Bottom Construction and Liners Landfill gas management Biology of a landfill; phases of degradation


19.1 Bottom Construction and Liners

a function: to limit infiltration of leachate to subsoil b materials must be chemically resistant to leachate c subsoil settlements d stability of construction, subsoil and surrounding slopes e distance to groundwater f availability of materials g costs h experience in building 731 Guideline on base liner NL, 1993 1 waste must be 0.7 m above mean high groundwater level 2 settlements subsoil must be less then 0.25 m 3 construction depends on geohydrological situation and sensitivy of spreading of pollutants Standard construction NL: 1 overall leakage 5 mmyr with leakproof synthetic and mineral of 20 mmyr 2 combination liner with a slope of 0.25 3 0.50 m drainage sand with drainage system 4 2 mm HDPE or equivalent according to geomembrane guideline 5 0.5 m sandbentonite mixture 0.5 m special clay 0.12 m trisoplast 831 Guideline on drainage and monitor systems 1993 1 in drainage layer a leachate drain system is needed 2 HDPE-drains min. diameter 110 mm, max. distance 15 m 3 gravel around the drain 4 slope of 0.25 soil mineral liner synthetic liner drainage layer protecting geotextile gravel with leachate drain Ground water monitoring seperating geotextile 931 1031

19.2 Landfill gas management

functions: avoiding risk of explosionsfiresodourleakage • materials must be resistant to leachate • collection of landfill gas by pipes horizontalvertical • internal transport by pumpingpressure flow • treatment depends on economyenvironment 1131 degradable materials gas leachate Aerobic organic CO 2 low, but heavily polluted; pH ~8 Hydrolytic large organic molecules  small soluble molecules, like low fatty acids, sugars and amino acids Acidogenic anaerobic low fatty acids, sugars and amino acids CO 2 and H 2 high organic content, dominated by volatile fatty acids, increased mobility of metals; low pH Methanogenic anaerobic fatty acids CO 2 and CH 4 Organic content, low mobility of metals; pH ~7

19.3 Biology of a landfill; phases of degradation

1231 “a liquid that has passed through or emerged from solid waste and contains soluble, suspended, or miscible materials removed from such waste”. This implies that leachate is formed by any water that comes into contact with waste.

19.4 Leachate Production and Collection