necessary to really understand it. This information can


include the protagonist, antagonist, settings and so on. Inciting incident occurred here, in other words the initial incident that triggered the whole story. The exposition introduces all the main characters in the story. The Action Increases. Increased action is what happened leading up to the climax. The actions the rising plot is the series of events that build tension and created to make the story more interesting. Climax. Its peak is considered to be a high point and as the most interesting part of the story. This is where all the action rises and conflict build up in the story finally reached the Summit. Usually when the greatest danger for the protagonist or decision-making. Falling Action. The deal falling action with events that occurred right after the climax. These events usually after the effects of the climax. Resolution/denouement. This is the end of falling action and conclusion of the story. There is usually a dramatic release of tension and anxiety (also known as catharsis). It can also be a section at the end of the plot revealed the final outcome of the conflict or the solution of the mystery.

2.3 Character

Character is an individual creation/fiction author who experienced the events or lakuan in various events of the story. In General, a disembodied human figures but may also be a disembodied animals or objects. Figures can be distinguished into two central figure and as an underling. The central figure is a figure who many experiencing the events in the story. As for the subordinate characters are characters who support or assist the central figure.

2.4 Setting

Background / setting is something or state of being gone over the offender in a story. Make trouble background, namely: (1) a place, is a wherein the offender was or story occurring (in school in the city in the room etc.), (2) a time, is when that story occurring (morning, afternoon, night, yesterday, etc), (3) the atmosphere, is in a state where the story going on. (sad, excited, cold, peace, desolate etc.). Background formed of some respects, namely: (1) the geographical


actual, including topography scenery, even details interior room, (2) office and habitual mode character or figures, (3) the accident time events, e.g. years, season, etc. , (4) environmental religious, moral, intellectual, social, and emotional figure or character.





The story of this tale begins when Eddie was in heaven, he died because stricken by swing or cabin when executing his duties as maintenance of the amusement park “Ruby Pier”. Eddie saved the visitors barely who due to damage on game rides Freddy’s Free Fall due to a lock tucked into its engines and main cable broke into a swipe. Visitors were welcome, but an action resulting in a cabin which was originally occupied by the passenger coasting towards the Mainland, where a girl is inside. With his instinct, Eddie moves to help the little girl. Lucky for the little girl who survived, but Eddie was unable to save his life due to the stricken by swing cabin. Now Eddie was in heaven. Eddie suffered a stunning events in heaven. Eddie met with the other five spirits. The following point will be told about Eddie and the other five spirits or soul that he met in heaven.

3.1 Eddie

Eddie is a soul of the old man aged 83 years. He died because stricken by swing or cabin of ‘Freddy’s Free Fall’. Twelve minutes before Eddie’s death, a little girl asks him to make an animal for her out of a balloon. Then Eddie hears screaming. There is a problem with ‘Freddy’s Free Fall,’ a ride at Ruby Park. One of the cars is leaning dangerously with four people inside. On Eddie’s orders, Dominguez climbs a ladder and helps to free the people. He then starts to release the car. Eddie is trying to work out how the accident has happened and suddenly realizes that something has got caught in the machinery, causing the cable to wear away. If the car is released, it will fall. Eddie tries to get Dominguez’s attention but fails. He screams for the crowd to move back and they do but then he sees the little girl from earlier. He has fallen at the base of the ride. As the cable breaks, Eddie dives to save her and his days on earth are ended. His last memory is two small hands in his. Eddie is white-haired, with a short neck, chest, arms, thick barrel and a military tattoo on her right shoulder fade in. His feet are small and


joints. He always uses a stick wherever he went. He has a wide face with a mustache and a prominent lower jaw a bit, make it look authoritative. He's always putting a cigarette behind his left ear and a key ring connected to a rope to his waist. Eddie worked as head of care at an amusement park named Ruby Pier. Every day, he walks to the Park, make sure all rides of attractions are safe. Every day, when Eddie was alive, Eddie met the kids and kids love him. They like to play with Eddie. Eddie tapped two little boys with backward baseball caps. They raced to the cart and tumbled in. Eddie handed his cane to the ride attendant and slowly lowered himself between the two. One boy squealed him, as the other pulled Eddie’s arm around his shoulder. Eddie lowered the lap bar and up they went.

Eddie was in heaven now, after he has stricken by the cabin of ‘Freddy’s Free Fall’. Eddie finds himself floating through different colors. All his pains and worries have disappeared. He is back at Ruby Park but it’s the way it was when he was a child. He is old but he’s running like a young boy. He goes into the Freak Show and meets a man with blue skin. Eddie remembers the man vaguely from when he was a child. The Blue Man explains they are in heaven and that when a person first arrives there, they have to meet five people who will help them understand their lives on Earth. The Blue Man is Eddie’s first person. The setting was changed. Eddie is now a young man during the war. He hears the voice of the Captain he served under when he was in the army. He is Eddie’s second person. Then, Eddie finds himself in a beautiful mountain landscape. He is now in his thirties. He sees some flashing lights and walks toward them. There is a café and Eddie get into there. Suddenly an old woman appears in front of Eddie. She is Eddie’s third person and her name is Ruby. Eddie goes to the next place. Eddie is in a small room. He goes out of a door and experiences many wedding celebrations from around the world. At the last one, he sees a beautiful young woman. It’s Marguerite. She is his fourth person. Suddenly, Eddie can only see white and he misses his wife. Then he hears a screaming noise and sees a river


full of children playing. One small beautiful girl calls to him and a wind pushes him to her. Her name is Tala and she is his last person.

As he meet them, Eddie gets important advice about life from each desperate spirit. One by one, Eddie's five people illuminate the unseen connections of his earthly life. As the story builds to its stunning conclusion, Eddie desperately seeks redemption in the still-unknown last act of his life: Was it a heroic success or a devastating failure The answer, which comes from the most unlikely of sources, is as inspirational as a glimpse of heaven itself. Eddie's five people put his life into perspective and show him that his life was not as meaningless as he thought. Eddie finally realizes the importance of interconnection, sacrifice, forgiveness, love, and life. As the story unfolds, the book flashes back to Eddie's birthdays, giving the story purpose and readers a deep connection with Eddie and his past.

Eddie can make some opinions about the afterlife. It was help him to accept his surroundings and enjoy life as it comes. Moping around each day wishing for a better life isn’t going to change anything, but accepting the outcome and utilizing it to the best of your abilities will. Eddie thinks something and it could be inspiring to appreciate the small things in life. People think of heaven as a paradise garden, a place where they can float on clouds and laze in rivers and mountains. But scenery without solace is meaningless. This is the greatest gift God can give you: to understand what happened in your life, to have it explained. It is the peace you have been searching for.

3.2 Blue Man

. The Blue Man is the title name, the name when he alive was originally named Joseph Corvelzchik, has a soft voice, his skin is blue. He was a very nervous child and had many problems. Trying to cure his nerves, he took some medicine that was poisonous and eventually turned his skin blue. Unable to find any other work, he ended up working at the Freak Show because The Blue Man


The Blue Man is the first soul or desperate spirit that Eddie meet in heaven. Eddie finds himself floating through different colors. All his pains and worries have disappeared. When Eddie arrives in Heaven he becomes the man he was before age and injury kick in. Eddie finds out he can run like he did before he was wounded in war, and that he has the stamina of a young boy. Moreover, after a few moments of examining his surroundings, Eddie is greeted by a blue man who he feels that he has seen before. He is back at Ruby Park but it’s the way it was when he was a child. He is old but he’s running like a young boy. He goes into the Freak Show and meets a man with blue skin. Eddie remembers the man vaguely from when he was a child. The Blue Man explains they are in heaven and that when a person first arrives there, they have to meet five people who will help them understand their lives on. Earth.Eddie did not know the Blue Man when he was a child but his actions were responsible for the Blue Man’s death. The Blue Man told a story to Eddie. Time goes back to Eddie’s seventh birthday and then the Blue Man explains how Eddie caused his death. One day a young boy was playing with his friends and ran after a ball, almost causing a car accident. The driver of the car went on his way in shock and this time he crashed. He got out of the car but the shock was too much for him and he had a heart attack and died. The driver was The Blue Man and the young man was Eddie.

He also explains that Eddie isn’t in his own heaven. The heaven of the blue man is Ruby Pier. Ruby Pier was the only place he felt happy in his life. He could make people laugh at the ‘freak show’ because he had a blue skin. The lesson the blue man learns Eddie is fairness. Fairness doesn’t govern life and death. If it did, no good person would ever die young. The good thing that came from the death of the blue man was the fact that Eddie could live. Eddie asked the blue man if he saved the little girl from the accident. The blue man did not answer this question. Eddie slumped and said ‘Then my death was a waste, just like my life’. The only feedback from the blue man is ‘no life is a waste. The only time we waste is the time we spend thinking we are alone.’


The Blue Man’s story make Eddie thinks the Blue Man is going to punish him but instead he explains that this story is just a lesson to teach him that all lives are interrelated. The Blue Man disappears and time goes back to Eddie’s seventeenth birthday celebration. It is a short time after Eddie had met Marguerite. The Blue Man teaches Eddie his first lesson, which is that there are no random acts in life, and that all incidents are intertwined in some way.

After analyze, The Blue Man worked as a fake man in a circus when he was alive. In heaven The Blue Man gives Eddie advice that all lives are interrelated, from one event to the other events, from one person to the other person.

3.3 Captain

The Captain is a soul of Eddie's commanding officer in WWII. The men looked up to him because of one promise that the Captain promised to ensure to his soldiers: no man gets left behind. After escaping the mine the survivors had stolen a truck and drove away. Upon coming to a closed gate the Captain got out of the truck to check for enemy activity and to open the gate. Ordering his men to stay in the truck he stated that he would check the road ahead for any enemy soldiers. As he walked down the road he stepped on a landmine, detonating it, and dying.

The Captain is the second desperated spirit that Eddie meet in heaven. Eddie left Ruby Pier. And suddenly he's now in a war atmosphere gripping. And it turns out, he's back to his youth, when he was assigned to the Philippines for WWII (World War II). Eddie is now a young man during the war. He hears the voice of the Captain he served under when he was in the army. He is Eddie’s second person. During the war, Eddie, the Captain and three other soldiers had been captured by the enemy. First they were imprisoned in a hut and then they were taken to work in a coal mine. They were treated badly and given very little to eat. In the fourth month, one of the soldiers, Robozzo, fell ill and was shot by one


of the enemy soldiers. At this point Eddie started to concentrate on finding a way to escape.

One night the enemy soldier who was guarding them was trying to juggle. Eddie, having learnt this skill at Ruby Park, started to show him how to do it properly and the other enemy soldiers came to watch. Eddie used the rocks he was juggling with as weapons and the other soldiers took advantage of the situation to overthrow and kill the enemy soldiers. After escaping they decided to burn down the coal mine buildings in revenge. When everything was alight, Eddie thought he saw the figure of a young child crawling inside one of the burning buildings. The other soldiers shouted at him to leave but he moved toward the building, closer to the fire. He wanted to help the child and he got so close that his clothes began to burn. Suddenly he felt a terrible pain in his leg and he fell down. He had been shot. The other soldiers pulled him out of the fire and lifted him onto a vehicle and Eddie remembered little more. The Captain now explains that he had shot Eddie to save him from dying in the fire. The Captain thought he was having a breakdown and that it was better to sacrifice the man’s leg rather than the man’s life. The Captain had also died a short time later when he had gone ahead of the vehicle to check the way was safe and had stood on a bomb. Eddie at the time was unconscious in the truck and therefore never knew how the Captain died The Captain now explains that the second lesson is about sacrifice. Life is full of sacrifices and everybody has to make them. Sacrifice is not about what you lose but about what you and others gain.

Many lessons that Eddie got during the war at the time. He learned to drive a tank. At that time, he recalled, that he has learned to cut helmet with cold water. He learned to shoot from the holes of the protection. He learned how to smoke. He learned how to cross a rope bridge when bringing radio, gas masks, a machine gun, a duffel bag. He learned a few words in various foreign languages. He learned to whistle through his teeth. He learned how to sleep in the rocky soil. He learned how to catch a fugitive and many more. He realized that he was with the


captain. The blast injured the foot next to the left Eddie, that have resulted in him limping, it ceased to be an army at the time, it was the captain of himself.

After analyze this character, we know that when Captain alive, he was an army like Eddie. In heaven, The Captain teach Eddie that although he shot Eddie, he kept his promise by not leaving him behind and even sacrificed his life so Eddie and two other soldiers were able to live. He also teaches Eddie that when one loses something, they often gain something else.

3.4 Ruby Pier

Ruby Pier is a wowan soul who when alive was the wife of the owner of the arena game, “Ruby Pier”. Her face emaciated, cheeks are sagging, has white hair. He wears glasses and has a wire blue eyes. She wore a dress made of chiffon and silk with a bodice and sewn with white beads on the top with velvet Ribbon right below her neck. He has rhinestone skirts and holding an umbrella with both hands. In life, she has been a widow and aged 50s. The dying of this soul does not tell clearly. Ruby Pier is where the funfair is located. The Pier was named after Ruby by her husband Emile when he built the amusement park for her. It is at the amusement park, at Ruby Pier, that Eddie works after retired as an army and then died there.

Ruby is the third desperated spirit that Eddie met in heaven. Eddie finds himself in a beautiful mountain landscape. He is now in his thirties. He sees some flashing lights and walks toward them. There is a café and his father is sitting inside. Eddie’s father had caused him a lot of pain during his life. When Eddie was a child, he mostly ignored and neglected him. The figure of the father to Eddie had broken, because from a young Eddie never felt the intimacy of the love of a father's saying, and saw the figure of a disappointing because dad likes to get drunk and gamble. When he was drunk he would also beat Eddie and his brother. When Eddie was an adult, one night after the war, his father came home to find Eddie sleeping on the sofa. He began to shout at Eddie about being lazy and he tried to hit him. For the


again. Suddenly an old woman appears in front of Eddie. She is Eddie’s third person and her name is Ruby. In life, her husband had built Ruby Park for her. She talks to Eddie about his father.

One night his father had arrived home with his clothes full of sand and completely wet. He caught a fever and died some time later in hospital. Later Eddie and his wife, Marguerite, had to move back in with Eddie’s mom and Eddie had to take a job at Ruby Park so that he could be near his mom. Eddie assumed that his father had been drunk on the night he got ill, and blamed him for dying and trapping him into a life he didn’t want. Ruby shows Eddie the full story. Eddie’s father had died bravely trying to save a friend from drowning despite the fact that this friend had previously attacked Eddie’s mom. Eddie’s father had later died at a window in the hospital calling out the names of his family, including Eddie’s. Ruby knew this because her husband had been in the next bed. Ruby tells that Eddie's father caught Mickey attempting to rape his wife on returning from work. Mickey had been drinking heavily after having been fired from his job at the funfair. Eddie’s father comes in his first impulse was to kill him but his final impulse was to keep the man alive. Mickey had always been a very good friend of the family, he helped Eddie’s father getting a job, he lent money to the family when necessary etc. They were laying at the beach, soaked, for a couple of hours. Eddie's father chased Mickey to the end of the pier where Mickey, drunkenly, fell off the pier. Eddie's father jumped in and rescued Mickey, dragging him to shore. He was 56 years of age then and the sea took its toll on him and he developed pneumonia and was taken to hospital.Eddie that he must lose his anger and his regrets and forgive his father. This he does.

After analyze, we can conclude that Ruby was as owner of an amusement Park, ‘Ruby Pier’. Eddie get advice from Ruby that Eddie need to learn about forgiveness especially for his parents. Ruby shows Eddie the importance of forgiveness and how hatred could significantly impact and consume you. Because of Ruby, Eddie is able to forgive his father for not being the parental figure that he should have been. Holding anger is a poison. It eats you from inside. We think


that hating is a weapon that attacks the person who harmed us. But hatred is a curved blade. And the harm we do, we do to ourselves, because no one is born with anger. And when we die, the soul is freed from it.

3.5 Marguerite

Marguerite is a soul. Marguerite was the wife of Eddie who had earlier died of a brain tumor. She has wave hair over her shoulder, her dark hair falling over one eye.Marguerite has olive skin and dark coffee eyes. Eddie reminded in the early days he was married, to the difficult times faced after the death of his father, for the sake of his love for the mother. Eddie loses a Marguerite at the age to 47 years, really missed those times with my wife loved it.

Marguerite is the fourth soul or desperate spirit that Eddie meet in heaven. Eddie is in a small room. He goes out of a door and experiences many wedding celebrations from around the world. At the last one, he sees a beautiful young woman. It is Marguerite. The time in heaven with Marguerite is a happy time. They talk about everything. Eddie tells Marguerite his life after her dead. They talk about the great time they had had together, their meeting, their life. They kind of marry again, they just pretend a marriage because their wedding was a little messed up. Marguerite is Eddie’s wife and only true love. Marguerite was the only happiness in Eddie's life. Eddie cries and tells her how much he has missed her. Time goes back to Eddie’s thirty-ninth birthday. He was gambling at the races with a friend. Marguerite was driving there to persuade him to go home but she had an accident and ended up in hospital. They had been trying to adopt a child but now that Marguerite was so ill it was impossible. Eddie felt guilty and their relationship wasn’t good for a while, but eventually their love returned. Sadly, Marguerite got a brain tumor when she was forty-seven and died, and Eddie was heartbroken. Eddie and Marguerite spend time together in heaven and she teaches him his fourth lesson. She explains that when she died she continued to love him as he did her. She explains that lost love is still love. Life has to end


Eddie knew Marguerite will always be hers and so did Marguerite. Although both Eddie and Ruby love children, Ruby is not able to conceive and they try to adopt.. Although this test their marriage, they overcome even this and slowly start to be happier. Marguerite always loved weddings and when she passed away she chose a place where weddings occurred all the time. All she had to do was open a door and step through the doorway and she would be amongst a wedding party. These weddings came from all over the world, from all religious traditions and from all cultures. That is until Marguerite is suddenly diagnosed with a brain tumor and leaves Eddie. Eddie meets Marguerite in heaven and learns that she did not just leave Eddie and that Eddie’s love for her was never weakened due to her death. Their love will never disappear in time even though they are now no longer exist. Eddie unknowingly. Eddie is very fond of his wife.

After analyze we know that in heaven, Marguerite teaches Eddie that life ends, but love goes on forever; in Eddie's case, love just took on a different form. Eddie really been studied, have understood the real meaning of love exists. Love doesn't have to be held. Life's end. But not for love. Love is not lost with death.

3.6 Tala

Tala is a soul of young girl. Tala was a young girl who met with Eddie in a burning hut in the Philippines. She is a Filipina, maybe five or six years old with a beautiful cinnamon complexion, hair the color of dark plum, a small flat nose, full lips that spread joyfully over her gapped teeth, and the most arresting eyes.

Tala is the fifth and also as the last soul or desperate spirit that Eddie meet in heaven. Eddie can only see white and he misses his wife. Then he hears a screaming noise and sees a river full of children playing. One small beautiful girl calls to him and a wind pushes him to her. Her name is Tala and she is his last person. She tells him that he had burnt her when she was hiding from the soldiers and Eddie realizes that she is the figure he saw in the burning building during the war. He cries and asks for her forgiveness. She gives him a stone and asks him to wash her with it. Eddie now sees how her skin and body are completely burnt and


he follows her to the river. As he rubs the stone over her body, the burnt skin drops off and she is beautiful again. She now asks him why he had been sad when he was on Earth and he explains that he had felt his life was a waste. She explains that in fact his life had a clear purpose. He was meant to be at Ruby Park to look after the small children. This is his final lesson. Tala also explains that he had pushed the young girl out of the way of the falling car before he died and saved her life. Tala had then led him safely into heaven. The hands that Eddie had felt in his at the moment of his death had been hers. Eddie now passes through the many colors of heaven which are the emotions of his life and ends up in his own heaven with his wife Marguerite. He will be one of the people there waiting in heaven for the little girl whose life he saved after she has grown up and died and needs to learn five lessons that explain her life on Earth. Tala give lessons to Eddie, and Eddie's role made him not just the head of the care of Ruby Pier, but also the bearer of the happiness of many children, and also to save the life of a child in the death of Eddie. Eddie also finally realized the importance of the role in the world. Eddie wake, Eddie has given happiness to the children such as Tala. He is really happy. He is been quiet. All those who have seen provide lessons that are really valuable to him.

After analyze and know that Eddie was told that he had saved the life of a child, we learn how worthy our life. Tala tells, because of Eddie, numerous accidents and tragic events had been prevented because of Eddie's maintenance skills and watchful eye. Countless lives had been saved, both born and unborn, because of Eddie. Tala teaches Eddie that every life has purpose.



4.1 Conclusions

Mitch Albom (1958) is an author who would like to invite readers will travel through the story of Eddie over in heaven. Through the story of Eddie, Mitch Albom wanted to make its readers have an understanding that the end of life on Earth is the beginning of a new life in another place, that is in heaven and with the figure of the deceased.

After doing the analysis in the novel, the story of the tragic death of Eddie shown in “The Five People You Meet In Heaven” is caused by damage to a vehicle of the biggest game in place of work after retired from the unity of the military. But the end of Eddie's life on Earth was not to be the end of the story. After the tragic death of the deceased Eddie lifted up to heaven. In heaven 5 spirits reunited with Eddie. Eddie knows many things and lessons from the five desperated spirit which such things don't he know during his life.

1. Eddie can make some opinions about the afterlife. It was help him to accept his surroundings and enjoy life as it comes. Moping around each day wishing for a better life isn’t going to change anything, but accepting the outcome and utilizing it to the best of your abilities will. Eddie thinks something and it could be inspiring to appreciate the small things in life. People think of heaven as a paradise garden, a place where they can float on clouds and laze in rivers and mountains. But scenery without solace is meaningless. This is the greatest gift God can give you: to understand what happened in your life, to have it explained. It is the peace you have been searching for.

2. The Blue Man is a fake man in a circus when he was alive. The Blue Man teaches Eddie his first lesson, which is that there are no random acts in life, and that all incidents are intertwined in some way. In heaven The Blue Man gives Eddie advice that all lives are interrelated, from one event to the other events, from one person to the other person.


3. The Captain teach Eddie many things. He learned to shoot from the holes of the protection. He learned how to smoke. He learned how to cross a rope bridge when bringing radio, gas masks, a machine gun, a duffel bag. He learned a few words in various foreign languages. He learned to whistle through his teeth. He learned how to sleep in the rocky soil. He learned how to catch a fugitive and many more. He realized that he was with the captain. The blast injured the foot next to the left Eddie, that have resulted in him limping, it ceased to be an army at the time, it was the captain of himself. Although he shot Eddie, he kept his promise by not leaving him behind and even sacrificed his life so Eddie and two other soldiers were able to live. He also teaches Eddie that when one loses something, they often gain something else.

4. Ruby shows Eddie the importance of forgiveness and how hatred could significantly impact and consume you. Because of Ruby, Eddie is able to forgive his father for not being the parental figure that he should have been. Holding anger is a poison. It eats you from inside. We think that hating is a weapon that attacks the person who harmed us. But hatred is a curved blade. And the harm we do, we do to ourselves, because no one is born with anger. And when we die, the soul is freed from it.

5. Marguerite teaches Eddie that life ends, but love goes on forever; in Eddie's case, love just took on a different form. Eddie really been studied, have understood the real meaning of love exists. Love doesn't have to be held. Life's end. But not for love. Love is not lost with death.

6. Tala tells, because of Eddie, numerous accidents and tragic events had been prevented because of Eddie's maintenance skills and watchful eye. Countless lives had been saved, both born and unborn, because of Eddie. Tala teaches Eddie that every life has purpose.


4.2 Suggestions

The authors hope that this piece of paper can help those readers who want to know about the lessons acquired Eddie in the novel “The the Five People You Meet In Heaven”. I hope by reading this novel, readers don't just sit quietly and read the whole story, but also understand about what is depicted in the novel. In this paper, the author wants the reader to know that a meeting with the five other familiar Eddie in heaven is the imagination of the author. Don't ever feel hopeless in life, because life is not wasted. Life is a learning process, where each man is required turn for the better with the added time. The author realized the lessons of the five deceased Eddie received is still limited. Therefore the author gives the reader hope that criticism is building to develop writing.



Fananie,Zainuddin. 2001. Telaah Sastra. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University Press

Kenedy, X.J. 1991. Literature an Introduction to Fiction, Poetry and Drama. London : Harper Collins Publisher.

Kenedy,X.J. 1983. An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry and Drama. Canada : Little, Brown & Company Limited

Nurgyantoro, Burhan. 1995. Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. Yogyakarta : Gajah Mada University Press

Wellek and Warren. 1994.

Gustav Freytag. (July 1th, 2013). Plot (Narrative). Accessed July 8th 2013, from



1. The Bibliography Of Mitch Albom

Mitch Albom was born in New Jersey in 1958, the second of three children. He grew up loving music and taught himself to play piano. In fact, throughout his teenage years, he played in bands. Albom graduated high school after his junior year and then attended Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts, where he majored in Sociology. After graduation, he continued to explore the world and his love of music, performing in Europe and the United States. However, while living in New York in his 20s, Mitch took an interest in journalism and volunteered to work for a local weekly paper, the Queens Tribune. This piqued his interest in the craft, so he attended graduate school, earning a Master’s degree from Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism, followed by an MBA from Columbia University’s Graduate School of Business. Never forgetting his musical roots, he paid part of his tuition by working as a piano player. Following his academic career, Albom took on full-time writing, working as a freelance sports journalist in New York for publications such as Sports Illustrated and The Philadelphia Inquirer. He moved to Detroit in 1985, where he was a sports writer for the Detroit Free Press. He was able to use his talents in multiple forms of media, working in newspapers, radio, and television. He currently hosts a daily talk show on radio show and appears regularly on ESPN's Sports Reporters and SportsCenter.

Albom, who married Janine Sabino in 1995, is the author of four novels. Three of them have been turned into TV movies, including Tuesdays with Morrie, which was produced by Oprah Winfrey in 1999.



Mitch Albom started S.A.Y. (Super All Year) Detroit in 2006, as a way of combating homelessness in Detroit. Since then, the charity has raised close to $1 million, all of it distributed or ere-marked to make life easier and more productive for the city's most needy. At Albom's insistence, no salaries or expenses are paid from the funds raised.

Albom is an internationally renowned and best-selling author, journalist, screenwriter, playwright, and radio and television broadcaster. His books have collectively sold over 26 million copies worldwide; have been published in 50 territories and 42 languages around the world; and have been made into Emmy Award-winning and critically-acclaimed television movies. He writes a regular syndicated column through the Detroit Free Press, hosts a syndicated radio show, and appears regularly on ESPN's "The Sports Reporters."

In 1995, he re-encountered Morrie Schwartz, a former college professor who was dying of ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. His visits with Schwartz would lead to the book "Tuesdays with Morrie", which moved Mitch away from sports writing and began his career as an internationally recognized author.

"Tuesdays with Morrie" is the chronicle of Mitch's time spent with his beloved professor. As a labor of love, Mitch wrote the book to help pay Morrie's medical bills. It spent four years on the New York Times Bestseller list and is now the most successful memoir ever published. His first novel, "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" is the most successful US hardcover first adult novel ever. For One More Day, his most recent, debuted at No.1 on the New York Times Bestseller List and spent nine months on the list. In October 2006, "For One More Day" was the first book chosen by Starbucks in the newly launched Book Break Program, which also helped fight illiteracy by donating one dollar from every


Albom wrote the screenplay for both For One More Day and The Five People You Meet in Heaven, and is an established playwright, having authored numerous pieces for the theater, including the off-Broadway version of Tuesdays With Morrie (co-written with Jeffrey Hatcher) which has seen over seventy productions across the US and Canada.

2. The Summary of the Novel

It begins at the end of Eddie's life. When he was alive, Eddie war veteran who feels trapped in a meaningless life of fixing rides at a seaside amusement park. He served in the war and was wounded, leaving him with a permanent physical disability. He is angry with his life as he feels he had to give up his own goals. He feels robbed of his own prospects by the war and those around him.

On his 83rd birthday, Eddie is killed trying to save a little girl from being crushed by a ride in the park. He dies in a tragic accident at the amusment park where Eddie has worked nearly all his long life. After dying Eddie discovers that heaven is not a Garden of Eden, but a place where your life is explained to you by 5 people who were in it. Eddie meet his wife, his old army captain, the women whom the amusment park was named after, and two people who died because of Eddie's innocent actions.

He awakens in heaven where he, in turn, meets five people whose purpose it is to explain to Eddie the events of his life. Some people he knows very well, others are strangers, yet all had an impact in his life and changed each others paths.

As Eddie meets each person, he learns how closely intertwined his life was with theirs both knowingly and unknowingly and in turn learns something more about himself. Through their stories, he finds the meaning of his own existence.


3. The Captain teach Eddie many things. He learned to shoot from the holes of the protection. He learned how to smoke. He learned how to cross a rope bridge when bringing radio, gas masks, a machine gun, a duffel bag. He learned a few words in various foreign languages. He learned to whistle through his teeth. He learned how to sleep in the rocky soil. He learned how to catch a fugitive and many more. He realized that he was with the captain. The blast injured the foot next to the left Eddie, that have resulted in him limping, it ceased to be an army at the time, it was the captain of himself. Although he shot Eddie, he kept his promise by not leaving him behind and even sacrificed his life so Eddie and two other soldiers were able to live. He also teaches Eddie that when one loses something, they often gain something else.

4. Ruby shows Eddie the importance of forgiveness and how hatred could significantly impact and consume you. Because of Ruby, Eddie is able to forgive his father for not being the parental figure that he should have been. Holding anger is a poison. It eats you from inside. We think that hating is a weapon that attacks the person who harmed us. But hatred is a curved blade. And the harm we do, we do to ourselves, because no one is born with anger. And when we die, the soul is freed from it.

5. Marguerite teaches Eddie that life ends, but love goes on forever; in Eddie's case, love just took on a different form. Eddie really been studied, have understood the real meaning of love exists. Love doesn't have to be held. Life's end. But not for love. Love is not lost with death.

6. Tala tells, because of Eddie, numerous accidents and tragic events had been prevented because of Eddie's maintenance skills and watchful eye. Countless lives had been saved, both born and unborn, because of Eddie. Tala teaches Eddie that every life has purpose.


4.2 Suggestions

The authors hope that this piece of paper can help those readers who want to know about the lessons acquired Eddie in the novel “The the Five People You Meet In Heaven”. I hope by reading this novel, readers don't just sit quietly and read the whole story, but also understand about what is depicted in the novel. In this paper, the author wants the reader to know that a meeting with the five other familiar Eddie in heaven is the imagination of the author. Don't ever feel hopeless in life, because life is not wasted. Life is a learning process, where each man is required turn for the better with the added time. The author realized the lessons of the five deceased Eddie received is still limited. Therefore the author gives the reader hope that criticism is building to develop writing.



Fananie,Zainuddin. 2001. Telaah Sastra. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University Press

Kenedy, X.J. 1991. Literature an Introduction to Fiction, Poetry and Drama. London : Harper Collins Publisher.

Kenedy,X.J. 1983. An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry and Drama. Canada : Little, Brown & Company Limited

Nurgyantoro, Burhan. 1995. Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. Yogyakarta : Gajah Mada University Press

Wellek and Warren. 1994.

Gustav Freytag. (July 1th, 2013). Plot (Narrative). Accessed July 8th 2013, from



1. The Bibliography Of Mitch Albom

Mitch Albom was born in New Jersey in 1958, the second of three children. He grew up loving music and taught himself to play piano. In fact, throughout his teenage years, he played in bands. Albom graduated high school after his junior year and then attended Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts, where he majored in Sociology. After graduation, he continued to explore the world and his love of music, performing in Europe and the United States. However, while living in New York in his 20s, Mitch took an interest in journalism and volunteered to work for a local weekly paper, the Queens Tribune. This piqued his interest in the craft, so he attended graduate school, earning a Master’s degree from Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism, followed by an MBA from Columbia University’s Graduate School of Business. Never forgetting his musical roots, he paid part of his tuition by working as a piano player. Following his academic career, Albom took on full-time writing, working as a freelance sports journalist in New York for publications such as Sports Illustrated and The Philadelphia Inquirer. He moved to Detroit in 1985, where he was a sports writer for the Detroit Free Press. He was able to use his talents in multiple forms of media, working in newspapers, radio, and television. He currently hosts a daily talk show on radio show and appears regularly on ESPN's Sports Reporters and SportsCenter.

Albom, who married Janine Sabino in 1995, is the author of four novels. Three of them have been turned into TV movies, including Tuesdays with Morrie, which was produced by Oprah Winfrey in 1999.



Mitch Albom started S.A.Y. (Super All Year) Detroit in 2006, as a way of combating homelessness in Detroit. Since then, the charity has raised close to $1 million, all of it distributed or ere-marked to make life easier and more productive for the city's most needy. At Albom's insistence, no salaries or expenses are paid from the funds raised.

Albom is an internationally renowned and best-selling author, journalist, screenwriter, playwright, and radio and television broadcaster. His books have collectively sold over 26 million copies worldwide; have been published in 50 territories and 42 languages around the world; and have been made into Emmy Award-winning and critically-acclaimed television movies. He writes a regular syndicated column through the Detroit Free Press, hosts a syndicated radio show, and appears regularly on ESPN's "The Sports Reporters."

In 1995, he re-encountered Morrie Schwartz, a former college professor who was dying of ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. His visits with Schwartz would lead to the book "Tuesdays with Morrie", which moved Mitch away from sports writing and began his career as an internationally recognized author.

"Tuesdays with Morrie" is the chronicle of Mitch's time spent with his beloved professor. As a labor of love, Mitch wrote the book to help pay Morrie's medical bills. It spent four years on the New York Times Bestseller list and is now the most successful memoir ever published. His first novel, "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" is the most successful US hardcover first adult novel ever. For One More Day, his most recent, debuted at No.1 on the New York Times Bestseller List and spent nine months on the list. In October 2006, "For One More Day" was the first book chosen by Starbucks in the newly launched Book Break Program, which also helped fight illiteracy by donating one dollar from every book sold to Jumpstart.


Albom wrote the screenplay for both For One More Day and The Five People You Meet in Heaven, and is an established playwright, having authored numerous pieces for the theater, including the off-Broadway version of Tuesdays With Morrie (co-written with Jeffrey Hatcher) which has seen over seventy productions across the US and Canada.

2. The Summary of the Novel

It begins at the end of Eddie's life. When he was alive, Eddie war veteran who feels trapped in a meaningless life of fixing rides at a seaside amusement park. He served in the war and was wounded, leaving him with a permanent physical disability. He is angry with his life as he feels he had to give up his own goals. He feels robbed of his own prospects by the war and those around him.

On his 83rd birthday, Eddie is killed trying to save a little girl from being crushed by a ride in the park. He dies in a tragic accident at the amusment park where Eddie has worked nearly all his long life. After dying Eddie discovers that heaven is not a Garden of Eden, but a place where your life is explained to you by 5 people who were in it. Eddie meet his wife, his old army captain, the women whom the amusment park was named after, and two people who died because of Eddie's innocent actions.

He awakens in heaven where he, in turn, meets five people whose purpose it is to explain to Eddie the events of his life. Some people he knows very well, others are strangers, yet all had an impact in his life and changed each others paths.

As Eddie meets each person, he learns how closely intertwined his life was with theirs both knowingly and unknowingly and in turn learns something more about himself. Through their stories, he finds the meaning of his own existence.