4.1 Conclusions

Mitch Albom 1958 is an author who would like to invite readers will travel through the story of Eddie over in heaven. Through the story of Eddie, Mitch Albom wanted to make its readers have an understanding that the end of life on Earth is the beginning of a new life in another place, that is in heaven and with the figure of the deceased. After doing the analysis in the novel, the story of the tragic death of Eddie shown in “The Five People You Meet In Heaven” is caused by damage to a vehicle of the biggest game in place of work after retired from the unity of the military. But the end of Eddies life on Earth was not to be the end of the story. After the tragic death of the deceased Eddie lifted up to heaven. In heaven 5 spirits reunited with Eddie. Eddie knows many things and lessons from the five desperated spirit which such things dont he know during his life. 1. Eddie can make some opinions about the afterlife. It was help him to accept his surroundings and enjoy life as it comes. Moping around each day wishing for a better life isn’t going to change anything, but accepting the outcome and utilizing it to the best of your abilities will. Eddie thinks something and it could be inspiring to appreciate the small things in life. People think of heaven as a paradise garden, a place where they can float on clouds and laze in rivers and mountains. But scenery without solace is meaningless. This is the greatest gift God can give you: to understand what happened in your life, to have it explained. It is the peace you have been searching for. 2. The Blue Man is a fake man in a circus when he was alive. The Blue Man teaches Eddie his first lesson, which is that there are no random acts in life, and that all incidents are intertwined in some way. In heaven The Blue Man gives Eddie advice that all lives are interrelated, from one event to the other events, from one person to the other person. Universitas Sumatera Utara 3. The Captain teach Eddie many things. He learned to shoot from the holes of the protection. He learned how to smoke. He learned how to cross a rope bridge when bringing radio, gas masks, a machine gun, a duffel bag. He learned a few words in various foreign languages. He learned to whistle through his teeth. He learned how to sleep in the rocky soil. He learned how to catch a fugitive and many more. He realized that he was with the captain. The blast injured the foot next to the left Eddie, that have resulted in him limping, it ceased to be an army at the time, it was the captain of himself. Although he shot Eddie, he kept his promise by not leaving him behind and even sacrificed his life so Eddie and two other soldiers were able to live. He also teaches Eddie that when one loses something, they often gain something else. 4. Ruby shows Eddie the importance of forgiveness and how hatred could significantly impact and consume you. Because of Ruby, Eddie is able to forgive his father for not being the parental figure that he should have been. Holding anger is a poison. It eats you from inside. We think that hating is a weapon that attacks the person who harmed us. But hatred is a curved blade. And the harm we do, we do to ourselves, because no one is born with anger. And when we die, the soul is freed from it. 5. Marguerite teaches Eddie that life ends, but love goes on forever; in Eddies case, love just took on a different form. Eddie really been studied, have understood the real meaning of love exists. Love doesnt have to be held. Lifes end. But not for love. Love is not lost with death. 6. Tala tells, because of Eddie, numerous accidents and tragic events had been prevented because of Eddies maintenance skills and watchful eye. Countless lives had been saved, both born and unborn, because of Eddie. Tala teaches Eddie that every life has purpose. Universitas Sumatera Utara

4.2 Suggestions