English for Vocational High Schools Based on Curriculum 2013

2. English for Vocational High Schools Based on Curriculum 2013

According to the Indonesian Education Act No. 20 Year 2003 about National Education System, curriculum refers to a set of plan and regulation about the goals, contents, and materials and also the methods applied as the guidelines of the implementation of teaching and learning process to achieve particular education objectives. According to the definition, there are two dimensions of curriculum, the first is the plan and regulation of the goals, contents, and materials, the second is the method applied for the teaching and learning process. Government, especially Minister of Education and Culture believes that Curriculum 2013 meets those dimensions. Indonesian curriculum has changed several times. It is changed in line with the needs of students, the methods, the technology and the changes in the current life, so that it will be relevant to the current condition Mulyasa, 2013. Competency-based curriculum Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi or KBK that focused on the students competence achievement was applied in 2004 for two years before the government changed it into school-based curriculum. School- based curriculum was used for seven years before in 2013 the government revised the curriculum become Curriculum 2013 which is the continuation of competency-based curriculum. It is stated in the preamble of the Regulation of Minister of Education and Culture No. 70 Year 2013 on the Basic Framework and Curriculum Structure of Vocational High School that curriculum 2013 is developed based on the theory of standard-based education and competency-based education. Curriculum 2013 emphasizes on character education. The graduate standard competences SKL of curriculum 2013 are categorized into three aspects, those are attitude, knowledge and skills. The graduate standard competences of vocational high school students are presented below. Table 2.1 The Graduate Standard Competences Attitude Have the attitude that reflects religious, good, educated, and responsible person in interacting effectively with the social and natural environment and can put him or herself as the representative of the nation in the universal society. Knowledge Have the factual, conceptual, procedural and metacognitive knowledge in the field of science, technology, art and culture with humanity, nationality, and civilization knowledge related to the cause and effect of phenomena and events. Skill Have the ability of thinking and behaving that is effective and creative in the sense of abstract and concrete as the development of what learned in the school individually. Curriculum 2013 recommends scientific approach to be applied in the instructional process in all subject matters in every level of education. Scientific approach stages consist of six steps: observing, questioning, collecting data, analyzing data, communicating conclusions, and creating BSNP, 2013. Curriculum 2013 has four core competences Kompetensi Inti or KI and each core competence has some basic competences Kompetensi Dasar or KD. The first and the second core competences aim to develop the religious and social competences, while the third and the fourth core competences aim to develop knowledge and skill competences. Yet, those core competences are related each other. In Curriculum 2013 there is no novice, elementary and intermediate level in the standard competence. The curriculum for vocational high schools is similar with the one for senior high schools. According to the Regulation of Minister of Education and Culture Number 70 Year 2013, the basic competences for grade X students of vocational high school contain some: A. Language functions: 1. self-introduction, 2. complimenting, 3. caring, 4. intention to do something, 5. asking and stating about past events B. Texts: 1. descriptive texts related to person, tourism object, and historical building, 2. recount texts about experience and events, 3. narrative texts in the form of legend; a short functional text in the form of announcement. The addition of the materials that cannot be found in the previous curriculum is that the students have to learn the social function and linguistic structure of a simple English song.

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